Child Welfare Outcomes for Supervisors

CWS/CMS & Outcomes

A Practical Guide to Using CWS/CMS to Support State and Federal Outcome Measures

Central CA Training Academy

December 2017

Safety Outcomes

Federal Safety Measure 1

3-S1: Maltreatment in Foster Care 2

Federal Safety Measure 2

3-S2: Recurrence of Maltreatment 3

Referrals by Time to Investigation 4

State Measure – 2B

Referrals by Time to Investigation – Completed Contacts 5

State Measure – 2D

Timely SW Visits with Child (out of home) 6

State Measure – 2F

Timely SW Visits with Child (in home) 7

State Measure – 2S

Permanency Outcomes

Federal Permanency Measures

3-P1 Permanency in 12 mos for children entering FC 8 3-P2 Permanency in 12 mos for children in FC 12-23 mos

3-P3 Permanency in 12 mos for children in FC 24+ mos

3-P4: Reentry to Foster Care 9

3-P5: Placement Stability 10-11

Child & Family Well Being Outcomes

Siblings Placed Together in Foster Care 12

State Measure – 4A

Foster Care Placement in Least Restrictive Settings 13

State Measure – 4B

Congregate Care Placements: One Year or More 14

State Measures – 4C

Rate of ICWA Placement Preferences 15

State Measure – 4E (1) and 4E(2)

Use of Psychotropic Medications 16

State Measure – 5A (1 & 2)

Rate of Timely Health and Dental Exams 17

State Measure – 5B (1) and 5B (2)

Use of Multiple Concurrent Psychotropic Medications 18 State Measures – 5C

Ongoing Metabolic Monitoring for Children in FC on Antipsychotic Meds 19

State Measures – 5D

Authorization for Psychotropic Medications 20

State Measure – 5F Individualized Education Plan (IEP) 21

State Measure – 6B

Children Transitioning to Self-Sufficient Adulthood 22 State Measure – 8A

CWS/CMS Guide to Child Welfare Outcomes

Safety Outcomes

Maltreatment in Foster Care

Federal Measure – 3-S1

Of all children in foster care during a 12 month period, what is the rate of victimization per day of foster care?

The national standard for this measure is performance less than or equal to 8.50 per 100,000 days.

CWS/CMS – to mark a child a victim while in Foster Care

• Only substantiated allegations will be considered.

• Allegations of ‘At Risk, Sibling Abused’ or ‘Substantial Risk’ will be excluded.

• Perpetrator must be identified as SCP/Res. Facility Staff

• Placement Facility Type must be entered if allegation is substantiated.

• Complete foster care episodes lasting ................

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