Simple Calculator

Simple Calculator

By: Matt Stopyak Matt Wagner Benley Mathew


Matt S: 8-bit Adder and Subtractor. Benley M: 8-bit Multiplier and Divider. Matt W: State Machine and Integration.


What was Made? A simple calculator. Using the Nexys 4 FPGA board from class and a 4x4 PMOD keypad from Digilent.

How was it made? 1. The main math operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, were created in VHDL and used to add, subtract, multiply and divide simple binary unsigned numbers. 2. Values would then be converted from BCD numbers into Binary numbers and stored in different registers once inputted in the system after the "equal" button is pressed.

What we learned? 1. To clear variables in the sensitivity of the process

2. How to converter BCD to Binary and Binary to BCD. This method is called Double-Dabble. Uses for this project.

Used for any person who needs to use a calculator for simple math, such as elementary school students who are just starting to learn basic mathematics.

Methodology (Inputs and Outputs)

Eight-Bit Unsigned Numbers [0, 256] Changed to two digit values only, [0, 99]

Numbers are converted from BCD to Binary.

After the numbers go through the operations, the numbers are converted back to BCD numbers and outputted to the Seven-Segment display.

For division, the Seven-Segment display with have a remainder.

Additionally, for the Seven-Segment display to work with the multiple digits, we had to create a multiplexer that would select each digit one at a time and display the correct value.

Methodology (Operations)

Addition Created from Adder, made in the lab. Modified to add 8-bit numbers together.

Subtraction Also created from Adder, made in the lab. Changed the addsub value to `1' to do the subtraction Modified to subtract 8-bit numbers together.

Multiplication Created from Multiplier, made in the lab. Modified to multiply 8-bit numbers together.

Division Created from Divider, made in the lab. Modified to divide 8-bit numbers together.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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