Stellenbosch University


Rip, Arie

Professor of Philosophy of Science and Technology,

University of Twente

P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, Netherlands,

tel. [31] 53 4893345,

telefax [31] 53 4894775,


(April 2002)


Born 13 June 1941, married, two children.


University of Leiden, Faculty of Sciences (Ph.D., doctoral dissertation on "Social Responsibility of Chemists", 1981)

University of Leiden, Department of Chemistry (M.Sc. physical chemistry, with theoretical physics and mathematics (cum laude), 1965)

University of Leiden, Department of Philosophy (B.A. (cum laude), 1964)

University of Leiden, Department of Chemistry (B.Sc. (cum laude), 1962)

Municipal Gymnasium, Schiedam (1959)


Full Professor, University of Twente, September 1987 -

(Honorary) Visiting Professor, University of Stellenbosch (South Africa), January 1998-

Visiting professor, Centre Sociologie de l'Innovation, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, France (April-June 1996).

Guest Professor of Science Dynamics, University of Amsterdam, Nov. 1984- August 1987

Senior Lecturer in Chemistry and Society (tenured), Department of Chemistry, (50%) and senior researcher, Institute for Social Policy Research (Faculty of Social Sciences), (50%), University of Leiden (1982-1984)

Senior Lecturer in Chemistry and Society (tenured), Department of Chemistry, University of Leiden (1974-1982)

Junior Lecturer in Physical Chemistry and Chemistry and Society (tenured), Department of Chemistry, University of Leiden (1971-1974)

Junior Lecturer in Pysical Chemistry (tenured), Department of Chemistry, University of Leiden (1967-1971)

Research Fellow in Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Leiden (1965-1967)

Instructor in Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Leiden (1961-1965)

Additional Experience

Research/study visits to:

· Vacation student project, Unilever Research Laboratories, Welwyn, UK (July-August 1963).

· Research fellow, Program on Science, Technology and Society, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. (August-September 1977).

· Summer seminar fellow, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria (July 1983).

· Guest researcher, Center for Social Research, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI (August 1984).

· Guest researcher and lecturer, Australian Centre for Innovation and International Competitiveness, Faculty of Engineering, University of Sydney, Australia (September-November 1993).

· Visiting professor, Centre Sociologie de l'Innovation, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, France (April-June 1996).

· Visiting researcher, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa (August 1996, October 1997).

· (Honorary) Visiting Professor, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies and MSc Science and Technology Studies, University of Stellenbosch (South Africa), 1998 - .

Examinations abroad:

External examiner for M.Sc. course, Department of Liberal Studies in Science (now Department of Science and Technology Policy), University of Manchester, UK (1980-1982);

External examiner for M.A. course Science, Technology and Society, Department of Social Sciences, Brunel University, UK (1989-1991) and for the CRICT Ph.D. Programme there (1992-1997).

External examiner for Ph.D. examinations in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, University of Keele, UK (1983), the Department for Theory of Science, University of Gøteborg, Sweden (1986), the Centre Sociologie de l'Innovation, École des Mines de Paris (1991), the Department of Administrative, Higher and Adult Education Studies, University of New England, Australia (1995), SPRU, University of Sussex, UK (2000).


Consultant to the Office of Science Policy, Government Ministry of Education and Sciences, The Hague, Netherlands (February-July 1984), preparation of the policy memorandum Integration of Science and Technology in Society.

Member, Evaluation Panel of the COS (Consultative Committee for the Sectoral Advisory Councils), January-May 1998.

Consultant to the University of Natal at Durban, Republic of South Africa, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research, on the new research policy, July-August 1998.

Consultant to NIFU, Oslo, Norway, on the research programme of the institute, October 1998.

Consultant (with Wim Smit) to Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid (WRR) (Scientific Council for Government Policy), Perspectives on Environmental Risk (2001).

Chairman of the Panel assisting the evaluation team, led by Erik Arnold (Technopolis), evaluating the Research Council of Norway (2001).

Expert review for the German BMBF programme Politik, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft (2002)

Professional Activities

Academic and research council activities:

ZWO, now NWO (Netherlands Research Council):

Standing panels ("werkgemeenschappen") on social studies of science (chairman, 1982-86, board member 1986-1993) and philosophy of science (board member, 1981-1982). [Note: From 1994 onward, the standing panels have been abolished.] Member of the Board of cluster CSOC, Foundation for Economic, Social and Spatial Sciences (ESR), 1996-1997 [until this Board was abolished].

Member of the Program Development Committee ‘Societal Component of Genomics Research’, 2001.

Netherlands Graduate School in Science and Technology Studies, Board Member (1988-1994) and Chairman (1991-1993).

[In December 1994, the Graduate School was transformed into a Research School (a format to organize and coordinate excellent research and advanced research training in the Netherlands) which now includes most of the academic science and technology studies activities in the Netherlands (but not the historians); it was certified by the Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, June 1995.]

Research School WTMC ("Science, Technology and Modern Culture"), Chairman of the Board (1995-1998), Director (2000- ).

European Science Foundation, Standing Committee for the Social Sciences, subject representative for science and technology studies (1990-1993). [From 1994 onward, ESF Standing Committees did not include subject representatives anymore.]

Advisory Board for the Research Councils (UK), Member, Subcommittee on Science Policy Studies (1992-1993). [The ABRC was dissolved by the end of 1993.]

Research Evaluation Steering Group (since 1996, Research Evalutation Committee), Economic and Social Research Council (UK), member (1992-2000).

Universität Bielefeld, Institut für Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung (Mitglied, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat, 1994- )

Commission of the European Communities, Human Capital and Mobility Programme, Member of the Panel for Economic and Social Sciences (1994); Transfer and Mobility through Research Programme, Member of the Panel for Economic, Social and Human Sciences (1995), and Chairman (1996-1997).

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), Programme 'Gestion de l'Innovation, Politiques publiques de la science et de la technologie et appropriation des savoirs,' Membre Comité Scientifique (1996-1999).

Economic and Social Research Council (UK), Programme Committee Public Understanding of Science (1997- 2000)

Inter-University Research Center for Technology, Work and Culture, Summer Academy on Technology Studies, Advisory Committee, 1999- .

South-Africa Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development (SANPAD), member of the Dutch National Committee, 2001- .

UK Research Assessment Exercise 2001, Member of the Subgroup Science Policy to the Panel Politics and International Studies, 2001.

Board and advisory committee membership:

Commissie Beleidsgerichtonderzoek Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (CBHW): Advisory Committee for Policy-Oriented Research, Office of Higher Education and Research, Government Ministry of Education and Sciences (member for science studies, 1984-1997). (The Committee was dissolved by the end of 1997.)

Raad van Advies voor Arbeid en Technologie (RAAT): Advisory Council on Labour and Technology, Netherlands Federation of Trade Unions (1987-1993), Member of Council.

Steering Group, Netherlands Organization for Technology Assessment (1986-1994). [In 1993, NOTA changed its name to Rathenau Institute.]

Platform Telewerken Nederland (1992-1995), Member of the Board

Stichting Biowetenschappen Maatschappij, Member of the Board (1990-1995).

Raad voor Volksgezondheid en Ziekte (RVZ), member, Klankbordgroep Nieuwe Risico’s (2000-2001).

International Advisory Committee on Science and Technology Policy, UNESCO (member, 1988-1991).

Observatoire des Sciences et des Techniques, Paris (Member, Scientific Committee, 1990-1999)

Brunel University, Centre for Research into Innovation, Culture & Technology (CRICT) (Member, Advisory Panel, 1993-1998)

Nederlandse Biotechnologische Vereniging (Dutch Biotechnological Society), 'vertrouwensman' (confidential adviser to members for issues related to the professional code of the Society) (1995- ).

Belgian Federal Government, Dienst Wetenschappelijke, Technische en Culturele Aaangelegenheden (DWTC), Interuniversitaire Attractie Polen Programma, member of the Steering Committee, 2001- .

Commission of the European Communities, Programme “Improving the Socio-Economic Knowledge Base”, Member of the External Advisory Board, 2001 –

Organisation of conferences, workshops, and networks (selection: only major international activities):

First and Second Twente Workshops in Technology Studies (1984, 1987), member of organising committee. Papers from the workshops have been revised and published (Bijker, Hughes & Pinch 1987; Bijker & Law 1992).

Co-director NATO Advanced Study Institute "Science in a Steady State?" (Il Ciocco, Tuscany, October 1989). Papers and panel discussions have been published (Cozzens, Healey, Rip and Ziman 1990).

Network Coordinator (with Bernard Bobe, Paris) of the CEC SPEAR Network on Training for R&D Evaluation (1989-1993).

Organizer and Director of training courses on R&D (Programme) Evaluation (University of Twente, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995, 16-18 February 1998, February 2000, 4-7 March 2002; Tecnopolis, Bari (Italy), 1992; Brasilia, 10-14 December 2001).

Co-organizer and member of programme committee (with Johan Schot and Tom Misa), International Workshop on Constructive Technology Assessment (the Twente III workshop), Enschede, The Netherlands, September 1991. A selection of the papers have been published (Rip, Misa & Schot 1995).

COST Activity A4, "Social Shaping of Technology" (1991-1997), member of the Management Committee. Follow-up study (1998-1999), member of the study team.

European Community Human Capital and Mobility Network "The Evaluation of Science and Technology Policy in Europe" (1993-1996), network member.

Co-director of NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Military R&D after the Cold War: Conversion and Technology Transfer in Eastern and Western Europe" (Budapest (Hungary), August 1994). The papers have been published (Gummett et al. 1996).

Director, European Research Conference on Science Policy (Il Ciocco (Tuscany), November 1994).

Co-organizer and member of programme committee (with Ellen van Oost, Cynthia Cockburn and Ruth Oldenziel), International Workshop on "Mutual Shaping of Gender and Technology" (the Twente IV workshop), Enschede, The Netherlands, 6-9 October 1995.

European Community Targeted Socio-Economic Research Programme Network, "Advanced Science and Technology Planning and Policy" (1996-1999), network member.

Anchor teacher, Training Seminar on R&D Management and Administration, Durban (South Africa), 14-16 October 1997, and Workshop on Research Evaluation, Stellenbosch (South Africa), 27-28 July 1998.

Co-organizer and member of programme committe (with Philip Breij, Tom Misa and Andrew Feenberg), International Workshop on "Technology anf Modernity: The Empirical Turn" (the Twente V workshop), Enschede, The Netherlands, 18-20 November 1999. A selection of papers will be published by MIT Press (2002).

Professional societies:

European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (secretary-treasurer (1981-1986) and newsletter editor (1981-1990); Council member 2001- .

International Council for Science Policy Studies, Council Member (1986-).

International Sociological Association, Research Committee on the Sociology of Science (board member, 1982-1986).

Society for Social Studies of Science (president-elect, 1987, president 1988-1989).

Member of a number of national professional societies:

Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging (KNCV); Working Group Philosophy of Chemistry, member of the board (19xx-2000); Section Chemistry in Context, member of the Board (2000 - ).


Nederlandse Vereniging voor Wetenschapsfilosofie

Scholarly journals:

Chemisch Weekblad, member, Redactieadviesraad (1972-1980).

Social Studies of Science, collaborating editor (1982-1992), editorial adviser (1993- ).

Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftsforschung, Beirat (1983-2000).

Social Epistemology, member, editorial board (1986- ).

Technologies, Idéologies, Pratiques, Comité de Lecture (1986- ).

Knowledge in Society, Senior Editorial Advisor (1988-1991).

Science Studies Series (DSWO Press, Leiden), member, Editorial Board (the Series was stopped in 2000)

Knowledge and Society: Studies in the Sociology of Science Past and Present (JAI Research Annual), general editor, 1991-1992.

Public Understanding of Science, member Editorial Advisory Board (1991-1996).

Journal of Risk Research, member Editorial Board (1998- ).

New Genetics and Society, member Editorial Board (1999- ).

Science, Technology and Society, member Editorial Board (2001- )


Reviewer to a number of scholarly journals, including Social Studies of Science, Science, Technology & Human Values, Research Policy, Scientometrics, Organization Studies, American Sociological Review.

Reviewer for conference submissions, including US Academy of Management.

Reviewer for scientific publishers, including Kluwer Academic, MIT Press, University of Chicago Press, Ashgate, Sage Publications.

Reviewer of research proposals and other submissions for funding to:

NWO (Netherlands Research Council)

College voor Zorgverzekeringen

Economic and Social Research Council (UK)

USA National Science Foundation

Australian Research Council

Belgian (Flemish) Foundation for Scientific Research

Belgian Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap

Commission of the European Communities, Fourth Framework Program

Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment (France)

Reviewer for positions (and promotions and tenure decisions):

University of Edinburgh

University of Manchester

University of Lancaster

University of Michigan

Harvard University

Rutgers University

Georgia Institute of Technology

Illinois Institute of Technology

National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies (NISTAD), New Delhi, India

Ongoing research

Current research themes:

· Research management and R&D evaluation, in relation to quality control in science and the interest in (societal) relevance

· Comparative analysis of (national) research systems, their historical and contemporary dynamics, and future developments

· Dynamics of technological development, especially the role of expectations and of "niche" management in the introduction of new technologies and their embedding in society

· Technology assessment as a societal function and possibilities to influence ongoing technological developments (Constructive TA).

· Sociology of risk, including institutional and cultural responses to risk issues

· Narrative analysis; story telling in science and technology (including foresight exercises).

Programme leader:

"Development and societal embedding of science and technology," the five-year research programme of the Department of Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Twente, 1995-1999, successor of the preceding five-year research programme of the same title (1990-1994). In 1997, the title of the programme was changed to "Societal Construction of Science and Technology."

"On the way to micro-optics: technological and societal implications," a specially University-funded research programme, University of Twente, 1992-1997 (with A. Driessen).

"History of Technology in the Netherlands in the 20th Century," an internally and externally funded research programme of a consortium including the Universities of Eindhoven, Twente, Delft, and Limburg, supported by the Foundation for the History of Technology, 1993-2002 (with H. Lintsen, J.W. Schot).

"A social-science design methodology," a special University-funded research programme, University of Twente, 1994-2000 (until 1998 with F.A. van Vught and J. Moonen).

EU, Fifth Framework Programme: Societal Robustness (with Philippe Larédo)

Netherlands Research Council NWO: Hidden novelties in agriculture (with Jan-Douwe van der Ploeg)

Dissertations supervised as "promotor" or "second promotor"

(In the Netherlands, being "promotor" and supervising a Ph.D. thesis has an element of shared responsibility for the final product. The thesis itself is sometimes a monograph or a book. It is always published, but often privately and in a limited edition.)

Vet, P.E. van der, The aborted takeover of chemistry by physics. A study of the relations between chemistry and physics in the present century, University of Amsterdam, 11-03-1987. 293 pp. Second promotor, with Jon Dorling as promotor.

Willink, Bastiaan, Burgerlijk sciëntisme en wetenschappelijk toponderzoek, University of Amsterdam, 10-06-1988. 631 pp. Second promotor, with Johan Goudsblom as promotor.

Elzen, B., Scientists and Rotors - The development of biochemical ultracentrifuges, University of Twente, 30-06-1988. 450 pp, ISBN 90-9002289-9. Assistant promotor H.W. Lintsen (Technical University of Eindhoven).

Dits, H.P., Turn to coal. Mission orientation of academic research, University of Amsterdam, 30-11-1988. 203 pp.

Hutter, J.J., Toepassingsgericht onderzoek in de industrie. De ontwikkeling van kwikdamplampen bij Philips, 1900-1940, Technical University of Eindhoven, 09-12-1988. 390 pp. ISBN 90-90002515-4. Second promotor, with G. Vossers as promotor.

Zeldenrust, S., Ambiguity, Choice and Control in Research, University of Amsterdam, 18-01-1989. 317 pp. ISBN 90-9002624-X.

Bijker, W.E., The social construction of technology, Enschede: Faculteit WMW/UTwente, 26-10-90. 218 pp. ISBN 90-900-3723-3.

Schot, J.W., Maatschappelijke sturing van technische ontwikkeling. Constructief Technology Assessment als hedendaags Luddisme, Enschede: Faculteit WMW/Universiteit Twente, 20-12-91. ISBN 90-365-0467-8, 244 pp.

Albert De La Bruheze A.A., Political Construction of Technology. Nuclear Waste Disposal in the United States, 1945-1972. Universiteit Twente, Faculteit WMW, Enschede, 22-05-92, ISBN: 90-365-0522-4, 249 pp.

Meulen B.J.R. van der, Beoordelingsprocessen in Wetenschap; De constructie van kwaliteit door wetenschap, industrie en overheid (Evaluation Processes in Science; The construction of quality by science, government and industry). Universiteit Twente, Faculteit WMW, Enschede, 12-11-92, ISBN: 90-365-0568-2, 239 pp.

Everts, S.I., Visie vanuit de zij-kant. Naar een feministische technologie-ethiek, Enschede, UT, Fac. WMW, 02-04-93, ISBN 90-5166-320-X, 246 pp.

Gremmen, H.G.J., The Mystery of the Practical Use of Scientific Knowledge, Enschede, UT, Fac. WMW, 27-05-93, ISBN 90-9006146-0, 179 pp.

Enserink, B., Influencing military technological innovation: socio-technical networks and the development of supersonic bomber, Enschede, 04-06-93, ISBN 90-5166-333-1, 287 pp.

Lente, H. van, Promising Technology - The Dynamics of Expectations in Technological Developments, Enschede, UT, Fac. WMW, 25-11-93, ISBN 90-51666-354-4, 260 pp.

Oost, E.C.J. van, Nieuwe functies, nieuwe verschillen. Genderprocessen in de constructie van de nieuwe automatiseringsfuncties 1955-1970, Enschede: UTwente, 24-06-94, ISBN 90-5166-395-1, 365 pp. Assistant promotor dr. R. Oldenziel (University of Amsterdam).

Fonk, G., Een constructieve rol van de consument in technologie-ontwikkeling. Constructief Technologisch Aspectenonderzoek vanuit consumentenoptiek, Twente, SWOKA, 11-11-94. ISBN90 6573 188-1, 438 pp.

Schomberg, René von, Argumentatie in de context van een wetenschappelijke controverse. Een analyse van de discussie over de introductie van genetisch gemodificeerde organismen in het milieu. University of Twente, 27-03-1997, 173 pp. Second promotor, with Peter-Jan Schellens as promotor.

Stoelhorst, Jan-Willem, In Search of a Dynamic Theory of the Firm. An evolutionary perspective on competition under conditions of technological change, with an application to the semi-conductor industry. University of Twente, 03-12-1997, 415 pp. Second promotor, with Peter Idenburg as promotor. (cum laude)

Poel, Ibo R. van de, Changing Technology. A comparative Study of Eight Processes of Transformation of Technological Regimes, University of Twente, 02-04-1998, 407 pp.

Duncker-Gassen, Elke L., Multi-Disciplinary Research at the University of Twente. The Challenges of Heterogeneous Cooperation, University of Twente, 23-04-1998, 239 pp.

Nelis, Annemiek, DNA-diagnostiek in Nederland. Een regime-analyse van de ontwikkeling van de klinische genetica en DNA-diagnostische tests, 1970-1997, University of Twente, 16-10-1998

Schaeffer, Gerrit Jan, Fuel Cells for the Future. A Contribution to Technology Forecasting from a Technology Dynamics Perspective, University of Twente, 06-11-1998

Broerse, Jacqueline E.W., How to include small-scale farmers in the decision making process on development: The Interactive Bottom-Up Approach to Biotechnology Development, Free University, Amsterdam, 15-12-1998. First promotor, with F.K. de Graaf second promotor.

Bal, Roland, Grenzenwerk: Over het organiseren van normstelling voor de arbeidsplek, University of Twente, 22-01-1999

Hoogma, Remco, Exploiting Technological Niches. Strategies for Experimental Introduction of Electric Vehicles. University of Twente, 26-05-2000. Second promotor, with J.W. Schot first promotor.

Van Raaij, Erik M., The Implementation of a Market Orientation: Designing Frameworks for Managerial Action, University of Twente, 15-06-2001. First promotor, with J.M.L. van Engelen as second promotor.

Magelhaes E. de Sousa, Antnio M., Higher Education Dilemmas and the Quest for Identity: Politics, Knowledge and Education in an Era of Transition. University of Twente, 30-08-2001. First promotor, with S. Stoer as second promotor..

Van Oosterhout, Ton, De precaire autonomie van de Nederlandse marinescheepsbouw. University of Twente, 21-09-2001.

Visscher, Klaasjan, Design methodology in management consulting. University of Twente, 25-10-2001. Second promotor, with O.F.M. Fisscher first promotor.

Boersma, Kees, Inventing Structures for Industrial Research. A history of the Philips Nat.Lab. 1914-1946. Technical University of Eindhoven, 25-03-2002. Second promotor with H.W. Lintsen first promotor.

PhDs currently (co-)supervised:

Heide Hackmann, Comparison of science policy structures in European countries (late 2002)

Frank Geels, Technology Dynamics and Socio-Technical Scenarios (autumn 2002)

Jasper Deuten, Intermediary Actors and Forums in Emerging Technological Regimes (late 2002)

Swen Stoop, Constructive TA of ICT in Command & Control Systems (late 2003)

Femke Merkx, Positioning processes and emerging new roles and responsibilities – in biotech and genetics (early 2004)

Dag Aksen (Oslo, Norway) Highly Cited Papers, Citation Indicators and the Progress of Science (2004)

Lara Tauritz, Mutual shaping of electronic services and users (early 2005)

Invited member of Ph.D. Committees (in UK: external Ph.D. examiner)


Williams, R.J., The Matter-of-Fact in Science: A Sociological Ethnography of a Biochemistry Laboratory, University of Keele, 28 September 1984.

Søderqvist, Thomas, The ecologists. From Merry Naturalists to Saviours of the Nation. A sociologically informed narrative survey of the ecologization of Sweden 1895-1975 (Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1986), University of Gothenburg, 6 June 1986.

Vinck, Dominique, La coordination du travail scientifique. Étude de deux formes spécifiques: le laboratoire et le réseau, École des Mines de Paris (Centre Sociologie de l'Innovation), 28 Nov. 1991.

Wood, Fiona Q., Issues and Problems in the Funding of University Basic Research, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia, July 1995

Pereira, Tiago Santos, Changing Places? The Extension of Research Groups Through European Research Collaborations, SPRU, University of Sussex, UK, June 2000

in the Netherlands

Leydesdorff, Loet, Werknemers en het technologisch vernieuwingsbeleid, University of Amsterdam, 12-10-1984.

Kunneman, Harry, De waarheidstrechter. Een communicatietheoretisch perspectief op wetenschap en samenleving, [13]-06-1986.

Cramer, Jacqueline, Mission-Orientation in Ecology. The case of Dutch fresh-water ecology, University of Amsterdam, 20-05-1987.

Man, Reinier de, Energy Forecasting and the Organization of the Policy Process. A Comparative Study on the Use of Energy Forecasts in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, University of Amsterdam, 22-05-1987

Lemmens, Lex, Technology Assessment for Projects in Developing Countries. Sugar Cane Industry in Western Kenya as a Case Study, Technical University of Eindhoven, 20-10-1987

Groenewegen, Peter, Scientists, Audiences and Resources. The Development of Dutch Toxicological Research, University of Amsterdam, 29-06-1988.

Hagedoorn, John, Evolutionary and Heterodox Innovation Analysis - A Study of Industrial and Technological Development in Process Control and Information Technology, University of Limburg, 01-12-1988.

Kwa, Chung Lin, Mimicking Nature. The Development of Systems Ecology in the United States, 1950-1975, University of Amsterdam, 19-10-1989.

Steijn, Frans van, The Universities in Society. A Study of Part-Time Professors in the Netherlands, University of Amsterdam, 15-06-1990.

Disco, Cornelis, Made in Delft: Professional Engineering in The Netherlands, 1880-1940, University of Amsterdam, 28-06-1990.

Smits, R. and J. Leyten, Technology assessment: Waakhond of speurhond? (Zeist: Kerckebosch, 1991), Free University of Amsterdam, 16-01-1991

Stemerding, Dirk, Plants, Animals and Formulae. Natural history in the light of Latour's Science in Action and Foucault's The Order of Things, University of Limburg, 17-01-1991.

Fournier, Marian, The Fabric of Life. The rise and decline of seventeenth-century microscopy, University of Twente, 13-06-1991.

Tijssen, Robert, Cartography of Science: Scientometric mapping with multidimensional scaling methods, University of Leiden, 08-01-1992.

Weterings, Rob, Strategisch gebruik van risico-informatie, University of Utrecht, 29-01-1992.

Kockelkoren, Petran, De natuur van de goede verstaander, University of Twente, 17-06-1992.

Mulder, Karel F., Choosing the corporate future, University of Groningen, 25-06-1992

Ruiter, Willem de, De evolutie van de laser. Een systeemperspectief op wetenschap, technologie en samenleving, Technical University of Eindhoven, 27-10-1992.

Homburg, Ernst, Van beroep 'Chemiker'. De opkomst van de industriële chemicus en het polytechnisch onderwijs in Duitsland (1790-1850), Catholic University of Nijmegen, 20-01-1993.

Vissers, Geert, The Production of Strategy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 17-02-1994.

Ende, Jan van den, The Turn of the Tide. Computerization in Dutch Society, 1900-1965, Technical University Delft, 09-06-1994.

Bunders, Joske F.G., Participative Strategies for Science-Based Innovations. The Case of Biotechnology for Small-Scale Farmers in Developing Countries, Free University of Amsterdam, 06-10-1994.

Bentum, Maarten van, Water, werk en waterwerken. De ontwikkeling van irrigatietechnologie in het stroomgebied van de Segura, Zuidoost-Spanje, Agricultural University of Wageningen, 20-06-1995.

Blauwhof, Gertrud, The non-linear dynamics of technological developments: an exploration of telecommunications technology, University of Amsterdam, 11-09-1995.

Spaapen, Jack B., Research for Society. Toward a Method for the Assessment of Research in a Policy Context, University of Amsterdam, 18-12-1995.

Kirejczyk, Marta, Met technologie gezegend? Gender en de omstreden invoering van in vitro fertilisatie in de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg, University of Leiden, 19-9-1996.

Besselaar, Peter van den, Studies in Social Aspects of Information Technology, University of Amsterdam, 30-9-1996.

Hagendijk, R.P., Wetenschap, Constructivisme & Cultuur, University of Amsterdam,21-11-1996.

Laat, Bas de, Scripts for the Future. Technology foresight, strategic evaluation and socio-technical networks: the confrontation of script-based scenarios, University of Amsterdam, 18-12-1996

Clercq, Peter de, At the sign of the oriental lamp. The Musschenbroek workshop in Leiden, 1660-1750, University of Twente, 9-1-1997

Borst, W.N., Construction of Engineering Ontologies for Knowledge Sharing and Reuse, University of Twente, 05-09-1997.

Wiskerke, J.S.C., Zeeuwse akkerbouw tussen verandering en continuïteit. Een sociologische studie naar diversiteit in landbouwbeoefening, technologieontwikkeling en plattelandsvernieuwing, Agricultural University of Wageningen, 14-11-1997.

Vries, Sjoerd Auke, Aanpasbare Courseware: Ontwerp en gebruik binnen het Voortgezet Onderwijs. University of Twente, 03-12-1997.

Harten, W.J. van, Bouwen aan een kwaliteitssysteem in de revalidatiezorg. Een poging tot constructieve technology assessment van een kwaliteitssysteem in een gezondheidszorginstelling. Erasmus University of Rotterdam, 10-12-1997.

Jong, Hidde de, Computer-Supported Analysis of Scientific Measurements, University of Twente, 05-06-1998. (cum laude)

Weerd-Nederhof, Petra C., New Product Development Systems. Operational Effectiveness and Strategic Flexibility, University of Twente, 25-06-1998.

Thölke, Jürg M., Product Feature Management. A multiple case investigation into the nature of product features and product feature decision making, Technological University of Delft, 03-11-1998.

Wyatt, Sally, Technology's Arrow. Developing Information Networks for Public Administration in Britain and the United States, University of Maastricht, 05-11-1998.

Verheul, Hugo, Milieutechnologie in het midden- en kleinbedrijf. Een handleiding voor professionals, Technical University of Delft, 07-09-1999.

Pieters, Toine, Biology Meets Drug Development. The Biography of a ‘Miracle’ Drug, the Interferons, University of Maastricht, 05-11-1999.

Tijink, Daniel, Wetenschapsverkenningen als vorm van participatieve beleidsanalyse. Een empirisch onderzoek naar succesbepalende factoren bij OCV-verkenningen, Technical University of Delft, 02-12-1999.

Harmsen, Robert, Forces in the development of coal gasification, University of Utrecht, 13 June 2000

Moors, Ellen, Technology Choices for Sustainable Metals Production, Technical University Delft, 14 June 2000

Verbeek, Peter-Paul, De daadkracht der dingen, University of Twente, 8 December 2000

Vatcheva, Ivayla, Computer-Supported Experiment Selection for Model Discrimination. University of Twente, 31 August 2001.

List of publications


Books and monographs, (co-)authored or (co-)edited

Separately published reports and lectures

Articles in scientific/scholarly journals and chapters in books

Reports of commissioned research

• Articles in non-refereed journals and miscellaneous publications

• Papers available on websites

• Invited lectures, keynote speeches etc.

Books and monographs, (co-)authored or (co-)edited

C.J.F. Bottcher, Theory of Electric Polarization, Second edition, completely revised by O.C. van Belle, P. Bordewijk and A. Rip, Vol. I (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1973), and contributions to Vol. II, by C.J.F. Bottcher and P. Bordewijk (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1978)

Arie Rip, Wetenschap als Mensenwerk. Over de rol van de natuurwetenschap in de samenleving (Baarn: Ambo, 1978; second edition 1980)

Arie Rip and Peter Groenewegen (red.), Macht over Kennis. Mogelijkheden van Wetenschapsbeleid (Alphen a/d Rijn: Samsom, 1980)

Michel Callon, John Law, Arie Rip (eds.), Mapping the Dynamics of Science and Technology. Sociology of Science in the Real World (London: Macmillan, 1986).

A. Simonse, W. Kerkhoff, A. Rip (red.), Technology Assessment in ondernemingen (Deventer: Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen & Ned. Genootschap Informatica, 1989).

Susan E. Cozzens, Peter Healey, Arie Rip, John Ziman (eds.), The Research System in Transition (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 1990). NATO Advanced Study Institute Series, D: Behavioural and Social Sciences, Vol. 57.

A. Rip, Th. Misa, J.W. Schot (eds.), Managing Technology in Society. The Approach of Constructive Technology Assessment (London: Pinter Publishers, 1995). ISBN 1 85567 340 1.

Hans Achterhuis, Ruud Smits, Jac Geurts, Arie Rip, Ellie Roelofs (red.), Technologie en Samenleving (Leuven/Apeldoorn: Garant, 1995). ISBN 90 5350 396 X. A Coursebook of the Dutch Open University, Heerlen.

Philip Gummett, Mikhail Boutoussov, Janos Farkas and Arie Rip (eds.), Military R&D After the Cold War. Conversion and Technology Transfer in Eastern and Western Europe (Dordrecht etc.: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996). ISBN 0 7923 4139 2. NATO ASI Series 4, Science and Technology Policy, Vol. 6

Arie Rip (ed.), Steering and Effectiveness in a Developing Knowledge Society. Proceedings of a workshop at the University of Twente, 7 October 1997 (Utrecht: Uitgeverij Lemma, 1998). ISBN 905189631X

J.W. Schot, H.W. Lintsen, A. Rip, A.A. Albert de la Bruhèze (en mede-redactieleden), Techniek in Nederland in de Twintigste Eeuw. I. Techniek in ontwikkeling; waterstaat; kantoor en informatietechnologie (Zuthphen: Walburg Pers, 1998).

Oscar van Heffen, Peter Maassen, Arie Rip (red.), Sociale wetenschappen van ontwerppraktijk naar ontwerpmethodologie. Bouwstenen voor het ontwerpen in de communicatiewetenschap, de bedrijfskunde, de bestuurskunde en de onderwijskunde, Enschede: Twente University Press, 1999.

J.W. Schot, H.W. Lintsen, A. Rip, A.A. Albert de la Bruhèze (en mede-redactieleden), Techniek in Nederland in de Twintigste Eeuw. II. Delfstoffen, energie, chemie (Zuthphen: Walburg Pers, 2000).

J.W. Schot, H.W. Lintsen, A. Rip, A.A. Albert de la Bruhèze (en mede-redactieleden), Techniek in Nederland in de Twintigste Eeuw. III. Landbouw, Voeding (Zuthphen: Walburg Pers, 2000).

J.W. Schot, H.W. Lintsen, A. Rip, A.A. Albert de la Bruhèze (en mede-redactieleden), Techniek in Nederland in de Twintigste Eeuw. IV. Huishoudtechnologie, Medische Techniek (Zuthphen: Walburg Pers, 2001).

Separately published reports and lectures

Arie Rip, Maatschappelijke Verantwoordelijkheid van Chemici (Ph.D. thesis University of Leiden; published privately, 1981)

A. Rip, A.J. Nederhof, Stimulering van de biotechnologie in Nederland: Effecten op het wetenschappelijke veld (The Hague: Ministry of Education and Sciences, 1985).

Arie Rip, Rob Hagendijk, Henk Dits (red.), Implementatie van prioriteiten in het wetenschappelijk onderzoek, bestudeerd aan de hand van enkele case studies (Den Haag: Raad van Advies voor het Wetenschapsbeleid, 1986). RAWB Achtergrondstudie nr 15.

C. Daey Ouwens, P. van Hoogstraten, J. Jelsma, F. Prakke, A. Rip, Constructief Technologisch Aspectenonderzoek. Een Verkenning (Den Haag: Staatsuitgeverij, 1987) (NOTA Voorstudie 4)

Arie Rip and Rob Hagendijk, Implementation of Science Policy Priorities (London: Science Policy Support Group, March 1988). SPSG Concept Paper No. 2.

A. Rip, Technologie als Mensenwerk (Enschede: Universiteit Twente, 13 Oct. 1988). Inaugural Lecture.

Vergragt P., K. Mulder, A. Rip, H. van Lente, De matrijs van verwachtingen ingevuld voor de polymeren Tenax en Twaron, NOTA (Ned. Org. voor Techn. Aspectenonderzoek), Den Haag, (1990), extern rapport, NOTA, ISBN: 90 346 2237 1, 40 pp.

B.J.R. van de Meulen, D.F. Westerheijden, A. Rip, F.A. van Vught, Verkenningscommissies tussen veld en overheid. Evaluatie-onderzoek verkenningscommissies (Den Haag: Staatsuitgeverij, 1991). Achtergrondstudies Hoger onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek 8. ISBN 90 346 2641 5.

B.J.R. van der Meulen, A. Rip, Beoordelen van universitair technisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek ('s-Gravenhage: Sdu Grafische Bedrijven, 1992. Achtergrondstudies Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk onderzoek 11), ISBN 90 346 2775 6.

B.J.R. van der Meulen, A. Rip, Research Institutes in Transition (Delft: Eburon, 1994). ISBN 90 5166 409 5

J. Jelsma, A. Rip, with a contribution by J.L. van Os, Biotechnologie in Bedrijf. Een bijdrage van Constructief Technology Assessment aan biotechnologisch innoveren. (The Hague: Rathenau Institute, 1995). ISBN 90 346 32 180. Report of a project to elaborate Constructive TA for firms in the area of biotechnology. English summary available ('Biotechnology in Business').

Arie Rip and Robbin te Velde, The Dynamics of Innovation in Bio-Engineering Catalysis. Cases and Analysis (Seville: European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technology Studies, May 1997). Technical Report Series EUR 17341 EN.

J. Jasper Deuten, Arie Rip & Wim Smit, Nieuwe werelden ... met micro-optica. Scenario's en scripts en wat deze impliceren voor micro-optica onderzoek aan de Universiteit Twente (Enschede: Universiteit Twente, Faculteit Wijsbegeerte en Maatschappijwetenschappen, feb. 1998). 58 pp.

Arie Rip and Hendrik C. Marais, Assessing University Research Under Conditions of Changing Knowledge Production, Pretoria: SAUVCA, 1998. SAUVCA (South-African Universities' Vice-chancellors' Association) Publication Series 98/2.

Arie Rip, Overview of Science Policy in the Netherlands: Focusing on Intermediate Layer Linking Government and Research Performance Level. An Introduction of Sociology of the S&T System, Tokyo, NISTEP, 1998. NISTEP Publication nr. 58 (in Japanese).

E.R.M. Taverne, A. Rip, A.A. Albert de la Bruhèze en C. Disco, Stad en stedelijke technologie in Nederland in de twintigste eeuw, Eindhoven: Stichting Historie der Techniek, 1998. pp. 12. ISBN 907319220X.

Stirling, Andrew, On Science and Precaution in the Management of Technological Risk. Volume 1. A synthesis report of case studies. Brussels/Luxembourg: European Commission, 1999. A report based on four evaluative survey studies: formal decision analysis and economics (Salo), institutional and regulatory policy analysis (Renn and Klinke), science and technology studies (Rip), risk assessment and environmental appraisal (Stirling).

Heide Hackmann and Arie Rip, Priorities and quality incentives for university research. A brief international survey. Den Haag: Sdu Servicecentrum, Maart 2000. Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Report series Beleidsgerichte studies Hoger onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk onderzoek, nr. 67.

Articles in scientific/scholarly journals and chapters in books

J.P.M. Janson, M. Kunst, A. Rip, P. Bordewijk, 'Aggregate Size and Dielectric Behaviour of Phosphatidylcholine in Non-Polar Solvents', Chem. Phys. Lipids 9 (1972) 147-157.

J.P.M. Janson, M. Kunst, A. Rip, P. Bordewijk, 'Interaction Between Phosphatidylcholine and Cholesterol in Benzene', Chem. Phys. Lipids 10 (1973) 114-126.

P. Bordewijk, M. Kunst, A. Rip, 'The Association of Heptanol-1 in Carbon Tetrachloride From Static Dielectric Measurements', J. Phys. Chem. 77 (1973) 548-553.

A.Rip, 'Sociale demokratisering van onderzoeksbeleid', Beleid en Maatschappij 1(7/8) (1974) 234-240.

Arie Rip and Egbert Boeker, Scientists and Social Responsibility in the Netherlands', Social Studies of Science 5 (1975) 457-484.

Arie Rip, 'Onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van wetenschapsgebieden', Kennis en Methode 1 (1977) 311-333.

Arie Rip, 'The Social Context of "Science, Technology and Society" Courses', Studies in Higher Education 4 (1979) 15-26.

Dorothy Nelkin and Arie Rip, 'Distributing Expertise: A Dutch Experiment in Public Interest Science', The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 35(5) (May 1979) 20-23, 54

Ronald Brickman and Arie Rip, 'Science Policy Advisory Councils in France, The Netherlands and the United States, 1957-1977: A Comparative Analysis', Social Studies of Science 9 (1979) 167-198.

Arie Rip, 'Science Policy and the Scientific Picture of the World', in W. Callebaut, M. de Mey, R. Pinxten, F. Vandamme (eds.), Theory of Knowledge and Science Policy (Ghent: Communication and Cognition, University of Ghent, 1979), 358-377.

Arie Rip, Walter van der Es, 'Biotechnologie: Ontwikkeling en sturende impulsen', in Arie Rip and Peter Groenewegen (red.), Macht over Kennis (Alphen a/d Rijn: Samson, 1980), 248-263.

Arie Rip, 'A Cognitive Approach to Science Policy', Research Policy 10 (1981) 294-311. Also published in Chinese (Ke Xue Xue Yi Cong 1983(2)), 26-32.

Arie Rip, 'The Development of Restrictedness in the Sciences', in N. Elias, R.D. Whitley, H. Martins (eds.), Scientific Establishments and Hierarchies (Yearbook Sociology of the Sciences Vol. 6) (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1982) 219-238.

A.Rip, 'Indicatoren van ontwikkelingen in de biotechnologie', Bedrijfskunde 55(2) (1983) 137-144

Arie Rip, 'The impact of STS research', in Paul Slaa, Wim Turkenburg, Bill Williams (eds.), Risk and Participaton. Proceedings of the Second Conference on Science, Society and Education (Amsterdam: VU Boekhandel/Uitgeverij, 1983) 159-169.

Arie Rip, Jean-Pierre Courtial, 'Co-Word Maps of Biotechnology: An Example of Cognitive Scientometrics', Scientometrics 6(6) (1984) 381-400.

Frank Steenkamp, Arie Rip, 'The Meadowbirds Organize a Symposium', in Werner Callebaut, Susan E. Cozzens, Bernard-Pierre Lecuyer, Arie Rip, Jean-Paul Van Bendegem (eds.), George Sarton Centennial. Proceedings (Ghent: Communication and Cognition, University of Ghent), 204-207.

Arie Rip, 'Opening the Black Box of Technological Development', Actes Congres International de la Sociologie de la Religion (Louvain: C.I.S.R., 1985) 107-119. Reprinted as a chapter in Daryl E. Chubin & Ellen W. Chu (eds.), Science off the Pedestal. Social Perspectives on Science & Technology (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publ. Co., 1989, but available Fall 1988), 137-144.

Arie Rip (red.), Filosofie en Grondslagen van de Chemie (Amsterdam: Didactiek van de Chemie, Vrije Universiteit, 1985).

Arie Rip, 'Interdisciplinarity without disciplines? A view from the sociology of science', in B.W. Mar, W.T. Newell, B.O. Saxberg (eds.), Managing High Technology (Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1985) 185-192.

Arie Rip, 'Experts in Public Arenas', in Harry Otway and Malcolm Peltu, Regulating Industrial Risks. Science, Hazards and Public Protection (London: Butterworths, 1985) 94-110.

Arie Rip, 'Commentary: Peer Review is Alive and Well in the United States', Science, Technology & Human Values 10(3) (Summer 1985) 82-86.

Arie Rip, 'Societal Processes of Technology Assessment', in Henk A. Becker, Alan L. Porter (eds.), Impact Assessment Today (Utrecht: Uitgeverij Jan van Arkel, 1986) 415-434. Revised German translation, 'Gesellschaftliche Prozesse in der Technikbewertung', in Günter Getzinger, Boris Papousek (Hrsg.), Soziale Technik. Antworten auf die Technikkritik (Wien: Verlag der Osterreichischen Gewerkschaftbundes, 1987), 157-176.

Arie Rip, 'Mobilising Resources Through Texts', in Michel Callon, John Law, Arie Rip (eds.), Mapping the Dynamics of Science and Technology. Sociology of Science in the Real World (London: Macmillan, 1986), pp. 84-99. Also co-authored chapters 1, 7, 13.

Arie Rip, Henk van den Belt, 'Constructive Technology Assessment: Influencing Technological Development?', in Proceedings. Seminar on Technology and Social Change (Edinburgh: Canadian Studies Centre, 1986). Also published in Journal fur Entwicklungspolitik 3(1986) 24-40.

Arie Rip, 'Controversies as Informal Technology Assessment', Knowledge 8(2) (Dec. 1986) 349-371.

Arie Rip, 'Legitimations of Science in a Changing World', in Theo Bungarten (Hrsg.), Wissenschaftssprache und Gesellschaft (Hamburg: Edition Akademion, 1986) 133-148.

Arie Rip, Anton J. Nederhof, 'Between Dirigism and Laisser Faire: Effects of Implementing the Science Policy Priority for Biotechnology in the Netherlands', Research Policy 15 (1986) 253-268.

Arie Rip, 'The Mutual Dependence Between Risk Research and Political Context', Science and Technology Studies 4(3/4) (Fall/Winter 1986) 3-15.

Arie Rip, 'The Challenges to Science Policy Studies', Metascience 5 (1987) 3-10. Also in Italian, 'Le sfide agli studie di politica della scienza', Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale 8 (1987), nuova serie n. 24, 142-152.

Henk van den Belt, Arie Rip, 'The Nelson-Winter/Dosi model and synthetic dye chemistry', in Wiebe E. Bijker, Thomas P. Hughes and Trevor J. Pinch (eds.), The Social Construction of Technological Systems. New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1987), 135-158.

A. Rip, 'Strategische Sturing van Wetenschap: Noodzaak en (On)Mogelijkheden', in R.J. Bijleveld, F.A. van Vught (red.), Sturing van het Hoger Onderwijs ('s-Gravenhage: Vuga, 1987), 39-59.

A. Rip, H. van den Belt, M. Schwarz, 'Theoretische Analyses', in C. Daey Ouwens, P. van Hoogstraten, J. Jelsma, F. Prakke, A. Rip, Constructief Technologisch Aspectenonderzoek. Een Verkenning (Den Haag: Staatsuitgeverij, 1987) (NOTA Voorstudie 4), 14-29.

F. van Steyn, A. Rip, 'The Role of Trade Literature in the Communication System', Scientometrics 13 (1988) 81-91.

Arie Rip, 'Processes in Science Policy and Their Study', in Mia Gosselin, Frank Demeyere (eds.), Science and Society (Brussels: Centre for Empirical Epistemology, Free University, 1987), 34-54.

Arie Rip, 'Contextual Transformations in Contemporary Science', in Andrew Jamison (ed.), Keeping Science Straight. A Critical Look at the Assessment of Science and Technology (Gothenburg: Department of Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg, 1988), 59-87.

A. Rip, 'Should Social Amplification of Risk Be Counteracted?', Risk Analysis 8(2) (1988) 193-197.

Arie Rip, 'Mapping of Science: Possibilities and Limitations', in A.F.J. van Raan (ed.), Handbook of Quantitative Studies of Science and Technology (Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers/North-Holland, 1988), 253-273.

Arie Rip, 'Opening the Black Box of Technological Development', in Daryl E. Chubin & Ellen W. Chu (eds.), Science off the pedestal. Social Perspectives on Science and Technology (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publ. Co., 1989) 137-144.

A. Simonse en A. Rip, 'Inleiding: Technology Asessment in ondernemingen', in A. Simonse, W. Kerkhoff, A. Rip (red.), Technology Assessment in ondernemingen (Deventer: Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen & Ned. Genootschap Informatica, 1989), pp. 9-20 ; and: A. Simonse, W. Kerkhoff, A. Rip, 'De toekomst van TA in ondernemingen', ibidem, pp. 164-182.

Arie Rip et Peter Groenewegen, 'Les faits scientifiques à l'épreuve de la politique', in Michel Callon (dir.), La Science et ses réseaux, genèse et circulation des faits scientifiques (Paris: Edition de la Découverte/Conseil de l'Europe/Unesco, 1989) 149-172.

A. Rip, 'Sturing en stuurbaarheid van de wetenschappen. Het model van de Starnbergers', in Michiel Korthals (red.), Wetenschapsleer (Meppel/Heerlen: Boom/Open Universiteit, 1989), pp. 187-206.

A. Rip, 'De partiële rationaliteit van VLSI ontwikkeling en gebruik', Tijdschrift van het Nederlands Elektronica- en Radiogenootschap 54(2) (1989) 55-60.

Rip A., 'De sociologische omweg', congresbijdrage, In: Red.: G. van den Akker, C. Leijenhorst, J. Prinsen - Filosofiedag, Utrecht, 09/09/89, Eburon, Delft (1990) ISBN: 90 5166 118 5, 161-170.

Rip A., 'The role of industry in science policy', Panel report. In: The Research System in Transition, Eds: S.E. Cozzens, P. Healey, A. Rip, J. Ziman, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, (1990), ISBN: 07923 08581, 103-108.

Rip A., 'Implementation and Evaluation of Science & Technology Priorities and Programs', In: The Research System in Transition, Eds.: S.E. Cozzen, P. Healey, A. Rip, J. Ziman, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, (1990), ISBN: 07923 08581, 263-280.

Rip A., 'An Exercise in Foresight: The Research System in Transition - To What?', In: The Research System in Transition, Eds.: S.E. Cozzens, P. Healey, A. Rip, J. Ziman, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, (1990), ISBN: 07923 08581, 387-401.

Rip A., 'Is risk communication a policy instrument?', In: Corporate Disclosure of Environmental Risks: US and European Law, Eds.: M.S. Baram, D.G. Paritan, Butterworth Legal Publishers, Londen, (1990), ISBN: 088063 2585, 46-50.

Rip, A., and P. van Hoogstraten, 'Informatisering als transformatieproces', in: Belofte en werkelijkheid. Sociale Wetenschappen en informatisering, red: P. van Hoogstraten, Swetz & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam & Lisse (1990), 103-124.

Rip A., 'Societal Construction of Research and Technology', In: Technikpolitik angesichts der Umweltkatastrophe, Eds.: H. Krupp (Hrsg), Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, (1990), ISBN: 3 7908 0493 2, 84-94.

Arie Rip, 'The Danger Culture of Industrial Society' in Roger E. Kasperson, Pieter Jan M. Stallen (eds.), Communicating Risks to the Public. International Perspectives (Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic, 1991) 345-365. ISDN.

A. Rip, 'Een verantwoordelijke universiteit', Universiteit & Hogeschool 37 (1990-1991), nr. 6. 258-262.

A. Simonse, A. Rip, 'Technology Assessment', Management van Technologie, afl. 4 (1991), pp. (6.5)01-19 (Deventer: Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen, 1991). Losbladig handboek.

Michel Callon, Arie Rip, 'Humains, non-humains: morale d'une coexistence, in: Jacques Theys & Bernard Kalaora (dir.), La Terre outragée. Les experts sont formel! (Paris: Ed. Autrement, 1992. Série Sciences en sociéte no. 1. ISBN , 140-156.

C. Disco, A. Rip, B. van der Meulen, 'Technical Innovation and the Universities: Divisions of Labor in Cosmopolitan Technical Regimes', Social Science Information 31(3) (1992) 465-507.

Arie Rip, 'Expert Advice and Pragmatic Rationality', in Nico Stehr and Richard V. Ericson (eds.), The Culture and Power of Knowledge (Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 1992) 357-373.

Arie Rip, 'Science and Technology As Dancing Partners', in P. Kroes and M. Bakker (eds.), Technological Development and Sciences in the Industrial Age (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 1992) 231-270.

Arie Rip, 'Between Innovation and Evaluation: Sociology of Technology Applied to Technology Policy and Technology Assessment', RISESST (2) 1992, 39-68. (also published in Italian: 'Tra Innovazione e Valutatione. La Sociologia Applicata alla Politica Ed alla Valutaziome della Tecnologia', in Leonardo Cannavò (cur.), Studi Sociali della Tecnologia. Metodologie Integrate di Valutazione (Roma: Euroma/La Goliardica, Dec. 1991), pp. 63-105. Published in 1992.)

Arie Rip, 'A Quasi-Evolutionary Model of Technological Development and a Cognitive Approach to Technology Policy', RISESST (2) 1992, 69-102.

Arie Rip, 'Cognitive Approaches To Technology Policy', in S. Okamura, F. Sakauchi, I. Nonaka (eds.), New Perpectives on Global Science and Technology Policy (Tokyo: MITA Press, 1993), pp. 81-96. The Proceedings of NISTEP Third International Conference on Science and Technology Research.

Arie Rip en Fred Dijs, 'Objectiviteit', in J. Willems & E. Woudstra (red.), Handboek Wetenschaps- & Technologie-Voorlichting (Groningen: Martinus Nijhoff Uitgevers, 1993), 299-312. ISBN 90 68904671.

A.Rip, 'General introduction to societal aspects of agricultural biotechnology', in D.H. Vuijk, J.J. Dekkers & H.C. van der Plas (eds.), Developing Agricultural Biotechnology in the Netherlands (Wageningen: Pudoc Scientific Publishers, 1993), pp. 277-281. Also 'Technology assessment and agricultural biotechnology', ibidem, pp. 305-307.

Arie Rip, 'The Republic of Science in the 1990s', in: Fiona Q. Wood and V. Lynn Meek (eds.),Research Grants Management and Funding. Symposium Proceedings, Canberra, Bibliotech, ANUTEC Pby. Ltd., 1994, ISBN 07315 18942, 1-19. Also published in Higher Education 28, 1994, 3-23. Reprinted in Sheila Jasanoff (ed.), Comparative Science and Technology Policy, Edward Elgar Publishers, 1997 (International Library of Comparative Public Policy, Vol. 5), pp. 106-126.

A. Rip, 'De sociale constructie van wetenschap', in Wilfried Vander Meeren & Luk van Langenhove (red.), Management van wetenschap, Utrecht: Lemma, 1994, ISBN 90 5189 3191 1, 183-200.

A. Rip, 'Professionele verantwoordelijkheid en kwaliteitsborging in de natuurwetenschappen, in: H. Zandvoort en R.S. Downing (red.), De verantwoordelijkheid van chemici in hun beroepsuitoefening, Den Haag, KNCV, mei 1994, ISBN 90 71446 15 8, 5-16.

A. Rip, 'New Combinations', European Review 3(1), 1995, 83-92.

A. Rip, Wim A. Smit, and B.J.R. van der Meulen, 'Radioactive Waste Disposal: Taking Societal Views into Account', in OECD, Environmental and ethical aspects of long-lived radioactive waste disposal (Paris: OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency, 1995), pp. 184-201. ISBN 92-64-14373-4. Proceedings of an International Workshop organized by the Nuclear Energy Agency in co-operation with the Environment Directorate, Paris, 1-2 September 1994.

Hidde de Jong en Arie Rip, 'Ontdekkingspraktijk in plaats van logica. Wetenschappelijke ontdekkingen in computerondersteunende ontdekkingsomgevingen', Kennis en Methode 19(2) (1995), 131-159.

A. Rip, 'Le poids des phases initiales dans le déroulement des programmes', in: Michel Callon, Philippe Larédo, Philippe Mustar, La gestion stratégique de la recherche et de la technologie. L'évaluation des programmes (Paris: Economica, 1995), 111-124. ISBN 2 7178 2853 2.

Arie Rip, Thomas J. Misa, and Johan Schot, 'Constructive Technology Assessment: A New Paradigma for Managing Technology in Society', and 'Epilogue,' in Arie Rip, Thomas J. Misa, and Johan Schot (eds.), Managing Technology in Society. The Approach of Constructive Technology Assessment, London and New York: Pinter Publishers, 1995, 1-12 and 347-354.

Arie Rip, 'What is this thing called technology?', in H. Achterhuis et al. (red.), Technologie en Samenleving (Leuven/Apeldoorn: Garant, 1995), 15-27.

Arie Rip, 'Introduction of New Technology: Making Use of Recent Insights from Sociology and Economics of Technology,' Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 7(4) (1995) 417-431.

Arie Rip and Barend J.R. van der Meulen, 'The patchwork of the Dutch evaluation system,' Research Evaluation 5(1) (April 1995), 45-53.

Arie Rip y Barend J.R. van der Meulen, 'El sistema de investigación posmoderno,' REDES 3(6) (mayo de 1996) 7-31.

Arie Rip, 'La República de la Ciencia en los años noventa,' Zona Abierta # 75/76 (1996) 59-89.

Arie Rip, Barend J.R. van der Meulen, 'The Post-Modern Research System', Science & Public Policy 23 (5) (Dec. 1996) 343-352. Also published in Rémi Barré, Michael Gibbons, Sir John Maddox, Ben Martin and Pierre Papon (eds.), Science in Tomorrow's Europe (Paris: Economica International, 1997), pp. 51-67.

Arie Rip, 'Qualitative conditions of scientometrics: the new challenges', Scientometrics 38(1) (1997) 7-26.

Johan Schot and Arie Rip, 'The Past and Future of Constructive Technology Assessment,' Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 54 (1997) 251-268.

Arie Rip, 'The influence of the initial phases on programme dynamics,' in Michel Callon, Philippe Larédo, Philippe Mustar (eds), The Strategic Management of Research and Technology. Evaluation of Programmes (Paris: Economica, 1997), 106-116.

J. Jasper Deuten, Arie Rip and Jaap Jelsma, 'Societal Embedment and Product Creation Management,' Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 9(2) (1997), 219-236.

Hidde de Jong & Arie Rip, 'The Computer Revolution in Science: Steps Towards the Realization of Computer-Supported Discovery Environments', Artificial Intelligence 91 (1997) 225-256.

Arie Rip, 'A cognitive approach to relevance of science,' Social Science Information 36(4) (1997), 615-640.

Johan Schot, Wybren Verstegen, Ernst Homburg, Harry Lintsen en Arie Rip, 'Naar een techniekhistorisch overzichtswerk voor de twintigste eeuw. Een contextualistische geschiedenis van de techniek voor Nederland internationaal vergeleken,' NEHA-Jaarboek voor economische, bedrijfs- en techniekgeschiedenis 60 (1997) 339-377.

Arie Rip, 'The Republic of Science,' in Sheila Jasanoff (ed.), Comparative Science and Technology Policy (Edward Elgar Publishers, 1997). International Library of Comparative Public Policy, Vol. 5, pp. 106-126.

Arie Rip and Rene Kemp, 'Technological Change,' in S. Rayner and E.L. Malone (eds), Human Choice and Climate Change, Columbus, Ohio: Battelle Press, 1998. Volume 2, Ch. 6, pp. 327-399.

Arie Rip, 'The Dancer and the Dance: Steering in/of Science and Technology,' in Arie Rip (ed.), Steering and Effectiveness in a Developing Knowledge Society (Utrecht: Uitgeverij Lemma, 1998), pp. 27-49.

Harro van Lente en Arie Rip, 'The Rise of Membrane Technology: From Rhetorics to Social Reality', Social Studies of Science (1998) 221-254.

Harro van Lente and Arie Rip, 'Expectations in technological developments: An example of prospective structures to be filled in by agency,' in C. Disco and B.J.R. van der Meulen (eds.), Getting New Technologies Together (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1998), pp. 195-220.

Arie Rip and Siebe Talma, 'Antagonistic patterns and new technologies,' in C. Disco and B.J.R. van der Meulen (eds.), Getting New Technologies Together (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1998), pp. 285-306.

Arie Rip, 'Modern and Post-Modern Science Policy,' EASST Review 17(3) (Sept. 1998) 13-16.

J.W. Schot, H.W. Lintsen en A. Rip, 'Techniek in ontwikkeling,' in Schot et al., Techniek in Nederland in de Twintigste Eeuw, deel I (Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 1998), 15-51.

Barend van der Meulen, Arie Rip, 'Mediation in the Dutch Science System,' Research Policy 27 (1998) 757-769.

Arie Rip, 'Postgraduate Training and Research in South Africa: An International Perspective,' SAUVCA Publication Series 98/3 (1998) 69 -80.

Klaasjan Visscher & Arie Rip, 'Organisatie-adviseurs en de illusie van 'agency',' M&O 53(1) (1999) 24-35.

Oscar van Heffen, Peter Maassen en Arie Rip, 'Op zoek naar een sociaal-wetenschappelijke ontwerpmethodologie,' en idem, 'Op weg naar een sociaal-wetenschappelijke ontwerp-methodologie,' pp. 9-17, 239-255, in Oscar van Heffen, Peter Maassen en Arie Rip (red.), Sociale wetenschappen van ontwerppraktijk naar ontwerpmethodologie. Bouwstenen voor het ontwerpen in de communicatiewetenschap, de bedrijfskunde, de bestuurskunde en de onderwijskunde, Enschede: Twente University Press, 1999.

Klaasjan Visscher en Arie Rip, 'Bedrijfskundig ontwerpen: Empirische inzichten,' pp. 165-177, in Oscar van Heffen, Peter Maassen en Arie Rip (red.), Sociale wetenschappen van ontwerppraktijk naar ontwerpmethodologie. Bouwstenen voor het ontwerpen in de communicatiewetenschap, de bedrijfskunde, de bestuurskunde en de onderwijskunde, Enschede: Twente University Press, 1999.

Arie Rip, ‘STS in Europe,’ Science, Technology and Society 4(1) (1999) 73-80.

Arie Rip and Johan Schot, ‘Anticipating on Contextualization – Loci for Influencing the Dynamics of Technological Development,’ in Dieter Sauer & Christa Lang (Hrsg.), Paradoxien der Innovation – Perspektiven sozialwissenschaftlicher Innovationsforschung, Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, 1999, pp. 129-146.

J. Jasper Deuten and Arie Rip, 'Narrative Infrastructure in Product Creation Processes,' Organization 7(1) (2000) 67-91.

Barend van der Meulen and Arie Rip, ‘Evaluation of societal quality of public sector research in the Netherlands,’ Research Evaluation 8(1) (April 2000), 11-25

E. Homburg, A.Rip and J.S. Small, ‘Chemici, hun kennis en de industrie,’ in Schot et al., Techniek in Nederland in de twintigste eeuw, deel II (2000), 299-316.

E. Homburg and A. Rip, ‘De chemische industrie in de twintigste eeuw,’ in Schot et al., Techniek in Nederland in de twintigste eeuw, deel II (2000), 403-407.

Arie Rip, 'Fashions, Lock-Ins, and the Heterogeneity of Knowledge Production,’ in Merle Jacob and Thomas Hellström (eds.), The Future of Knowledge Production in the Academy. Buckingham: Open University Press (2000), 28-39.

Elizabeth Shove and Arie Rip, ‘Users and unicorns: a discussion of mythical beasts,’ Science and Public Policy, 27(3) June 2000, 175-182.

Arie Rip, 'Fashions, Lock-Ins, and the Heterogeneity of Knowledge Production,’ in Andre Kraak (ed.), Changing Modes. New Modes of Knowledge Production and its Implications for Higher Education in South Africa, Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council, 2000, 56-69. Reprint of chapter in Jacob & Hellström (2000).

J.Jasper Deuten and Arie Rip, ‘The Narrative Shaping of a Product Creation Process,’ in Nik Brown, Brian Rappert and Andrew Webster (eds.), Contested Futures. A Sociology of Prospective Techno-Science, Aldershot etc: Ashgate, 2000, 65-86.

Arie Rip, ‘Higher forms of nonsense,’ European Review 8(4) (2000) 467-485. (Revised version of paper in NWO, The Future of the Peer Review System (1998).)

Arie Rip, ‘There’s no turn like the empirical turn,’ in Peter Kroes and Anthonie Meijers (eds.) The Empirical Turn in the Philosophy of Technology, Amsterdam etc.: JAI, an imprint of Elsevier Science, 2000, 3-17.

Arie Rip, ‘In Praise of Speculation,’ Ch. 8 in OECD, Proceedings, Social Sciences for Knowledge and Decision Making, Paris: OECD, 2001, 95-103.

René Kemp, Arie Rip, and Johan Schot, 'Constructing Transition Paths Through the Management of Niches,' in R. Garud & P. Karnøe, Path Dependence and Creation (Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001), 269-299.

Arie Rip, ‘Utilization of Research – A sociology of knowledge perspective,’ in RAWOO (Netherlands Development Assistance Research Council, Utilization of Research for Development Cooperation. Linking Knowledge Production to Development Policy and Practice. The Hague, RAWOO, May 2001, 13-17.

Arie Rip, ‘Ássessing the Impacts of Innovation: New Developments in Technology Assessment,’ in OECD Proceedings, Social Sciences and Innovation, Paris: OECD, 2001, pp. 197-213.

Arie Rip and Aard Groen, ‘Many visible hands,’ in Rod Coombs, Ken Green, Vivien Walsh, and Albert Richards (eds.), Technology and the Market. Demands, Users and Innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2001, pp. 12-37.

Arie Rip, ‘Aggregation Machines – A Political Science of Science Approach to the Future of the Peer Review System,’ in M.Hisschemöller, R. Hoppe, W.N. Dunn, J.R. Ravetz (eds.), Knowledge, Power, and Participation in Environmental Policy Analysis. New Brunswick, N.J. and London: Transaction Publishers, 2001, pp. 391-416. Policy Studies Review Annual, Vol. 12. (Revised version of paper in NWO, The Future of the Peer Review System (1998).

Barend van der Meulen and Arie Rip, The Netherlands research system, in Larédo, Philippe and Philippe Mustar (eds.) (2001), Research and Innovation Policies in the New Global Economy. An International Comparative Analysis, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2001.

Arie Rip, ‘Contributions from Social Studies of Science and Constructive Technology Assessment’, in Andrew Stirling (ed.), On Science and Precaution in the Management of Technological Risk. Volume II. Case Studies. Sevilla: Institute for Prospective Technology Studies (European Commission Joint Research Centre), November 2001, pp. 94-122.

Arie Rip, ‘Regional Innovation Systems and the Advent of Strategic Science,’ Journal of Technology Transfer 27 (2002) 123-131. Special issue on regional innovation systems.

Arie Rip, ‘De ambivalente maatschappelijke rol en taak van wetenschapsstudies’, GEWINA 25(1) (2002) 60-69.

Arie Rip and Johan W. Schot, Identifying Loci for Influencing the Dynamics of Technological Development’, in Robin Williams and Knut Sørensen (eds), Shaping Technology, Guiding Policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002, pp. 158-176.

Arie Rip, ‘Science for the 21st Century’, in Peter Tindemans, Alexander Verrijn-Stuart and Rob Visser (eds.), The Future of the Sciences and Humanities. Four analytical essays and a critical debate on the future of scholastic endeavour, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2002. pp. 99-148.

A. Rip en W.A. Smit, ‘Het risico-begrip vanuit een wetenschapsfilosofisch en sociologisch perspectief’, in B. Wissink en J. Bouma (red.), Perspectieven op milieurisico’s, Den Haag: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid, 2002 (Werkdocumenten W128)). pp. 67-102.

Arie Rip, ‘Societal Challenges for R&D Evaluation’, in Phil Shapira and Stefan Kuhlmann (eds.), Learning from Science and Technology Policy Evaluation: Experiences from the United States and Europe. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Reports of commissioned research

Arie Rip, Nelleke Schoemaker, Corrie Meus, De universiteit als transfer-agent. Mogelijkheden en beperkingen in de transfer van universitaire kennis (Leiden: LISBON, University of Leiden, 1983). A Report to the Board of the University of Leiden.

Harry Rothman, Arie Rip et al., Disciplines Germane to Biotechnology. Final Report to the FAST-Biosociety Programme of the Commission of the European Communities (Birmingham: Technology Policy Unit, University of Aston, 1984)

Arie Rip, Madeli Hennekam, Acknowledging Funding in Biotechnology and Bioengineering (Amsterdam: Department of Science Dynamics, University of Amsterdam, 1985). A Report to the US National Science Foundation (contract no. 85-GA-0017)

Henk van den Belt, Arie Rip, Technologie-ontwikkeling: Het Nelson-Winter/Dosi model (Leiden: LISBON, University of Leiden, 1984). A Report to the Government Office of Science Policy.

A. Rip, F.A.J. van Steijn, Effecten van de stimulering van de biotechnologie op de academische cultuur en de mogelijkheden tot kennisoverdracht (Amsterdam: Dept. Science Dynamics, 1985). A Report to the Government Office of Science Policy. Also published in Maatschappelijke aspecten van de biotechnologie (Den Haag: Staatsuitgeverij, dec. 1985) 169-190.

Arie Rip, Corporate Response to Risk Issues (Amsterdam: Department of Science Dynamics, University of Amsterdam, 1986). A Report to the PSG Milieu en Veiligheid of RMNO (Council for Environment and Nature Research).

J.C.M. van Eijndhoven, J. Schot, A. Rip, Een Implementeerbare Risicoregulering in het Nederlandse Milieu (Utrecht: Chemie en Samenleving, University of Utrecht, 1986). A Report to the PSG Milieu en Veiligheid of RMNO (Council for Environment and Nature Research).

Arie Rip, Rob Hagendijk, Henk Dits (red.), Implementatie van prioriteiten in het wetenschappelijk onderzoek, bestudeerd aan de hand van enkele case studies (Amsterdam: Department of Science Dynamics, University of Amsterdam, 1986). A Report to RAWB (Science Policy Advisory Council). Also published as RAWB Achtergrondstudie nr 15.

Arie Rip, Waar voor je geld. Evaluatie van wetenschap in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, (Enschede: University of Twente, June 1988). Deelproject 3 van Evaluatie van Technisch Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, project in opdracht van Min. van O&W, DGHW.

Arie Rip and Wouter van Rossum, Beleidsadvies Evaluatie Technische Wetenschappen, Deelproject 1 van Evaluatie van Technisch Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, project in opdracht van Min. van O&W, DGHW.

A. Rip en J. Heitink, Factoren van invloed op de taak- en functie-uitoefening door veiligheidskundigen (Enschede: Centrum voor Vraagstukken van Wetenschap, Technologie en Samenleving, Universiteit Twente, Aug. 1988). Rapport aan DG Arbeid, Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid.

Bert Vroemen, Christien Enzing, Aat Ledeboer, Arie Rip, Theo van de Sande, Strengths and Weaknesses of Biotechnology in Developing Countries: Exploration of Method (Maastricht: International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Study, 1989). A Report to the IFIAS Program on International Diffusion of Biotechnology.

Rip A., W.A. Smit, F.B.L. van der Meer, MEWO-Rapport met bijlage (enquete): Omgaan met Maatschappelijke Effecten van Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, Universiteit Twente, Enschede, (1990), extern rapport, College van Bestuur UT.

R.A.M. Meijer, T.C.M. Weijers, E.J. Spoelman, A. Rip, Telewerk blijft maatwerk: De invoering van telewerk op grote schaal. Kosten en baten en de invoeringsstrategie (Apeldoorn/Enschede: STB-TNO/Un. Twente, april 1992). Rapport van een onderzoek in opdracht van de Stichting Platform Telewerken Nederland i.o.

B.J.R. van der Meulen, A. Rip (m.m.v. W.A. Smit, J. Eggink), Berging van afval in de diepe ondergrond? Analyse en evaluatie van de inspraakprocedure (Universiteit Twente, Sept. 1992). Rapport in opdracht van het Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieu. Revised English version: A. Rip, Wim A. Smit and B.J.R. van der Meulen, 'Radioactive Waste Disposal: Taking Societal Views into Account', in (OECD Documents) Environmental and ethical aspects of long-lived radioactive waste disposal (Proceedings of an International Workshop organised by the Nuclear Agency in co-operation with the Environment Directorate, Paris, 1-2 September 1994), pp. 184-201.

A. Rip, F.A. van Vught, Feasibility study: A social-science design methodology (Universiteit Twente, 1993). Includes ten special reports, commissioned to researchers in the University of Twente (in Dutch).

B.J.R. van der Meulen, A. Rip, 'Linking Basic Science to Society in Dutch Science Policy, with Comparisons with Germany and France', commissioned report to the Centre for Research Policy, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 117-147 in: Sam Garrett-Jones, Tim Turpin, Joan Bellavista, Stephen Hill (eds.), Using Basic Research. Assessing Connections Between Basic Research and National Socio-Economic Objectives - Review of current theory and international practices, Wollongong: Centre for Research Policy, November 1994, A Report to the Australian Research Council.

B.J.R. van der Meulen, A. Rip, Indicatoren en indicaties voor de beoordeling van maatschappelijke kwaliteit van onderzoek, Enschede: Centrum voor Studies van Wetenschap, Technologie en Samenleving, Universiteit Twente, 1995. ca. 80 pp. Eindrapport, Commissie Overleg Sectorraden.

Arie Rip and Barend J.R. van der Meulen, Non-academic impact in the social sciences - A thinkpiece (University of Twente, 1995). 19 pp. A study commissioned by the UK Economic and Social Research Council.

Arie Rip, Barend van der Meulen, Strategie-ontwikkeling en verkenningen. Vergelijkende analyse van ervaringen en praktijken in Nederland, Frankrijk, Engeland en Duitsland (Universiteit Twente, februari 1996). 78 pp. Achtergrondstudie ten behoeve van de Overlegcommissie Verkenningen (OCV).

Arie Rip and René Kemp, Toward a Theory of Socio-Technical Change, University of Twente and University of Limburg, May 1996. Commissioned text, to be published, in edited form, as chapter 4 of Human Choice and Climate Change, by a team from Battelle PNL, Washington, D.C.

J. Jasper Deuten, Arie Rip, Wim Smit, Nieuwe werelden ... met micro-optica. Scenario's en scripts, en wat deze impliceren voor micro-optica onderzoek aan de Universiteit Twente (Universiteit Twente, juni 1997). 82 pp. Een bijdrage aan het OSF-programma 'Op weg naar micro-optica: technologische en maatschappelijke implicaties.'

Barend van der Meulen, Arie Rip, Maatschappelijke Kwaliteit van Onderzoek Tussen Verantwoording en Management. Een inventarisatie van beoordelingspraktijken (Universiteit Twente, juni 1997). 134 pp. Rapport in opdracht van het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen.

W.J. Deetman, M. Epema-Brugman en A. Rip, Rapport van de externe evaluatiecommissie mbt de Commissie Overleg Sectorraden, Den Haag, juni 1998.

Barend van der Meulen, Arie Rip, 'Evaluation of Public Sector Research: the Dutch evaluation research system and the idea of societal quality,' pp. 121-142 in Tim Turpin et al., Valuing University Research: International Experiences in Monitoring and Evaluation Research Outputs and Outcomes, Wollongong: Centre for Research Policy, University of Wollongong, November 1998.

Arie Rip, Contributions from Social Studies of Science and Constructive Technology Assessment, ESTO Project on Technological Risk and the Management of Uncertainty, commissioned by the Forward Studies Unit, European Commission. Enschede: University of Twente, April 1999. Published as: Arie Rip, ‘Contributions from Social Studies of Science and Constructive Technology Assessment’, in Andrew Stirling (ed.), On Science and Precaution in the Management of Technological Risk. Volume II. Case Studies. Sevilla: Institute for Prospective Technology Studies (European Commission Joint Research Centre), November 2001, pp. 94-122.

Stefan Kuhlmann, Patries Boekholt, Luke Georghiou, Ken Guy, Jean-Alain Héraud, Philippe Laredo, Tarmo Lemola, Dennis Loveridge, Terttu Luukkonen, Wolfgang Polt, Arie Rip, Luis Sanz-Menendes, Ruud Smits, Improving Distributed Intelligence in Complex Innovation Systems, Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung, June 1999. Final report to the European Union of the TSERP Network on Advanced Science and Technology Policy Planning. Available at

W. Dolfsma, F. Geels, R. Kemp, E. Moors, and A. Rip, Management of Technology Responses to the Climate Change Challenge: Theoretical Elaboration of the Co-evolutionary ‘Technology-in-Society’ Perspective, Enschede: University of Twente, Center for Clean Technology and Environmental Policy CSTM, August 1999. CSTM Studies and Reports nr. 116 (ISSN 1381-6357). Deliverable 1 in a project for the Dutch National Research Programme on Global Air Pollution and Climate Change.

Femke Merkx, José van Dijck, Arie Rip, Risicocommunicatie over nieuwe technologie op het gebied van de levenswetenschappen. Een literatuurstudie. Enschede: Universiteit Twente, augustus 1999. Rapport in opdracht van de Stichting Wetenschap en Techniek Nederland.

Femke Merkx en Arie Rip, Invoeringsscenario’s voor RMK in ontwerp. Op basis van een analyse van de ontwerppraktijk en het ontwerpproces van bodemsaneringstechnologie. Enschede: Universiteit Twente, september 1999. Rapport in opdracht van Tauw (Deventer).

Heide Hackmann and Arie Rip, Priorities and quality incentives for university research. A brief international survey (Countries studied: Australia, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, UK), Enschede: Centre for Studies of Science, Technology and Society, University of Twente, November 1999. A Report for the Netherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences.

Annemiek Nelis en Arie Rip, De beoordelingsprocessen en –procedures van ZON en NWO-MW. Report commissioned by ZON and NWO-MW, December 2000.

A. Rip en W.A. Smit, Risico’s: Observaties vanuit een wetenschapsfilosofisch en sociologisch perspectief, Universiteit Twente, september 2001. Essay in opdracht van de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid, project Maatschappelijke verankering van milieunormen.

Erik Arnold, Stefan Kuhlman, Barend van der Meulen, A Singular Council. Evaluation of the Research Council of Norway, Brighton: Technopolis, December 2001. Assisted by a panel chaired by Arie Rip.

M.J. Arentsen, J.W. Eberg, Modulation of Sociotechnical Change as Climate Change Challenge. Bilthoven: Dutch National Research Programme on Global Air Pollution and Climate Change, Report no. 410 200 100 (2001); Enschede: University of Twente, 2001. Concluding report of a project on “Management of Technology Responses to the Climate Change Challenges” (MATRIC), with contributions from the project team including Arie Rip.

Philippe Larédo, Eric Jolivet, Elizabeth Shove, Sujatha Raman, Arie Rip, Ellen Moors, Bianca Poti, Gerrit-Jan Schaeffer, Hervé Penan, Clara Eugenia Garcia, SocRobust Final Report. Paris: Ecole des Mines, January 2002. Project SOE 1981126, ‘Management Tools and a Management Framework for Assessing the Potential Long-Term S&T Options to Become Embedded in Society’, TSER Programme of the European Commission.

Articles in non-refereed journals and miscellaneous publications

A.Rip, 'Chemie en Ethiek,' Intermediair 6(29) (24 juli 1970) 7-9.

F.S.M. van Kleef en A. Rip, 'Wetenschap en Welzijn,' Chemisch Weekblad 66(32) (7 aug. 1970) 48-52.

F.S.M. van Kleef en A. Rip, 'Verantwoordelijkheid in een chemisch bedrijf,' Chemisch Weekblad 66(43) (23 okt. 1970) 17-19, 31

A.Rip, A. Nieuwpoort, G.J.J. Verbeek, 'Het maatschappelijk kader van milieuchemie', Chemisch Weekblad 68(48) (1 Dec. 1972) 16-19.

A. Rip, O. A. de Vries, E. Boeker en W.F. Slot, '"Wetenschap en Samenleving" inde Natuurwetenschappelijke Faculteiten en Technische Hogescholen,' Universiteit en Hogeschool 19(6) (juli 1973) 301-309.

A. Rip, 'Wetenschapsbeleid: gevangen in eigen prioriteiten,' Chemisch Weekblad 69(44) (2 nov. 1973) 7-8.

A. Rip, 'De ontwikkeling van de wetenschapsbeoefening en houdingen van wetenschapsbeoefenaren,' Chemisch Weekblad 70(37) (13 sept. 1974) 13-16.

L.M. Breedveld en A. Rip, 'Wetenschap en Samenleving op weg naar institutionalisering,' Chemisch Weekblad 70 (48) (29 nov. 1974). Maandkatern C&S, pp. 2-4.

Arie Rip en Jan Moen, 'De smalle marges van het wetenschapsbeleid,' Chemisch Weekblad 71(4) (24 jan. 1975) 13-16.

Emil Broesterhuizen en Arie Rip, 'Chemie, onafhankelijkheid van de natuur?' Chemisch Weekblad 71 (51/52) (19 dec. 1975) 19-21.

A. Kalk, A. Rip en P.J. Thung, 'Doelen en Waarden bij het Onderzoeksbeleid,' Universiteit en Hogeschool 24(3) (dec. 1977) 119-198. Themanummer.

A. Rip, 'Wantrouwen en vertrouwen achtervolgen wetenschap,' NRC Handelsblad (7 feb. 1978).

Arie Rip, 'Natuurwetenschap in bedrijf. De functie van het forum,' Intermediair 15(5) (2 feb. 1979), 1-11.

Arie Rip, 'De oogkleppen van de wetenschappelijke subcultuur,' NRC Handelsblad (31 jan. 1979), 11.

Arie Rip, 'Een geslaagde mislukking. Bespreking van Böhme et al., Starnberger Studies 1,' Wetenschap en Samenleving 79/1 (1979) 37-43.

Arie Rip, 'Sciëntometrie: meten met schijn van objektiviteit,' NRC Handelsblad, 2 mei 1979, p. 11.

Arie Rip, 'Wetenschapper waant zich in reservaat,' NRC Handelsblad (17 okt. 1979). Wetenschapspagina.

Arie Rip, 'Impressions of the situation of science studies in the Netherlands,' PAREX Information, no. 4 (Autumn 1979) 4-6.

Arie Rip, 'Relaties tussen Wetenschap en Samenleving - van actueel vraagstuk tot studie-onderdeel,' Sociaal Educatief Magazine 1(10) (13 okt. 1979) 14-16.

Arie Rip en Chris Boers, 'Onderzoek op het gebied van W&S,' Wetenschap en Samenleving 79/10 (dec. 1979) 22-32.

Arie Rip, 'Populisme in het wetenschapsbeleid,' Wetenschapsbeleid 2(7) (sept. 1980) 3.

Arie Rip, 'Derek de Solla Price: onderzoek verdient voorrang boven technologie,' NRC Handelsblad (3 dec. 1980). Wetenschapspagina.

A. Rip, 'Chemistry and Society in the Netherlands,' International Newsletter on Chemical Education (IUPAC), no. 15 (June 1981) 8-10.

Arie Rip, Hans Vermeeren, Paul van der Vet, 'Reflectie op chemie,' Chemisch Magazine (okt. 1981) 591-599. Themanummer.

A. Rip, 'Toch een ministerie voor wetenschap en technologie instellen,' TNO Project 9(12) (dec. 1981) 459-464.

Arie Rip, 'Boekbespreking van Verhoog, Science and the Social Responsibility of Natural Scientists,' Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 74 (1982) 130-133.

Arie Rip, 'De gans met de gouden eieren en andere maatschappelijke legitimaties van de moderne wetenschap', De Gids 145(5) (1982) 285-297.

Arie Rip, 'Scientists, Trade Unions and Science Policy', in Ken Green and Phil Gummett (eds.), Report of Workshop on Science and Technology Policy and Trade Unions (Manchester: PREST/Department Liberal Studies in Science, 1982), not paginated.

A.Rip en W. Slot, 'Beelden van chemie,' Chemisch Magazine (okt. 1982) 600-602.

A. Rip en W. van der Es, 'Zaken doen met universiteiten,' in Biotechnologie, Cahier Biowetenschappen en Maatschappij 8(2) (dec. 1982), 33-39.

Arie Rip, 'Pikorde in de wetenschap,' NRC Handelsblad (19 mei 1983), Katern Wetenschap en Onderwijs, p. 2.

Arie Rip, 'Review of Andrew Jamison, National Components of Scientific Knowledge,' EASST Newsletter 2(1) (May 1983) 12-14.

Arie Rip, 'Wat te doen aan bedrog in de wetenschap?' NRC Handelsblad (16 juni 1983), Katern Wetenschap & Onderwijs, p. 2.

Arie Rip, 'Op weg naar technologisch humanisme,' De Ingenieur 95(6) (juni 1983) 46-48.

A. Rip, 'Leren leven met chemicaliën,' Chemisch Magazine (maart 1984) 175-178.

Arie Rip, 'Chemisatie en gevarenkultuur,' Wetenschap en Samenleving 1984/3 (maart 1984) 23-29.

Arie Rip, 'Science, Technologie et Société: Une Vision Européenne,' in Dominique Wolton (réd.), Indisciplines (Paris: Ed. du CNRS, 1984), pp. 106-111. Cahier STS 1.

Arie Rip, 'Poortwachters van de wetenschap,' NRC Handelsblad (17 mei 1984) Katern Wetenschap & Onderwijs, p. 2.

Emil Broesterhuizen and Arie Rip, 'No PLACE for CUDOS?' EASST Newsletter 3(3) (August 1984) 5-8.

Arie Rip, 'De greep op de wetenschap,' NRC Handelsblad (11 april 1985). Bespreking van Dickson, The New Politics of Science.

Arie Rip, 'The Challenge to European Science - And to Science Studies? An Essay Review,' EAAST Newsletter 5(3) (August 1986) 6-11.

José van Eijndhoven, Johan Schot, Arie Rip, 'Implementatie van milieunormen: onderzoek en praktijk,' Wetenschap en Samenleving (1986) nr. 9/10, 35-39.

Arie Rip, 'Ciência, tecnologia e sociedada - una perspectiva europeia,' CTS. Revista de Ciência, Tecnologia e sociedade, No. 1 (Janeiro 1987) 7-9.

A. Rip, F. Dijs, 'De boodschap van de wetenschap. Over de onderzoeker en zijn publiek', in Fred Dijs (red.), Natuurwetenschap in het theater. Vijf voorstellingen van de werkelijkheid (Amsterdam: Van Gennep, 1987), 9-23.

A. Rip, 'Wisselwerkingen tussen wetenschapsstudies en bibliotheek en documentatie', in M.P. van Buijtenen, M.J. Schiltman (red.)), Onderzoek in Bibliotheek- en Informatiewetenschap (Den Haag: Nederlands Bibliotheek- en Lektuur Centrum, 1987), 65-79.

Arie Rip, 'The ambivalence of excellence,' EASST Newsletter 7(1/2) (Feb./May 1988) 12-14. Essay review of Jackson & Rushton, Scientific Excellence. Origins and Assessment.

Arie Rip, 'Keller on Science Studies, or Reflexivity Revisited', Science, Technology & Human Values 13 (3/4) (Summer/Autumn 1988) 254-261.

Ruud Smits, Arie Rip, 'De opkomst van TA in Nederland', Wetenschap en Samenleving 40(5) (1988) 7-16.

Arie Rip, 'The years of the Yearbook Sociology of the Sciences,' EASST Newsletter 7(4) (Nov. 1988) 6-8. Published Febr. 1989.

Arie Rip, 'Whistle blowing: professionele ongehoorzaamheid,' Chemisch Magazine (aug. 1989) 431-432, 435.

Arie Rip, 'Book Review of Jurgen Schmandt, Hilliard Roderick, Acid Rain and Friendly Neighbors. The Policy Dispute between Canada and the United States, Isis 80(2) (June 1989) 334.

Rip A., 'De oppervlakkigheid van de empirisch gewende wetenschapstheorie', In: Kennis en Methode, no. 14-2, ISSN: 0165 1773, (1990), 216-221.

Arie Rip en Harro van Lente, 'Zijn verwachtingen in toom te houden met codes?' NRC Handelsblad, 24 sept. 1990.

P. van Hoogstraten, A. Rip, 'Technology Asessment: discussies over een nieuw paradigma,' De Ingenieur 102(10) (okt. 1990) 20-24.

Arie Rip, 'Afscheid van de waakhond? Op zoek naar een integraal technologiebeleid,' Wetenschap en Samenleving 43(1) (1991) 25-31. Bespreking van het proefschrift van Ruud Smits en Jos Leyten.

Arie Rip, 'United We Fall,' Social Studies of Science 21 (1991) 179-186. Essay Review of Schwarz and Thompson, Divided We Stand.

A. Rip, 'The R&D System in Transition: An Exercise in Foresight', in L. Tondle (ed.), Teorie vedy [Theory of Science] 1/3 (1990). Csechoslav Academy of Sciences, published April 1991.

Arie Rip, 'Citation for Thomas P. Hughes, 1990 Bernal Prize Recipient,' Science, Technology & Human Values 16(3) (Summer 1991) 382-386.

Michel Callon et Arie Rip, 'Forums hybrides et négociations des normes socio-techniques dans le domaine de l'environnement. La fin des experts et l'irrésistible ascension de l'expertise,' dans Jacques Theys (réd.) Environnement, science et politique (Paris: Association GERMES, 1991), pp. 227-238.

Arie Rip, 'Stories of Technology,' EASST Newsletter 10(3/4) (Dec. 1991) 6-8.

Harro van Lente and Arie Rip, 'Some rhetorics are more equal than others,' Social Epistemology 6(2) (1992) 175-178.

A. Rip, 'Macht en onmacht in het natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek,' in W.IJ. Aalbersberg, Aspecten van macht en onmacht (Ede: NIZO, sept. 1992), pp. 33-43.

A. Rip, 'Strategische onderzoekprogramma's en de rol van sectorraden,' in J.A. van Ginkel et al., Strategische Onderzoekprogramma's. Voorwaarden voor Succes (Zoetermeer: Commissie Overleg Sectorraden, 1993), pp. 93-99.

Arie Rip, 'Citation for Bruno Latour, 1992 Bernal Prize Recipient,' Science, Technology & Human Values 18(3) (Summer 1993) 379-383.

Arie Rip, 'Technology: Society's missing mass,' Public Understanding of Science 3 (1994) 233-238. Essay Review of Bijker and Law, Shaping Technology / Building Society.

Arie Rip, 'Science & Technology Studies and Constructive Technology Assessment'. EASST Newsletter 13(3), ISSN 0254 9603, Sept. 1994, 11-16. Keynote Speech to EASST Conference, Budapest, 28-31 August 1994. With Comments by John Ziman, Les Levidov, and Andrew Barry.

Arie Rip, 'Bescherm de weerloze technologie!' De Ingenieur 106(17) (25 okt. 1994), p. 11.

A. Rip, 'Epiloog,' in W.A. van Niekerk (red.), Maatschappelijke kwaliteit van onderzoek. Verslag van een workshop georganiseerd door de Commissie van Overleg Sectorraden (Zoetermeer: Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen, juni 1995), 79-86.

J.I.A. Visscher-Voerman, I. de Diana, K. Visscher, A. Rip, 'A Design Methodology for the Social Sciences,' in R.M. Oxman, M.F.Th. Bax & H.H. Achten (eds.), Design Research in the Netherlands (Eindhoven: Faculteit Bouwkunde, Technische UNiversiteit Eindhoven, 1995), pp. 31-40.

Arie Rip, 't'Is All in Pieces,' MetaScience, New Series, 1995 # 8, 133-137. Review of Ziman, Prometheus Bound.

Arie Rip, 'Science Studies in the Netherlands,' and 'Evaluation,' in Ulrike Felt, Helga Nowotny (eds.), Social Studies of Science in an International Perspective (Vienna: Institute for Theory and Social Studies of Science, [1996]), pp. 15-25 and 83-89. Proceedings of a Workshop, University of Vienna, 13-14 January 1994.

Arie Rip, Book Review of Strategies for the National Support of Basic Research: An International Comparison (Jerusalem, 1995), Higher Education Policy 9(4) (1996) 339-340.

Arie Rip, 'Die Transformation der Wissenschaften: Neue Herausforderungen für die Universität,' Kurswechsel. Zeitschrift für gesellschafts-, wirtschafts- und umweltpolitische Alternativen, Heft 2/97, 8-20.

J. Jasper Deuten and Arie Rip, 'Telling yourself forward, telling the product innovation process forward, OR: Agency as a productive illusion and the fundamental role of narration,' Proceedings of the EIASM Conference "Organizing in a Multi-Voiced World", Leuven (Belgium), 4-7 June 1997. Vol. I (not paginated).

Arie Rip, 'Ingenieurs en hun verantwoordelijkheid,' Wijsgerig Perspectief 38(4) (1997/98), 131-135.

Arie Rip, 'Higher Forms of Nonsense,' in Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO), The Future of the Peer Review System (The Hague: NWO, 1998), 27-51.

A. Rip, 'Filosofie van Techniek via een sociologische omweg,' Filosofie 8(3) (juni-juli 1998), 33-37.

Arie Rip, 'Modern and Post-Modern Science Policy,' EASST Review 17(3) (Sept. 1998) 13-16.

Arie Rip, 'The Necessity and Impossibility of Collaboration,' Eastern Seaboard News (Sept. 1998) 3-4. Newsletter of the Association of Tertiary Institutions esATI.

Arie Rip, 'Agencer: Recherche et Marché. Commentaire des textes de Joly et al., Cassier, Mustar et Callon,' pp. xxxv-xxxviii in Cécile Méadel et Vololona Rabeharisoa (éd.), Répresenter, Hybrider, Coordonner, Paris: Centre Sociologie de l'Innovation, École des Mines, deuxième édition, November 1998.

Arie Rip, ‘Societal Challenges for Evaluation,’ pp. 127-131 in Susanne Bührer & Stefan Kuhlmann (eds.), Evaluation of Science and Technology in the New Europe. Proceedings of an International Conference on 7 and 8 June 1999, Berlin, Karlsruhe: ISI, December 1999.

Arie Rip, ‘On the post-modern research system,’ Box 10.1 in H.C. Marais, Perspectives on Science Policy in South Africa, Menlo Park (SA): Network Publishers, 2000, at p. 158.

Arie Rip, ‘Ethics, RTD and Evaluation,’ The IPTS Report #50, December 2000, 6-10.

Arie Rip, ‘Leid ons niet in verzoeking,’ Chemisch2Weekblad, #24, 16 december 2000, p. 19. Bespreking van KNAW, Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek: Dilemma’s en Verleiding (2000).

Arie Rip, ‘Engagement is niet genoeg,’ Tijdschrift voor Wetenschap, Technologie en Samenleving 9(3) (2001) 116-117.

Arie Rip, Boekbespreking van Patricia Faasse, Zuiver om de wetenschap. De Akademie en haar levenswetenschappelijke instituten (1999), GEWINA 24(3) (2001) 178-180.

Arie Rip, ‘Telling Stories – To Some Effect’, EASST Review 21(2) June 2002, 3-9. Review of David Turnbull, Masons, Tricksters and Cartographers (2000).

Papers available on websites

Arie Rip, Challenges for R&D Evaluation, paper contributed to the US-European Workshop on Learning from Science and Technology Evaluation, Bad Herrenalb (Germany), 11-14 September 2000. Proceedings available via Georgia Tech at htpp://, or at the Fraunhofer ISI at .

Arie Rip, Interesting cases of “new modes of knowledge production”, paper contributed to the International Conference on Globalisation and Higher Education. Views from the South, Cape Town, 27-29 March 2001. Proceedings available via

Invited lectures, keynote speeches etc.


The Social Construction of Technology, Keynote Address 1, Workshop Socila Construction of Technology in the Indonesian Context: Reflections on Telecommunication and Informatics. Bandung, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 6 February 1999.

Technology Assessment en maatschappelijke robuustheid van technologieën, lezing op uitnodiging in de reeks algemene colloquia, Petten, Energie Centrum Nederland, 8 maart 1999.

Path Emergence and Path Dependence, invited discussion paper, Workshop on path dependence and creation, MERIT, Maastricht, 1-2 July 1999.

Scenarios for Funding Agencies. Invited lecture, Pretoria, National Research Foundation, 29 July 1999.

Many Visible Hands, invited keynote paper (with Aard Groen). Fifth ASEAT Conference, “Demands, Markets, Users and Innovation: Sociological and Economic Approaches”. Manchester, 14-16 September 1999. [published as: Arie Rip and Aard Groen, ‘Many visible hands,’ in Rod Coombs, Ken Green, Vivien Walsh, and Albert Richards (eds.), Technology and the Market. Demands, Users and Innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2001, pp. 12-37.]

Strategic Science and Regional Innovation Systems, invited paper, NECSTS-99 Conference on Regional Innovation Systems in Europe, Donostia / San Sebastian, 30 September – 2 October 1999. [published as: Arie Rip, ‘Regional Innovation Systems and the Advent of Strategic Science,’ Journal of Technology Transfer 27 (2002) 123-131. Special issue on regional innovation systems.]

Participatory TA and its limitations, invited concluding paper, Second EUROpTA Workshop, Evaluation of Participatory Technology Assessment Methods, Scheveningen, 4-5 October 1999.

R&D Evaluation and Ethics, Helsinki, December 1999 [published as: Arie Rip, ‘Ethics, RTD and Evaluation,’ The IPTS Report #50, December 2000, 6-10.]

‘Management of Technology in Society’, Vortrag Gradiertenkolleg Technisierung und Gesellschaft, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 4 May 2000.

‘Following Actors – Then What?”, invited paper, Seminar Neuere Ansätze und Methoden in der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 5 May 2000.

Invited comment (session: The Role of Organisations and Institutions in the Innovation Process), Volkswagen Foundation Search Conference on “Prospects and Challenges for Research on Innovation”. Berlin, 8-9 June 2000.

‘Science Policy and Transformations in Knowledge Production’, invited seminar, SPRU, University of Sussex, 15 June 2000.

‘In Praise of Speculation’, invited contribution to the OECD Workshop ‘The Contribution of the Social Sciences to Knowledge and Decision-Making’, Brugge, 26-28 June 2000. [published as: Arie Rip, ‘In Praise of Speculation,’ Ch. 8 in OECD, Proceedings, Social Sciences for Knowledge and Decision Making, Paris: OECD, 2001, 95-103.]

‘Management of Technology in Society’, invited contribution to the Management of Technology Research Networking Seminar, Canberra, 6-7 July 2000, ARC Management Research Networking Pilot Program.

‘Societal Challenges for Evaluation’, invited keynote lecture, U.S.- European Workshop “Learning from Science and Technology Policy Evaluation”, Bad Herrenalp, 11-14 September 2000. [published as: ]

‘The role of evaluation in the societal relevance of research’, invited keynote speech to Round Table 1 of the Evaluation Conference on “Strategic Evaluation: The governance of the research system in the EU”, Lyon, 9-10 October 2000.

‘Controlled Speculation’, Invited paper for Parallel Session 2, Anticipating Risks: Foresight and “Precautionary Research” , of the EU conference on Science and Governance in the Knowledge Society, Brussels, 16-17 October 2000.

‘Assessing Impacts of Innovation: New Developments in Technology Assessment’ invited contribution to the OECD and United Nations University International Workshop on Social Sciences and Innovation, Tokyo, 29 November – 2 December 2000. [published as: Arie Rip, ‘Ássessing the Impacts of Innovation: New Developments in Technology Assessment,’ in OECD Proceedings, Social Sciences and Innovation, Paris: OECD, 2001, pp. 197-213.]

‘Theories of Science Policy’, invited lectures, University of Lausanne, 15 December 2000.

‘Management of Technology in Society’, keynote speech to the R&D Management Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 7-9 February 2001

‘Designing Robust Knowledge’, invited paper, Conference on Learning Capacities in Knowledge Production Systems, University of Lausanne, 18-19 May 2001.

‘In Praise of Heterogeneity in Science & Technology’, invited lecture, University of Melbourne, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, 15 October 2001.

‘Professional Development for RTD Evaluation’, invited paper, Conference on International best practices in evaluation of research in public institutes and universities, Brussels, 12-13 November 2001. Organized by the Belgian EU Presidency and EU DG Research.

‘Research Councils Internationally’, invited lecture for the symposium on the evaluation report A Singular Council. Evaluation of the Research Council of Norway, Trondheim, NTNU, 30 January 2002.

‘Science for the 21st Century’, prize-winning essay presented at the ‘Sciences and Arts Debate’, Haarlem, 16 February 2002, on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen. [published as: ]

‘RTD Evaluation in Europe’, invited lecture for NISTEP, Tokyo, 26 February 2002.

‘Postmodern Science and Technology Policy’, invited lecture, International Symposium New Articulation of Science and Technology, Tokyo, February 28 and March 01, 2002. [published as: ]




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