Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Grade 9-12: Understanding Nutrition in Relation to Physical Fitness



1. Understand the science behind weight loss, weight gain, and weight maintenance

2. Define and understand BMI, BMR, and TEE

3. Calculate BMI, BMR, and TEE using formulas and their individual measurements

Bench Marks:

HE.912.B.4.1: Evaluate personal health practices and overall health status to include overall dimensions of health.

HE.912.P.1.1: Analyze the role of individual responsibility and enhancing health.

LACC.910.SL.1.1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grade 9-10 topics, text, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

Materials Needed:

• Paper and pencils

• BMI, BMR, and TEE formulas displayed for students to use

Activity 1 Introduction (25 Minutes):

1. Review the science behind weight gain, weight loss, and weight maintenance (Grade 6 Nutrition Lesson).

a. Discuss calories per pound.

i. 1lb=3500 calories.

b. Review:

i. Energy consumed = energy expended = weight maintenance.

ii. Energy consumed > energy expended = weight gain.

iii. Energy consumed < energy expended = weight loss.

c. Discuss BMI- body mass index.

i. BMI is a personal height to weight ratio.

ii. Commonly used in Doctors’ offices as an assessment tool to determine if an individual is underweight, normal, overweight, or obese.

• Underweight = ................

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