|Program in which you are applying (see page 3 for a | |Completed application: |

|description of these programs): | | |

| | |Names and contact information of references? |

|USDA-HSI (2 year program) ________ | |Statement of interest? |

|NSF-IRES (1 year program) ________ | |List of college/university science courses taken and grade received? |

| | | |

Contact information:


Last Name First Middle ID Number


Street address City State Zip


Telephone E-mail Major(s)

Reference contact information: Please arrange for letters of recommendation to be sent within 2 weeks of application submission.

Reference 1


Last Name First Telephone E-mail

Reference 2


Last Name First Telephone E-mail

Transcript information: Please list all science and mathematics courses taken at the college and university level including the course name and number, name of college or university institution, year taken, and grade received. Additional courses can be appended to this application as needed.

|Course Name & Number |Institution Name |Year Taken |Grade |

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Statement of interests: For the program that you are applying for, please attach a statement (essay) that describes why you are interested in this program, why you would be an exceptional candidate, your educational and career goals, and your research interests.

Program descriptions:

USDA-HSI: Development of a new generation of environmental scientists through an undergraduate program of inquiry-based instruction, independent research, and professional development.

The overall goal of this project is to attract, train, and support underrepresented undergraduate students in field of environmental science. Participants will be provided (1) intensive summer instruction, (2) independent research opportunities, (3) internships with USDA or other agencies, (4) opportunities to disseminate research results at a U. S. scientific meeting, and (5) instructional support and mentoring as students work toward achieving their Bachelor of Science (BS) degree.

Eligibility: Freshman-sophomore minority students majoring in biology or related science disciplines (6 participants/year).

NSF-IRES: Development of a new generation of tropical ecologists through research and instruction opportunities in the Cerrado and Pantanal of Brazil.

The goal of this project is to train a new generation of tropical ecologists in order to build research capacity in tropical ecology. Participants will be provided (1) interdisciplinary training in tropical ecology, (2) independent research opportunities, (3) stipends and travel support for the participation of U.S. undergraduate students, and (4) opportunities to disseminate research results at a U. S. scientific meeting.

Eligibility: Undergraduate students majoring in biology or related science disciplines (4 participants/year). Must have a valid passport.

For more information, contact

Dr. George Vourlitis

Department of Biological Sciences

Science Hall 1- Room 320

California State University

San Marcos, CA 92096, USA

Phone: 760-750-4119

Fax: 760-750-3440


Completed applications must be returned to:

|Dr. George Vourlitis |Ms. Rita Cooper |

|Department of Biological Sciences |Office of Biomedical Research and Training |

|Science Hall 1- Room 320 |Academic Hall- 410 |

|California State University |California State University |

|San Marcos, CA 92096, USA |San Marcos, CA 92096, USA |

|Phone: 760-750-4119 |Phone: 760-750-1084 |

|Fax: 760-750-3440 |Fax: 760-750-3401 |

|Email: |Email: |


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