Calculating Beef Yield Grades Worksheet

[Pages:3]Activity 4.02.03

Calculating Beef Yield Grades Worksheet

Sample Calculation: Find the beef yield grade for an animal that weighs 400lbs, and has a %KPH of 0.5%. The animal's fat over ribeye is 0.2" and the area of ribeye is 6.6 square inches.

Step 1: Assign preliminary yield grade by adjusting for thickness of fat over ribeye. The animal's fat over ribeye is 0.2". Using the table under step one of the handout the preliminary yield grade is 2.5. o Grade = 2.5

Step 2: Adjust for ribeye area Use the actual carcass weight of the animal to see what the area of ribeye "should be" for a carcass that size. This carcass weighs 400lbs, therefore the area of ribeye should be: 5.6 square inches. The ACTUAL size of the ribeye is 6.6 square inches. Because the area of ribeye is OVER the average size, we subtract 1.0 square inch from the preliminary yield grade (using the .3 in our equation) o Grade = 2.5 -0.3 Grade = 2.2

Step 3: Adjust for % kidney, pelvic and heart fat. Make the last adjustment to the yield grade by adjusting for the % kidney, pelvic and heart fat the animal has by using the table provided on the handout. o Grade = 2.2 -0.6 1.6 ................

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