
Guide to SGP Files on WAMS (2016-17)This document details the student growth percentile files and reports that can be found through the EDS portal in the Washington Assessment Management System (WAMS) application.Table of ContentsSGP Data Location1State Summary Data1Individual Student SGP File1Student Growth Plots1School and District Summary File2Appendix A. Student-level Excel File Layout3Appendix B. School and District Summary File Layout6Appendix C. Business Rules for Calculating Student Growth 8SGP Data LocationYou will find the student growth data in WAMS under your district’s Profile > Assessment Operations > File Downloads, under the 2017 Administration.State Summary DataUsing the cohort method to calculate SGPs results in state-wide medians of 50 for each grade and subject combination for the 2016-2017 school year. Individual Student SGP FileA flat file has been provided for all student records that are in your district’s SBA/EOC/AIM score file, including those with and without an SGP. Descriptions of the fields in this file are documented in Appendix A. The student-level file is a long file that includes one record or row for each SSID, test record and subject combination. Therefore, one student will likely have multiple records in the file. Student Growth PlotsThe individual student growth plots show each student’s score history and SGPs in Math and Reading for grades 3-8.There is one pdf per school that is a catalogue of all student plots.The catalogue includes all students that received SGPs as well as grades 3-8 students that did not receive an SGP, but still received a score.For a more detailed description of the student growth reports, please see the following guidance document on the OSPI website: “Understanding a Student Growth Percentile Report”. School District Summary SGP File The school summary excel file includes median SGPs at the district, school, grade, and subgroup levels. There is one record for each school, subgroup, and grade combination. Descriptions of the fields in this file can be found in Appendix B. Appendix A. Student-level Excel File LayoutElements in Student-level Flat FileValid ValuesDescriptionSchoolYear2016_2017The school year in which the student took the assessment. AdministrationSpring 2017The test administration period. DistrictCodeNumeric, 5 digit unique codeSource: score file.DistrictNameAlphanumericSource: score file.SchoolCodeNumeric, 4 digit codeSource: score file.SchoolNameAlphanumericSource: score file.StudentLastNameAlphaSource: score file.StudentFirstNameAlphaSource: score file.SchoolTypeP, Q, A, S, Z, I, J, T, 5, V, RSource: score file.SSIDNumeric, BlankState Student ID. Source: score file.GradeNumeric, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11,12The grade the student was in when they took the assessment.SubjectAlpha, EOC Biology, EOC Math 1, EOC Math 2, Math, English Language Arts, Science, Writing, ReadingValid SGP subjects are English Language Arts and Math.TestTypeAlpha or blankSource: score file.SBA, MSP, MSPB, HSPE, HSPB, DAPE, AIM, BIO, BIOB ALG, ALGB, GEO, GEOB, IN1, IN1B, IN2, IN2BTestAttemptAlpha or blankSource: score file.ATTEMPT CODESTS = TestedIC = IncompleteNB = No testIV = InvalidatedAU = Absent UnexcusedRF = RefusalPE = Partially EnrolledNN = New Non-English ProficientME = Medical ExemptionAX = Absent ExcusedPP = Previously PassedIG = Incorrect GradeNE = Not EnrolledBL = BlankAchievementLevelAlphanumeric, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4The student's achievement level for the current year. This field does not indicate BA as in the score file. BA records will have a value of 'L2'. MetStandardAlpha, Y, NIdentifies if the student scored at Level 3 or aboveScaleScoreNumericSource: score file.SGPNumeric, BlankThis field displays the student's growth percentile. 1-99SGPLevelAlpha, BlankThis field identifies the SGP growth category (level) the student's SGP falls into. The percentile cut points for each category are: 1st - 33rd = Low growth, 34th - 66th = Typical growth and 67th - 99th = High growth.Low, Typical, HighScaleScorePriorNumeric, BlankThe scale score from the year prior used for SGP calculations. AchievementLevelPriorAlphanumeric, BlankThe achievement level from the year prior. Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4GenderAlpha, F, MSource: score file.Eth/RaceAlpha, American Indian or Native Alaskan, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, White, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Two or More Races, Not Provided Source: score file.MigrantAlpha, Y, NSource: score file.HomelessAlpha, Y, NSource: score file.GiftedAlpha, Y, NSource: score file.ELLAlpha, Y, NSource: score file.FreeReducedLunchAlpha, Y, NSource: score file.SpecialEducationAlpha, Y, NSource: score file.HomeBasedAlpha, Y, NSource: score file.PrivateAlpha, Y, NSource: score file.F1VisaAlpha, Y, NSource: score file.Plan504Alpha, Y, NSource: score file.LAPLangArtsAlpha, Y, NSource: score file.LAPReadingAlpha, Y, NSource: score file.LAPMathAlpha, Y, NSource: score file.TITASLangArtsAlpha, Y, NSource: score file.TITASMathAlpha, Y, NSource: score file.TITASReadingAlpha, Y, NSource: score file.TwentyFirstCentAlpha, Y, NSource: score file.CESchoolAlpha, Y, NIdentifies the student as continuously enrolled in the school, and maps to the score file field: IsCEforSchool.CEDistrictAlpha, Y, N Identifies the student as continuously enrolled in the district, and maps to the score file field: IsCEforDistrict.ValidCaseAlpha, VALID_CASE, INVALID_CASEThis field identifies the student as eligible for inclusion in the SGP calculation. The business rules for this are outlined in the Business Rules section in Appendix B. A student may be considered valid, but they may not have a prior score and therefore would not have an SGP.NoSGPReasonBlank, AlphaThis field identifies why the student record was not included in the SGP calculations or why they did not receive an SGP.Test attempt was not TS, Out of grade EOC Math 1 score, Out of Grade ELA/Reading score, Science Score, Out of grade EOC Math 2 score, Out of Grade Math Score, Writing Score, AIM, Home based, F1Visa, Private, Duplicate TestSGPNormGroupAlphanumeric, BlankA list identifying which prior scores were used to calculate the student’s SGP. Scores are identified by school year, subject and grade.Appendix B. School and District Summary Excel File LayoutElements in School Summary Flat FileValid ValuesDescriptionSchoolYear2016_2017The school year in which the student took the assessment. DistrictCodeNumeric5-digit district code, maps to score file.DistrictNameAlphaNumericDistrict name as displayed in the score file.SchoolCodeNumeric, Blank = District 4-digit school code, maps to score file. SchoolNameAlphaNumericSchool name as displayed in the score file.SubjectELA, MathValid SGP subjects are SBA ELA and SBA Math.GradeLevelAll Grades (4 - 8), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8Valid SGP grades are: Grades 4 – 8.SubgroupAll, Female, Male, American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latino, Two or More Races, White, Migrant: No, Migrant: Yes, Bilingual: Yes, Bilingual: No, Free Reduced Lunch: No, Free Reduced Lunch: Yes, SpecEd: No, SpecEd: Yes, 504: No, 504: YesCEstatusAll = All students, CE = Continuously Enrolled students?MedianSGP1 – 99, includes 1 decimal pointThe statistical median. MedianSGPCountNumericThe number of students in the group for which the median is calculated. SGPLowNumericThe number of students that received an SGP between the 1st and 33rd percentiles. SGPTypicalNumericThe number of students that received an SGP between the 34th and 66th percentiles. SGPHighNumericThe number of students that received an SGP between the 67th and 99th percentiles. SGPPctLowNumericThe percentage of students in the SGP level of Low Growth. The denominator is all students that received an SGP.SGPPctTypicalNumericThe percentage of students in this SGP level of Typical Growth. The denominator is all students that received an SGP.SGPPctHighNumericThe percentage of students in this SGP level of High Growth. The denominator is all students that received an SGP.MetStandardNumericThe number of students in the row that were proficient or above proficient.MetStandardCountNumericThe number of students in the denominator of the percent met standard calculation.PctMetStandardNumericThe percentage of students that met standard.Appendix C. Business Rules for Calculating Washington’s Student Growth Percentiles for the 2016-2017 School YearRules for Inclusion in SGP CalculationsHome-based and Private School Students: Home-based and private school students that receive public school services part-time are not included in the analysis, even if they took a state assessment.F1 Visa: F1 Visa students are excluded.Test Attempts: Only students with test attempt of ‘Tested’ are included. Therefore students that have a test attempt of previously passed or any other test attempt are not included. Test Types: Student scores from DAPE, Portfolio, and AIM assessments were excluded. Students that were scored as Basic were included.Assessment or Grade Repeat: If a student repeated a grade and received a valid score, they will not receive a growth percentile in the year they repeated the grade. Administration: Spring assessment scores are included; tests from all other administrations are excluded.Continuously Enrolled: Both continuously enrolled and non-continuously enrolled students were included in the calculations. However, continuously enrolled is a subgroup used for summary purposes in some of the reports and files. SSID: Only students with a student state ID in the assessment file are included.Scale Score: Only students who receive a scale score are included. Valid Case: If the student did not meet any of the criteria above, they are identified as an invalid case. If a student met all of the criteria above, but did not have a prior year score, they would still have a value of ‘VALID_CASE’ in the ValidCase field. Rules for Calculating SGPsStudents are compared to other students in the same grade in the same subject. They are compared to their ‘academic peers’, those that scored statistically similar to them. Students are only compared to others based on their score history, not on any other characteristics, such as demographics or program participation. The percentiles are calculated using a method called quantile regression. For more information on how the student growth percentiles are calculated, please see Washington’s Growth Model Report written by Damian Betebenner, the developer of the student growth percentile model. Students must have tested in the current and at least the previous year to generate an SGP. In addition to the previous year’s score, any consecutive previous scores will also be used. The student-level data provided to districts includes a data field (“SGPNormGroup”) which lists the year and grade of all the scores used to calculate that students SGP.Percentiles are calculated and provided for English Language Arts and Math, not including the Year 1 and Year 2 end of course assessments. If students tested in the grades listed below, in addition to receiving valid scores in the year prior, they will receive a student growth percentile.Grade TestedMathEnglish Language Arts4th GradeSBASBA5th GradeSBASBA6th GradeMSP/SBAMSP/SBA7th GradeMSP/SBAMSP/SBA8th GradeMSP/SBAMSP/SBAIf you have any questions, please feel free to contact Student Information staff or visit the OSPI Student Growth Percentile website. Morgan SampsonData Analyststudentgrowth@k12.wa.us(360) 725-6110Ashley ColburnStudent Information Coordinatorstudentgrowth@k12.wa.us(360) 725-4984Katie Weaver-Randall Director of Student Informationstudentgrowth@k12.wa.us(360) 725-6356 ................

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