California’s Public Schools - California Educator

California’s Public SchoolsIn 2017-18, California had 10,036 public Pre-K-12 schools, in 1,026 districts, serving over 2.6 million students.School TypeNumber in 2017-18District TypeNumber in 2017-18Alternative260County Office of Education (COE)56Community Day164Elementary School District524Continuation435High School District76County Community73Non-School Locations1Elementary5,873State Board of Education Charter21High School1,311State Special Schools3Junior High49Statewide Benefit Charter1Juvenile Court65Unified School District344K-12339Total: 1,026Middle1296Opportunity21Source: CA Department of Education,Special Education Schools7 Special Schools3Youth Authority Facilities4Total: 10,036Charter SchoolsIn 2016-17, there were 1,248 K-12 charter schools operating in California, an increase of 83% since 2007-08. In 2016-17, those charter schools had combined enrollment of 602,837 students, or 10% of total K-12 public school students. They represented 4% of total students in 2007-08.Source: CA Department of Education, . 2007-08 figures also from CA CDE, but accessed from the Education Data Partnership website (’s Public Higher Education InstitutionsThere are currently 115 Community College, 23 California State University and 10 University of California main campuses in California, with combined enrollment of over 2.8 million students. The number of students enrolled in these institutions has increased by over 2 million 1980. California’s StudentsEnrollmentWhen combining K-12 enrollment with enrollment in these higher education institutions, public education serves over 9 million students in California.System/LevelEnrollmentK-12 Public Schools Enrollment, 2017-186,220,413Community Colleges, 2018-192,100,000California State University System, 2018-19484,000University of California System, 2018-19238,700Total:9,043,113Sources: CA-Department of Education (K-12), CA Community College Chancellor’s Office website “Key Facts” page, California State University system website “About the CSU” page, and the University of California website, “The UC System – Overview” page. All accessed on January 4, 2019.Average Daily Attendance: It should be noted that school funding in California’s K-12 public schools is based on Average Daily Attendance (ADA) rather than enrollment. Enrollment counts the number of individual students enrolled. In 2016-17, California’s statewide ADA was 5,405,096. Figures for 2017-18 have not yet been released but are likely to be relatively close.Ethnicity of StudentsCalifornia’s K-12 public schools have a diverse student enrollment, and Hispanic or Latino students now make up over half of the students enrolled (54.3%).EthnicityEnrollment 2017-18% of TotalAfrican American340,8415.5%American Indian or Alaska Native32,5000.5%Asian569,7449.2%Filipino151,6502.4%Hispanic or Latino3,376,59154.3%Pacific Islander28,9200.5%White1,442,38823.2%Two or More Races219,4293.5%Not Reported58,3500.9%Total: 6,220,413100%Source: CDE DataQuest, Accessed via EdData Partnership website at on 1/4/19.English LearnersIn 2017-18, there were 1,271,150 students in public K-12 schools classified as English learners (EL). This represented 20.4% of total enrollment. However, 42.8% of students speak a language other than English in their homes, and the CDE currently has 65 different languages reported as the primary language for those students. Source: CDE DataQuest, Accessed via EdData Partnership website at on 1/4/19.Free and Reduced-Price MealsIn 2017-18 3,739,347 or 60.1% of students enrolled in California’s K-12 public schools were eligible to enroll in the Free and Reduced-Price Meals Program (FRPM). Researchers have traditionally used eligibility for this program as an indicator of student poverty due to the program’s income requirements. Source: CDE DataQuest, Accessed via EdData Partnership website at on 1/4/19.Unduplicated Pupil Count of Free/Reduced-Price Meals, English Learners, and Foster Youth for LCFF PurposesIn 2017-18 3,936,256 or 60.3% of students enrolled in California’s K-12 public schools were classified in one of these three categories. This figure is used as the starting point for calculating additional funding grants to schools to help meet the higher-needs of these students under the state’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Children of Immigrants in California’s K-12 Public SchoolsAccording to a recent report, 1 in 8 students in California’s K-12 public schools (around 750,000) have one or more undocumented parents.Source: Education Trust-West, Undocumented Students in California: What You Should Know. April 2017.California’s Teachers and Other School StaffTeachersIn 2017-18, California’s 6.2 million students in public K-12 schools were taught by 306,261 teachers. The breakdown by teacher ethnicity is listed below. This equates to a pupil-to-teacher ratio of 20.3. However, since not all teachers are full-time, class size rankings differ slightly.EthnicityTeacher Count 2017-18% of TotalAfrican American11,9183.9%American Indian or Alaska Native1,5240.5%Asian17,6605.8%Filipino4,6751.5%Hispanic or Latino63,38020.7%Pacific Islander9150.3%White190,01262.0%Two or More Races2,8650.9%Not Reported13,3124.3%Total: 306,261100%Administrators and Pupil ServicesIn 2017-18, there were 26,861 administrators (231.6 students per administrator) and 32,608 pupil services/classified staff (190.8 students per staff) working in California’s public K-12 schools. The breakdown by ethnicity is listed below.EthnicityAdministratorCounts 2017-18Admin. % of TotalPupil Svcs.Counts 2017-18Pupil Svcs. % of TotalAfrican American2,0097.5%1,7715.4%American Indian or Alaska Native1440.5%1660.5%Asian1,1324.2%1,9325.9%Filipino2851.1%8332.6%Hispanic or Latino6,04222.5%7,49723.0%Pacific Islander740.3%1170.4%White16,01759.6%18,58757.0%Two or More Races2490.9%2740.8%Not Reported9093.4%1,4314.4%Total: 26,861100.0%32,608100.0% Class SizesWhile there have been recent improvements in California’s class sizes as the state as recovered from the recession, California still had amongst the largest class sizes in the nation. At 22.43 students per teacher when adjusted for faculty FTE, California was ranked 4th in the nation in 2017 for students per teacher based on enrollment, and 19.47 students per teacher, or 4th in the nation when based on Average Daily Attendance.Source: NEA Rankings & Estimates 2017-18, April 2018.Per-Pupil FundingCalifornia’s K-12 public schools were subject to devastating cuts during the recession starting in 2007-08, losing over $20 billion in funding and laying off over 40,000 teachers and other staff. The passage of Proposition 30 in 2012, and Proposition 55 in 2016, California voters helped to restore much of that lost funding. However, despite the gains, California still ranks 44th in per-pupil funding in the nation when adjusted for regional cost-of-living differences. At $9,417, California’s per-pupil funding was $3,109 below the national average. Source: Education Week “Quality Counts 2018” Report (based on 2014-15 school year data)However, a recent study by the American Institute of Research concluded that California would have to spend $25.6 billion over 2016-17 levels – and increase of 38% - to provide an adequate education to its public K-12 students.Source: Levin, J., et al., American Institutes of Research. What Does It Cost to Educate California’s Students? A Professional Judgement Approach. Released as part of the Stanford University/PACE Getting Down to Facts II Project, rev. October 2018. ................

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