Energy Energy costs - AQA

42100554038500Name: ____________________________Date: _____________________________0127063500 Compare the running costs of fluorescent and filament light bulbs.Know-16510457202002-3255010457201001ApplyIdeas-1460546548K100K1We pay for our domestic electricity usage based on the amount of energy transferred.-1651046355A100A1Compare the amounts of energy transferred by different foods and activities.-1460538009K200K2Electricity is generated by a combination of resources which each have advantages and disadvantages.-1651044450A200A2Compare the energy usage and cost of running different home devices.-1651049547A300A3Explain the advantages and disadvantages of different energy resources.Skill-1460538009K300K3Calculate the cost of home energy usage, using the formula: cost = power (kW ) x time (hours) x price (per kWh).-1651048895A400A4Represent the energy transfers from a renewable or non-renewable resource to an electrical device in the home.Facts-1460539635K400K4Food labels list the energy content of food in kilojoules (kJ).-127007366000Key words-14605426720K600K6-1460536830K500K5Power: How quickly energy is transferred by a device (watts).Energy resource: Something with stored energy that can be released in a useful way.-1460532929K700K7Non-renewable: An energy resource that cannot be replaced and will be used up.-127006051200-1460545085K800K8Renewable: An energy resource that can be replaced and will not run out. Examples are solar, wind, waves, geothermal and biomass.-14605118836K900K9Fossil fuels: Non-renewable energy resources formed from the remains of ancient plants or animals. Examples are coal, crude oil and natural gas.-14605118403003Extend-1460580736E100E1Evaluate the social, economic and environmental consequences of using a resource to generate electricity, from data.-1460538644E200E2Suggest actions a government or communities could take in response to rising energy demand.-1460547625E300E3Suggest ways to reduce costs, by examining data on a home energy bill.-1355476835E400E4-1206555880E500E5 ................

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