MATH 120 Trigonometry, Section ST1 (3 Credits)

MATH 120 Trigonometry, Section ST1 (3 Credits)

Spring 2020 South Dakota State University Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Instructor: Alvin Marvin Bahr Jr. Office: AME Building, Room 246 Online Office Hours: On campus M 2:00 - 3:30, T 2:15 - 3:15, W 8:00 - 8:50, Th 2:15 - 3:15, F 8:00 - 8:50, and On Zoom by appointment. The on campus ones may be subject to change. e-mail: (Best way to reach me!) Phone: 688-6209 or 688-6196 (Math Dept. phone)

The best way to reach me is through e-mail or discussion board posts. I recommend the latter for homework questions, because I guarantee at least one other student will have the same question as you! Although I generally check e-mail and discussion posts regularly throughout the day (and sometimes evenings and weekends), I can only guarantee a response within 24 work-day hours of your original contact.

Course: This course is an online course taught via D2L and MyMathLab.

Course Description: MATH 120 is a course that includes the following topics: trigonometric functions, equations, and identities; inverse trigonometric functions; exponential and logarithmic functions, and applications of these functions.

Prerequisite: Math 114 or placement

Description of Instructional Method: This course is taught online. Students will watch videos and read the e-textbook to complete learning guides. Students will work in groups to complete weekly activities. Students will be assessed through MyMathLab homework and quizzes, group activities, 3 exams, and a final.

Materials: Textbook: Algebra & Trigonometry, 3rd Edition by Kirk Trigsted. The textbook is online only (through MML). MyMathLab (MML): Online homework, quizzes, eText, and gradebook are found on MyMathLab. The access fee is already direct billed to your student account, so you do not need to purchase this separately. Required Calculator: To help students focus on concepts rather than calculations, the required calculator for tests is the TI-30XIIS. No other calculators will be allowed. This calculator is easy to

use, has all of the functionality required for the class, and costs less than $20.

Printer and Scanner: You will need access to a printer and a scanner (or scanning app) in order to complete learning guides, activities, and supplemental labs. On campus, printers and scanners can be found at the Briggs library. Off campus, most public libraries have printers and scanners available. Instead of a scanner, you may also use a smartphone to scan your work. Cam Scanner () is a free scanning app that is very handy!

Grading Criteria: Your final grade will be determined by your performance on the categories listed below. It will be weighted as follows:

Learning Guides and MyMathLab Homework Quizzes (w/ Mastery quizzes) Activities Exam 1 (Fri, February 7th) Exam 2 (Fri, March 6th) Exam 3 (Wed, April 15th) Comprehensive Final Exam (TBA)

Your final exam score will replace your lowest test score 10% if you earn 65% or higher on the final and the 8% replacement benefits you. 10% 17% Note: The final exam is required and is 21% of your final 17% grade regardless of your score. It will count for 21% + 17% 17% of your overall grade if the test replacement policy 21% applies to you.

The grading scale is 90%-100% A, 80%-89% B, 70%-79% C, 60%-69% D, below 60% F.

Feedback: Homework is graded (answer only) on MyMathLab and grades are available as soon as the assignment is complete. Activities and exams are completed on paper and are hand-graded. You are expected to show all work and the work is worth the majority of the credit. Quizzes are graded partly on MML (answers) and partly by hand (work). The answers to the quizzes are available after the due date passes. All hand-graded work (activities, quiz forms, exams) will be returned within one week of the assignment due date. All grades are posted to the MyMathLab gradebook, not D2L.

Budgeting Your Time: The standard expectation for university courses is that for each 1 credit, a student should spend 3 hours of effort per week. So, you should expect to spend 9 hours per week working on this class.

Here is a recommendation on how you might spend your time each week to be successful in this course: Completing the assigned learning guides ? 2 hours Doing homework on MyMathLab ? 2 hours Completing the assigned activity ? 2 hours Studying for and completing the quiz ? 1 hour Completing the supplemental lab worksheet ? 1 hour Additional time for homework, activities, or studying as needed ? 1 hour

Learning Guides: Part of your homework consists of completing the assigned learning guides. Learning guides are designed to lead you through the lecture videos and eText while highlighting important topics, definitions, and examples. In the learning guide, you will be directed when to watch a video, read an example, or try a problem. It is important that you don't have other windows open (iTunes, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) as you watch the videos and read - this causes you to take much longer to complete your learning guide and you will get much less out of it than you would with focused effort on the material. Learning guides are posted under "Content" on D2L.

It is very important that you watch the videos, read the book, and complete the learning guides BEFORE beginning your homework for each section! The homework will be easier and you will complete it faster if you have done your learning guide first.

Learning guides are graded! Your first learning guide will be submitted to the D2L dropbox. You will turn in all other learning guides to your proctor to be graded when you take the exams for this course.

MyMathLab Homework: Homework will be submitted online using MyMathLab. The MyMathLab access fee has already been direct billed to your student account, so you have immediate access to the homework. Use the following directions to access your MyMathLab homework:

Check Your Browser: Make sure you are using either Firefox or Chrome for your web browser.

Enter Your D2L Course: Sign in to D2L and enter your D2L course.

Select the MyLab & Mastering widget on the left side of the D2L course page, and then click on the orange Open MyLab & Mastering button.

Get Access to Your Pearson Course Content: Enter your Pearson account username and password to Link Accounts. If you don't have a Pearson account, select Create and follow the instructions. Do NOT click Temporary Access Select an access option: Enter this access code: WMTACT-QUAIL-MILNE-REVET-TERZA-LUTES

From the You're Done page, select Go to My Courses.

Note: I recommend you always enter your MyLab & Modified Mastering course through D2L and by clicking on the orange Open MyLab & Mastering button.

Homework can be completed on any computer that has internet access, but you may want to check the system requirements found online at

Each online assignment has a due date and you are responsible for completing your homework by the due date.

The best way to prepare for quizzes and exams is to do all the homework (both learning guides and MyMathLab homework)!

Although your homework is completed online, it is recommended that you do your work in a homework notebook.

Homework extensions are granted automatically on MyMathLab, but there will be a 20% penalty per day after the due date on all problems completed after the due date.

Each online assignment has a due date and you are responsible for completing your homework by the due date.

You will have an unlimited number of attempts per homework set, so take the time to fix your mistakes. You can earn 100% on homework!

Quizzes: There will be approximately one quiz every week based on the assigned homework exercises. These quizzes are taken on MyMathLab, but written work will also be graded. The quizzes are timed, and you will need to study for these quizzes in the same way you would study for a proctored quiz in a regular classroom.

To complete a quiz: Go to D2L and print off the quiz form ? you will show your hand written work here Go to MyMathLab to access the quiz. Each quiz is available for 48 hours (11:59 pm Wednesdays to 11:59 pm Fridays). There is a time limit on each quiz and you need to be able to complete all the problems in the time allotted. Complete the quiz by showing your hand-written work on the quiz form and entering each answer on MyMathLab. Scan and upload your quiz form with your work to the D2L dropbox as one PDF file by 11:59 pm on the quiz due date.

Note: The D2L grading app used to hand-grade your work can only recognize PDF files. Any quiz form that is not submitted as one PDF file will receive a score of zero.

If you have trouble completing the quiz in the allotted amount of time, you will need to spend more time before the quizzes preparing for them ? I suggest picking out sample problems from the suggested study plan problems and giving yourself a time limit in which to complete them. It is important that you are able to complete the problems with a time limit, because exams will typically include 15 or so problems and you will have a time limit on exams. After the due date has passed, you will be able to review your quizzes and see the correct answers. Your answers are graded right/wrong on MyMathLab and your written work is hand-scored by me (the work is worth more points than the answers). Partial credit will be given on your written work as appropriate. The best way to prepare for quizzes is to do the homework and asking questions on what you don't understand. One quiz score will be dropped at the end of the semester.

There will be two mastery quizzes given during the first half of the semester. The mastery quizzes are over topics that are imperative to know in order to be successful in this course. They will have a strict time limit, no calculators allowed, and will be scored 100%(perfect), 90%(if you miss one question), or 0%(if you miss more than one question). You may retake the mastery quizzes (at most once per day after emailing to have the quiz reopened) until you score 100%. March 16th is the last day you can retake Mastery Quizzes in order to earn credit for them. You will be given the question types ahead of time so you can adequately prepare. No Mastery Quiz Scores will be Dropped.

Activities: There will be several activities due this semester. Activities are worksheets that have a heavy focus on applications. Activities will be graded for completeness and correct mathematical notation. This means you will be graded on how you write up your work, appropriate mathematical solving techniques from class (written out in an organized stepby-step fashion), and proper use of labels. Partial credit will be used when grading activities.

Activities will be completed in groups. You must join a group on D2L in order to work on and submit activities. To join a group, log on to our class D2L page, click on "Communications" in the yellow bar, and then click on "Groups". Then click on the "Choose Group" link. Each group member must complete their own activity. One randomly selected activity from the group will be graded for completeness and notation, and all group members (who have completed the activity requirements) will receive the group grade.

To earn the group activity grade, you must do the following: Complete all problems by hand either by printing and completing the activity on paper or by using an iPad/tablet. Make a meaningful discussion post to the group discussion board on D2L by the discussion post due date. Save the completed activity as a single PDF file with pages in the correct order. Turn the completed activity PDF file in to the D2L Dropbox by the due date.

NOTE: To get credit for the activity, you must contribute a meaningful post to the group work on the discussion board by the discussion post due date. Requirements for a meaningful post are provided on D2L.

If your meaningful post is late, you will receive 80% of the group score. If you participate on the discussion board but do not make any meaningful posts, you will receive 70% of the group

score. If you do not participate on the discussion board by the due date, you will receive 60% of the group grade.

The activities can be found on D2L on the "Content" page. Unless otherwise directed, activities must be scanned, saved as a single PDF file, and submitted to the D2L Dropbox by the assigned due date. Activities must be submitted as a single PDF file ? any other file type will be treated as if the activity was not turned in and you will receive a zero. Activity discussion posts will usually be due 24 hours before the activity is due.

Exams: The exams for this course are not completed online. Tests are taken on the test due date. However, exceptions may be made to take exams prior to the due date with appropriate justification and documentation. If you live or work within 30 miles of Brookings SD, you will take your exam on the Brookings campus, preferably at the scheduled time. The on-campus exam location will be posted on D2L as an announcement.

If you live or work within 30 miles of a South Dakota Board of Regents testing center (see the BOR Testing Center list on D2L), and may take the test there without paying a fee, you will take your tests there. Otherwise, you will arrange for an approved proctor (which can include a testing center if you so desire) with whom you will take your test (see the proctor form on D2L). Dual-credit high school students may take their exams at their high school rather than at a testing center or SDSU.

Examples of standard exceptions ? documentation required (please notify your instructor a few days prior to the exam)

Illness Death in the family Unable to reschedule job University or High School excused absence University or High School official holiday High School Block Scheduling conflict

Students taking exams at a testing center or with a proctor will be responsible for submitting a completed proctor form no later than Friday, January 30th. If a proctor form is not submitted by this time, I will assume you will be taking the exam in Brookings at the scheduled time. The proctor form can be found under "Content" on the class D2L page. You will need to schedule an hour and twenty minutes for the first four exams and two hours for the final exam.

Exams must be completed in one sitting. Bring a Student ID/Picture ID and completed learning guides to every exam!

Extra Credit/Curving Grades/Final Grades: On D2L you will find supplemental lab worksheets. You will be able to earn up to 5% extra credit (half a letter grade!) on each exam by completing the supplemental lab worksheets, viewing their solutions when they open, and completing a reflection worksheet prior to that exam. The solutions and reflection worksheet will be available under Content after the lab worksheet due date. Supplemental lab worksheets will usually be due at 11:59 PM on the due dates. The reflection worksheets will be due at 11:59 PM the day before exams.

To earn the extra credit, you must do the following: Complete all problems by hand either by printing and completing the lab on paper or by using an iPad/tablet. Save the completed lab as a single PDF file with pages in the correct order. Turn the completed lab PDF file in to the D2L Dropbox by the due date. View the lab solutions to check your work. Complete the reflection worksheet for the supplemental lab and save it as a single PDF file. Turn the completed reflection worksheet PDF file in to the D2L Dropbox by the due date

No other extra credit will be offered, so make the most of this opportunity.

Because you have extra credit opportunities and because you have the opportunity to replace your lowest exam score with your final exam score, I do not curve any tests or final grades. The grade you earn from your performance on coursework is the final grade you will receive. The best way to make sure your grade is where you want it to be at the end of the semester is to put in consistent effort throughout the entire semester and get help IMMEDIATELY. If you fall behind, it can be extremely hard to catch up. There is a lot of material in this course, and it all keeps building on past concepts. Don't put off getting help because you're embarrassed, feel that you "should already know this", or for any other reason. Please come see me during online office hours (or make a special appointment) to get help with your particular needs. I am more than happy to give you extra help if you make the effort to ask for it.

Make-ups and Late Work: Homework: Full-credit extensions on homework are not available. If you do not complete a homework assignment in time, for any reason, you may submit it within 4 days of the original due date for reduced credit. You can do this automatically on MyMathLab. You will receive a deduction of 20% off per day on any problems you do after the due date. If you submitted part of the assignment on time, you will still get full credit for those problems ? only the problems done late will receive the deduction. Quizzes, Activities, and Exams: Make-up quizzes, activities, and exams will be given only in the case of a University (school) absence or a verified excused absence and if the instructor is notified prior to the absence. A verified excused absence may include a death in the immediate family, a sudden illness, injury, accident, high school class scheduling conflict, etc. The instructor will request documentation in order to determine if it is a verified excused absence. Please note that vacations are NOT excused absences. For verified excused absences, work must be completed as soon as possible within one week of the missed exam. For University (school) absences, all makeup work must be completed prior to departure. At the end of the course, your lowest non-mastery quiz score and lowest activity score will be dropped. Supplemental Labs: Supplemental lab worksheets cannot be turned in late or made-up since the answer key is posted immediately following the due date.

Student Academic Integrity and Appeals: The University has a clear expectation for academic integrity and does not tolerate academic dishonesty. University Policy 2.4 sets forth the definitions of academic dishonesty, which includes but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty, misrepresentation, and other forms of dishonesty relating to academics. The Policy and its Procedures also set forth how charges of academic dishonesty are handled at the University. Academic Dishonesty is strictly proscribed and if found may result in student discipline up to and including dismissal from the University.


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