State of California

State of California


1020 N Street, Room 513, Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone (916) 552-8056 Fax (916) 552-8013

June 21, 2018

Budget & Finance Report

General Fund

As of June 12, 2018, the amount remaining in FY16-17 Carryover General Fund is $10,125.24. This will be expended by the end of the fiscal year.

The amount remaining in FY17-18 one time funding is $375,000. However June expenditures will be charged against this amount. The Budget Change Proposal (BCP) to carry the remaining FY17-18 funds forward to FY18-19 was approved by Department of Finance and the Budget Conference Committee.

The legislative augmentation for $300,000 FY18-19 General Fund and ongoing support for one staff position was not approved in Conference Committee.

Fund 8094/8815 (Tax Check-Off)

As of June 12, 2018, the current cash balance in 8815 is $70,092.54. All funds have transferred over from 8094. There are two pending SCO corrections that once processed will increase the balance of this fund to $106,614.54

FTB Tax Check-Off Results (Fund 8815)

As of May 31, 2018, the California Senior Citizen Advocacy Voluntary Contribution Fund (Code 438) received $82,484 in donations from 10,295 donors. The average per donor is $8.01.

Direct Donations

During FY17-18, the CSL has received $347.00 in direct donations. Additionally, $120.00 was received in Paypal donations this fiscal year. For a total of $467.00 in direct donations.


The ending fund balance as of December 31, 2017, is $299.13.

FY 18-19 Budget

The May Revise of the Governor’s budget includes spending authority of $308,000 for FY 18-19. This is up from the $8,000 reported in the January budget.


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