Kern County

Animal Services


Volunteer Manual




3951 Fruitvale Avenue

Bakersfield, CA 93308

(661) 868-7100


Dear Volunteer,

Welcome to the Kern County Animal Services’ Volunteer Program.

Thank you for making the decision to volunteer your time and skills to the very important work of our shelter and the animals. On behalf of the Director Shyanne Schull and the shelter staff, we thank you for making this decision to volunteer with us and welcome you to our Department.

This handbook will familiarize you with the policies, procedures and information regarding service with Kern County Animal Services. Its purpose is to give you the guidelines to follow during your time while volunteering. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

All new volunteers are required to attend a volunteer orientation where you will learn about the shelter and the services we provide and, where your skills and assistance will be beneficial to the shelter.

On behalf of the Department, the staff and especially the animals, we thank you for taking the time to volunteer with our organization!


KCAS Staff

Contact Information & Business Hours


Bakersfield Shelter Mojave Shelter

3951 Fruitvale Ave. 923 Poole Street, Mojave Airport

Bakersfield, CA 93308 Mojave, CA 93501

661-868-7100 661-824-1030

Lake Isabella Shelter

14891 Highway 178

Lake Isabella, CA 93240


Licensing, Redemption & Stray Intake Hours - Bakersfield

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 10 am – 4 pm

Wednesday 12 pm – 7 pm

Saturday 10 am – 4 pm

Licensing, Redemption & Stray Intake Hours - Mojave

Monday – Saturday 10 am – 4 pm

Closed for lunch 12 pm – 1 pm

Licensing, Redemption & Stray Intake Hours – Lake Isabella

Monday – Saturday 10 am – 4 pm

Administration - Bakersfield

Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm

Kennel Visitation & Adoption Hours - Bakersfield

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 10 am – 4 pm

Wednesday 2 pm – 7 pm

Saturday 10 am – 4 pm

Kennel Visitation & Adoption Hours – Mojave

Monday – Saturday 10 am – 4 pm

Closed for lunch 12 pm – 1 pm

Kennel Visitation & Adoption Hours – Lake Isabella

Monday – Saturday 10 am – 4 pm

Contact Information & Business Hours (cont.)

Volunteer Office

Jeff George, Volunteer Coordinator


Other Important Contacts

Shyanne Schull, Director


Nick Cullen, Shelter Supervisor


Maggie Kalar, Public Information Officer




The Vision of Kern County Animal Services is that all County citizens are safe from the threat of dangerous & unhealthy animals and that all animals receive humane treatment in a caring environment.

The Mission of Kern County Animal Services is to:

• Protect and care for the citizens and animals of Kern County;

• Promote humane, safe and sane treatment of animals through public education, awareness and enforcement of animals regulations;

• Provide humane care to the animals in our facilities; and

• Encourage the adoption of the community’s homeless animals and endeavor to reunite lost animals with their owners.

Incredibly, there are an estimated 70,000 dogs living in Kern County yet only about 25,000 of them are licensed. Licensing is the first step in assuring the health and safety of your dog and thousands of others because:

1. If your dog gets lost, a license on your pet’s collar is the fastest way to reunite you with your dog. Unlike a microchip, a license tag is immediately visible and doesn’t require a scanning device to read it.

2. A license indicates that your dog has received a rabies vaccination. A rabies vaccination is required by California State law and Kern County ordinance.

3. Licensing your dog shows that you are responsible dog caregiver. When you walk your dog or let your dog run in designated areas, people will notice the license on your dog’s collar and know that you’re concerned about your dog’s welfare.

4. Dog licenses and license renewal fees are primary sources of revenue for Kern County Animal Services, enabling the Department to provide necessary services to all the citizens of Kern County. A sample of services includes finding new homes for unclaimed or surrendered pets; protecting animals from abuse and neglect; keeping neighborhoods safe from aggressive dogs; providing animal care and safety information to the community. Kern County Animal Services Officers respond to an average of 26,000 calls and the shelter housed over 32,000 misplaced animals in 2009.

5. It is the law. Living in Kern County brings many lifestyle advantages and rewards, but it also carriers some responsibilities. Among these is the payment of fees for municipal services. Responsible citizens get their dogs licensed.

Purchase a license at the time of the rabies vaccination from one of our low-cost vaccination clinics. You can also log onto to view and download a flyer.

If your dog has been vaccinated for rabies, please apply for a dog license. Your county and your pet are depending on you. A license is your pet’s ticket home!

Volunteer Program Policies & Guidelines

Kern County Animal Services (KCAS) relies on its volunteers to be dependable and effective during their volunteer time with the Department. By meeting these commitments, the program operates smoothly and the maximum benefit is derived for the animals and volunteers.

Goals of the Volunteer Program:

• To provide orientation and training to volunteers to ensure that each volunteer has adequate knowledge and skills for a positive experience for both the animals and volunteers alike.

• To provide volunteers a means to support KCAS and the animals in our care in the way volunteer feels most comfortable, through direct services (kennel maintenance, exercising dogs, and socializing cats) or indirect services (clerical work, canvassing, etc.).

• To increase community and individual awareness of animal issues, such as over-population and responsible pet ownership, by forming and maintaining a large group of volunteers committed to the common goals of KCAS.

• To assist in creating a positive attitude and change in public perception regarding the need for regular pet vaccinations, the spaying and neutering of pets, and licensing through education, service and public relations.

• To be an advocate for the animals; be their voice and help them find forever homes.

What Volunteers Can Expect From the Program:

• To attend a volunteer orientation and training for the shelter prior to volunteering with the shelter.

• Be treated fairly, with consideration and respect by the employees of KCAS and to be appreciated and thanked for their volunteer work.

• To have the opportunity to share ideas, thoughts and program suggestions with the Volunteer Coordinator.

Basic Rules for Volunteering at KCAS:

• Volunteers must be at least 16 years of age.

• Volunteers must complete an application and attend the volunteer orientation prior to beginning any volunteer service.

• Volunteers should be able to commit to a minimum of 8 hours of service per month for the shelter.

• Volunteers will be asked to attend any supplemental and advanced training as required.

• Volunteers will be responsible to notify the Volunteer Coordinator if you cannot make your scheduled shift.

• Volunteers will not be allowed to enter Kennels B or C for any reason.

• Volunteers will NEVER be asked to handle dangerous or potentially dangerous animals.

• Volunteers are expected to report any medical issues that you may notice in an animal to the staff.

• Volunteers should take pride in the work that they complete as they are helping to save lives.

Time Commitment and Attendance:

KCAS’ volunteer program requires volunteers to participate in a minimum of eight hours of service a month to be considered active. All hours worked must be recorded in the volunteer sign-in book that is located at the Volunteer Coordinator’s desk. In the event of service time completed at an offsite event, a sign-in sheet will be provided for sign-in purposes. A volunteer’s schedule dictates the hours that volunteers will be assigned. If a volunteer needs to make a change to the schedule, they are asked to notify the Volunteer Coordinator as soon as possible.


The Volunteer Coordinator will process and send out BY EMAIL, a schedule twice-a- week. The first draft is typically sent out on Fridays so that a final draft will be re-sent BY EMAIL on Saturday. If a volunteer does not have an email address they will need to speak with the Volunteer Coordinator.

Recording Service Hours:

The volunteer sign-in book location is on the Volunteer Coordinator’s desk. Sign-in with date, name, time-in, time-out, if you’re a volunteer (over 18) or as a student (under 18) and your position.

Dress Code:

Due to the nature of our business, we must enforce a strict dress code policy for safety reasons. Upon a volunteer’s first shift with KCAS, volunteers will be issued one (1) volunteer t-shirt. Volunteers’ photos were taken at the orientation and a name badge will be issued using this photo. Volunteers must wear their t-shirt and name badge while volunteering at the shelter, offsite adoption events and vaccination clinics.


Volunteers are allowed to park beyond the gate that is located on the north side of the building. Volunteers are asked to please ensure that vehicles are not blocking any garage opening or door opening. Volunteers should not be parking in a handicap parking spot unless in possession of a current handicap placard or license plate.

Vaccination Policy:

All volunteers are strongly encouraged to have a current Tetanus vaccination on file for their safety. A form is included in this package.

Conflicts of Interest:

Conflicts of interest and personalities may clash between staff and volunteers on occasion. Volunteers are asked to inform the Volunteer Coordinator of any issues that arise so that issues, problems or concerns can be addressed immediately.

Volunteers are prohibited from engaging in religious or political activities while acting on behalf of or as a representative of KCAS.

If a volunteer disagrees with KCAS and its philosophy, policies, procedures, past, proposed or existing state of affairs, the volunteer is expected to privately discuss these issues with the Volunteer Coordinator.

It is expected that the volunteer not disclose differences in the above matters, with any other volunteers, staff, clients, public, family or friends as it may undermine the internal process of KCAS. When an issue is presented, appropriate steps will be taken to address the issue.

We expect our volunteers to maintain a positive attitude and relationships with other volunteer members, staff, clients and, members of the public.

Volunteer Disciplinary Policy:

Volunteers serve at the pleasure of the Department and can be excused at any time. Certain situations are highlighted below and will not be tolerated:

• Drug and alcohol use during volunteering hours

• Causing physical harm to others (employees, volunteers or the public)

• Physical abuse to animals

• Theft

• Exhibiting violence or threatening behaviors to others (employees, volunteers or the public)

Smoking Policy:

For the health and safety of the animals, staff and public, KCAS is a smoke free facility. Smoking is allowed in the smoking designated area (horse shoe). This area is located between the A & B kennels on the south side of the property. Volunteers are expected to dispose of all cigarette butts in the designated waste receptacles.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse:

Possessing, dispensing, or using alcohol or a controlled substance without a medical prescription during volunteer hours is strictly prohibited. This includes reporting to your scheduled volunteer shift while intoxicated. Any volunteer will be subject to immediate dismissal.

Lunches, Breaks and Areas:

Lunches and breaks are treated similar to California Labor Laws. Since many of the shifts will not constitute for a break, KCAS expects volunteers, especially during the summer months, to take water breaks to keep hydrated and cool, no matter how long a volunteer’s shift is scheduled. If a volunteer’s shift is at least four (4) hours and does not exceed five hours (5), volunteers are expected to take a 15 minute break. If a volunteer’s shift is more than five hours (5), volunteers are expected to take a 30 minute lunch break. The horse shoe area which is deemed the area for smokers is an area where breaks and or lunch can be spent. The shelter also has a lunchroom in the administration trailer that has a refrigerator and microwave available for volunteer use along with a several vending machines.

Storage of Personal Items:

It is advised that volunteers’ leave any personal items in their vehicle or volunteers may bring a lock and store the items in a locker that is available to volunteers.

Cell Phone Use:

As a volunteer’s time is limited, KCAS asks that volunteers keep cell phone use to a minimum. Volunteer are asked to use their cell phones for emergency purposes and while volunteering with KCAS, to stay focused on the task at hand.

Complaints and Grievances:

A grievance is any problem resulting from a work requirement or the conditions in which the work is being performed. If a conflict arises, volunteers are asked to please first notify the Volunteer Coordinator and, if the situation is not resolved, please ask to speak with the Director.


KCAS believes that each individual associated with us has the right to be free of harassment because of age, color, creed, national origin or sex; therefore, KCAS will not tolerate any form of harassment.

Sexual harassment can be defined as:

• Unwelcome physical contact.

• Uninvited or unwanted sexual advances.

• An offensive overall environment, including the use of vulgar language, the presence of sexually explicit photographs or other materials.

Disease Prevention:

If a shelter animal shows any of the following symptoms, please take down the information for the dog, the kennel and, enter it onto the medical log located in the intake room.

On-site Injuries:

If a volunteer is injured while performing their volunteer duty, they are asked to notify the Volunteer Coordinator or the Shelter Supervisor immediately, so that any needed medical attention can be addressed and required reporting takes place. This is for all injuries big or small.

Emergency Protocol:

In the event of an emergency, the following information has been provided to educate volunteers. Each volunteer is responsible for reading and understanding the protocols for the KCAS Department Emergency Evacuation Plan.


This plan is to familiarize all volunteers of this Department with the emergency evacuation plan for Bakersfield shelter location.

Emergency Evacuation Procedures

• All staff, visitors and volunteers will immediately evacuate the building in the event of an emergency.

• Evacuate from your current location, DO NOT GO AGAINST THE FLOW OF PEOPLE EXITING.

• Evacuate through exits closest to where you are located.

Assembly Area

All employees/volunteers of this Department will meet in the designated area (North West Parking Lot area near the chain length fence).


A very difficult aspect of the daily job for the employees of KCAS is the task of euthanizing animals. The decision to humanely euthanize an animal is not one that is considered lightly. Decisions to euthanize will be based upon the health and welfare of the animals, staff, and the community in general. Animals that are deemed medically or behaviorally unfit for adoption may be euthanized.

The emotional conflicts that arise from euthanizing animals and the decision to euthanize animals affects everyone including the staff of KCAS, as well as persons utilizing our services, volunteers, and the community. We are committed to helping people deal with the difficulties of euthanasia in the best way possible. If a conflict arises, volunteers are asked to please first notify the Volunteer Coordinator and, if the situation is not resolved, please ask to speak with the Shelter Supervisor.

It is expected that the volunteer not disclose differences in opinions regarding the above matters, with any other volunteers, staff, clients, public, family or friends as KCAS staff deserve respect for the very difficult and painful job of making and carrying out the euthanasia decision.

As a volunteer, you will never be asked to assist with the euthanasia process ever.

Social Media, Blogging and Personal Websites:

If you choose to identify yourself as a volunteer for KCAS, or discuss matters related to the shelter on any social media or networking site, your readers and followers will assume that you are speaking on behalf of the shelter. In light of this possibility, your communication should be transparent, ethical and accurate. The following guidelines we request you abide by while you are a volunteer:

• Make clear to your readers and followers that the views expressed are yours and yours alone and, not the views of the shelter, the Department or the County of Kern. An ideal statement would be, “The views expressed on this site, are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of Kern County Animal Services or the County of Kern.”

• Please respect that the Department deals with confidential and sensitive subject matter. The Department asks that volunteers refrain from divulging sensitive materials as this can interfere with the ability of the Department to enforce laws and ensure the safety of the pubic and animals in our community.

• Any comments seen by a volunteer on other social media sites should not elicit a response from a volunteer. Please direct all of these comments to the Public Information Officer or the Director.

• Please be courteous when taking pictures and have the shelter supervisor or the Volunteer Coordinator approve any pictures prior to posting on any site.

• Always ask questions of what is appropriate to post to a social media site or blog.

• Be smart about what you publish. Once it is in the social media network, it is hard to retract.

• Please do not feel pressured to be “friends” with the Volunteer Coordinator, any shelter staff, clients or other volunteers on any social media sites.

Handling Media:

Volunteers are not to speak with the media regarding KCAS without prior authorization from the department. We have a Public Information Officer, Maggie Kalar, who is on staff to handle the media. If you are approached by a member of the media, please direct them to Ms. Kalar (see earlier contact information).

Recycling Program:

The volunteer division of KCAS relies on the hard work of its volunteers to make a difference every day. In an effort to collect extra monies for special events and needs for the program, KCAS has implemented a recycling program. Volunteers working on site are asked to utilize the recycling containers throughout the facility and, volunteers not recycling at home are also encouraged to save their recyclable cans, bottles and plastics and bring these items to the shelter for recycling.

Kern County Crimal, Megan’s Law Background & Chameleon Activity Check:

Kern County Animal Services' volunteers must be cleared through the Kern County Criminal Case, Megan's Law website as well as the Department’s Chameleon Database system prior to volunteering.  Each volunteer must have a current Megan’s Law Background Check and Chameleon Database check on file with the volunteer coordinator.

Resignation From Service:

As a volunteer we know that your time is important and we appreciate your service. We also know that there will be a time that you will need to leave for various reasons. Upon notification, we will ask you to complete an exit interview.

Sample Kennel Card


1. Animal Number – similar to a Social Security Number

2. Current Kennel location

3. Name of animal –(*means that staff or volunteer has named

the animal)

4. Day the animal was brought into the shelter

5. Day the animal’s status is reviewed by the shelter staff

6. Approximate area of where animal was found

7. A potential rescue or adoption interest is listed in this area

8. Displays if the animal was brought in by the public, an officer

or was an owner surrender

Colored Kennel Cards

“Pink” – The animal is spayed/neutered can be adopted and go home today.

“Purple or Blue” – The animal is not available due to a rescue flight.

“Yellow” – The animal has already been adopted and is not available.

“Red” – The animal is not available due to a hold for an owner or a case.

“White” – The animal is on a stray hold period and is not available yet.

Intake times – adoptions, Rescues & Euthanasia

Adoption Fees

Tier Program

The tier program was developed to assist the volunteer program in monitoring the hours and advancement of volunteers. Each tier has requirements and job duties that correspond with each tier level. Even with the tier program, KCAS has a general rule that the shelter always comes first no matter what tier or what position a volunteer is holding at the time and/or may be assigned to that particular day.

Probationary Status – 10 hours

All volunteers who attend the orientation are assigned to Probationary Status for the first 10 hours. Duties may include: picking up dirty linen; picking up food bowls and taking them to the designated dish washing station; washing dishes; folding linen; sweeping parking lot; cleaning lobby windows; cleaning intake lobby and rooms; sweeping; mopping and, general cleaning. This is the most essential time for a volunteer. We created this level to see your true interest in the volunteer program. Calling off or not showing up for shifts without a reasonable excuse will determine the outcome of your time as a volunteer. You can and will be excused from service with or without notice for any reason, but the two listed are the most important.

Tier One Probation – 10 hours

Tier One Probation volunteers will work a minimum of 10 hours in the shelter with no animal contact. Tier One assignments are the same as above for Probationary, but you may be scheduled to assist in the kennels similar to job shadowing. Meaning you may have some minor contact with animals, but you’re learning the cleaning process of the kennels until your final level of probation has expired. Other positions that may be assigned are Guest Relations, and Shelter Tour Guide (Sat. only). Administration work for PEET team with stuffing packets/envelopes and PEET Canvassing (over 18), for volunteers assigned to the Tier One level. Volunteers may also assist and attend our off-site and on-site vaccination clinics. If a volunteer has a medical condition that prevents them from doing this type of work, KCAS will work with the volunteer to accommodate their specific needs.

Tier Two – Active Status – 20 hours

Upon completing the probation time you proceed to Tier Two Active Status of 20 hours. Volunteers will then have the opportunity as assigned to work with puppies and cats based on preference. You may have assigned positions from probation at times, but your primary focus is now taking care of the animals that you’re trained for. Always remember, shelter comes first!

Tier Three – Advanced Status – 35 hours

Upon completion of Tier Two level(40 total hours or more), volunteers will be invited to participate in the Socialization Program. Selected volunteers will attend a supplemental training program that is approximately 2 hours long and based on availability. When a volunteer completes the class, they become an official Socialization coach, and will be scheduled and allowed to walk dogs and socialize with them. Only one socialization position can be scheduled during any shift period. Other positions available will be Animal Photographer(a professional style camera is required), Foster Care Ambassador and Adoption Assistant. All shelter jobs can be assigned to you. Always remember, shelter comes first!

Tier Four – Team Lead – 25 hours

Upon completing 75 hours or more, we will expect you to become a Team Lead. In this position, volunteers will be an assistant to the Volunteer Coordinator by being available for events and attending them. You will be assigned a group of volunteers to lead at an event, vaccination or adoption. All shelter duties will be assigned as needed. Always remember, shelter comes first!

Train the Trainer

Upon completing 100 hours or more, an interview will take place and if selected, you will attend a training session. The goal of the training is for the volunteer to be able to train the Volunteer Coordinator in all areas of the shelter. Once completed, all shelter duties will be assigned as needed along with assisting the training of Probationary and Tier One volunteers. You will routinely check the work being done by other volunteers and instruct and or correct as needed. The goal of this program would be to assist the Volunteer Coordinator with Orientation and other training sessions as needed.

Probationary & Tier One Job Descriptions

Job Description: Animal Care Assistant (ACA)

Prerequisites: Orientation, 16 years of age

This is a probationary period for the Tier One Volunteer, which requires the volunteer to spend 20 hours of time at this level. This probationary time is designed for the volunteer to perform work for the shelter where there is no animal contact. You will be assigned daily duties while in Tier One. The following job duties can be expected to be assigned:

• Laundry

1. Pick up dirty linen (mornings).

2. Fold clean linen (any shift).

• Dishes

1. Pick up dirty food dishes and return them to washing station (mornings).

2. Wash dishes (any shift).

• Sweep, Mop & Squeegee

1. In the kennel areas, always be prepared to sweep, mop or squeegee away water.

• Lot Maintenance (all shifts)

1. Walk around the back lot looking for garbage.

2. Walk around front lot and look for garbage and other trash, including dog poop.

• Lobby Maintenance - Hourly (Job Code – OM)

1. Sweep floor.

2. Clean windows inside and out.

3. Make sure information copies are filled on north wall.

4. Take and distribute all donations to their proper areas.

5. Clean and maintain bathroom in main office by cubicles.

• Clean Intake Rooms- Hourly (Job Code – Intake)

1. The intake lobby needs to be swept and cleaned.

2. Intake rooms need to be cleaned and organized.

3. Clean associated bathroom in Q area near intake rooms.

• Meet & Greet Rooms - Hourly (Job Code – MG)

1. Clean and maintain Meet & Greet rooms.

2. Clean and maintain Bathroom on north side of building – outside.

• Water the Animals (any shift)

1. Take the green water cans located in the cat and puppies rooms and through the cage only, water all the dogs and cats in the AD kennels only.

2. Talk to the animals, they love to socialize.

Job Description: Animal Care Assistant (ACA – PEET Admin)

Prerequisites: Orientation, 16 years of age

The KCAS Public Education and Enforcement Team (PEET) program is established to have field staff engage in consistent, pro-active door-to-door outreach, education, prevention and enforcement. PEET program has materials that need to be prepared for canvassing every day. Job duties will include:

• PEET Canvassing Packets

1. Make copies of PEET canvassing materials.

2. Organize, collate and stuff PEET bags for distribution.

• Citation Notices

1. Print Stickers (with PEET help) and label compliance notices.

• Letter Stuffing

1. Assist PEET with stuffing envelopes.

Job Description: PEET Canvassing

Prerequisites: Orientation, Tier One Completion, 18 years of age

The KCAS Public Education and Enforcement Team program is established to have field staff engage in consistent, pro-active door-to-door outreach, education, prevention and enforcement. The efforts of PEET are aimed to stimulate positive change in the community by offering the tools necessary to facilitate a more responsible and supportive pet owner.

• Canvassing Teams

1. Teams of two (One Staff & One Volunteer).

2. Targeted area of need or area that will have an upcoming clinic.

3. Offer educational information to pet owners.

a. Clinic Information

b. Spay Neuter Information

c. Upcoming events

d. Inform the public about free services

Job Description: Vaccination Clinics/Adoption Clinics

Prerequisites: Orientation, 16 years of age

• On Site Clinics (5 pm – 7 pm Wednesday Shift)

1. Assist with set-up or take-down of event based on your schedule.

2. Work with public and provide treats to animals.

3. With training and assistance, learn to pull Vaccines for on-site veterinarian.

• Off Site Clinics (Most Saturdays)

1. Travel with staff or meet staff at location of event.

2. Assist with set-up and take-down of event.

4. With training and assistance, learn to pull Vaccines for on-site veterinarian.

5. With training and assistance, assist with paperwork and line control.

6. Assist with volunteer table.

• Adoption Events

1. Assist with set-up of event or take-down of event, based on your schedule.

2. Depending on the animals, socialize them on a leash, walk the dogs.

3. Animal care while on site.

4. Assist with paperwork and line control (if needed)

Tier Two Job Descriptions

Job Description: ACA (Puppies) or ACA (Cats)

Prerequisites: Orientation, Tier One Completion, 16 years of age

This will be a volunteer’s first opportunity to interact with the animals. With training, volunteers will be allowed to start shifts with either complete cleaning or spot cleaning of the puppies or cat enclosures.

• Enclosure cleaning.

1. Relocate animal into empty enclosure

2. Clean out and sanitize enclosure

3. Replace all (puppies) newspaper, linen, food and water

4. Replace all (cats) linen, litter boxes, kitty litter, food and water

5. Socialize with the animal

Job Description: Guest Relations/Shelter Tour Guide

Prerequisites: Orientation, Tier One Completion, 16 years of age

This position mainly involves assignments on Saturdays and during special events that are held at the shelter. The volunteer assigned to this position is someone who has displayed the positive attitude and demeanor to work with the potential adoptees that come to our shelter.

• Up keep of the Adoption and Intake offices

• Greeting the public

Tier Three Job Descriptions

Job Description: Socialization Coach – 1

Prerequisites : Orientation, Tier One & Two completion, Passed interview and training program, 17 years of age

• Must complete the training program and pass the test with an 85% or better

in classroom, along with confident and competent completion of one-on-one dog walking training with the Socialization Manager.

• Identify dogs that need to be walked.

• Walk the dogs identified for approximately 10 - 15 minutes in the complex or in

the play yard

• Make sure to log each dog into the socialization log each time.

Job Description: Adoption Assistant

Prerequisites: Orientation, Tier One & Two completion, 16 years of age

This position is for a volunteer who is detail orientated and can handle administrative duties at the shelter. Volunteers will work directly with the Adoption Coordinator. Volunteer duties may include the following:

• Assist the public with any questions with the potential adoption.

• Assist the Adoption Coordinator with paperwork and preparing the animal for


• Assist with pulling the animal from the kennel and take it to the medical area

for check-up, microchip and any other duties to prepare for adoption.

• Assist the Adoption Coordinator with filing of paperwork.

• Any other duties deemed as necessary to assist the Adoption Coordinator.

Job Description: Grooming Assistant

Prerequisites: Orientation, Tier One completion, 16 years of age

This position is for the volunteer who doesn’t mind getting wet and dirty. KCAS has a professional groomer scheduled to groom adoptable dogs several times a month. Volunteers will be assigned to assist the groomer on these days.

Job Description: Foster Assistant

Prerequisites: Orientation, Tier One & Two completion, 18 years of age

The volunteer in this position needs to be very detail orientated, answer phones and assist with paperwork and mailings. Your duties may include the following:

• Working with the Foster Coordinator to assist with mailings, paperwork, and


• Assist the Foster Coordinator by preparing for a rescue transport, whether its

in taking or outing animals.

• If needed, and potentially based on the volunteer’s personal schedule, willing

to ride-along on rescue transports to deliver animals. This can be an all-day

affair (18 years old to travel).

• Preparing supplies for potential foster families.

• Any other duties that the Foster Coordinator needs.

Job Description: Animal Photographer

Prerequisites: Orientation, Tier One & Two completion, 18 years of age

This position is for the volunteer that has a background in photography and can provide a portfolio or sample of work to management staff. The volunteer must have their own professional equipment.

• Provide staff with pictures in a format that can be used to promote animals in

the Chameleon database, , Facebook and other social media


• Work with the socialization team to help remove animals from kennels for


• Work closely with the Adoption and Foster Coordinator.

Tier Four Job Descriptions

Job Description: Team Leader

Prerequisites: Orientation, Tier One, Two & Three completion, 18 years of age

This position will be offered to volunteers who have displayed professionalism, adaptability to working within certain time frames and can handle multiple tasks.

• Assist the Volunteer Coordinator with daily duties (Mondays).

• Become a Team lead for two new volunteers and work closely with them

through the Tier One process.

1. After the team has completed the Tier One requirements, the Team Leader will schedule the Tier One volunteers to clean the puppy and cat rooms.

• Organize and prep volunteer applications as they are received.

• Attempt to reunite pets with their owners by searching on the KCAS website,

and the newspaper.

• Any other duties assigned by the Volunteer Coordinator.

Train the Trainer Job Description

Job Description: Volunteer Trainer

Prerequisites: Must have completed 125+ hours of service, 18 years of age, Socialization Coach.

This position will be offered to volunteers who have displayed professionalism, adaptability to working within certain time frames, can handle multiple tasks and able to train the Volunteer Coordinator in the following areas:

• Intake, Meet & Greet and Main office cleaning

• Folding linen and washing dishes

• Cleaning puppy cages

• Cleaning cat cages

• Process of Socialization

A test will be administered after the trainer has been trained by the candidate



Acceptable Attire for Volunteering

• Jeans, dockers or scrubs

• Polos & t-shirts (logo free)

• Tennis shoes

Unacceptable Attire for Volunteering

• Shorts, skorts or capri’s

• Tube tops or tank tops

• Open toed shoes or sandals

• No dangling jewelry

Reportable Symptoms

• Diarrhea

• Vomiting

• Eye Discharge

• Nasal Discharge

• Sneezing or Coughing

• Loss of Appetite

• Lethargy

• Dehydration

• Abnormal Gait or Muscle Control

• Excessive Salivation

Proper Steps for Disease Prevention:


• Vaccinations

• Proper Sanitation

• Isolation for Infected Animals

• Socialization Between Animals

• Never Re-using Food or Water Bowls

• Proper Ventilation

Euthanasia Public/Stray no ID

4 business days not including impound. Day 6 can be euthanized.

Euthanasia Public/Stray with ID

11 calendar days including day of notification. Day 12 can be euthanized.

Owner Surrender

Hold for one business day not including impound day. Rescue day 5

Rescue Stray hold with no ID

4 business days not including impound. Day 6 available.

Rescue Stray hold with ID

11 calendar days including day of notification. Day 12 available.

Owner Surrender

Hold for one business day not including impound day. Adoptable day 3, Rescue Day 4

Adoption (no Identification)

72 hours, not including impound or days closed – Day 5 adoptable.

Adoption (with Identification)

10 calendar days hold post owner notification including day of mailing of letter. Adoptable day 11.

Owner Surrender

Hold for one business day not including impound day. Adoptable day 3


Male or Female 4 months or older - $85

Includes: DHPP vaccination, Rabies vaccination, 1-year Kern County license, Bordatella vaccination, spay or neuter surgery, microchip, and leash (while supplies last).

Male or Female under 4 months - $75

Includes: DHPP vaccination, Bordatella vaccination, spay or neuter surgery, microchip, and leash (while supplies last).


Male - $40

Includes: 3-in-1 vaccination, spay or neuter surgery, microchip, Rabies vaccination, and pet carrier (while supplies last).

Female - $50

Includes: 3-in-1 vaccination, spay or neuter surgery, microchip, Rabies vaccination, and pet carrier (while supplies last).

Nicholas Cullen

Interim Director

Maggie Kalar

Public Information Officer/Marketing

Lisa Richardson

InterimShelter Supervisor

Jeff George

Volunteer Coordinator

Pablo Aguilar

Jason Ruiz

PEET Staff

Angela Stevens

Foster/Rescue Coordinator


Senior ACW

Apryl Manning

Senior ACW

Janett Johnson

Adoption Coordinator

Amber Chrissakis

Office Services Technician

Susan Rosales

Office Services Technician

Nancy Marin

Office Services Technician

Sally Breyer

Outreach Programs Manager


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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