Calculator Permission Slip

Calculator Permission SlipThe Algebra I curriculum includes the use of technology, particularly graphing calculators. We will issue a graphing calculator at no cost, provided that you, the parents or guardians, agree to replace or pay for the calculator should it be lost, stolen, or damaged. The cost to replace it is roughly $80, or you can purchase a replacement on your own. It is important for the students to be comfortable and proficient in using the calculator to solve problems, and it will help them greatly to have a calculator available for homework and studying.A number of students in the past have chosen to purchase their own calculators. If you decide to do so, I would encourage you to choose a TI-83+. The advantage to this model is that it can be upgraded via the internet, reducing the need to buy a newer model in a year or two. It should be appropriate for use through calculus. The appearance and functionality will be very similar to the TI-82s we use in class, with more commands and features included. They’re generally available at office supply stores (such as Office Depot, Staples, etc), electronics departments (such as Target, WalMart, computer stores), or on the internet (used or new on eBay are frequently much cheaper than through stores). You may also choose any other make or model of graphing calculator; however, I may or may not be able to provide assistance with the particular features.Many of the calculators will be issued with batteries already in them. After issuing, you are responsible for replacing the batteries (or recharging them, if they can be recharged). I do have chargers available if you choose rechargeable batteries.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Student’s Name _______________________________________Parents – please select one of these options:____ Please issue my child a calculator. I understand that we are responsible for replacing it or paying for it should it be lost or damaged.____ We already have or will purchase a graphing calculator, and will not need a school-issued one.________________________________________________________________Parent SignatureTelephoneDateFor teacher use:_____________________________________________________________Calculator #Calculator receivedCalculator returnedDate ................

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