How to do a weighted average of percentages in excel


How to do a weighted average of percentages in excel

The average weight of a goat varies depending on breed, sex and age. Goat breeds developed for dairy production are generally smaller than goats bred for meat production. There are also several breeds of miniature goats. Small-breed and miniature-breed goats, such as the Nigerian dwarf, can weigh as little as 2 pounds at birth and reach approximately 75 pounds when full grown. Dairy breeds are generally medium-sized, with adult female Alpines reaching about 140 to 150 pounds and males 170 to 190 pounds. Among the largest of goats bred for meat production are Boer goats. A fully mature Boer male goat can tip the scales at over 300 pounds. While there is no height requirements for a horse jockey, a jockey must maintain certain weight requirements, adhering to a strict diet and exercise regimen. The average weight of a jockey in America is 109 to 116 pounds, and the average height is between 4 feet 10 inches and 5 feet 6 inches. Read on to learn more about horse jockeys and their requirements, and what is needed to become a jockey as a career. How Much Weight Can a Horse Carry?Many horses can carry between 118 and 122 pounds before it becomes too taxing for them to have a rider. Also, each racetrack or club has their own rules for weight requirements for jockeys. However, that 118 to 122 pounds also factors in the weight of equipment, which is why jockeys must adhere to certain weight guidelines.Do Jockeys Weigh in Daily?Most racetracks or clubs require that a jockey must weigh in before the start of each race. Weight can often fluctuate between 4 pounds (it can be 2 pounds less or 2 pounds more on any given day), so if a jockey is over the weight limit for that race by a small margin, he or she is not disqualified in most cases. However, jockeys must stay within the required weight range in order to keep their contract, so if they are over the weight limit, they must correct it immediately.Why Does Jockey Weight Matter? The main reason jockey weight matters is for the health of the horse. Carrying too much weight, time and time again, can cause a racehorse to be unhealthy and unable to perform. Weight also matters because having a lighter weight gives the jockey the ability to exercise more control over the horse. There is no height requirement because height doesn't interfere with control or the health of the horse; however, because height is often proportionate to weight, it's rare to see a jockey that is much taller than 5 feet 7 or 8, however there have been jockeys over 6 feet tall.How Does a Jockey Train?A jockey is an athlete, just like a participant in other types of sport. Because of this, jockeys must train rigorously to stay in shape and keep their target weight. While a jockey's upper body must be strong, the other parts of the body should be fit as well. Therefore, they take part in full-body workouts several times a week, while also avoiding alcohol and anything else detrimental to their wellbeing. What Are Other Jockey Requirements? Most horse jockeys are freelancers, which means they must motivate themselves to keep in shape and to stay under the weight requirements. They must also "sell," or market themselves effectively, to clubs or owners looking to hire jockeys. In many cases, they must pass a fitness test and written tests. Many jockeys in the U.S. attend The North American Racing Academy, which offers jockeys a two-year program. In order to apply, aspiring jockeys must have a high school diploma or GED. Each state also offers a jockey apprenticeship, usually beginning at the age of 16.What Are Famous Horse Races?The most well-known horse race in the United States is the Kentucky Derby. Other popular horse races in the U.S. include the Preakness Stakes, Belmont Stakes, and Breeders' Cup. Other lesser-known, but still popular, horse races include the Travers Stakes, Arlington Million, Arkansas Derby, Santa Anita Handicap, and Haskell Invitational Stakes. Earnings per share is a financial ratio that communicates a company's profitability. Analysts calculate earnings per share by dividing net income by the weighted average number of outstanding shares of a common stock. The weighted average number of shares considers the number of shares outstanding throughout the year, along with the length of time each share was outstanding. In order to calculate this number, the analyst needs to know the beginning number of shares outstanding and each common stock transaction that occurred during the year. Find the number of shares of common stock outstanding at the beginning of the year. Review the stockholder equity section of the prior year's company balance sheet. The common stock should include a note which communicates the total number of shares outstanding at the end of the year. The number of shares outstanding at the end of the prior year equals the number of outstanding shares at the beginning of the current year. Identify all transactions that changed the number of shares outstanding throughout the year. These include stock sales, stock retirements, stock splits or stock dividends. Determine how each transaction impacted the total number of shares. Stock sales, stock splits and stock dividends increase the total number of shares. Stock retirements and reverse stock splits decrease the total number of shares. Create a list of stock share balances. Start by writing the beginning balance of outstanding shares. Add each transaction on a new line. On each line, enter the increase or decrease in the number of shares and calculate the new total of outstanding shares. Calculate the number of days between each transaction. The number of days indicates how many days each balance applied. Calculate the weighted average number of outstanding shares. Multiply the number of days by the total number of outstanding shares for each item on the list. Add the total of these numbers. Divide the total number of outstanding shares by the number of days in the year, or 365. Tips Know the difference between a weighted average and a simple average. A weighted average considers the length of time each balance existed during the year. A simple average adds the beginning and ending balance, and divides them by two. You can calculate a percentage in Excel using various methods, such as formulas and formatting, but the approach you take depends on both the type of result you need and the version of Excel you are using. The following methods work for Microsoft 365, Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010, Excel 2007, Excel Online, Excel 2016 for Mac, and Excel for Mac 2011. Although there's no basic percentage formula in Excel, you can multiply a number by a percentage using a formula. For example, if you have a column containing numbers and want to calculate 10% of one of those numbers, enter 10% in another cell, then use a formula using the asterisk as the multiplication operator. Select an empty cell where you want the answer displayed. Enter an equal sign (=) followed by an open parenthesis to begin creating the formula. In Excel for Mac, you don't need the parenthesis. Select the cell containing the number of which you want to find 10%. Enter an asterisk (*). Select the cell in which you entered 10%. Enter a close parenthesis and press Enter. The calculation appears in the selected cell. Example: Enter 573 into cell A1 and 10% into cell B1. Copy the following formula and paste it into cell C1 to calculate 10% of 573: =(A1*B1) You should now see the newly computed percentage in cell C1. You can quickly calculate all the numbers in a column by the same percentage using the same formula with a few extra steps. For instance, if you to calculate 7% tax for the numbers in column A and display it in column C, you would use the following method: Enter the numbers you want to multiply by 7% into Column A. Select Column B. Right-click and select Format Cells. Select Percentage and select OK. Enter 7% into B1. Select B1. Point to the lower-right corner of the cell until you see a Plus sign (+). This is the fill handle. Select the fill handle/Plus sign and drag it down over the other cells in Column B to copy the percentage to those cells, as well. Select Column C. Right-click and select Format Cells. Select Number and select OK. Select cell C1 and enter =(A1*B1) in Excel 2019, 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010, Excel 2007 or Excel Online. Enter =A1*B1 in Excel 2016 for Mac or Excel for Mac 2011. The first calculation appears in C1. Select C1. Select the fill handle/Plus sign and drag down over the other cells in Column C. This will copy the percentage formula to the other cells and automatically calculate the percentages of all the numbers in the first column. Another option is to calculate the percentage of a total. For instance, if you're trying to save $1,500 and are up to $736 in your savings account, you might want to know what percentage of your goal you've reached. Rather than multiplying, you'll need to use a formula to divide. Enter the total goal into one cell. For example, enter 1500 into A1. Enter the total to date in another cell. For example, enter 736 into B1. Select the cell where you want to display the percentage. Enter an equal sign and open parenthesis and select the cell containing the total date; in this example, that would be B1). In Excel for Mac, you do not need to include the parenthesis. Type a forward slash, then select the cell containing the total; in this example, it would be /A1. Enter a close parenthesis and press Enter. In Excel for Mac, you do not need to include the parenthesis. Your formula should look like this: =(B1/A1) in Excel 2019, 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010, Excel 2007 or Excel Online. Your formula should look like this: =B1/A1 in Excel 2016 for Mac or Excel for Mac 2011. A number appears in the selected cell. Right-click the cell and select Format Cells. Select Percentage. Adjust the decimals, if desired, then select OK. If you're using Excel Online, select Home, point to Number Format and choose Percentage. The percentage appears in the cell. If you want to decrease an amount by a specific percentage, Excel can help. For instance, you might want to decrease your grocery spending on your budget worksheet by 17%. To do so, you'll need to calculate the percentage using multiplication and subtraction. Enter the amount you want to change by a percentage in the first cell. For example, enter $200 in cell A1. Select the second column. Right-click the cell and select Format Cells. Choose Percentage and select OK. If you're using Excel Online, select Home, point to Number Format and choose Percentage. Enter the percentage by which you want to reduce the original amount in the second column. For instance, enter 17% in B1. Select inside the third cell where you want to display the changed amount. For this example, the formula you would use is =A1*(1-B1). The formula in parentheses calculates the percentage, which the remainder of the formula subtracts from the original amount. To increase the amount by a percentage, use the same formula but simply replace the Plus sign (+) with a Minus sign (-). You should see the result after pressing Enter. Thanks for letting us know! Tell us why!

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