Health & Wellness Inspiration from Isagenix on

Title: My Personal Experience With the Isagenix 9-Day System Coming off a very fun-filled weekend spending time with family and friends at parties, barbecues and football games (read: pizza, chips and dip, beer and Mexican food), I felt it was the perfect time to boost my weight-loss efforts and try the Isagenix 9-Day System! Admittedly, it was my first time committing to a program like this, so I was a little nervous because I didn’t know what to expect. I planned some healthy dinner options with the help of the Isagenix Recipe Guide , which helped me get organized and feel more prepared. The Isagenix 9-Day System, comes with one IsaLean? Shake, two bottles of Cleanse for Life, one bottle of Natural Accelerator, and one bottle of Isagenix Snacks. You can also customize your Pak with add-ons like e+? energy shots and IsaDelight? chocolates to satisfy cravings. When you do the 9-Day System, it is recommended that you complete at least two Shake Days prior to a Cleanse Day, to create an environment in your body that helps enhance the effects of cleansing. On Shake Days, you replace conventional meals with two IsaLean Shakes and have one sensible (400-600 calorie) meal. On Cleanse Days, you drink four servings of Cleanse for Life and chose two snacks to eat throughout the day. Armed with my products, I was ready to get started!Day 1: Monday, Sept. 24 (Shake Day) I made my first shake at work with help from a friend at the office. She showed me how to make my shake using the IsaBlender? Max. She also gave me some great ideas about adding fruit, Isagenix Coffee or even cinnamon to enhance the flavor. At lunchtime, I went to the grocery store to pick up some lean turkey deli meat, avocado, almonds and fresh berries. For my afternoon shake, I added in half a banana which made it even more creamy and delicious. On the way home from work, I texted my husband to tell him how surprised I was that I didn’t feel hungry or tired. When I prepared dinner, I snacked on a few slices of red bell peppers and made a healthy chicken and veggie stir-fry with rice.I completed my first day and felt ready to do it again! Day 2: Tuesday, Sept. 25 (Shake Day)I slept great and woke up feeling good. I made myself a shake at home to drink on the way to work. I used 4 ounces of unsweetened iced coffee and added half a banana. I also added in a splash of non-fat milk. So good!I packed myself a few low-calorie snacks to get me through the work day. Mid-morning, I ate three slices of turkey lunchmeat and 1/4 of an avocado. I felt full at lunchtime, so I decide to postpone my afternoon shake a few hours. Later that afternoon I had another shake and before I left work, I ate a string cheese and an IsaDelight. At home, I grilled a veggie burger, made a garden salad with low-calorie dressing and cooked a sweet potato. I ended the day feeling satisfied.Day 3: Wednesday, Sept. 26 (Cleanse Day)When I woke up, I felt hungry and had a headache. Not the best way to start my first Cleanse Day. But, when I weighed myself, I had lost 1 pound, which was encouraging. I was honestly not looking forward to this day, but knew I could do it. After I got to work, I drank my first serving of Cleanse for Life and tried to stay busy. I ate a small apple, had one IsaDelight and drank a lot of water. I learned that it’s very important to stay hydrated on Cleanse Days. By lunchtime, my headache had not gone away, and I felt tired and out of it. I couldn’t tell if that was because I hadn’t had caffeine or because I needed food. Either way, I decided to make myself a cup of black tea and had another IsaDelight to try and get rid of my headache. I also ate one of my chocolate flavored Isagenix Snacks, which was a good distraction. I had a lot of work to do and tried to stay focused to cross off items off on my to-do-list! I started to get worried that my headache would never go away, so I reached out to our nutrition education specialist Taylor who recommended I eat or drink something every hour to maintain my blood sugar levels. She said my headache could be from a caffeine withdrawal or that my body needs more calories. She suggested I try a bag of Whey Thins? or have more apple. Instead, I opted to power through and just kept drinking water. My fog finally lifted around 3:30 p.m. Yay! When I left the office around 5 p.m., I was tired but made dinner for my family. It was a little strange to sit down at the table and eat nothing, but it was nice just to catch up. I had a pear and my last IsaDelight because my headache started to come back. I drank a lot of water and went to bed at 9:30 p.m.I DID IT!Day 4: Thursday, Sept. 27 (Shake Day)Woke up feeling shaky and a little dizzy, but not starving. I made the kids pancakes (that never happens!) and took them to school. It was a work from home day and I was excited to make my shake. But before I did that, I weighed myself and lost another 2.5 pounds! A few hours after my shake, I cooked two eggs using coconut oil cooking spray and it was so good! I felt alert and had a lot of energy. I had some healthy snacks throughout the day and enjoyed my afternoon shake. For dinner, I made grilled chicken sausage, salad and rice. Day 5: Friday, Sept. 28 (Shake Day)Took the day off from work because it was my son’s birthday. After my morning shake, I decided to go for a run. I made some eggs when I got home, which kept me full most of the afternoon. We brought donuts to my son’s school to celebrate his birthday and I threw an apple in my bag to snack on. We had a busy afternoon running errands with the kids and then went to dinner for the birthday boy. I looked at the menu in advance and planned out what I would order so there were no temptations. We went to one of my favorite breweries where I would normally have a beer (or two), and a giant salad with way too many calories. Instead, I stuck to soda water with lime and had grilled chicken, black beans and brown rice. It was very filling and quite delicious! After dinner we went to the movies and the smell of buttery popcorn wasn’t even tempting. Day 6: Saturday, Sept. 29 (Shake Day)Started the weekend at my son’s soccer game. Then I went to the grocery store to pick up some fruit and lunchmeat to snack on throughout the day. I had my shake and later in the morning made some eggs. We were out most of the day running errands and getting organized. I stayed on track (TMI warning) even though I got my monthly visitor and wanted to eat ALL the chocolate and potato chips. My husband had a night out with friends, so I picked up a Greek salad at my favorite restaurant and grabbed fast food for the kids (a rare treat in our house). Day 7: Sunday, Sept. 30 (Shake Day)Woke up and prepared a shake. I began looking up different shake recipes to change things up. My favorite is to add unsweetened iced coffee, a little water, ice and half a banana to my shake. It’s so quick and easy. I went grocery shopping for the week to plan out some healthy dinners. My daughter wanted to make homemade chocolate chip cookies. I helped her in the kitchen and instead of shoving cookie dough in my mouth, I washed the bowl when we were done and got it into the dishwasher. When the cookies came out of the oven (OMG my house smelled amazing), I cut them up for everyone and Did. Not. Take. One. Bite. Go me!The kids spent the night at my parents, so my husband and I planned to go out to dinner. Instead of worrying if the restaurant offered a “light menu” (they don’t), I knew I could stick to something healthy and stay on track. After what seemed like a very long day at home with the kids (lots of fighting and whining), my patience level had reached an all-time low. I really wanted a glass of wine or a margarita with dinner. For a few seconds, I convinced myself that I deserved one before my husband talked me out of it. He was right. I’ve followed this plan religiously for nearly a week, why would I mess it up now? Dinner was at one of my favorite restaurant’s that usually calls for a celebratory drink (nope), to-die-for corn bread (not this time) and a slice of the most amazing key lime pie for dessert (sorry). Instead, we shared a bottle of sparkling water and I opted for the grilled chicken salad. I enjoyed every bite. It was a nice, relaxing evening. Having quality time alone with my husband doesn’t mean we can’t go out to dinner. I’ve learned that the Isagenix program can work even during special nights. Day 8: Monday, Oct. 1 (Shake Day)Although I hadn’t weighed myself since Friday, I have started to see results. I now have a little more wiggle room in my jeans and my skin feels good. I have a Cleanse Day ahead and I’m thinking about trying to do back-to-back Cleanse Days to end this program with good results. Now that I’ve done a Cleanse Day, I know what to expect and can plan accordingly to eliminate any headaches. I had my morning shake and brought some healthy snacks to work – hard boiled eggs, pretzel sticks and an apple. I have a lot of meetings today and not much time to make a shake. After talking to my co-workers, they suggested I have an IsaLean? Bar instead. Luckily, in our café downstairs, I was able to purchase an IsaLean Bar in Chocolate Decadence at lunchtime. This was definitely a nice way to change things up and great to have on hand for busy days. I drank a lot of water and felt good. I went home and prepared turkey chili for my family on a dark, rainy evening. I slept really well. Day 9: Tuesday, Oct. 2 (Shake Day)Back at it. I had a shake in the morning and packed my snacks for the day – low-fat Greek yogurt, pretzels and a string cheese. I planned on grabbing another IsaLean Bar in our café for lunch. Drank a lot of water in preparation for tomorrow – Cleanse Day! Felt like exercising after being at work all day, not only to get fresh air but also spend some time outdoor with my kids. They are on fall break this week and the weather has finally cooled off, so we are trying to take advantage of time outside. I got home a little after 5 p.m., quickly changed into workout clothes and asked if anyone wants to come with me. My middle daughter jumped at the chance to ride her bike and I run behind her. She asks to stop at the park and play. I enjoyed catching up with her.Came home and made dinner, watched “This Is Us” and went to bed. Day 10: Wednesday, Oct. 3 (Cleanse Day) Here we go again. Except this time, I felt good – no fog (just yet), drank a lot of water and had my first serving of Cleanse for Life. I was hungry and had an Isagenix Snack. It was a busy morning and afternoon at work. I had another serving of Cleanse for Life and an Isagenix Snack. I also had an IsaDelight and some apple. I didn’t have a headache, but I saved a cup of hot tea for a little bit later. I’m not sure if I will be doing another Cleanse Day tomorrow, but I think I can do it. I’m am trying to just play it by ear and see how I feel in the morning. Had a cup of hot tea, another IsaDelight and was plugging away at work. I felt alert and awake. I went home, made dinner for the kids and my husband and had another apple. Drank a lot of water and felt OK. I was hungry but did not feel like I did last week on Cleanse Day – I call that a victory! I went to bed early (the key to getting through Cleanse Day) and slept very well.Day 11: Thursday, Oct. 4 (Cleanse Day/Shake Day) Today is my last day! I weighed myself and was down another 1.5 pounds! I decided I wanted to have a shake, so I can focus at work. I had a lot to do and didn’t feel like I could concentrate. Although I was going to attempt another Cleanse Day, I decided that I’m going to make it a modified Shake/Cleanse Day. I learned that’s what’s so great about the Isagenix program. There are guidelines, but you can modify the program, so it works for you. After my delicious chocolate shake, I immediately perked up and felt better. My stomach was ready for food, but my mind was clear, and I was able to focus on work. I had a low-fat Greek yogurt and an IsaDelight and continued to work. It’s National Taco Day and there were free tacos at the office for lunch. Instead, I powered through and had an apple. I drank more water and stayed distracted at work. In the afternoon I had a Slim Cake and a string cheese. I went home, spent more time outside with my kids, made them dinner for them and went to bed. Final thoughtsWhen I woke up on Friday morning, I was excited to weigh myself. I was happy to step on the scale and see a 6-pound weight loss*. Hard work pays off! I am lucky to have such supportive colleagues who encouraged me along the way. But mostly, I’m proud of myself for sticking with it and am happy with the results. I now feel a lot more familiar with the Isagenix products and can see how well the system can work. It was nice to put some food in my belly this morning, but I do think shakes will be part of my morning routine. I also realized how little calories my body really needs to function – a lot less than I thought. When I asked Taylor about how to maintain momentum after the 9-Day System, she said, “Set your goal to have at least one shake each day and do one Cleanse Day a month. This will enable you to get back to your life a little bit more but maintain the healthy habits you gained during you’re your experience!”She also said Isagenix is a lifestyle, which didn’t really resonate with me until Monday morning when I weighed myself after a weekend of indulging. Not only was the scale up a few pounds, but I felt bloated and uncomfortable. Maybe a better approach would have been to splurge on one meal, not every meal during the weekend. Lesson learned.I felt myself quickly falling into bad habits and didn’t want all my hard work to go to waste, so I made myself a shake before I left for work this morning. It feels good to get back on track. Taylor says that starting your day with a shake is a great foundation to make healthier choices for the rest of the day. This now rings especially true for me. Ready to try it? Click here to order your Isagenix 9-Day System.*Results not typical. Weight loss, muscle gain, lifestyle, and other results depicted here reflect exceptional individual experiences of Isagenix Customers and should not be construed as typical or average. Results vary with individual effort, body composition, eating patterns, time, exercise, and other factors, such as genetic and physiological makeup. In a two-phase study performed from 2015-2016 by Skidmore College in New York, researchers evaluated use of Isagenix products for weight loss. As part of the weight loss phase, the participants took part in a calorie-controlled regimen of Shake Days and one Cleanse Day per week and lost an average of 24 pounds after 12 weeks. View the study results. ................

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