Script for Module 1: Refresh Your Perspective on the Storm ...

Training Overview

Module 4: Minimizing the Pollutant Load

Estimated Time Required: 20 - 30 minutes

Learning Objectives:

After completing Module 4 attendees will be able to:

1. Explain how sweeping, floatable control and waste management impact water quality

2. Locate areas that need special attention in sweeping and/or litter control

3. List acceptable uses for sweepings

Materials Needed:

For the presentation

o Power Point Presentation:

▪ \Module4_Final\Module_4_Minimize_Pollutant_Load.ppt

o Script for Presentation:

▪ \Module4_Final\Script_for_Module_4.doc

o Maps showing special sweeping areas and/or more intensive litter patrols, if available

o Sticky notes

o Pens/pencils

o Flip chart

o Computer with Power Point

o Projector

Additional Resources:

o None


1. Review Module 4

2. Prepare a discussion on your sweeping program (maps, sweeping frequency, equipment, forms). See script for slide #8 for suggested topics

3. Prepare a discussion on your floatables program (maps, schedule, equipment, forms). See script for slide #19 for suggested topics

4. Prepare a discussion on how you dispose of sweepings (uses, temporary storage, equipment, forms). See script for slide #32

5. Prepare a discussion on what you do with catch basin cleanings (transport, dewatering, testing). See script for slide #36

6. If you provide special treatment to avoid the spread of invasives, describe your program at slide #40

Additional References

o Permits/Regulations

▪ Appendix A: Management of Street Sweepings in Rhode Island, “Solid Waste Regulation No. 1 – General Requirements” of the “Rules and Regulations for Composting Facilities and Solid Waste Management Facilities, January 1997 and as amended April 2001 and September 2005”, available at dem.pubs/regs/regs/waste/swrg05_1.pdf

▪ Rule 6.00 (Exempt Activities), Rule 6.03 (Limited Maintenance and Repair Activities), “Rules and Regulations Governing the Administration and Enforcement of the Freshwater Wetlands Act”, June 2007, available at dem.pubs/regs/regs/water/wetlnd07.pdf

▪ Rule 6.00 (Exempt Activities), Rule 6.03 (Limited Maintenance and Repair Activities), “Rules and Regulations Governing the Protection and Management of Freshwater Wetlands in the Vicinty of the Coast”, 1999, available at crmc.regulations/programs/fwwetlands.pdf

▪ Section 300.14, Maintenance of Structures, “Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Program”, September 2007, available at crmc.regulations/programs/redbook.pdf

o Street Sweeping

• “Road and Street Maintenance (SC-70”, California Stormwater BMP Handbook, 2003, available at

• “Street Sweeping”, New Hampshire LTAP at UNH, 2002, available at

• “What Needs Cleaning?” article by Janis Keating in Stormwater magazine, Buyer’s Guide 2008

o Floatables

• Appendix A: Example of a litter trap action plan, “Urban Stormwater: Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines”, electronic edition by CSIRO Publishing, 2006, available at

o Waste Disposal

• “Guidelines for Municipal Management Practices for Street Sweepings & Catch Basin Cleanings”, CT DEP, 2005, available at dep/lib/dep/waste_managemnet_and_disposal/solid_waste/street_sweepings.pdf

• “Road Waste Management” section of Chapter 10 of AASHTO’s Center for Environmental Excellence Environmental Stewardship Practices, Procedures, and Policies for Highway Construction and Maintenance, available at

• “Storm Water O&M Fact Sheet: Handling and Disposal of Residuals”, EPA, 1999, available at npdes/pubs/handdisp.pdf

Sample Agenda

Part 4 – Minimizing the Pollutant Load

10:00 Welcome

10:05 Minimizing the Pollutant Load (30 minutes)

(Using the power point presentation and script for Module 4, go through the presentation. It is recommended that you pause at slide #12 for questions or comments on sweeping, then pause again at slide #23 for questions/comments on floatables.)

10:35 Discussion/Questions (5-10 minutes)

10:45 Adjourn


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