|Synopsis: In this unit, students work with 2 –D and 3-D geometric shapes. Given certain conditions, students see what rules hold for constructing triangles. They|

|work with different types of angles, focusing on angles created when two parallel lines are cut by a transversal. Students work with a variety of problems, |

|entailing different conditions, to apply what they have learned about angles, triangles, and side measures. Students also work with slicing 3-D shapes and |

|analyzing the 2-D shapes that result from this slicing. |

|They continue work from 6th grade on area, volume and surface area of two-dimensional shapes (including composite shapes) and three-dimensional objects comprised |

|of polygons. Students work on understanding the relationship between circumference, diameter and area and then working with the formulas for each. |


NOTE: be sure to use fractions and decimals as well as whole numbers for the activities in the unit. It is ok to start with whole numbers, but students must move beyond this.

7.G.2 Draw (freehand, with ruler and protractor, and with technology) geometric shapes with given conditions. Focus on constructing triangles from three measures of angles or sides, noticing when the conditions determine a unique triangle, more than one triangle, or no triangle.

7.G.3 Describe the two-dimensional figures that result from slicing three dimensional figures, as in plane sections of right rectangular prisms and right rectangular pyramids.

7.G.4 Know the formulas for the area and circumference of a circle and use them to solve problems; give an informal derivation of the relationship between the circumference and area of a circle.

7.G.5 Use facts about supplementary, complementary, vertical, and adjacent angles in a multi-step problem to write and solve simple equations for an unknown angle in a figure.

7.G.6 Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, volume, and surface area of two- and three-dimensional objects composed of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, cubes, and right prisms.


1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

4. Model with mathematics.

5. Use appropriate tools strategically.

6. Attend to precision.

7. Look for and make use of structure.

8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning


L.1 Learn to read mathematical text (including textbooks, articles, problems, problem explanations)

L.2 Communicate using correct mathematical terminology

L.3 Read, discuss, and apply the mathematics found in literature, including looking at the author’s purpose

L.4 Listen to and critique peer explanations of reasoning

L.5 Justify orally and in writing mathematical reasoning


| | |

|Archimedes Puzzle (Illuminations ) do triangle puzzle on pages 6 and 7 of unit plan. | |

| | |

| | |

|Read Sir Cumference and the First Round Table to students to spark interest in the concepts to be studied in the Unit. | |

|(L.1; L.3) | |

| | |

|Students establish academic and personal goals for the unit. | |

| | |

|Teacher previews the Authentic Assessment for the end of the unit. | |


|Vocabulary: | |

|Circumference | |

|Radius | |

|Pi (π) | |

|Diameter | |

| | |

|Area | |

|Surface Area | |

|Perimeter | |

|Volume | |

| | |

|Center | |

|Lateral face | |

|Slant height | |

|Base | |

| | |

|Lateral area | |

|Prism | |

|Rectangular Prism | |

|Triangular Prism | |

| | |

|Pyramid | |

|Complementary Angle | |

|Supplementary Angle | |

|Adjacent Angle | |

|Vertical Angle | |

|Cross-section | |

| | |

| | |

|1. Constructing Triangles from 3 Measures of Angles or Sides: Have student complete TRY ANGLES activity attached on pages| |

|8-9. The Activity from the Georgia Department of Education entitled “Take the Greek Challenge” is also attached on pages| |

|10-11. (7.G.2) | |

| | |

|For students to classify triangles, use the orange book: Common Core Math Standards With Hands-On Activities, pages | |

|116-118. This activity focuses on properties of triangles. Students work in groups of 3-4 and draw triangles according | |

|to given conditions and then classify each triangle based on the conditions. (7.G.2) | |

| | |

|In addition, go to and click on grade 7 Math, standard 7.G.2, and there will sample problems that | |

|can be used with the concepts in 7.G.2. (e.g., draw a polygon using more than one condition, draw triangles using given | |

|angles, draw geometric shapes given the length of the sides, and determine if given measurements will allow you to create | |

|the appropriate shape). Additional problems on page 12 of unit plan. | |

| | |

|2. Work with cutting 3-D shapes and determining the 2-D shapes that emerge (equilateral triangles, pentagons, hexagons, | |

|etc.). Go to Annenberg Learner Website listed below, and do interactive activity for cutting 3-D shapes (7.G.3). Do the | |

|right rectangular prism and the right pyramid for slicing. Additional problems on pages 13-14 of unit plan. | |

| | |

| | |

|3. Use facts about supplementary, complementary, vertical, and adjacent angles in a multi-step problem to write and solve| |

|simple equations for an unknown angle in a figure: (7.G.5) use the following: additional practice included on page 15 | |

|a. Scott Foresman, Purple Book, Course 3, volume 2: Chapter 8-5, pages 416-420 on parallel and perpendicular lines. Work| |

|through the activities on these pages to address the types of angles formed when parallel lines are cut by a transversal: | |

|interior angles, exterior angles, alternate angles, vertical angles, supplementary angles, adjacent angles, complementary | |

|angles, and corresponding angles. These pages have some excellent real-world situations with these different types of |TEACHERS: some of the committee |

|angles, including street maps, etc. |suggested that we have students make|

|b. Glencoe, Chapter 10-1: Line and Angle Relationships: pages 492-497 on Parallel lines cut by a transversal and |a formula booklet with examples to |

|intersecting lines and angles. The focus is on the same terms listed above: interior angles, exterior angles, alternate |use as a reference throughout the |

|angles, vertical angles, supplementary angles, adjacent angles, complementary angles, and corresponding angles. Again, |unit. You can start that here at if|

|across these pages, are very good examples of where students would find these angles in real-life. On page 496, the |you choose to do that. |

|problems blend Algebra with Geometry (something students need to be able to do later in another grade/course) | |

|c. Teaching the Common Core Math Standards with Hands-On Activities: pages 124-126: Solve real-life mathematical problems| |

|involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume: students work in pairs or three’s to identify which equations | |

|and angle measures can be matched to a sketch of a figure. This is a hands-on activity that gets students actively | |

|engaged. | |

| | |

|4. Discovering π: The teacher needs to bring a tub of circular lids and cylinder containers (Pringles, Oatmeal, empty | |

|peanut butter jar, etc.) - - the key is to have a variety of sizes. Have students use string or measurement tapes and | |

|determine the circumference and diameter for each item. Have students determine where the concept of π originated. | |

|Remind students what radius is. Show YouTube video of songs about π: Pi Rap with lyrics or Pi, Pi Mathematical Pie | |

|(which is based on the song Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie, written by Ken Ferrier and Antoni Chan - - you may want to play | |

|the original song first so that kids can connect to the original). Links to YouTube video “Pi Songs” - - | |

| | |

|Pi Rap Video: | |

|After students see videos, they should explain the relationship between circumference and diameter (that circumference is | |

|a little more than 3 times the diameter. (7.G.4; 7.G.6) (L.2, L.3; L.4, L.5) (MP-4; MP-5) | |

| | |

|Show students the formula and have students work real-life problems (you can use some OAA released items for | |

|circumference). | |

| | |

|The Georgia Department of Education has a good activity called Stained Glass Designs, attached on pages 16-17 | |

| | |

|5. Illuminations Resources for Teaching Math APPLE PI: NCTM - - The Ratio of Circumference to Diameter Lesson 1 (attached| |

|on pages 17-20) builds the circumference to diameter relationship. This can be followed up with problems from the Glencoe| |

|Pre-Algebra Textbook, chapter 10-7, pages 533-537. There are some really good problems on page 536! (7.G.4; 7.G.6) | |

| | |

|6. Illuminations Resources for Teaching Math APPLE PI: NCTM - - Discovering the Area Formula for Circles Lesson 2 | |

|(attached on pages 21-26) Next, have students solve real-world problems for area and circumference (page 367 in text); | |

|also use How Archimedes found the Area of a Circle attached on pages 27-29 (7.G.4; 7.G.6) (MP-1; MP-2) | |

| | |

|7. Teacher reminds students about finding area of 2-D shapes and then goes to surface area of 3-D objects - - prisms: | |

|rectangular, triangular and pyramid. Review area of rectangle and triangle to lead into the 3-D shapes. Then give | |

|students a solid figure and ask them to determine the amount of paper to cover the object (cube, rectangular prism, | |

|pyramid, triangular prism. Students work in pairs to find a strategy to find the amount of paper. Have students explain| |

|what surface area is (e.g., the area of the net of a 3-D object) after they complete the activity. (7.G.6) (L.2, L.3, | |

|L.4) (MP-3; MP-7) | |

| | |

| | |

|8. SURFACE AREA for 3-D objects: | |

|a. rectangular prism: have students use the formula for surface area (2 (lh +lw +wh) Students compute word problems | |

|(Glencoe Pre-Algebra pages 576-577 for vinyl liners of swimming pools where the liner covers the bottom and sides of the | |

|pool, or the amount of glass for an aquarium where you only need bottom and sides, but no top. Have students come to | |

|conclusion that the surface area depends on the situation. Be sure to distinguish between surface area and volume (NOTE: | |

|don’t let students say that the surface area is the amount outside and the volume is the amount inside; this is not a | |

|good way to phrase what each actually is, but one we all hear ). (Attached on page 31-32: good sample problems to use | |

|here) (MP-2; MP-8) | |

| | |

|b. triangular prism: use Glencoe pages 575-576 (7.G.6) (MP-7; MP-8) | |

| | |

|c. pyramids: Glencoe page 578; use Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (picture and problems are attached on page 30) | |

|(7.G.6)(MP-2; MP-7) | |

| | |

|9. VOLUME: of 3-D objects composed of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, cubes, and right prisms. Students work with | |

|basic formula of V = (½ bh)h, which yields V = Bh, where B = the area of the base. Website: | |

| – you can | |

|manipulate shapes and there are lots of related problems. The site has 2 worksheets that go with the activity; attached | |

|to the unit. on page 33-35 | |

| | |

|For the accompanying worksheets, click on the “Learner” tab at the top and scroll down to the bottom the page. | |

| | |

|a. rectangular prism: Teacher should use the candy Dots mini-candy box and have students fill them with centimeter | |

|cubes (note: each box holds about 6 or 9 cubes); after students see how many cubes fill the box, stack cubes next to box| |

|and see the number of cubes relates to the number of cubic centimeters (cm3) the box can hold. Next have students see how| |

|many Dots boxes fit into a bigger box (e.g., a shoe box). Have students explain that volume is the amount of space | |

|something takes up or the number of cubic units needed to fill a container. Students will compute problems (textbook | |

|pages 563-567; work examples 1-4 on page 563 and 564 as the teaching samples. These have unit conversions so teacher will| |

|need to remind students about more complex conversions and work some samples together. Then students compute real-world | |

|problems for volume of a rectangular prism. (7.G.6) (MP2; MP7) | |

| | |

|b. triangular prism: Swimming pool problem so students see real-world example of where triangular prisms are found; | |

|(sample attached on page 36 of unit) Additional real-world problems on page 37 of unit plan (7.G.6) | |

| | |

|c. pyramid: show pyramid as 1/3 of rectangular prism; use Egyptian pyramids as example; share formula: V = 1/3(1/2bh)h | |

|- - same as V = 1/3 Bh, B = Area of the base.(7.G.6) (MP-4; MP-1) | |


|Multiple-Choice Unit Test | |


|Teacher Classroom Assessments | |

|2- point and 4- point Constructed Response items | |


|Have students evaluate their goals and give evidence | |

| | |

|Students create a story or rap about circumference, area, π, etc. | |

| | |

|Design a package with a given surface area and volume. For example, two boxes with same volume but different surface areas, | |

|then two boxes with same surface area but different volumes. | |

|“Saving Sir Cumference” attached on page 38 | |

|Teaching the Common Core with Hands-On Activities pg.127-128 “Let’s Build It” Note: When doing the 2-D part of the activity, | |

|use grid paper. | |


The Stomachion is a puzzle that is at least 2,200 years old. It was known to the ancient Greeks. Some people think that it was created by the Greek scientist Archimedes, which is why it is sometimes called Archimedes’ Puzzle or the Loculus of Archimedes.

The puzzle consists of 14 pieces of various shapes and sizes. These pieces are created by dividing a square as shown below. The object of the puzzle is to rearrange the pieces to form other shapes.

Cut out the pieces of the Stomachion. Then, rearrange the shapes to create the triangle shown. The figure on the left shows how the pieces must be arranged to form the triangle.




Math Question: Which angles form a triangle?

Materials: Angle Mats (make copy of next page)



Student Reminder: all triangles have three angles. The sum of the measures of these angles equals 180 degrees


1. Drop the counter on the angle mat to determine which angle you will draw. Sketch the angle or use a protractor to draw the angle in your math journal. Label the angle in degrees.

2. The next person drops the counter, sketches or draws the angle, and labels the angle. The new angle can be connected to one side of the first angle or can be the start of a new triangle.

3. Players continue taking turns dropping the counter, sketching or drawing angles, and labeling angles. Each new angle can be connected to previous angles or can be the start of a new triangle.

4. When a player adds the third angle to form a triangle, s/he earns 100 points.

5. The game ends after 18 angles have been drawn.


| | | | | | |

|60 degrees |15 degrees |65 degrees |10 degrees |50 degrees |90 degrees |

| | | | | | |

|80 degrees |35 degrees |20 degrees |75 degrees |45 degrees |30 degrees |

| | | | | | |

|40 degrees |70 degrees |55 degrees |60 degrees |15 degrees |65 degrees |

| | | | | | |

|10 degrees |50 degrees |90 degrees |80 degrees |35 degrees |20 degrees |

| | | | | | |

|75 degrees |45 degrees |30 degrees |40 degrees |70 degrees |55 degrees |

T-L #1




Students draw geometric shapes with given parameters. Parameters could include parallel lines, angles, perpendicular lines, line segments, etc.

Example 1:

Draw a quadrilateral with one set of parallel sides and no right angles.

Students understand the characteristics of angles and side lengths that create a unique triangle, more than one triangle or no triangle.

Example 2:

Can a triangle have more than one obtuse angle? Explain your reasoning.

Example 3:

Will three sides of any length create a triangle? Explain how you know which will work.

Possibilities to examine are:

a. 13 cm, 5 cm, and 6 cm

b. 3 cm, 3cm, and 3 cm

c. 2 cm, 7 cm, 6 cm

Solution for example 3: “A” above will not work; “B” and “C” will work. Students recognize that the sum of the two smaller sides must be larger than the third side.

Example 4:

Is it possible to draw a triangle with a 90° angle and one leg that is 4 inches long and one leg that is 3 inches long?

If so, draw one. Is there more than one such triangle?

(NOTE: Pythagorean Theorem is NOT expected – this is an exploration activity only)

Example 5:

Draw a triangle with angles that are 60 degrees. Is this a unique triangle? Why or why not?

Example 6: [pic]

Draw an isosceles triangle with only one 80°angle. Is this the only possibility or can another triangle be drawn that will meet these conditions?

Through exploration, students recognize that the sum of the angles of any triangle will be 180°.


Describe the two-dimensional figures that result from slicing three dimensional figures, as in plane sections of right rectangular prisms and right rectangular pyramids.


Students need to describe the resulting face shape from cuts made parallel and perpendicular to the bases of right rectangular prisms and pyramids. Cuts made parallel will take the shape of the base; cuts made perpendicular will take the shape of the lateral (side) face. Cuts made at an angle through the right rectangular prism will produce a parallelogram; If the pyramid is cut with a plane (green) parallel to the base, the intersection of the pyramid and the plane is a square cross section (red).


If the pyramid is cut with a plane (green) passing through the top vertex and perpendicular to the base, the intersection of the pyramid and the plane is a triangular cross section (red).



If the pyramid is cut with a plane (green) perpendicular to the base, but not through the top vertex, the intersection of the pyramid and the plane is a trapezoidal cross section (red).



Students use understandings of angles and deductive reasoning to write and solve equations


Write and solve an equation to find the measure of angle x. [pic]

Solution for Example #1: Find the measure of the missing angle inside the triangle (180 – 90 – 40), or 50°. The measure of angle x is supplementary to 50°, so subtract 50 from 180 to get a measure of 130° for x.

Example 2:

Find the measure of angle x. [pic]

Solution for Example #2: First, find the missing angle measure of the bottom triangle (180 –

30 – 30 = 120). Since the 120 is a vertical angle to x, the measure of x is also 120°.

[pic] [pic]


The Ratio of Circumference to Diameter


|Students measure the circumference and diameter of circular objects. They calculate the ratio of circumference to diameter for each object |

|in an attempt to identify the value of pi and the circumference formula. |


|[pi|Learning Objectives |

|c] | |

| |Students will: |

| |Measure the circumference and diameter of various circular objects |

| |Calculate the ratio of circumference to diameter |

| |Discover the formula for the circumference of a circle |


|[pi|Materials |

|c] | |

| |Pieces of string, approximately 48" long |

| |Circular objects to be measured |

| |Apple pies (or other circular food item, to be measured at the end of the lesson) |

| |Apple Pi activity sheet |

| |Calculators |

| |Rulers |


|Instructional Plan |

|Prior to this lesson, ask students to bring in several flat, circular objects that they can measure. |

|As a warm-up, ask students to measure the length and width of their desktops. Ask them to decide which type of unit should be used. Then, |

|have students measure or calculate the distance around the outside of their desktops. |

|With the class, discuss the following questions: |

|What unit did you use to measure your desks? Why? |

|[Because of the size of desks, the most appropriate units are probably inches or centimeters.] |

|Why did some of your classmates get different measurements for the dimensions of their desks? |

|[Measurements will obviously differ because of the units. In addition, the level of precision may give different results. For instance, a |

|student may round to the nearest inch, while another may approximate to the nearest ¼-inch.] |

|What do we call the distance around the outside of an object? |

|[The distance around the outside of a polygon is known as the perimeter. The distance around the outside of a circle is known as the |

|circumference.] |

|Inform the class that they will be measuring the circumference of several circular objects during today’s lesson. Also, alert them that, |

|just as there is a formula for finding the perimeter of a rectangle (P = 2L + 2W), there is also a formula for finding the circumference of |

|a circle. They should keep their eyes open for a formula as they proceed through the measurement activities. |

|Divide the class into groups of four students. Within the groups, each student will be given a different job. (If class size is not |

|conducive to four students per group, form groups of three — one student can be assigned two jobs.) |

|Task Leader: Ensures all students are participating; lets the teacher know if the group needs help or has a question. |

|Recorder: Keeps group copy of measurements and calculations from activity. |

|Measurer: Measures items (although all students should check measurements to ensure accuracy). |

|Presenter: Presents the group’s findings and ideas to the class. |

|Students should measure the "distance around" and the "distance across" of the objects that they brought to school. Students will likely |

|have little trouble measuring the distance across, although they may have some difficulty identifying the exact middle of an object. To |

|measure the distance around, students will likely need some assistance. An effective method for measuring the circumference is to wrap a |

|string around the object and then measure the string. To ensure accuracy, care should be taken to keep the string taut when measuring the |

|outside of a circular object. |

|Students should be allowed to select which unit of measurement to use. However, instruct students to use the same unit for the distance |

|around and the distance across. |

|Students should record the following information in the Apple Pi activity sheet: |

|Description of each object |

|Distance around the outside of each object |

|Distance across the middle of each object |

|Distance around divided by distance across |

|[pic] |

|Apple Pi Activity Sheet |

| |

|After the measurements have been recorded, a calculator can be used to divide the distance around by the distance across. Students should |

|answer both questions on the worksheet. As students are working, take note of their results. Push students to note any numbers in the last |

|column that seem to be irregular, and have them check their measurements for these rows. |

|When all groups have completed the measurements and calculations, conduct a whole-class discussion. Rather than present each individual |

|object, students should discuss the average and note any interesting findings. Students should also compare their averages with those of |

|other groups. |

|You may wish to use the Circle Tool applet as a demonstration tool. This applet allows students to see many other circles of various sizes, |

|as well as the corresponding ratio of circumference to diameter. |

|[pic] |

|Circle Tool |

| |

|Explain that each group has found an approximation for the ratio of the distance around to the distance across, and this ratio has a special|

|name: π. (It may also be necessary to explain that the "distance across" is known as the diameter and that the "distance around" is known as|

|the circumference. Because of this relationship, algebraic notation can be used to write |

|circumference ÷ diameter = π |

|or, said another way, |

|π = C/d |

|which leads to the following formula for circumference: |

|C = π × d |

|Point out that groups within the class may have obtained slightly different approximations for π. Explain that determining the exact value |

|of π is very hard to calculate, so approximations are often used. Discuss various approximations of π that are acceptable in your school’s |

|curriculum. |


|[pi|Questions for Students |

|c] | |

| |Why did we use the ratio of circumference to diameter for several objects? Wouldn’t we have gotten the same result using just one object? |

| |[If we had used just one object, an incorrect measurement would have given an incorrect approximation for π. Using several objects ensures |

| |that our results are correct. In addition, slight errors in measurement may give different values of π, so using the average of several |

| |measurements will help to eliminate rounding errors.] |

| |Were any of the ratios in the last column not close to 3.14? If not, explain what might have happened. |

| |[The ratio of circumference to diameter is always the same, and the ratio is always close to 3.14. If a value in the last column is not |

| |close to 3.14, it is the result of a measurement or calculation error.] |

| |Describe some situations in which knowing the circumference (and how to calculate it) would be useful. |

| |[Bike tires are often described by their diameter. For instance, a 26-inch tire is a tire such that the diameter is 26". Each time the tire|

| |makes one complete rotation, the bike moves forward a distance equal to the circumference of the tire. Therefore, it would be helpful to |

| |know how to calculate the circumference based on the diameter.] |


|[pi|Assessment Options |

|c] | |

| |Each group can be given an apple pie (or other acceptable substitute) and will find its circumference by measuring the diameter and using |

| |the formula. |

| |Students should practice using the formula C = π × d as independent work. Their work on such problems could be used for assessment. Two |

| |real world problems are: |

| |According to Guinness, the world’s largest rice cake measured 5.83 feet in diameter. What is the circumference of this rice cake? |

| |The tallest tree in the world is believed to be the Mendicino Tree, a redwood near Ukiah, California, that is 112 meters tall! Near the |

| |ground, the circumference of this tree is about 9.85 meters. The age of a redwood can be estimated by comparing its diameter to trees with |

| |similar diameters. What is the diameter of the Mendicino Tree? |


|[pi|Extensions |

|c] | |

| |In this lesson, students use a numeric approach to see the relationship between circumference and diameter. That is, students compute the |

| |ratio of circumference to diameter and then take the average for several objects. For a visual approach, have students plot the diameter of|

| |those objects along the horizontal axis of a graph and plot the circumference along the vertical axis. As shown below, a line of best fit |

| |with slope of roughly 3.14, or π, will approximate the points in the resulting scatterplot. |

| |[pic] |

| | |

| |Students can read and react to the book Sir Cumference and the First Round Table: A Math Adventure by Cindy Neuschwander. Within their |

| |groups, students can pose questions about the book and its mathematical accuracy, realism, and other components. |

| |In their groups, students can research the history of π and its calculation, approximation, and uses. In particular, they can research |

| |Archimedes method for estimating the area of a circle using inscribed polygons. The students could report their findings to the class. |

[pic] [pic]


Discovering the Area Formula for Circles


|Using a circle that has been divided into congruent sectors, students will discover the area formula by using their knowledge of |

|parallelograms. Students will then calculate the area of various flat circular objects that they have brought to school. Finally, students |

|will investigate various strategies for estimating the area of circles. |


|[pi|Learning Objectives |

|c] | |

| |Students will: |

| |Measure the radius and diameter of various circular objects using appropriate units of measurement |

| |Discover the formula for the area of a circle |

| |Estimate the area of circles using alternative methods |


|[pi|Materials |

|c] | |

| |Circular objects |

| |Calculators |

| |Scissors |

| |Compasses |

| |Rulers |

| |Area of Circles activity sheet |

| |Fraction Circles activity sheet |

| |Centimeter grid paper on overhead transparencies |

| |Blank copy paper |


|Instructional Plan |

|Prior to the lesson, ask students to bring in several flat, circular objects that they wish to measure with their classmates. |

|As a warm-up, give students an opportunity to estimate the area of the circular objects that they have brought to class. Working in groups |

|and using the Area of Circles activity sheet, students should individually complete the first two columns: |

|Description of the object |

|Their estimate for the area of the object |

|(The other two columns will be completed later in the lesson.) |

|[pic] |

|Area of Circles Activity Sheet |

| |

|Students may use any method they like to estimate the area of their objects. Some possible methods include: |

|Students can trace the shape of their object on a piece of centimeter grid paper and count how many square centimeters make up the total |

|area of the circle. |

|Students can divide the circle into wedges by drawing various radii. They can approximate the area of each wedge using the triangle formula.|

|(This method is similar to a method used by Archimedes, and it is the method that will be used later in this lesson. For a connection to |

|mathematical history, you may want to include a brief overview of Archimedes and his method for calculating the area of a circle.) |

|Students can inscribe the circle in a square, hexagon, or some other polygon. Then, the same shape could be inscribed within the circle. |

|Students could determine the area of the inscribed and circumscribed shapes to get lower and upper estimates, respectively. (You may need to|

|provide a sample drawing of this method, like the one shown below.) |

|[pic] |

| |

|After students have estimated the area of several objects, allow them to physically discover the area formula of a circle. Since this is a |

|whole-class activity, you may wish to enlarge the manipulatives and display them on the chalkboard, or you can use them on the overhead |

|projector. |

|Distribute the Fraction Circles activity sheet. |

|[pic] |

|Fraction Circles Activity Sheet |

| |

|Have students cut the circle from the sheet and divide it into four wedges. (This can be done if students cut only along the solid black |

|lines.) Then, have students arrange the shapes so that the points of the wedges alternately point up and down, as shown below: |

|[pic] |

| |

|Ask, "When arranged in this way, do the pieces look like any shape you know?" Students will likely suggest that the shape is unfamiliar. |

|Then, have students divide each wedge into two thinner wedges so that there are eight wedges total. (This can be done if students cut only |

|along the thicker dashed lines.) Again, have students arrange the shapes alternately up and down. Again ask if this arrangement looks like a|

|shape they know. This time, students will be more likely to suggest that the arrangement looks a little like a parallelogram. |

|Finally, have students divide each wedge into two thinner wedges so that there are sixteen wedges total. (This can be done if students cut |

|along all of the dashed lines.) Allow students to arrange the wedges so that they alternately point up and down, as shown below: |

|[pic] |

| |

|Ask, "When the circle is divided into wedges and arrange like this, does it look like another shape you know? What do you think would happen|

|if we kept dividing the wedges and arranging them like this?" Lead the discussion so students realize the shape currently resembles a |

|parallelogram, but as it is continually divided, it will more closely resemble a rectangle . |

|You may wish to continue this activity by having students divide the wedges even further. |

|Ask students, "What are the dimensions of the rectangle that is formed?" From the Circumference lesson, students should realize that the |

|length of the rectangle is equal to half the circumference of the circle, or πr. Additionally, it should be obvious that the height of this |

|rectangle is equal to the radius of the circle, r. Consequently, the area of this rectangle is πr × r = πr2. Because this rectangle is equal|

|in area to the original circle, this activity gives the area formula for a circle: |

|A = πr2 |

|The figure below shows how the dimensions lead to the area formula. |

|[pic] |

| |

|Allow students to return to the objects for which they estimated the area at the beginning of class. They should measure the radius of each |

|object and record it in the third column on the Area of Circles sheet. Then, students should use the formula just discovered, calculate the |

|actual area of each object, and record the area in the fourth column. |

|Once all groups have completed the measurements and calculations, a whole-class discussion and presentation should follow. On the |

|chalkboard, the presenter for each group should record the areas for the objects. The students should compare the results of each group and |

|discuss the accuracy of the areas found. |

|The class should also compare their original estimates with the actual measurements. On their recording sheets, have them highlight the |

|objects for which their estimates were very close to their actual. Using a few sentences, have the students explain (on the recording sheet)|

|why some estimates were closer than others. |

|During the class discussion, the following are some key points to highlight: |

|Emphasize that 3.14 is only one approximation for π. Refer to the Circumference lesson, and discuss the various estimates that were found |

|for π and what caused these variations. Also explain that there are other approximations, but typically 3.14 is used because it is accurate |

|enough for most situations and it is easy to remember. If students are curious, other approximations for π are given on the Pi Approximation|

|sheet. |

|The total area is almost always an approximation. Because the value of π can only be approximated, any time the area of a circle is stated |

|without the π symbol, it must be an approximation. For instance, a circle with radius of 5 inches has an exact area of 25π in.2 and an |

|approximate area of 78.54 in.2. You might wish to hold a "mock debate" with one student taking each position (yes, it’s always an exact |

|value; no, it’s not an exact value) giving examples and reasons to justify their position. |

|Students should be able to calculate radius from diameter and diameter from radius. In particular, students should realize that d = 2r. |

|Students should understand the area formula as described in your curriculum. Slight variations are possible, so the version in your |

|textbook, standards, or other materials may be different from the formula presented in this lesson. |


|[pi|Questions for Students |

|c] | |

| |In your opinion, why did we use the properties of a parallelogram to discover the area formula for circles? |

| |[Determining the area of a circle is difficult. By converting a circle to a parallelogram, we can use the formula for the area of a |

| |parallelogram to determine the area of the circle.] |

| |When would it be necessary to know the exact area of a circle? When would an estimate be sufficient? Explain your thinking. |

| |[Student responses may vary.] |

| |Why did we approximate our answers for area? Can the area of a circle ever be exact? |

| |[It is not possible to find an exact numeric value for π. Therefore, all calculations of area must be approximations (unless the answer is |

| |left in "exact form," which means using the symbol π to express the answer).] |


|[pi|Assessment Options |

|c] | |

| |Students can solve the following practice problem: |

| |The radar screens used by air traffic controllers are circular. If the radius of the circle is 12 centimeters, what is the total area of |

| |the screen? |

| |[A = pr2, so the area of the radar screen is approximately 3.14 × 122 ≈ 452.16 cm2.] |

| |Working in pairs or groups, have students locate manhole covers and other circles on or near the school grounds. Have students measure the |

| |diameter of these circles and then determine the area. |

| |Have students explore the following links and answer the associated questions. Circulate throughout the room to ensure on-task behavior and|

| |to check for understanding. |

| |Lessons and Worksheets on Area and Circumference – Go Math |

| |Perimeter, Area, and Circumference Gizmo – Explore Learning |

| |Circles and Pi – |


|[pi|Extensions |

|c] | |

| |Students can use the Internet to research various methods for approximating the area of circles throughout history. In pairs, students |

| |could try the various methods and determine the accuracy of their results as compared to the formula that they found. What cultures used |

| |good methods that produced accurate results? Did anything surprise you about these methods or the results? Each pair of students could |

| |report back to the class using a poster, overhead transparencies, or PowerPoint presentation. |

| |Using the Internet, students should find out the dimensions of a typical dartboard and the sizes of each point value sector. Using their |

| |knowledge of the area of circles, they can calculate the probability of hitting a certain point value. (Depending on the information that |

| |they find, students may need to estimate the area of certain sectors to find an approximate probability.) |




[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]



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T-L #9: Worksheet to Accompany

“Surface Area and Volume”

This worksheet is intended for use with the lesson Surface Area and Volume.

For the following questions, use the rectangular prism:

1. What is the smallest volume that you can create with this prism? _______________

What is the surface area associated with this volume? _______________

What is the depth? _______________

What is the height? _______________

What is the width? _______________

2. What is the largest volume that you can create with this prism? _______________

What is the surface area associated with this volume? _______________

What is the depth? _______________

What is the height? _______________

What is the width? _______________

3. Explain why the surface area is larger than the volume in #1.

[continued on next page]

Surface Area & Volume

Exploration Questions

|Base Depth |Base Width |Prism Height |Volume |Surface Area |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

1. Use the applet to fill in the chart using different base depth, base width, and prism height for a rectangular prism. Is there a pattern? Can you write a formula for volume and surface area for a rectangular prism in terms of its base depth, base width, and prism height? If so, write it.

a) What differences do you see in the relationship between the figure’s surface area and volume as the figure gets larger.

b) Which dimensions give the rectangular prism the largest volume to surface area ratio?

c) Which dimensions give the rectangular prism the smallest volume to surface area ratio?

d) Graph the surface area of each of the cubes you can form using the applet. Then on the same graph, graph the volume of each of the cubes you can form using the applet. At what point on the graph does the volume grow to be greater than the surface area? Why do you think the volume grows greater than the surface area?

|Base Depth |Base Width |Prism Height |Volume |Surface Area |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

2. Use the applet to fill in the chart using different base depth, base width, and prism height for a triangular prism. Is there a pattern? Can you write a formula for volume and surface area for a triangular prism in terms of its base depth, base width, and prism height? If so, write it.

a) What differences do you see in the relationship between the figure’s surface area and volume as the figure gets larger.

b) Which dimensions give the triangular prism the largest volume to surface area ratio?

c) Which dimensions give the triangular prism the smallest volume to surface area ratio?


The front of the Rock and roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio is a glass pyramid.

a. The front triangle has a base of about 230 feet and a height of about 120 feet. What is the area?

b. How could you find the total amount of glass used in the pyramid for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?

Example of a triangular prism[pic]






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