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By: Celine C. Capital PunishmentCapital punishment, also known as the death penalty, which is a judicial process of which the accused is sentenced to death. Capital is derived from a word in Latin meaning literally, “regarding the head”. Hence the originnal execution was a be-heading. Capital punishment occurs in murder, espionage, treason, military justice, political dissent, (in the military execution can occur for cowardice, desertion, and insubordination). China executes those who practice human trafficking, (drug trafficking can also be an execution). Fifty-eight nations practice the death penalty, ninety-six countries abolishing it. Currently in the United States there are thirty-seven states that use the death penalty in the US currently. The top four highest rates of death row inmates in the United States are: Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Mississippi, New Mexico, Arizona, and South Carolina. Some old execution practices included the breaking wheel, also known as the Catherine Wheel. The condemned was tied to a wheel and the executioner would beat the condemned with a nightstick too death. Flaying was also common when you remove the skin from the condemned’s body. In China slow slicing (or a thousand cuts), they would remove portions of your body with a knife. Others included disembowelment, the removal of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract through a horizontal incision across the abdominal area. The most gruesome was escapism, the victim was stripped naked and placed across two boats or two tree trunks with hands, head, and feet poking out. The victim was forced too consume milk and honey to the point of diarrhea, more honey would be rubbed on body to attract insects too exposed appendages. He/she would then float on a stagnate pond or be exposed to the sun. Insects would come and eat and breed within their flesh, their flesh would become gangrenous. A combination of dehydration, septic shock, and delirium would kill the condemned. Current death penalty methods include lethal injections which contains the paralytic agent pancuronium bromide. Others include gas chamber, hanging, and firing squad.On average the time spent in jail for the condemned waiting for their execution would be about fourteen years. States with the biggest death population are California, (645), Florida, (400), and Texas, (335). There are only fifteen states in the United State who do not practice the death penalty. On average there are 20,000 murders per year, 15,000 arrests ( not all crimes are solved), 14,000 murder cases taken to court, ( not all cases have strong enough evidence), 10,000 murder convictions, 3,000 persons eligible for death penalty, (usually first degree murder with aggravated circumstances). One hundred and fifteen death sentences handed down. And forty-five executions per year. In 2009 fifty-five percent of death row inmates were white. Forty percent were black, and five percent were other or unspecified. In Iran there are about 390 executions per year, Iraq 120, and Saudi Arabia 70. The average cost of death penalty (judicial process and actual deaths) to be $137 million yearly, current cost of the present system with rehabilitation processes recommended by the Commission to ensure a fair stay in prison, would be $232.7 million per year. The cost for taxpayers through the system of judicial courts imposing a maximum penalty of lifetime incarceration instead of the death penalty would be $11.5 million per year.States that have changed from death penalty to other sentences would be: Alaska, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Dist. Of Columbia.Sometimes when a person does their time in jail they can be offered a clemency (an act of mercy which is extended through the executive branch of government lessening their sentence instead of getting death penalty). By the governor of the state. This is when another trial is held too think about the case and sees whether they will set the condemned free or continue with the punishment. So far there have been two hundred and sixty nine clemencies. This is a chart if minorities on death row.RACE OF VICTIMS SINCE 1976BLACK28215%LATINO1106%WHITE143377%OTHER493%?My opinions on the death penalty are that it should be still in practice today, instead of being banned. My reason is we don’t have crazy people running around killing everyone, which will not improve society and hold us back as a society in the long run. I believe no matter what illness or limitations, if you take a life that’s what you deserve. A mental illness or intellectual disability doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. Although the one thing I do wish is that they would make the executions more humane.For more info visit: Sources: , , ................

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