1. Question 1

Department of Computer Science

University College London

Cover Sheet for Examination Paper to be sat in May 1999

COMP1B10: Computer Architecture

Time allowed 2.5 hours

Calculators are NOT allowed

Answer THREE questions

Checked by First Examiner: Date:

Approved by External Examiner: Date:

COMP1B10: Computer Architecture, 2002

Answer any THREE questions

Marks for each part of each question are indicated in square brackets.

Calculators are/not permitted

Section A

1. Replace with question 1 [x marks]

Q1 answer

[Total 33 Marks]

2. Replace with question 2 [x marks]

Q2 answer

[Total 33 Marks]

3. Replace with question 3 [x marks]

Q3 answer

[Total 33 Marks]

Section B

4. Replace with Question 4 [x marks]

Q4 answer

[Total 33 Marks]

5. Replace with Question 5 [x marks]

5a. Questions can have multiple parts [x marks]

Q 5a answer

5b. Question 5b goes here [x marks]

Q 5b answer

[Total 33 Marks]


Guide to the Examination Paper Template for Word

By using this template examination answers can be inserted in the middle of examination questions and menus can be used to print versions with or without the answers. When the answers are printed, a watermark is put on each page indicating this.

This template contains five styles which may aid in the production of examination papers and their answers. The styles included are:

Question style for first paragraph of question - provides extra space to separate questions

Q+ style for subsequent paragraphs of question

Answer style for first paragraph of an answer

A+ style for subsequent paragraphs of answer

Section style for section headings.

(There are also some other styles which must not be deleted, which are used for making the template work: Watermark, Guidelines, and Guidebody.)

It is convenient to use Question, Q+ and Section for the questions as this provides standard formatting for our examination papers. However, other styles can be created and used if needed.

IT IS VITAL that the Answer and A+ styles be used for answers, or new styles be defined which are based on these styles. These styles are used to control hiding of answers. Answers are italicised in magenta on screen.

To change between the versions with answers and without if you click on ‘view’ in the top menu toolbar, go to ‘macros’ the option at the end of this tool bar, click and highlight view macros, click and select hide answers, the answers will then disappear. These guidelines will also be hidden when Exam Paper is selected. If you wish to see your answers and the watermark is not showing then you need to select Show Answers from the macros menu.

BEWARE: The present templates DO NOT deal with diagrams nor with formulae, they only deal with plain text formatted with the Answers or A+ styles. Therefore, if you include formulae or diagrams in your answers these will need to be manually deleted before printing.

(How its done: The macros change the Hidden attribute of styles based on Answers.)

SRW May 1998




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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