California State University Dominguez Hills

California State University Dominguez Hills

Academic Senate Minutes

March 18, 2009

Voting Members Present: Berlin, Carvalho, Cauthen, Chavez, Corbin, Erbe, Fisher, Furtado, García, Gould, Heinze-Balcazar, Hwang, Jacobs, Jones, Kalayjian, Kaplan, Keville, Kowalski, Kulikov, Ma, Malamud, Monty for Fawver, Murrey, Needham, Niederman, Pawar, Salhi, Sneed, Wang, and Whetmore..

Voting Members Absent: Bohman, Bordinaro, Brooks, D., D’Amore, Ferris, Furusa, Ganezer, Hancock, Hernandez, Hinchberger, Kravchak, Pinto, and Zugman.

Ex-Officio Members Present: Arasimowicz, Bergmann, Blue, Borrego, Bradfield, García, Gordon, M., Karber, Parham, Robles, Rodriguez, M., Saks, Strong and Vogel.


Recorder: Brooks, M.

Call to Order: 2:30 p.m.

Approval of Agenda MSP

Approval of Minutes from 2/18/09: Amended MSP

Karber introduced and welcomed visitors from Shanghai. Dr. Jin Xu, (Jim) Director in the Shanhai Municipal Food, Drug Administration; Dr. Yuan Wenping, (William) Chief Engineer, Shanghai Engineering Department; Ms. Ma Jainin, (Margaret) Deputy Director/General of the Finance Bureau of The Shanghai/Pudong New Area; Ms. Jie Zhu, (Julia) General Manager, China Pacific Property Ins. Co.; Mr. Zongde Song, (Alexander) Chairman, Youth Federation of Putuo District in Shanghai; Mr. Xiaolong Chen, (Long) Director, Economic Committee of Hanhui District, Shanghai.

First Reading Item: EPC 09-02-Resolution on Academic Technology and Distance Learning Classes-Jacobs went over the resolution and said that she sent this document out to all departments offering distance learning to establish guidelines and how to access on line classes. There was a discussion. Gould said that the document was well written and asked if we could open one section at a time. The senate agreed.

Malamud noted that many of the points are good but don’t belong in the document, like scheduling; there is a lot that makes the document longer; keep it so that that information pertains to the online courses only. Strong said that learning outcomes assessment in online courses needs to be there. Also, PTE’s need to be utilized for online courses. Malamud asked if expanding the class size would violate the contract by putting a rule that classes are staying a certain size. Gould said that class must be successful and workload not excessive. Arasimowicz said that class size policy has an impact on teaching, quality and outcomes. Jacobs said that they would put in a clause about student learning outcomes. Heinze-Balcazar was concerned about the number of hours spent on line versus actual hours in classroom and advising hours. Jacobs said that if she brought in workload issues we could pass the policy but it would never be implemented because it is a CFA issue; her committee decided to stick to the aspects that can be passed. She will take back to committee for further work.

Time Certains

3:30 p.m. Presidents Report- Mildred García-García reported some of the really great things that are happening around campus. Thomas Landefeld gave career development seminars at several Historically Black Colleges and Universities in February. Richard Malamud has published an article in the Tax Law Journal about the Tax Gap. The Art Gallery has an exhibit “The Migration of Influence in the Ceramics of Phyllis Green and Karen Kobiltz.” The Faculty Awards Reception took place honoring faculty who have served on the campus from 5 to 40 years. Faculty of the Year Awards went to Desberg, Eyadat, Hauss, and Rosen. García reported that the Winston Hewett Foundation donated $225,000 to the University. Hewett was the first Lyle E. Gibson Award Recipient on the campus. This is the largest gift received since the Loker donation. Gilah Hirsch and Kathy Zimmerer were helpful in obtaining the endowment.

García said there will be resume clinics for our students on the campus and García’s dream is to have a systemic process where students work with faculty and the career office to create portfolios and to prepare them for after graduation and the professional world.

García attended a pastor’s breakfast at Cal State Los Angeles. She said that 71 African American churches participated in Super Sunday and Chancellor Reed vowed to have 100 churches participate next year. Anyone interested in being a speaker next year please contact Mark Lopez in the President’s office.

García asked that everyone participate in the Strategic Planning Survey.

García said that these are hard times and we need to remember who we are and where we are going, we can focus. García said we are planning for commencement, which is our big event. She hopes everyone will participate.

The Women’s Center is having a film series for the month of March to celebrate International Women’s Month. García went to the swearing in ceremony of the Mayor last night. She also attended an event “LA Prom Dresses” where several dresses were donated. CSUDH was highlighted and the CSUDH Women’s Resource Center sponsored the event. There were 800 dresses and over 120 girls attended.

García reported that Gary Rhoades visited the university and spoke about shared governance to the faculty. García reported that the university has met the enrollment target of 9520 and our current enrollment is 9555. She said that John Wilkins is heading up a summer camp through EOP for students who are challenged with math. There will be no credit offered for this program, but it will help students work through their developmental math issues.

García said that the total cut is $3.2 million and that they are trying to find out how much it costs to run each program to understand the bottom line. García said that she will do everything she can to protect students, the schedule, faculty and student services from cuts.

4:00 p.m. VP of Enrollment and Planning –Sue Borrego-Strategic Plan Overview-Borrego facilitated a workshop where senators and administrators were involved in brainstorming different ideas about strategic planning.

Executive Reports:

Acting Chair-Hamoud Salhi-Salhi reported that Chair Furusa was away at a conference and that he was acting in his place. Salhi had no report.

Parliamentarian Report-Marisela Chavez-Chavez reported that a call has gone out for the nomination of Senate Chair and Statewide Senator. Nomination forms need to be turned into the senate office by April 9, 2009. The Executive Committee appointed Kaz Kowalski to the senate election committee and he will design the electronic ballot for upcoming senate elections. Chavez nominated Sheela Pawar to serve on the election committee. The senate voted on this nomination and all were in favor. MSP. Chavez confirmed that Irene Osisioma is serving on the Campus Fee Advisory committee. Chavez asked for nominations for University Budget Committee Chair. She said that the recommendations would go to the president for an appointment. Chavez also said that we need to nominate 2 faculty members to serve on the University Budget Committee.

Provost’s Report-Ron Vogel-Vogel reported that there has been communication on the campus that is distorted. He said that he is trying to figure out how much academic programs cost to get down to the base so that we can determine how to proceed. Vogel said that we still have a $2.5 million cut. We are looking at running courses at base level we are looking at electives and whether we can run them together. We need to know program costs at base level, O and E, and FTEF to run the programs at base level. We are trying to save programs not dismantle them. We have to find out what the bare bone is to establish baseline for programs. This will help us know how much programs cost; it is not designed to hurt student or faculty; it does mean that part-time faculty will be cut. Vogel emphasized that this analysis is to help programs. Malamud asked what base level was and Vogel said that base level is where the program can go before the program is being hurt.

Vogel talked about the functioning use of URTP. He said that it offers about two sentences per file and the sentences are repetitive. It doesn’t offer much in regard to evaluation. Vogel wanted to have the senate discuss this and see if we really need the URTP. Malamud thought it was contractual and Vogel said it was not. Malamud asked if we can eliminate the college level as well, he said there are too many levels. Vogel said that we can have a debate in senate and hear what is said and what is important for URTP.

Vogel reported that he is looking at repealing the University 101 mandate. He said that there is $147,000 in grant money that will be used to help with equipment needs. Vogel reported with regard to the Women’s Resource Center that the University currently does not have policy or procedures for campus centers; the only guidelines available are an executive order from the Chancellor’s office. Vogel said that we need to establish policy and procedures for centers on our campus.

Vogel reported that currently we have a program with CAMS where students in CAMS can graduate with 22 college units. We are proposing a 44 unit program where we fast track CAMS students into our school, and graduate them in three years. This is being spear headed by Chuck Hohm.

Vogel reported that there has been a change in Academic Affairs organization. The Undergraduate Dean and Graduate Dean positions have been eliminated and there are going to be two new AVP positions. One of the AVP positions will focus more on research and Laura Robles has been appointed to fill the position. The other AVP position will be for undergraduate and graduate studies and the university is looking broadly for an individual to fill the role. The Provost thanked Margaret Blue for her service as Undergraduate Dean. He said that she has done a fabulous job.

Open Forum: None

Adjournment: Meeting Adjourned at 5:00 p.m.


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