California Tuberculosis School Staff & Volunteer Risk ...

School Staff and Volunteers Tuberculosis Risk Assessment Frequently Asked Questions

California law requires that school staff working with children and community college students be free of infectious tuberculosis (TB). These updated laws reflect current recommendations for targeted TB testing from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), the California Conference of Local Health Officers and the California Tuberculosis Controllers Association (CTCA).

What specifically did AB 1667 change on January 1, 2015? 1. Replaces the mandated TB examination on initial employment with a TB risk assessment, and TB testing based on the results of the TB risk assessment, for the following groups: a. Persons initially employed by a school district, or employed under contract, in a certificated or classified position (California Education Code, Section 49406) b. Persons initially employed, or employed under contract, by a private or parochial elementary or secondary school or any nursery school (California Health and Safety Code, Sections 121525 and 121555) c. Persons providing for the transportation of pupils under authorized contract (California Health and Safety Code, Section 121525)

2. Replaces the mandated TB examination at least once each four years of school employees who have no identified TB risk factors or who test negative for TB infection with a TB risk assessment, and TB testing based on the TB risk assessment responses. (California Education Code, Section 49406 and California Health and Safety Code, Section 121525)

3. Replaces mandated TB examination (within the last four years) of volunteers with "frequent or prolonged contact with pupils" in private or parochial elementary or secondary schools, or nursery schools (California Health and Safety Code, Section 121545) with a TB risk assessment administered on initial volunteer assignment, and TB testing based on the results of the TB risk assessment.

4. For school district volunteers with "frequent or prolonged contact with pupils," mandates a TB risk assessment administered on initial volunteer assignment and TB testing based on the results of the TB risk assessment. (California Education Code, Section 49406)

What specifically did SB 792 change on September 1, 2016? California Health and Safety Code, Section 1597.055 requires that persons hired as a teacher in a child care center must provide evidence of a current certificate that indicates freedom from infectious TB as set forth in California Health Safety Code, Section 121525.

What specifically does SB 1038 change on January 1, 2017? California Education Code, Section 87408.6 requires persons employed by a community college in an academic or classified position to submit to a TB risk assessment developed by CDPH and CTCA and, if risk factors are present, an examination to determine that he or she is free of infectious TB; initially upon hire and every four years thereafter.



School Staff and Volunteers Tuberculosis Risk Assessment Frequently Asked Questions

Who developed the school staff and volunteer TB risk assessment? The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the California Tuberculosis Controllers Association (CTCA) jointly developed the TB risk assessment. The risk assessment was adapted from a form developed by Minnesota Department of Health TB Prevention and Control Program and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Who may administer the TB risk assessment? Per California Education and Health and Safety Codes, the TB risk assessment is to be administered by a health care provider. The risk assessment should be administered face-to-face. The practice of allowing employees or volunteers to self-assess is discouraged.

What is a "health care provider"? A "health care provider" means any organization, facility, institution or person licensed, certified or otherwise authorized or permitted by state law to deliver or furnish health services. Any person administering the risk assessment is to have proper training in the purpose and significance of the risk assessment and Certificate of Completion.

If someone is a new employee and has a TB test that was negative, would he/she need to also complete a TB risk assessment? Check with your employer about what is needed at the time of hire.

If someone transfers from one K-12 school or school district to another school or school district, would he/she need to also complete a TB risk assessment? Not if that person can produce a certificate that shows he or she was found to be free of infectious tuberculosis within 60 days of initial hire, or the school previously employing the person verifies that the person has a certificate on file showing that the person is free from infectious tuberculosis.

If someone does not want to submit to a TB risk assessment, can he/she get a TB test instead? Yes, a TB test, and an examination if necessary, may be completed instead of submitting to a TB risk assessment.

If someone has a positive TB test, can he/she start working before the chest x-ray is completed? No, the x-ray must be completed and the person determined to be free of infectious TB prior to starting work.

If someone has a positive TB test, does he/she need to submit to a chest x-ray every four (4) years? No, once a person has a documented positive TB test followed by an x-ray, repeat x-rays are no longer required every four years. If an employee or volunteer becomes symptomatic for TB, then he/she should promptly seek care from his/her health care provider.



School Staff and Volunteers Tuberculosis Risk Assessment Frequently Asked Questions

What screening is required for someone who has a history of a positive TB test or TB disease at hire? If there is a documented history of positive TB test or TB disease, then a symptom review and chest x-ray (if none performed in previous 6 months) should be performed at initial hire by a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner. Once a person has a documented positive test for TB infection that has been followed by an x-ray that was determined to be free of infectious TB, the TB risk assessment (and repeat x-rays) is no longer required. If an employee or volunteer becomes symptomatic for TB, then he/she should seek care from his/her health care provider.

For volunteers, what constitutes "frequent or prolonged contact with pupils"? Examples of what may be considered "frequent or prolonged contact with pupils" include, but are not limited to, regularly-scheduled classroom volunteering and field trips where cumulative face-to-face time with students exceeds 8 hours.

Who may sign the Certificate of Completion? If the patient has no TB risk factors then the health care provider completing the TB risk assessment

may sign the Certificate of Completion. If a TB test is performed and the result is negative, then the licensed health care provider interpreting

the TB test may sign the Certificate. If a TB test is positive and an examination is performed, only a physician, physician assistant, or nurse

practitioner may sign the Certificate.

What does "determined to be free of infectious tuberculosis" mean on the Certificate of Completion? "Determined to be free of infectious TB" means that a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner has completed the TB examination and provided any necessary treatment so that the person is not contagious and cannot pass the TB bacteria to others. The TB examination for active TB disease includes a chest x-ray, symptom assessment, and if indicated, sputum collection for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smears, cultures and nucleic acid amplification testing.

What if I have TB screening or treatment questions? Consult the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Latent Tuberculosis Infection: A Guide for Primary Health Care Providers (2013) (). If you have specific TB screening or treatment questions, please contact your local TB control program ().

Who may I contact to get further information or to download the TB risk assessment? California Department of Public Health, Tuberculosis Control Branch: (510) 620-3000

California School Nurses Organization: (916) 448-5752 or email csno@




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