Print this page, fill it out and be prepared to turn it in ...

Print these two pages, fill them out and be prepared to turn them in at the beginning of your lab.

Pick a San Angelo restaurant that you enjoy and for which you can obtain nutritional information.

The restaurant I picked was:

Pick a meal from their menu that you would enjoy. You can assume that we are celebrating and that I am picking up the tab (to congratulate you on your great biology grade). After you have decided what you would like, fill in this table.

|Food |Calories |Protein |Total Fat |Saturated Fat (grams) |

| | |(grams) |(grams) | |

|Appetizer | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Soup/Salad (+dressing) | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Entrée | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Desert | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Drink | | | | |

| | | | | |

|TOTAL | | | | |

Now compare these values to what is usually recommended.

| |Recommended |Consumed |% of Daily Recommendation* |

| |(per day) |(in one meal) | |

|Calories |Males: 2500 | | |

| |Females: 2000 | | |

|Protein |(calculate†; | | |

| |see below) | | |

|Total Fat |Males: 83 grams max. | | |

| |Females: 67 grams max | | |

|Saturated Fat |Males: 28 grams max. | | |

| |Females: 22 grams max. | | |

* Calculate percentage by dividing the amount consumed by the amount recommended and then multiply by 100. For example, 1200 calories consumed for a female is 1200/2000 = .6 x 100 = 60%.

† Calculate the recommended amount of protein (in grams) by multiplying your body weight (in pounds) times 0.36. For example, 150 pounds x 0.36 = 54 grams per day.

Now repeat this exercise but this time try to make healthy choices from the same restaurant.

|Food |Calories |Protein |Total Fat |Saturated Fat (grams) |

| | |(grams) |(grams) | |

|Appetizer | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Soup/Salad (+dressing) | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Entrée | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Desert | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Drink | | | | |

| | | | | |

|TOTAL | | | | |

Now compare these values to what is usually recommended.

| |Recommended |Consumed |% of Daily Recommendation* |

| |(per day) |(in one meal) | |

|Calories |Males: 2500 | | |

| |Females: 2000 | | |

|Protein |(calculate†; | | |

| |see below) | | |

|Total Fat |Males: 83 grams max. | | |

| |Females: 67 grams max | | |

|Saturated Fat |Males: 28 grams max. | | |

| |Females: 22 grams max. | | |

* † See note on previous page

Finally calculate the difference (subtract the second from the first) between your two meals and compare it to what is recommended.

| |Consumed |% of Daily Recommendation* |

| |(in one meal) | |

|Calories | | |

|Protein | | |

|Total Fat | | |

|Saturated Fat | | |


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