Name: __________________________ Section #: _____________Please read the scenario below and answer the following problems. Suppose you have the task of creating a new public relations department and you need to hire a successful, mid-level manager to run the new department. To reduce the amount of training required, you decide to hire a manager from the two most closely related departments in the organization: Customer Service and Marketing. You decide to consider all the employees from each department. However, the Customer Service department measures performance by the number of unresolved complaints (fewer unresolved complaints = higher performance) while Marketing measures performance by the amount social media engagement (more media “buzz” = higher performance). You want to hire whoever is the best performer from either who has the lowest number of unresolved complaints or who has created the highest amount of media engagement. Unfortunately, both measurements are not directly comparable. You don’t have the time or resources to hire outside these two departments so you only care about the employees in the Excel dataset: 1. Do the observations (values) represent sample or population data? Explain how you know.2. Provide a population or sample description for the unresolved complaints variable (depending on answer to question 1). 3. What type of variables are unresolved complaints and social media engagement (Hint: RION)? Explain how you know.4. Provide an operational definition for the variable social media engagement (don’t use a survey method).5. Calculate the measures of central tendency for unresolved complaints.Mean = ____________ Median = ___________ Mode = ____________ 6. Calculate the measures of variability for unresolved complaints.Range = ________Variance = _________Standard Deviation = _______ 7. Suppose you wanted to present the variables to your superiors, generate a graph in Excel using 8 midpoints for the variable Social Media Engagement. Use the original data (before any transforming). Make sure to label appropriately and title (you don't need to put anything in the box, just generate the graph in the Excel spreadsheet)8. Identify if the Social Media Engagement distribution is likely normal, positively skewed, or negatively skewed based on the measures of central tendency, the graph, and the skewness statistic. Explain how you know.9. What percent of the population is between Tammy Cooper's and Lois Bailey's z-scores?10. Identify the potential managers for hire (2 highest for each variable representing few unresolved complaints and high social media engagement) and calculate their z-scores and percentiles. Conduct any necessary transforms before calculating z-scores.Name of Employee z-scorePercentileCategory11. Which employee is best to promote (statistical decision)?Employee name: ______________________12. Make a practical decision to which employee that you will hire. Justify your answer using evidence gathered (include at least two references to z-scores, percentiles, and/or reliability/validity of the measures) and one additional insight. This is the essay question for the assignment. ................

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