First 5 Yolo

FIRST 5 YOLOCommission Meeting MinutesMay 10, 2017The First 5 Yolo Children and Families Commission met on the 10th day of May, 2017 at First 5 Yolo located at 502 Mace Blvd. Ste. 11, Davis CA 95618 at 3:00 p.m. ?Commissioners in Attendance: Jenn Rexroad, Heidy Kellison, Jim Provenza, Jill Cook, Sally Brown, Jenn Rexroad, Francisco Castillo, and Sue Heitman Staff in Attendance: Gina Daleiden, Lauren Adams, Victoria ZimmerlePublic in Attendance: Marianne Estes?Item #1: Call to order J. Provenza called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.?? ?Item #2: Roll Call Absent: Jesse Ortiz?Item #3: Approval of Agenda ApprovedChair: J. Provenza deemed it approved Item #4: State of Conflict and Recusal? None. ?Item #5: Public Comment? J. Provenza welcomed those in attendance and invited the public to address the Commission on any issue that was not on the agenda.?? ?Public comment:? NoneItem # 6: Updates and Announcements from the Chair? In his capacity as Member of The Board of Supervisors, J. Provenza reported on a recent trip to Washington, D.C. to advocate for healthcare issues and other issues impacting Yolo County.?Item # 7-11 Consent Agenda 7.?? Approve 4/12/17 Commission Meeting Minutes 8.?? Adopt June 2017 Commission Calendar 9 Approve Finance Committee Meeting Minutes from 4/24/17 10. Accept report on Q3 Funded Partner Progress11. Declare as Surplus Various Equipment and Other Property That Are No Longer of Use to First 5 Yolo, and Authorize ED to Dispose of Surplus Items.?Approve consent agenda items 7-11, with the updated minutes handed out at the meeting. Updates to Item #13 as noted.MOTION:?N. Arnold SECOND:?S. HeitmanMotion carries unanimously Item #12: Public Hearing and Adoption of Annual Update to First 5 Yolo Strategic Plan? OPEN PUBLIC HEARING 3:03pm. Chair Provenza opened the Public Hearing. No Public Comments.Executive Director reported that First 5 Yolo annually updates the Strategic Plan. July 1st will begin the 3rd and final year of the current Strategic Plan. Commission reviewed staff recommended updates to the Strategic Plan. Changes include an update to the Commissioner and Staff List, updated program placements in Priority Areas, the additional of Objective 1d in Priority 4, and updates to the Funding Plan to reflect the most current program spending. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING 3:06pm.Motion to Approve Annual Update to First 5 Yolo Strategic PlanMOTION:?S. HeitmanSECOND:?J. RexroadMotion carries unanimously ?Item #13: Adopt Policy Revisions to First 5 Yolo Administrative Policies and Procedures Chapter 5 and 7, Accounting Policies to Allow New Method of Cost Allocations and Align with Current Fiscal ProcedureFirst 5 Yolo periodically reviews and updates its Policies and Procedures to ensure they are in line with best practices. Staff recommended changes to Chapters 5 & 7 to properly reflect First 5 Yolo current practices. Staff further recommended changing the policy language related to cost allocation to allow for a change to the annual cost allocation method. First 5 Yolo Business Services Officer has collaborated with other First 5 finance staff to help ensure changes are in line with best practices. Staff added a correction and clarification to the updated Chapter 5 included in the agenda packet. Page 6, under the “Cash” section, bullet point #5, was amended to include the following: “Note: First 5 Yolo banks with the county treasury and as such, the Yolo County Department of Finance is responsible for posting entries, making payments, and bank statement reconciliation. First 5 Yolo verifies that all invoices have been paid and expected expenditures match actuals.” Staff highlighted that First 5 Yolo Cal-Card protocols have greater controls and are aligned with best practices. Only one employee (Management Services Officer) has a Cal-Card, and the two other employees review and approve the purchases. Executive Director gives final approval for all purchases and Business Services Officer inputs and tracks the transactions. ?Adopt Policies and Procedures Chapters 5 and 7 with revisions discussed.MOTION: J. Rexroad SECOND: S. Heitman Motion carries unanimously ?Item #14: Adopt New Method of Cost Allocation Per First 5 Regulations? Staff explained that this item follows the adopted changes to policy addressing cost allocation in the previous agenda item Staff detailed that First 5 commissions are required to report expenditures across three activity types: evaluation, program, and administration. Staff recommended moving to a cost allocation method based on regular review of each staff position description to determine cost allocation formula for all shared costs. The change would allow for more accurate reporting of staff time, rather than relying on “snap-shot” time studies which do not necessarily reflect work over a full year. The proposed plan would analyze the position description of each staff member to determine the allocation percentages across each activity (admin, program, and evaluation), then allocate shared cost items (e.g., rent, maintenance, small tools, etc.) based on the weighted average of allocation percentages from all employees. There are some items that are allocated wholly to a single cost center. For example, a pass through grant would be allocated 100% to "program."It was further noted that First 5 Yolo will no longer complete the MAA time studies, as new MAA regulations for reimbursement do not make the return on investment of time sensible for First 5 Yolo. First 5 Yolo continues to support direct service partners in exploring options for MAA funding. Adopt new method of cost allocations and proposed Cost Allocation Plan per First 5 regulationsMOTION: H. Kellison SECOND: F. Castillo Motion carries unanimously ?Item #15: Accept Year-to-Date Revenue and Expenditure Summary Report FY 16/17? Staff presented the Year-to-Date Revenue and Expenditure Summary Report for fiscal year 16/17, noting variances and best estimates for the remainder of the year. Actuals will be calculated after the close of the fiscal year, June 30, 2017. Executive Director reported that she has been in contact with Howard Newens, Yolo County, Chief Financial Officer, to review options and recommendations for further delineating categories of fund balance (reserves) for the FY17/18 Budget.The Commission reviewed financial detail, asked questions, and discussed. Accept Year-to-Date Revenue and Expenditure Summary Report for FY 16/17MOTION: H. Kellison SECOND: N. Arnold Motion carries unanimously ?Item #16: Adopt First 5 Yolo 3-Year Sustainability Budget ReviseStaff presented the 3-Year Sustainability Budget, with revisions to update as of May 2017, as included in the agenda packet and recommended by the Finance Committee. To date, there were no updated projections related to Proposition 56. Executive Director and Finance Committee highlighted a reduction in staffing from 3.75FTE to 3.25FTE, in order to protect the longer term sustainability of First 5 Yolo and protect its ability to invest in programming for children and families. Executive Director recommended 3.25FTE as sustainable management of First 5 Yolo. The .25FTE will be flexible, “extra-help” hours in FY17/18, rather than a permanent staff position. This will allow flexibility to address the changing needs of First 5Yolo.Across the three year budget plan, staffing costs include increasing CalPERS costs for unfunded pension liability. Decreasing total costs in staffing in FY16/17 represent savings from personnel and position reorganization. In FY17/18, the notable drop in personnel costs is associated with the move from 3/75FTE to 3.25FTE, particularly the reduction from 4 benefit packages to 3.Staff also explained that work is being done to better refine individual line items for the FY17/18 budget to give a truer picture of necessary expenditures. As new Executive Director has been implementing cost cuts in operations and tracking expenses over the first year, better projections for costs can be made moving forward. The Executive Director and Business Services Officer expressed comfort with projections with some categories reduced reducing some individual line items in the budget, with better specification of reserves, and a contingency amount included in the budget that the Executive Director can move in small amounts up to his/her spending authority limit to account for any variation during the year. The Yolo County Chief Financial Officer has recommended 1-3% of total budget of Prop 10 funding as a reasonable contingency. Using 2% would yield approximately $32,000 for contingency funds, rather than holding that amount in individual line items. Staff expects to bring this new format in June.Staff reported that work is also being done, in consultation with Yolo County Chief Finance Officer Newens, on refining reserve policy and definition of types of reserves currently within Unrestricted Fund Balance. Yolo County Chief Financial Officer recommends 3-6 months of operating expenses held as catastrophic reserves. First 5Yolo has had a policy of holding 6 months in such a reserve, though it has not been specifically labeled within the larger Unassigned Fund Balance.Executive Director also reported that Newens further recommended considering a reserve amount on top of the catastrophic reserve (an unassigned balance) to cover volatility in revenue or expenditures, and cash flow needs at any given time. Executive Director mentioned that, given the potential for a one-time need to cover backfill amounts received in arrears for Proposition 56, a number at or above $400,000 seems prudent for missioners generally agreed with the plan to further refine Unassigned Fund Balance and to review this item in June. Chair Provenza highlighted that more specific delineation could help The Commission better understand if and when funds might be available for choices for funding program rather than sitting in a larger, undefined reserve. Adopt 3-Year Sustainability Budget RevisionMOTION: H. Kellison SECOND: S. BrownMotion carries unanimously Item #17: Adopt FY 17/18 Budget? Staff presented a Summary Budget for FY17/18 based on best projections for revenue and expenditures. A more detailed line item budget with updated individual contract amounts for program expenses, and required cost allocations, will be presented at the June meeting. Staff noted a typo in Category E, Professional Services. The first two listed amounts for Consulting/Contracting and Evaluation are already included in the “Consulting/Contracting” amounts listed as individual line items. Total for Professional Services and Total Expenses are correct. Executive Director noted that the new Sponsorship Policy goes into effect in the coming fiscal year. Staff is working to have the Policy and application uploaded to the website prior to July1, 2017. Commissioners reviewed the Summary Budget. Adopt FY 17/18 Budget, pending a final budget in June 2017.MOTION: H. Kellison SECOND: F. CastilloMotion carries unanimously Item #18: Hold Public Hearing and Review and Adopt Updated Long Term Financial Plan? Staff presented the updated Long Term Financial Plan for First 5Yolo. Commissions are required to maintain a budget that spans at least 5 years to prepare for to illustrate the likely financial outcomes of particular courses of action or factors affecting the environment in which First 5 operates. The Long Term Plan is a planning document showing the intent and/or ability to invest and allocate funds over time. It does not bind or commit the Commission, and is not the same as a detailed, working budget. Staff explained that updated planning documents (attached in Agenda Packet) are graphic representations of revenue and expenses over time, from the inception of First 5 Yolo, providing a tool for analysis of past financial trends, current trends, opportunities, risks, and potential changes or challenges that may require action in the missioners reviewed and discussed the Long Term Financial Plan, noting the trends in revenue and expenditures in the coming years, and the potential uses of excess fund balance. Staff noted that the farther out the projection, the more speculative. Current projections indicate that fund balance generated by savings in FY16/17 and FY17/18 could be used to extend the time period before revenue is projected to meet expenditures. Commissioners discussed the possibility of using that fund balance for the next Strategic Plan to keep program funding levels at or near current levels. J. Cook expressed some concern that the assumptions do not include COLA costs for staff. Executive Director reported that while step increases were included (matching County budgeting practice) for eligible employees, COLA’s were not, only because the Commission has yet to address options for COLA and has no standing commitment at this time. The assumptions are working assumptions and not recommendations. J. Cook noted the importance of at least keeping in mind future planning for COLA increases for stability in personnel. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING 4:12. Chair Provenza opened the Public Hearing. No Public Comments.CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING 4:12Adopt updated Long Term Financial PlanMOTION: F. Castillo SECOND: H. KellisonMotion carries unanimously Item #19: Executive Director ReportExecutive Director provided the following updates:First 5 Yolo’s MHSA-PEI Application for Funding for HMG Yolo was submitted 5/2/17. G. Daleiden expressed her appreciation for the efforts of staff, V. Zimmerle and L. Adams, in preparing a detailed response to the RFP. Staff looks forward to an expanded and more robust Help Me Grow Yolo program with the possibility of leveraging of First 5 Yolo and MHSA funds. Advokid training will be held May 23rd in the Walker/Thompson Rooms at the 137 N. Cottonwood Street, Woodland, CA 95695. From 12-4 will be the Social Worker Training will be held from Noon to 4PM, and the foster parent training will begin at 6PM. Yolo County Health and Human Services has been an enthusiastic partner in this effort. Strategic planning will begin this coming fiscal year, with adoption of a new plan expected in June 2018. Executive Director has talked to First 5 Alameda, a much larger First 5, about possible options for assistance with Yolo’s strategic planning, as Alameda framed their current strategic plan with Friedman RBA. The COO from F5 Alameda has expressed an interest, depending on scope of work and timing. This might be a more effective, and less expensive, option than hiring an outside consultant for the entire process. Sarah Edson, as extra help, will bring some additional ability to handle more of the activity in-house at First 5 Yolo. J. Cook expressed an interest in serving on a strategic planning ad hoc committee.Implications of Affordable Care Act for children and families in Yolo County? H. Kellison has raised the issue of implications of possible changes in ACA and other healthcare related programs. G. Daleiden agreed that The Commission may want to invite Yolo County Children’s Alliance to present on this topic, and have some time to discuss on a future agenda, likely in June. The First 5 Association is also tracking possible changes to legislation and potential impacts to First 5 programs. Executive Director also mentioned possible cuts to home visiting programs, which could affect First 5 Yolo funded Step-by-Step. YCCA will also be asked to present on any concerns for home visiting. Item #20: Commissioner Reports Chair Provenza, H. Kellison, and G. Daleiden reported that a community group working on the Preschool Initiative is preparing to organize for signature gathering to place a measure on the ballot in 2018. S. Heitman reported that Yocha DeHe Tribe has pledged another $1.5 million to support the Esparto Park and Pool Project. The Board of Supervisors has unanimously approved the project.Item #21: Chair Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:42 p.m. The next commission meeting will be held June 14, 2017 from 3 to 5 p.m. at First 5 Yolo, 502 Mace Blvd Ste. 11, Davis, CA 95618 ................

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