April 1, 2010



Board President, Dr. William H. Green, called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.


Roll call was taken by Board Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Gary Levy, with the following results:

Those present:

William H. Green, DVM Board President

Steven V. Slaton, DVM Board Vice President

Gary T. Levy, DVM Board Secretary-Treasurer

John C. Prejean, DVM Board Member

Mica F. Landry, DVM Board Member

Michael Tomino, Jr. Board General Counsel

Wendy D. Parrish Board Executive Director

Those absent: None.


Fenton Lipscomb, DVM, Bland O’Connor – LVMA

Mike Thomas, DVM, Rick Tubbs, DVM – NBVME (1:00pm)


A. Board Meeting February 4, 2010

The Board reviewed the minutes from the February 4, 2010 Board meeting. Motion was made by Dr. Prejean to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Dr. Levy, and passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. Financial Reports – January, February 2010

Ms. Parrish and Board Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Levy presented the financial reports for the months of January and February 2010 for review. Motion was made by Dr. Prejean to approve the financial reports as presented, seconded by Dr. Levy, and passed unanimously by voice vote.

B. Letter of Agreement Renewal FY2011 – National Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (NAVLE) – Ms. Parrish presented the proposed letter of agreement with NBVME for the national veterinary licensing examination for review. No monies are involved in this contract as the applicant pays the examination fee directly to NBVME. The agreement meets all requirements for contracting with Louisiana governmental entities. Motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Prejean to approve the use of the NAVLE and for renewal of the contract as presented. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

C. Letter of Agreement Renewal FY2011 – American Association of Veterinary State Boards (VTNE) – Ms. Parrish presented the proposed letter of agreement with AAVSB for the national veterinary technician licensing examination for review. Changes were noted in that the VTNE begins computer-based testing with the Summer 2010 testing window. No monies are involved in this contract as the applicant will pay the examination fee directly to AAVSB. Motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Levy, to give Mr. Tomino authority to review and revise the contract as required for contracting with Louisiana governmental entities subject to Board approval. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

D. Contract Renewal FY2011 – Greg Brown, CPA – Ms. Parrish presented the proposed contract for accounting services for review. No changes were noted from the previous fiscal year contract with a ceiling of $5,000.00 per year. Motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Prejean to approve renewal of the contract. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

E. Contract Renewal FY2011 – Onesimus Internet Solutions (Website Consultants) – Ms. Parrish presented the proposed contract for website and internet services for review. No changes were noted from the previous fiscal year contract with a ceiling of $1,200.00 per year. Motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Levy to approve renewal of the contract. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. Case 09-0318V Amy B. Christ, DVM (10:00am) – Proposed Consent Order –

Dr. Green was introduced as presiding officer for the proceeding. Dr. Levy was recused as investigating Board member in the case. The respondent waived appearance at the hearing. Mr. Tomino presented the facts of the case, submitted exhibits for review, and a proposed Consent Order for consideration by the Board. Upon conclusion of the presentations and questions, motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr.Slaton, to enter into executive session for consideration of the proposed consent order presented in the case. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote. The executive session was closed to the public and only those Board members on the panel were present.

Motion was made by Dr. Prejean to return to open session, seconded by Dr. Landry, and passed unanimously by voice vote. The meeting was reopened to the public. Motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Slaton to accept the Consent Order as presented for this case. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. National Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (NBVME) (Mike Thomas, DVM, Rick Tubbs, DVM) – (1:00pm) The guests were introduced to the Board members. Drs. Thomas and Tubbs presented information regarding the mission, values and programs of NBVME, as well as the outreach goals and priorities of the organization. Upon conclusion of the presentation, questions and discussion, the guests left the meeting.

No action was taken on this mater.


A. Policy and Procedure – None at this time.

B. Rule Making –

1. None at this time.

C. Practice Act and Rules/Related Matters/Declaratory Statements –

1. Review of query from Rose Lemarie, DVM and Holly Carey, RVT regarding veterinary blood bank endeavor – The Board’s response to Dr. Lemarie and Ms. Carey will be prepared by Mr. Tomino and mailed after Board review/ approval.

2. Review of query from William Mayer, DVM regarding non-veterinarian ownership/surviving spouse ownership of veterinary practice – The Board’s response to Dr. Mayer will be prepared by Mr. Tomino and mailed after Board review/ approval.

3. Review of query from Brian Melius, DVM regarding holding periods for deceased pets – The Board’s response to Dr. Melius will be prepared by Mr. Tomino and mailed after Board review/ approval.

4. Review of query from Becky Bohm, DVM regarding microchip registry information and patient confidentiality – The Board’s response to Dr. Bohm will be prepared by Mr. Tomino and mailed after Board review/ approval.

5. Review of query from Kris Andrews regarding ownership of stray animals presented to facility – The Board’s response to Ms. Andrews will be prepared by Mr. Tomino and mailed after Board review/ approval.

D. Pending 2010 Legislative Bill Update – An update was provided to the Board by Mr. Tomino regarding pending 2010 legislative bills. Mr. Tomino was directed by the Board to prepare comment/information to legislature regarding pending bills adversely affecting its jurisdiction at an appropriate time to be determined by the President.

E. Representation/Proxy Vote Update – An update was provided by Mr. Tomino to the Board regarding AAVSB and LBVM proposed resolution regarding proxy vote of participant boards absent from national meetings.


A. Andrew L. McGraw, DVM – Request for Waiver of Continuing Education Credits During Active Military Duty– After review of the documents and request provided by Dr. McGraw, motion was made by Dr. Prejean, seconded by Dr. Slaton, to approve waiver the DVM continuing education credits for renewal year 2010-2011. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.


A. Michael E. Dugan, DVM – Request for Waiver of Retake of National Examination and Preceptorship Requirement – 2006 graduate of Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Ohio in 2008. The documents submitted did not meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for five years immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Levy, to deny waiver of retaking the national examination and preceptorship requirement. Motion passed by majority vote.

B. Michael B. Nance, DVM – Request for Waiver of Retake of National Examination and Preceptorship Requirement – 1988 graduate of Oklahoma State University School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Texas, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Illinois. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Nance, motion was made by Dr. Levy, seconded by Dr. Prejean to approve waiver of retake of the national examination and waiver of preceptorship requirement as the documents meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for five years immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

C. Elizabeth J. Vander Velde, DVM – Request for Waiver of Retake of National Examination and Preceptorship Requirement – 2002 graduate of Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in New York. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Vander Velde, motion was made by Dr. Slaton, seconded by Dr. Levy to approve waiver of retake of the national examination and waiver of preceptorship requirement as the documents meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for five years immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

D. Angela S. Christodoulou, DVM – Request for Waiver of Retake of National Examination and Preceptorship Requirement – 1988 graduate of Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Mississippi. Following review of the documentation submitted by Dr. Christodoulou, motion was made by Dr. Slaton, seconded by Dr. Landry to approve waiver of retake of the national examination and waiver of preceptorship requirement as the documents meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for five years immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

E. Nancy Emilie Bohnhoff, DVM – Request for Waiver of Retake of National Examination and Preceptorship Requirement – 1981 graduate of Iowa University School of Veterinary Medicine, licensed in Arkansas, New Jersey and Minnesota. The documents submitted did not meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for five years immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion was made by Dr. Prejean, seconded by Dr. Slaton, to deny waiver of retaking the national examination and preceptorship requirement. Motion passed by majority vote.

F. Cara Lisa Field, DVM – Request for Waiver of Retake of National Examination and Preceptorship Requirement – 2005 graduate of University of California Davis, licensed in California, Rhode Island and Connecticut The documents submitted did not meet the criteria of full-time clinical veterinary practice for five years immediately prior to application and valid veterinary medical licensure in another state. Motion was made by Dr. Levy, seconded by Dr. Landry, to deny waiver of retaking the national examination and preceptorship requirement. Motion passed by majority vote.


A. New Licenses and Certificates Issued:

Wall certificates were presented for signature for the following licenses/certificates issued since the previous Board meeting:


2881 Christopher Charles Hayes

2882 Gregory Lyle Bennett, Jr.

2883 Maria Gabriela Roman Orozco

2884 Nicole Leigh-Anne Palermo

2885 Sarah Evette Atkins

2886 Clare Michelle Foley

2887 Elizabeth Marie Brown


8192 Heather Nicole McElroy

8193 Ashlyn V. Sliman

8194 Shaquinthia Quarshe’ Phillips

8195 Kristin Marley Smith

8196 Trishia Lee Hadley

B. April Newsletter – Ms. Parrish was directed to proceed with publication of the April newsletter which will include updated rule promulgation regarding continuing education requirements for renewal year 2011-2012.


A. LVMA Request for Appearance/Fenton Lipscomb, DVM – Dr. Lipscomb was introduced to the Board and presented information regarding pending legislative bills, their impact to the veterinary profession, and proposed opposition to certain bills by LVMA. The Board again explained its function regarding consumer protection and its ability to provide “comment/information only” to the legislature and then only regarding legislative bills which impact its stated function. Upon conclusion, Dr. Lipscomb left the meeting. No action was taken on this item.


Motion was made by Dr. Landry to go into executive session to discuss issues and receive legal advice regarding potential contested matters and personnel matters, seconded by Dr. Levy, and passed unanimously by voice vote. Upon conclusion of discussion of the issues, motion was made to return to regular session by Dr. Slaton, seconded by Dr. Landry, and approved unanimously by voice vote.

A. Authority to Pay Lodging Rate – Motion was made by Dr. Slaton, seconded by Dr. Levy, to allow payment of lodging rate over the $101.00 approved state travel rate for the Board President stay when the Lod Cook Hotel facility has no rooms available at the pre-approved rate. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

B. Certified Animal Euthanasia Training Course – Motion was made by Dr. Landry, seconded by Dr. Prejean, to direct Mr. Tomino to continue legal research regarding the CAET training program and the proposed changes requested by interested parties. The current program will proceed through August 2010 scheduled dates. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote.


There being no further business before the Board, motion was made by Dr. Prejean, seconded by Dr. Slaton, and passed unanimously by voice vote to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 3:54 p.m.



Gary Levy, DVM, Board Secretary -Treasurer


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