ASA-2019-01 Impacted Campuses_Programs 2020 …


While enrollment pressures continue, concerns from the public and the legislature regarding campus impaction also continue to be raised. To assist the Office of the Chancellor and campuses with responding to these concerns, it would be helpful to understand the work being done at individual campuses to increase capacity. As part of your impaction request, please provide a comprehensive narrative regarding your campus efforts to manage enrollments. The narrative may include information on the following:

Course Demand/Bottleneck Analysis

Reduction in high-unit majors

Course planning software

Course demand analysis and class schedule optimization

Distance Learning and Technology

Technology solutions such as hybrid courses, virtual labs, etc.

Expansion of distance learning; promotion and participation in CSU Fully Online

Efforts to increase student enrollment in CSU Fully Online

Flexible Scheduling

Improvements in space allocation of large and small classrooms based on actual enrollments

Classroom transformation – development of larger learning spaces

Year-round operations, state and/or self-support

Off-site Centers

Advising Initiatives (including e-Advising) to support timely graduation

Early Start efforts to reduce remediation

Implementation of degree audits and planning tools

Four-year and two-year road map implementation and student use.

Super Senior interventions

Early alert systems

Course transformation to improve success in high fail courses

Other advising enhancements as appropriate

Miscellaneous Best Practices

Reduction/elimination of exceptional admits

Other areas relevant to your campus


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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