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HR Calculations: Staffing Relief Factor

Do you know how many staff you need to staff your operations on a daily basis? What if you have one employee on vacation, another at a school event and a third calls in sick—will you have a problem or can you cover the essentials?

Calculating your staffing relief factor lets you know how many staff you should employ on a daily basis to account for employees’ scheduled time off, unscheduled leave and training time away from the job.

1. Determine the amount of “off time” employees take:

• Identify the number of earned vacation days per employee, per year. (For example, you have five employees and they each earn 10 days per year: 5x10=50)

• Identify the number of earned sick days per employee, per year. (For example, five employees, each earning six sick days per year: 5x6 = 30)

• Identify the average number of training days you expect each employee to be out of the office. (For example, five employees, each taking two days of training per year: 5x2 = 10)

• The number of days off per week, plus holidays, per year. (For example, each employee gets weekends off, plus 6 holidays per year: (2 days off x 52 weeks per year + 6 holidays) x 5 employees = 550

• Don’t forget to include any other annualized off time employees take each year.

2. Total the above figures and divide by the number of employees to get the average “off days” per employee, per year. (For example, 50+30+10+550 = 640. 640/5 = 128)

3. Calculate the number of “on days” worked per year, by subtracting the average number of off days in step 2 from 365 (days per year). (For example, 365-128 = 237)

4. Divide the number of days in a year by the number of “on days” to calculate the staffing relief factor. (For example, 365 / 237 = 1.54)

**The typical relief factor should be between 1.4 – 1.7

Multiply the number of staff needed to occupy critical positions by the relief factor to obtain the number of total staff needed. In our example, for every critical position in your business, you would need to hire one and a half employees (1.54).


These samples are designed with the intent of providing businesses with a general template to use. Please note that general legal information is not the same as legal advice—the application of law to the company’s specific circumstances. These samples are for informational and instructive purposes only and may not be suited to every situation.

HR Calculations and Measurements

The best and most concise way for the HR department to measure its effectiveness in an organization is through HR calcough HR calculations and measurements. These numbers provide meaningful data used to improve business management and to better meet the needs of the employees.

LaborLawCenter™ provides an endless array of HR calculations you can use spanning absence rate, compensation, recruitment, training, tenure and more. Some calculations are more important than others depending on your organization’s goals.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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