Phonics Session Weekly Planner

Calendar for Lent 2021 Prayer – Fasting - AlmsgivingSundayMondayTuesday 16th FebWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayLent, like the pandemic presents us with the opportunity to examine our lives, re-evaluate our priorities, purposes and goals. 17th Time to make a new start to be the best we can be. 18th Write down 3 personal pledges you hope to achieve this Lent. 19th Good time to give up something you enjoy but don’t really need. 20th Make a donation to a charity of your choice. 21st Make today a holy day. Say an extra prayer. 22nd Send a card to someone who may be lonely. 23rd Pray for and appreciate the doctors and nurses working on COVID’s frontline.24th Find 5 minutes to sit with God today. 25th We are blessed when we accept God’s forgiveness &feel compelled to do the same. 26th You have the power to change lives. Make a donation to CAFOD. 27th No sweet treats today. Try healthy snacks instead. 28th Today’s Gospel carries an important message. Jesus is God’s Son. 1st March May I follow God’s call to act and never pass by on the other side. 2nd Start the day with the Sign of the Cross. 3rd Be grateful for the many blessings in your life. 4th Don’t be bad tempered. Let it go! 5th Ponder on one of the stations of the cross. 6th Are our families places of love and service? 7th Enjoy a walk. Look for new signs of Spring. 8th What am I finding hard to give up? Have another go. 9th Don’t try to excuse your faults. Try to correct them. 10th Give thanks and pray for the scientists and their work. 11th Tell someone that you love them. 12th Enjoy a simple Lenten lunch. 13th Pray to make courageous choices for a simple, environmentally friendly lifestyle. 14th Thank God for Mothers, for the love they have shown & care they have given. 15th Remember your night prayers. Thank God for your day. 16th Today be patient, kind and understanding. Follow in God’s footsteps. 17th St Patrick pray for all missionaries and people they serve. 18th Do I like to be in control and leave others aside? 19th Celebrate the year of St.Joseph with prayer and a hymn. 20th Listen to some reflective music and relax in God’s love. 21st Contemplate the blessing of your baptism. 22nd Take time to listen to someone today. 23rd When things are difficult, talk to Jesus anywhere, anytime. He will always listen. 24th A phone call may brighten someone’s day. 25th Annunciation. Join in with the Angelus ‘The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary...’26th Protect our planet. Hold governments to account on climate change. 27th Admit the reality of sin in my life. Repent and seek forgiveness. 28th Palm Sunday. Say a prayer together with your family. 29th Pray for those affected by the pandemic. The sick, the lonely, the unemployed, the children etc. 30th Treasure the gift of friendship. 31st Pray for vocations to the priesthood. 1st If we pray we will believe. If we believe we will love. If we love, we will serve. 2nd Reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice and ask yourself – ‘Have I done my best this Lent?’3rd Pray for those who have died, for the bereaved and the lonely. The Lord is Risen. A new Spring is Here. Be Positive. ................

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