California Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators

California Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators

2006. Executive Council Meeting

La Quinta Resort, La Quinta/Palm Springs

September 18 & 19, 2006

Minutes for Monday, September 18, 2006

Council Members Present: President Louise Jones, Joanne Brennan, Katherine Sharifi, John Anderson, Mindy Bergeron, Tim Bonnel, Susan Gutierrez, Linda Williams, Germaine Graham, Marie Navarro, Shawn Brick, Tom Ma, and Ken Walsh

Others Present: Kathleen Clough, Kara Moore, Noelia Gonzalez, Wayne Mahoney, Steve Arena, Bryan Dickason, Addalou Davis, Barbara Bickett, Frank Ramirez, Tammy Sato, Meredith Kelley, Rhonda Mohr, Catherine Graham, Tanya Grigg, Lili Vidal, Glenda Welch, Lori Stafano, Nicolas Valdiva, Laura Hiler, Nancy Davis, Gabriela Dela Vega, Donna Huber, and Toni Dubois

Absent: Laura Cunha, Carrie Steere-Salazar, Marianna Deeken, Sherrie Padilla, Cheryl Lenz, Maureen McRae Levy, David Levy, and Ann Klein

Call to Order/Introductions (Louise Jones)

The meeting was called to order by President Jones at 8:02 a.m.

Review and Approve Minutes from May 2006 Meeting (Katherine Sharifi)

Katherine indicated that she received feedback from Donna Huber and Susan Gutierrez on the July 2006 minutes. She added that she forwarded the minutes initially soon after the conclusion of the July meeting to ensure that the information was still fresh in participants’ heads. Katherine reviewed the to do’s from the July meeting and asked for feedback from each of the individuals responsible or assigned. Louise shared that Justine was not concerned about what was being proposed in regards to the bylaw changes (relative to the non-profit laws). She did however suggest that they be reorganized. Addalou did finish creating the job descriptions for the proposed Vice President of State Issues position and the President-Elect position. Kat indicated that My Rich Uncle did pay their “final bill” in full. Tim did schedule future meetings with Kara Blakeslee for his role as 2007 Treasurer. Wayne shared that the America’s Christian Credit Union certificate of deposit will come to term this Wednesday, September 20, 2006. At that time he will close out the CD. John noted that he and another officer did give the heads-up to Blakeslee & Blakeslee on portfolio changes. Rhonda and Mindy are still in the process of locating a formal analysis of training events. Finally the last to-do was for the Boot Camp Committee to meet early to plan the boot camp. This was done.


Motion was made to approve the July 2006 meeting minutes with amendments.


Moved by Ken Walsh, duly seconded by Louise Jones, and unanimously approved by Council.

Strategic Planning (Gayle Northrop)

Gayle reviewed the new CASFAA strategic plan. She shared that the primary purpose of the plan is to ensure the consistency and quality of services provided to CASFAA members and to continually enhance the quality of those services over time. Gayle reviewed the actual planning process, including the varied phases that are involved:

• Phase 1 – Data collection and analysis

• Phase 2 – Strategic thinking

• Phase 3 – Strategic implementation

CASFAA’s mission statement is as follows:

To provide training and professional development opportunities to the financial aid community and to advocate on behalf of the financial aid profession for student educational access and choice.

CASFAA’s vision statement is:

CASFAA will:

• Serve as a resource for all financial aid professionals in California;

• Provide members with opportunities to become actively involved in the activities of the Association;

• Prepare members to assume leadership roles in the student aid profession, the Association, and other financial aid associations;

• Serve as an authority in the State on student aid issues and be consulted regularly by Federal and State policy makers, the media, and other educational partners; and

• Be proactive with regard to positions on State and national financial aid policy issues, and in protecting the interests and rights of students for educational access and choice.

Organizational strengths and challenges were reviewed, as well as threats and opportunities. Gayle presented the “Five-Year Goals:”

1. Provide consistently high quality training and professional development opportunities that meet the needs of our diverse membership base.

2. Play a leadership role in public policy at the state and federal levels.

3. Ensure balanced representation and support for all segments by CASFAA.

4. Maintain and strengthen the fiscal stability of the Association.

5. Provide members and other constituents with relevant, timely information about Association activities and other financial aid issues.

6. Enhance and institutionalize effective governance and planning systems.

CASFAA’s Strategic Plan is intended to be a “living document,” and as such, actively used and referred to in the planning and implementation of Association activities. The Strategic Planning Committee is responsible for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the Plan. The Strategic Planning Committee will be comprised of CASFAA members elected or appointed to positions identified as having “primary responsibility” for two or more strategies in the Strategic Plan. The Committee will be chaired by the immediate Past President of CASFAA. The Strategic Planning Committee will meet regularly (at least three times per year).

Gayle distributed the No Consensus Policy Description which is:

CASFAA may take a No Consensus position when, by voting yes or no, the position taken by CASFAA would clearly impact one or more of the segments or a specific student population, and there is clear opposition to a yes or no vote because of this impact. The pros and cons of the position under consideration will be made public, long with the No Consensus vote.

The purpose of the policy was to provide the CASFAA Executive Council with direction regarding how to respond to public policy issues, legislation, legislative hearings, etc. that may affect the availability, accessilibility, or delivery of financial aid to students.

EIC and Site Selection Report (Wayne Mahoney)

• Upgraded website

• New manuals for password limited areas

• Advertising

o ATAC’s uniform banner ads

▪ 15 seconds for each ad

▪ Vendor provides ad

o Directory ads

▪ Printed when someone prints full Directory

The EIC Committee recommends that the Association charge $500 per month, which would come out to $6000 per year, per ad. An agreement couldn’t be made whether or not to limit the number of ads to add value. Each ad is 15 seconds, thus four per minute. Maybe limit to a 3 to 5 minute rotation, thus the potential revenue of the year would be $72,000 to $120,000.

If approved, the Fund Development Committee and Wayne will setup mechanisms to sell these opportunities. Rhonda shared that $6,000 would be too much for her to handle. Kara agreed. She would be motivated to take part in this opportunity than provide sponsorship for the conference. She says this form of sponsorship will provide more value. She feels that since this would provide more exposure she would be likely to pick this to spend her money on. Donna offered to call all the lenders to see if they would support the CASFAA website via banners. Donna noted the same people who have banners on NASFAA and WASFAA will probably want to contribute to CASFAA as well. Addalou chimed in that before a decision is made on the issue someone needs to compare and contrast “sponsorships” and “exhibitors.”


Motion was made to offer sponsors (at the $2,000 level or above), free banner ads for the rest of 2006.


Moved by Wayne and unanimously approved by Council.

Contracts for the 2012 and 2014 conferences are still out. Wayne gave background on the IMN establishment. Toni shared CCCSFAA’s involvement with IMN.

CASFAA Boot Camp

Mindy started her presentation by asking the current Council what they wish they knew before they started their roles. She then she asked the 2007 Council what they want to know at the present time. Lili chimed in that she would like to know how to set up teleconferencing and webinars.

To Do: Wayne to create a cheat sheet on community college teleconferencing.

Mindy went on to discuss legal responsibilities of the elected (voting) Executive Council members. In addition she reviewed the characteristics of a good, efficient Council. Who are the elected officials on the Executive Council? Mindy reflected on these roles.

Minutes for Tuesday, September 19, 2006

State Issues Report (Mindy Bergeron)

CASFAA representation (state meetings):

CSAC/EdFund Workshop - Rancho Cordova, July 26, 2006

Mindy represented CASFAA at the CSAC/EdFund Workshop along with Donna Huber from CLFE. Chair Jim Fousekis recommended that the various departments, for example the IT Departments, from both EdFund & CSAC, meet with both CASFAA and CCCSFAAA membership to update Mindy and Donna on issues and to ask for input. With regard to the recent FA Fraud bill (AB 751 – Chu), Chair Fousekis suggested that CSAC talk to CASFAA membership for developing testimonials of fraud.

CSAC Meeting - Rancho Cordova, September 7, 2006

Louise Jones and Mindy represented CASFAA at this meeting. Louise publicly thanked Chair Jim Fousekis and Vice-Chair Louise McClain, for joining both CASFAA and CCCSFAAA representatives at the last CASFAA e Council meeting in San Francisco. Mindy and Louise asked to be placed on their November agenda so that they can “educate” the Commissioners on who exactly it is that they represent and what they do. Since there are new Commissioners, Mindy and Louise think it will be beneficial to explain their jobs and who they represent.

CASFAA Communications:

The Ad Hoc State Issues Committee includes representation from CASFAA, CCCSFAAA and CLFE. They wrote a letter to key state legislators and to the Commissioners regarding their key concerns.

CLFE Report (Donna Huber)

Donna defined the Loan Advisory Board and the members of representation on the board. She shared with the Council the difficulties of getting and chair and how they have been unable to obtain a qorum. She shared the CLFE is sponsoring the lanyards for the annual CASFAA Conference.


Motion was made to return $2000 received in support of the 2006 GP Do Talks from the lender, My Rich Uncle.


Moved by Linda Williams, duly seconded by Tim Bonnel, and approved by Council with 2 opposing.

Ambassadors (Lori Stefano)

Lori indicated that she is still in the learning process. She shared that she has picked up new members on her committee. Thus far she has 8 committee members.

Segmental Reports

Community College (Steve Arena)

Steve provided and update on CAHSEE. He indicated that Community College Administrators are having to instruct their students to take the ATB test. If a student graduates from a private high school, they are not required to take the CAHSEE as a high school requirement.

Fee Waivers

With the unit fees dropping at community colleges, this requires an adjustment of the budget. This generates tuition sensitivity which hasn’t occured in years. The result of this change is that the student will lose part of their Federal Pell Grant.

At this stage in regards to the ACG, community colleges are not receiving enough applications. Steve’s campus has only received 3 thus far, out of 1900 that may be eligible for the grant.

CSU (Susan Gutierrez)

Implementing HERA Provisions

This remains a top priority with work still in progress at most campuses to finalize the policy, procedure, and technical issues that must be resolved in order to properly implement the new grant programs.

AB 2813 (De La Torre) Cal Grant Program Revisions

This bill has gone to the Governor for signature or veto.  This bill would increase the age limit from 24 to 28 for the Community College Transfer Entitlement Cal Grant program.  If signed, the bill would take effect Jan. 1, 2007 and impact awards for 2007-08.  The official estimate (from LAO and CSAC) is that in the initial year there would be 361 additional awards at a cost of $1.9 million.

Other state legislative action of interest to the CSU:

• SB 1383 (Ortiz) has an urgency clause and will take effect immediately if the Governor signs it.  The bill only took shape on August 7th and is designed to give high school seniors a late shot at completing high school diploma requirements (including passing CAHSEE), so that they can receive Cal Grants.  Students who pass CASHEE/complete high school diploma requirements between June 30 and December 31 would be eligible to receive a Cal Grant starting with the academic term immediately following the term during which they completed the diploma requirements.

• AB 751 (Chu) has also moved to the Governor’s desk.  It authorizes CSAC to regulate the California operations of purveyors of private college financial aid services for the purposes of preventing financial aid and scholarship fraud.

• SB 160 (Cedillo), known as the California Dream Act, was passed by the Assembly on August 29 and passed by the Senate on August 31.  This bill would require the CSU and community colleges (and request the UC) to provide institutional financial aid to students who qualify for the AB 540 exemption from nonresident tuition.

Department of Education OIG audit of the CSU

The CSU will undergo an audit by the federal Department of Education’s Office of the Inspector General. The entrance interview is scheduled for September 18 at the Chancellor’s Office in Long Beach. Campuses are eagerly awaiting notification of which campuses will receive on-site visits (if not all.)

Update on Survey of CSU CASFAA Members

The survey of CSU CASFAA members has not yet been distributed. Noelia Gonzalez has been elected CSU Segmental Rep for the upcoming year, Susan will work with her to finalize the survey before distributing it to CSU CASFAA members.

CSU Early Assessment Program (from CSU Leader, 9/14/06)

At its September 19-20 meeting in Long Beach, the Board of Trustees will hear an update on the Early Assessment Program exam. The EAP is a collaborative effort involving the CSU, the California Department of Education, and the State Board of Education to help ensure that college-bound high school graduates have the English and mathematics skills to perform college-level work. The presentation will include data from the Spring 2006 administration of the EAP exam.

Since the first time the test was offered in 2004, the CSU has seen growing interest among 11th-grade students in the voluntary test, and significant growth in the number of students who took the assessments and received results indicating their college readiness. The EAP has garnered widespread praise from around the country and has earned favorable mentions in USA Today and Time magazines.

Independent (Germaine Graham)

Invites were recently sent to the following colleagues to speak at Germaine’s independent segment event. She is still awaiting responses from some.

• Jonathan Brown and Veronica Villalobos, AICCU Update

• David Morgan, Kathleen Little and Georgette DeVeres, The College Board Update

• Dr. Patricia Hurley, Reauthorization Update

• Cheryl Lenz, CSAC Update

• Tami Sato and Steve Herndon, NASFAA and WASFAA Update

• David Levy, Cash for College Update

Germaine is in the process of developing an invitation for all schools in the independent segment. She would like assistance in sending this announcement to the CASFAA listserv. She will have the invitation completed in the next few days. She noted that it did help to put the meeting dates in the last issue of the CASFAA Newsletter.

Proprietary (Marie Navarro)

The proprietary committee has completed the schedule of sessions for the December certification workshop. Sessions are finalized and all but a few speakers confirmed. Joanne Brennan is working with Toni Dubois on rooms needed. Barbara Bickett is working on the conference program committee and once their sessions are finalized Marie can submit the certification workshop program to CSAC for approval.

The committee will be sending out a mailer to proprietary schools to remind them of the December workshops by October 15th.

Laura Cunha has drawn up a draft of suggested revised changes to proprietary certification and has been working with Rhonda More.

Grad Professional (Linda Williams)

The GP committee met September 15, 2006 to discuss the planning for the 2006 Forum – “Graduate & Professional Road Trip”. Their preparation is right on schedule. Plan to see them in period costume for the event.

Their agenda is as follows:

Lunch 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. - Roadhouse fare

12:30 to 1:30 p.m. - Consolidation, leaving the past behind, what to expect in the future

1:30 to 2:45 p.m. - Grad Plus, What’s the sticker price?

2:45 to 3:00 p.m. – Break

3:00 to 4:30 p.m. - The Curves Ahead as viewed by the leaders of the 3 major guarantee agencies

4:30 to 5:00 p.m. - Public Service Announcements

UC (Shawn Brick)

The affordability of an undergraduate degree has been central to a number of national and state conversations recently that are of interest to the University of California.

“Politics of Inclusiveness”

In September researchers and administrators gathered in North Carolina to discuss the big picture of affordability and access for low-income students. The “Politics of Inclusion” conference provided a “sobering picture of how far we have to go yet to achieve equity in access to higher education,” according to systemwide Director for Student Financial Support Kate Jeffery.

“Inclusiveness” was defined at the conference in terms of gender, racial/ethnic, and especially socioeconomic inclusiveness. A number of speakers were particularly concerned about ensuring that all Americans have access to higher education in light of changes in the global economy.

The University of California is well positioned to meet these challenges in many respects. The three UC campuses ranked in the top 40 national universities by US News and World Report (Berkeley, Los Angeles, and San Diego) already enroll more low-income students than any of the other top 40 schools. Systemwide, nearly one-third of all UC students are Pell eligible.

This makes replicating efforts like the North Carolina Covenant, which promises a debt-free education to low-income students at UNC, prohibitively expensive. It also begs the question, what are we doing in California that is working so well, especially since we expect low-income students to borrow loans?

UC chalks its success up to the strong state support as well as its own institutional grant support. In 2004-05, UC students received $234M in Cal Grants and nearly as much in UC Grant ($214M). Bucking the national trend of putting more money into merit-based aid, UC has more than doubled its undergraduate need-based financial aid program since 2002-03. On a personal note, this makes me very proud to be part of UC financial aid. Nevertheless, we are reminded that there is still a long way to go.

Secretary’s Commission on the Future of Higher Education

The Secretary of Education established a Commission on the Future of Higher Education, which released a report recently that is very critical of traditional higher education institutions such as UC. It accuses colleges and universities of gross inefficiency and raises concerns about affordability for low-income students.

The draft report also calls for a simplification of the FAFSA and a consolidation of “more than 20 financial aid programs.” As financial aid administrators well know, simplicity is often a trade-off with fairness. UC is open to discussions of simplification, but there have been no specifics proposed yet for us to react to.

Consolidation of financial aid programs, which has been proposed before, is often a “take-away” for students, an overall reduction in funding. The myriad programs all fill various niches and it’s our job as financial aid administrators to pull things together for students and make it seamless.

CPEC Affordability Panel

California Post-secondary Education Commission, or CPEC, is also exploring issues relating to financial aid. They have put together a panel to explore affordability issues across the state and to come up with some recommendations for state initiatives.

One of the topics that have come up has been the issue of transparency. CPEC interns had difficulty finding the cost of attendance at a number of institutions and some speakers bemoaned the availability of clear information for students and families.

UC Student Association

The UC Student Association (UCSA) identified affordability as one of their top three priorities for 2006-07 at a meeting with President Dynes in September. In particular, they want a roll-back of fees to 2002-03 levels. This would likely come, of course, with a reduction in the financial aid funded by those fee increases… more than $116M. UCSA is also interested in a Cal B initiative, possibly to increase the Cal B stipend. UCSA’s other priorities include registering voters and increasing diversity at UC.

Fund Development Report (Kathleen Clough)

Kathleen provided an update on CASFAA sponsors. She shared how much money has been received thus far and how much is still expected. She has not made her goal thus far, but there is more time. She provided a spreadsheet outlining all of the lenders and events, as well as events.

Fiscal Planning Report (Tim Bonnel)

Reviewed three proposals for bookkeeping proposes. Tim indicated that a committee has been developed on chosing the right establishment to be responsible for the bookkeeping and taxes. The committee will be coming back with a recommendation at a later time. Funds will be transferred from one or more other budgets to sponsor this endeavor.


Motion was made to take move funds out of the Advocacy budget, which is not being utilized, to the fiscal planning budget to fund the endeavor of finding a establishment to take care of the bookkeeping.


Moved by John Anderson, duly seconded by Steve Arena, and unanimously approved by Council.


Motion was made to charge $1200 per 15 second banner ad, maximum of 3 ads per vendor, with a 10 minute rotation, meaning a maximum of 40 ads, charged on an annual basis.


Moved by Susan Gutierrez, duly seconded by Tom Arena, and passed with a vote of 8 in approval of and 5 opposed.


Motion was made to not pro-rate the banner charge of $1200 for the entire year from January 1 to December 31, 2007, regardless of when they start.


Moved by Tim Bonnel, duly seconded by Shawn Brick, and passed with a vote of 8 in approval of and 5 opposed.

Scholarship Report (Barbara Bickett)

Barbara has received 5 applicants thus far for the WASFAA Conference.


Chad Morris – CSU Bakersfield

Kelly England – CSU Fullerton

Craig Slaughter – University of the Redlands.

CASFAA Annual Conference

17 applications as of 9/15/06

CASFAA conference scholarship selections

The deadline for the submissions should be set for October 25. At the November 5 EC meeting recipients can be selected. The Segmental Representative will receive the packet of applications on or before November 1st, for there review.

High School Relations Report (Frank Ramirez)

All locations for the High School Counselors Workshops have been secured and can be viewed in the current issue of the CASFAA Newsletter. There are 2 sites that were not listed in the article, but have since been secured.

Frank has solidified plans for the presenters that will be facilitating the CASFAA portion of the event. There is some concern regarding the locations that Lynn Fox is scheduled to present due to a recent health issue, so back-up presenters are being sought at the following locations:

▪ October 24th - Redding

▪ October 31st and November 1st - Sacramento

▪ November 2nd – Fresno

Frank indicated to the Council to feel free to make any suggestions of possible presenters that he can approach in those areas. He needs suggestions as soon as possible.

• Registration: Registration will be available at the following web address

• New EdFund Contact Person: Nina Martinez will be replacing Cheryl Foster as the High School Committee’s new EdFund contact person due to Cheryl changing companies. Although Cheryl was a vital part of the committee, Nina brings years of experience in presenting and being part of this project. Frank and his committee are confident that no problems will arise with this change.

• Presentation: The presentation is scheduled to be finalized later this month,

Ethnic Diversity Report (Tom Ma)

Tom introduced Glenda Welch, current EDC member from Santa Ana College, who has been elected as the new 2007 Ethnic Diversity Chair to the Executive Council. Glenda has been a very active member who is always supporting the committee and plays a critical role as an Acting Registrar for our committee. With her experiences and expertise, I strongly believed that she will be a great leader for the 2007 Ethnic Diversity team.

As the year-end is getting closer, the EDC is working to finalize their end of year events.

1. Allyson Wynn, EDC trainer for the December conference has accepted a new position as a Business Training Manager with CitiBank effectively 8/21/06, therefore, she will not be able to conduct the Conference Program Session. She is in the process of recruiting the new Professional Development Manager to replace her position and she has assured EDC that this new person will continue to help with the EDC sessions as planned. She will inform Tom once the position is filled. Tom has notified the Conference Program committee about this change. In planning, the EDC team members have been assigned to facilitate and to host the EDC sessions at the conference.

2. Tom and his committee are planning some gift-wrapping baskets subcommittee for the raffle door prizes planned at the EDC reception. Tom has informed the members about the CASFAA Conference registration information and is inviting them to attend the President’s Reception at the conference.

3. Tom has invited the Hawaii Students Club from UC Irvine & the APTA (Asian Pacific Teachers Association of Stanton, CA). In addition, he is waiting for confirmation from the Jodaiko Japanese Drummers club and the Jazz band from NextStudents. Tom and his committee are working on an email announcements to all CASFAA members and registrants to the conference about their “Culture Club”. They are hoping to motivate CASFAA registrants to wear ethnic attire for the night as one of many ways to celebrate “Ethnic Diversity.” There is no competition in planning except raffle door prizes.

The EDC Reception is planned for Sunday 12/3/2006, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. There is no September meeting for EDC and it is their first break since the monthly teleconference schedule for the last eight months. Their next teleconference is Oct. 11, 2006. They will use this time to finalize all of the planning for the EDC Reception.

Federal Issues Report (Ken Walsh)

Ken and his committee have had a very busy time. There was one major conference call, several e-mails, and calls coordinating comments to HERA with WASFAA, CCCSFAAA, and finally NASFAA.

A subcommittee was developed to generate a letter in regards to HERA. The subcommittee is composed of Lili Vidal, Vicki Shipley and Ken. When the letter was completed, it was sent to all FIC members for comment. Pat Hurley added the finishing touches with some editorial advice. The letter was sent to Louise Jones and to the appropriate individual at the US Department of Education. Ken would like to thank all Federal Issues Committee members who contributed in any way to this effort.

Ken indicated that although the Financial Aid Community would have preferred an increase in the Federal Pell Grant, reflecting the desire to make education more inclusive, Congress mixed need-based and merit-based criteria in a complex package which makes awarding difficult for many institutions. Another major issue is the awarding of grants according to the number of credits per award year. The problem is that students who are otherwise eligible can have too many credit hours to receive the grants or other issues related to this issue. The funding of these grants started just 5 months after the bill was passed forcing the Department to forgo the negotiated rule-making process. The Department now plans to open negotiated rule making before the Final Regulations are published.

The FIC needs to commend the Department for their efforts to refine and communicate the regulations in a uniquely short period of time. Webinars, conference calls, financial aid conferences, and now live sessions on implementation of the AC and SMART Grants are some of the extraordinary measures the Department has been taking to make sure these grants are awarded within compliance. Members of the FIC want to thank the US Department of Education for their guidance, patience and dedication. Ken wants to commend the Financial Aid Professionals who have disagreed with Congress’ tactics, have been confused by the Department’s guidance, and continue to serve their students in the best way possible through this challenge.

2005/2006 Conference Report (Toni Dubois)

The 2006 CASFAA Conference Committee has had four meetings to date. There are no other face-to-face meetings planned, but they may have a conference call. Several decisions about this year’s conference have already been made and the committee is on target to produce a successful conference.

Some issues that may be of interest to the Executive Council:

• Karen Sanders will be serving as Special Projects Chair rather than conference co-chair

• Program Committee has over 60 interest sessions planned including core training for newer financial aid staff, sessions for those with mid-range and advanced experience, and a special leadership workshop for 50 people who have 10 or more years of experience.

• Sponsorship for the conference is already at $260,000

• Conference registration and hotel reservations are available at

• There are 6 hotel options available: Doubletree, Marriott, Sheraton, Ayres Suites, Countryside Suites by Ayres and Country Suites by Carlton

• Registration cost is $225 which includes $50 membership dues for 2007 (200 people registered as of 9/12/06 with 22 first-time attendees)

• Sunday night will be the “main event” and Monday night is the free night

• Sunday evening following dinner:

o Comedian Seth Buchwald

o Smooth Touch

o CASFAA Jazz Club featuring the casfaatini

• The Ethnic Diversity event will precede Sunday dinner

• A DJ has been selected for Monday night

• President’s Reception will be held on Monday evening at 8:30 pm in the Big Bear-Cedar & Rainbow Lake Room at the Doubletree

• Newcomers’ Reception is scheduled for 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. on Sunday in the Convention Center—Mindy to select a gift for newcomers and work on program content with Ambassadors

• Proprietary Segment will have their certification training beginning at 8 am on Saturday—they will not be joining CCCSFAAA this year. Sessions and meals will take place in the Doubletree.

• Grad/Professional Forum will take place on Saturday afternoon, 12/2/2006 in the Lake Gregory/Lake Silverwood Ballroom at the Doubletree

• Attendee gift will be a portfolio and a tote bag

• CLFE is sponsoring the lanyards

• HP is lending CCCSFAAA/CASFAA computers and printer for the Internet Café

• Shoes That Fit is the philanthropic event and will have a booth in the vendor area

• Invitations have been sent to NASFAA President, NASFAA National Chair, Jeff Baker, and WASFAA president. To date, NASFAA National Chair and Jeff Baker have sent affirmative responses.

• Joint meeting with leadership of CCCSFAAA/CASFAA and Jeff Baker has been tentatively scheduled for Monday, December 4, from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Training Coordinator Report (Rhonda Mohr and Bryan Dickason)

Rhonda indicated that two of their training events have been completed. Tom Ma and Linda Williams gave their reports earlier during the meeting.

Treasurers Report (John Anderson)

John forwarded via email some reports to the Council in records to reserves, balances, etc. Mindy will be forwarding to the new Council as well. Budget vs. Actual reflects net revenue of around $141000. John explained for the new members where the membership dues go.

Association Services Report (Kara Moore)

Kara provided an update on the volunteer effort.

CASFAA Newsletter Report (Maureen McRae-Levy-Submitted via email)

Thus far 4 issues of the CASFAA Newsletter has been published. The deadline for Issue 5 was September 15, 2006. The deadline for Issue 6 is November 10, 2006.

Maureen is on target with ad revenue, having collected $76,725 against an estimated expenditure of $72,000. There is $1,950 pending in ad collections.

Maureen is happy to announce that Mindy Bergeron has found an editor for 2007. Molly Greek of EdFund will be the Associate Editor for the next 2 issues and then will take over the editorship in January 2007. Molly and Maureen have been working very closely together to make this a smooth and seamless transition.

CSAC Grant Advisory Liaison (Noelia Gonzalez)



Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 12: 47 p.m.


Moved by John Anderson, duly seconded by Ken Walsh, and approved by Council.

Respectfully Submitted,

Katherine Sharifi



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