Four Days until the Walkathon

Four Days Until the Walkathon

“Finding Solutions to Cancer as We Find Solutions in Math”

We’re almost there. The response has been awesome. We’re expecting over 200 walkers when we total the students from the Whelks, the Sea Dogs, and Big Blue teams. Now is the time to finish those pledge sheets. Remember, every penny that a friend or relative pledges, or donates, helps the cause of finding a cure for breast cancer. All of our proceeds will be given to the Terry Brodeur Breast Cancer Foundation which uses 100% of the funds they raise to further research.

Pledge sheets should start to be returned to class on Wednesday, September 26th. We’ll be using them to formulate each student’s equation that relates money raised to number of miles walked. All pledge sheets will be copied and returned to students so they can use them to collect their pledges and donations.

Here are a few things you need to remember for the Walkathon.

• Eat a good breakfast; come hydrated, dress for the weather, and wear good walking shoes with thick socks.

• Don’t forget sunscreen or a hat. You may want sunglasses.

• Wear your Walkathon T-shirt. They will be distributed on Thursday, the 27th.

• Parents should sign students in upon arrival at the track. Do not just drop students off!!

• Meet at the high school track about 8:45 on Saturday, the 29th so that you can register and be ready to walk by 9:00. At about 8:50, members of the Board of Directors for the Terri Brodeur Breast Cancer Foundation, including Tim Brodeur, Terri’s husband will speak to the students to thank them for their efforts.

• Take breaks as needed. There will be oranges, bananas, and plenty of water to re-energize you and keep you hydrated.

• Stay within the confines of the fenced track at all times.

• There will be a first aide station, manned by an EMT.

• Hotdogs and clam chowder, donated by the Flanders Restaurant & Fish Market will be available after 11:30.

Donations and pledges should be collected AFTER the walkathon as students need to calculate how much money is owed based upon the miles they walk! An envelope is being provided to all students to safely keep track of all money (attached). Remember that checks should be made out to East Lyme Middle School or ELMS. ALL COLLECTED FUNDS SHOULD BE TURNED IN TO MATH TEACHERS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE FOLLOWING THE WALKATHON. Our goal is to collect all funds by Thursday, October 4 so we can write a check to the foundation for their annual Walk Across Southeastern Connecticut. Mr. Gionet will walk in a 26-mile marathon representing all East Lyme Middle School Students and their efforts this past month.

Many parents have volunteered to donate food and /or their time to help make this project a success. A separate form is being sent home as a reminder and confirms what you have volunteered to donate, or help us with, on Saturday, the 29th. Thanks to all of the parents and students. This truly has developed into a wonderful educational and community project for all of us.


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