Diaphragmatic Breathing handout

Diaphragmatic Breathing InstructionsAssume a comfortable positionSitting or lying on backEyes closed (optional)Wear comfortable clothing or loosen constrictive clothingConcentration (phase 1 – 5) Inspiration, or taking the air into your lungs through the nose or mouthA very slight pause before exhalingExhalation, or releasing the air from your lungs through the passage it entered Another very slight pause after exhalation before the next inhalation is initiated RepeatVisualizationOnce proficient at diaphragmatic breathing visualization can be introduced into the exercise, such as cloud breathing, alternate nostril breathing, and or energy breathing. Four Diaphragmatic Breathing ExercisesEqual BreathingBeginning with the breath inhale for a count of four, then exhale with the same count all through the nose, which adds a natural resistance to the breath. For a more advanced equal breathing exercise aim for six to eight counts per breath. This exercise can be done anywhere but can be very effective before bed. Abdominal Breathing TechniqueStart with one hand on the chest and the other on the stomach. While taking a deep breath through the nose ensure that the diaphragm inflates, stomach, while stretching the lungs. Do 6 – 10 deep breaths per minute for 10 minutes. This exercise will help to lower heart rate and blood pressure very useful before an exam or other stressful event.Alternate Nostril BreathingBegin in a sitting position with correct posture. While holding the right thumb over the right nostril inhale through the left nostril. Just before exhaling close the left nostril, with the ring finger, and exhale through the right nostril. Continue this breathing pattern for 15 – 20 breaths and then switch sides. Once comfortable with alternate nostril breathing on can try alternating the inhalation process, inhale right exhale left then inhale left exhale right, for a more advanced breathing exercise. This exercise is done to unite the right and left sides of the brain while having a balanced and calming effect. Use this breathing exercise when wanting to focus or reenergize oneself. Skull Shining BreathStart by inhaling a long slow breath which is followed by a quick exhale from the lower stomach, the exhale should be powerful. Once comfortable with this breathing pattern inhale and exhale the pattern through the nose. After, feeling comfortable with the breathing pattern done through the nose try the inhale-exhale technique every two seconds for a total of 10 breaths. This exercise will help during a warm up or when one first wakes up from a night’s sleep, nap, or even if one finds they are drowsy. ReferencesSeaward, B. L. (2009). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being (6th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett PublishersShakeshaft, J. (2012). 6 breathing exercises to relax in 10 minutes or less. Retrieved August 30, 2014, from: ................

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