Personal Trainer Project - Sayre School

Personal Trainer Project

Part 1 – Personal Profile

This is all the information a personal trainer would need to develop a personal exercise and nutrition plan for you. Included your age your height and weight, what types of foods you currently eat and what changes you think need to be made in your diet (the foods you eat). Also include you current fitness level and what exercises you are currently doing as well as what areas you would like to improve in. Also include your current schedule, what makes up the 24 hours of your day. This should be your first entry and the starting point for your nutrition and fitness plan which are to follow. You want to be sure to include all pertinent information as well as the time you have available to do a fitness program. This you will do by yourself with no computer. After completing your paragraph about yourself, go to the Ideal Body Weight Website and calculate your Peoples Choice body weight and the Doctor recommended weight range. This page will also tell you your BMI which you should note as well. From here you will go to the Fitness Calculators website and figure you’re resting Metabolic Rate, your daily caloric needs, and Body Mass Index. Compare this BMI with the one from the Ideal Body Weight website. Include this at the bottom of your profile paragraph.

Part 2- Nutrition

In this area you are going to be looking at the total number of calories that are currently required to maintain your current weight. From there you will look at what your goals are for your plan; do you want to maintain, lose or gain weight. Based on the answers to those questions you will create 3 days worth of foods and tell the amount of calories in each of the foods you have chosen, as well as the total # of calories per day. (Within your 3 day meal plan included one breakfast, one lunch, and one dinner which is fast food.)

Also, for any one day you chose, do a complete analysis of the following important elements of diet; protein, carbohydrates and fats in addition to calories.

Part 3 – Fitness/Exercise Plan

Based on the changes you want to make in your present fitness level design a plan to fit those needs. Tell how you are going to fit it into your day. If you are currently in season, what do you do to maintain your fitness level when you are out of season? Explain the exercises, number of sets, number of reps, and how many extra calories you will burn. Think carefully how all this will fit into your already busy day and when you will find time to do these. (Example: Goal: to increase upper body strength. I will do 3 sets of push ups every night, doing one set when I take a break from homework.)

The easiest way to express this is a chart.

|Exercise |# of calories burned | |when done |

Part 4 - Summary

What have I learned about myself through this process? What changes do I need to make to my current lifestyle to achieve the goals I want to achieve in terms of fitness and nutrition? How has this project/process help me see more clearly the relationship between what I eat and my fitness level and how I look and feel about myself? How will I avoid falling into the pitfalls that can occur with teens, and what how will I maintain this level through my life. How will I avoid too much fast food, not enough exercise, etc. Other thoughts?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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