League of Canadian Poets’ PK Page Anthology

League of Canadian Poets' PK Page Anthology

An anthology, Hologram for PK Page, will be produced in support of the League of Canadian Poets' PK Page Trust Fund for mentoring. Each donating/submitting poet will receive a copy of the anthology. Subsequently, every mentor and mentee will receive a copy, too.

Those who will not be submitting poems, but wish to contribute to the PK Trust Fund, please donate $20 (method below). You will receive a copy of the anthology and a donation tax receipt, meaning you will receive more than double the value of your donation. The aim is to make the fund reach $40,000 by the end of 2019 and start a mentoring program in 2020. Thank you for your help.

Those who wish to submit poems, please donate $20 to the fund and follow these guidelines:

Submission Guidelines:

1. Any Canadian poet ? or League member ? can submit up to three poems to the anthology. Please submit poems in English.

2. Individual poems should comprise no more than two pages in a published book. 3. For poems accepted, the editor will choose a maximum of one poem per submission. 4. Subject matters may include a quote from a PK Page poem, be directed to a PK Page

subject matter/poem, be inspired by her art, including ekphrastic responses to her visual work, or connected with her or her work in some other way. 5. Submissions should be made in a word.doc attached to an email sent to: pkpageanthology@. 6. Hologram for PK Page poem prizes will be awarded for first, second and third places. 7. Emails should include the poet's name, postal address, a bio of 100 words and a list of the poems in the attachment. Please indicate that you have paid the submission donation. 8. The submission period ends September 30, 2019, with the book appearing in fall 2020. 9. The donation fee is $20. Please direct your payment to be deposited to the PK Page Trust Fund. Please send a cheque to or pay on-line at the League of Canadian Poets website: . You will also receive a donation tax receipt and a copy of the anthology. 10. You may submit more than once. Each submission should include a $20 donation to the PK Page Trust Fund. 11. Your poem may have been published, or not yet published, provided you own copyright. Please indicate publication status in your attached email. 12. Times 12-point type is preferred.

Additionally, because many poets have a special connection with PK Page, please send a short story, if you have one, on her work, an important meeting with her, or her influence on your writing. Some of these will be published in the anthology.

Editors: Yvonne Blomer, DC Reid


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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