Lesson Plan Topic: Ecology-Excel calculating your grade

Lesson Plan Topic: Ecology-XY Scatter of Hare/Lynx

Day: 35

Overarching Questions:

❖ What is the population growth cycle of the hare and lynx?

Overarching Goals:

❖ Students gain greater familiarity and comfort with excel after using it for a second time.

❖ Students learn how to make an XY scatter plot.

❖ Students learn that if you highlight the data you want to graph, excel will automatically input the series for you, instead of, like last time, students manually inputting the series data into excel chart wizard.

❖ Students are able to analyze and interpret an XY scatter plot chart from excel.

Concepts Students will learn:

❖ What some possible causes for the hare vs. lynx population cycle is.

❖ Using excel to make an XY Scatter plot.

❖ Learning to make a chart by highlighting all the data, thus, not having to manually select the series.


❖ Hand out of excel directions

❖ One laptop per pair of students (9 Laptops)

❖ Overhead LCD Projector


(10 min) DO NOW: Read Excel directions.

Turn on laptops and sign on.

(10 min) Debrief QOD

Any questions about excel directions?

(50 min) Class starts with excel

1. Students go ahead and start excel. (30 min)

2. Students Print out graphs, and begin to answer analysis questions.


✓ Complete questions due Tuesday


Students did an excellent job using excel, and remembering what they learned from the first investigation. They flew through the excel handout and did a pretty good job. I think the snap shot pictures of each step from excel helped out a lot as well. Also, having the steps labeled with numbers and a line to put a check when complete worked much better then just having check boxes.


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