The Great Gatsby—TEST - PC\|MAC

The Great Gatsby – Unit Exam

I. Character Descriptions – match the following characters to his or her correct descriptions.

a. Daisy Buchanan a. Nick Carraway a. Myrtle Wilson

b. Catherine b. Henry Gatz b. Jordan Baker

c. Jay Gatsby c. Tom Buchanan c. Owl Eyes

d. Meyer Wolfsheim d. Klipspringer

e. George Wilson e. Michaelis

1. Nick’s mysterious and wealthy neighbor.

2. Woman loved by the main character.

3. Nick’s old college classmate.

4. The narrator.

5. Tom Buchanan’s mistress.

6. A golfer and semi-serious love interest of Nick.

7. Business partner of Gatsby; fixed the 1919 World Series.

8. Piano-playing boarder; calls Gatsby’s house for shoes he left.

9. The sister of Tom Buchanan’s mistress.

10. Stays up comforting George Wilson after the death of his wife.

II. Quotes – choose the character described by each of the following quotes.

a. Gatsby d. Daisy

b. Tom e. Myrtle

c. Jordan a. Catherine

11. “It was a body capable of enormous leverage—a cruel body.”

12. “…she carried her surplus flesh sensuously as some women can.”

13. “Her voice is full of money.”

III. Quotes – choose the character that SPOKE each of the following lines.

a. Gatsby d. Daisy

b. Tom e. Myrtle

c. Jordan a. Nick

14. “You’re a rotten driver…Either you ought to be more careful or you oughtn’t to drive at all.”

15. “I hope she’ll be a fool – that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.”

16. “By God, I may be old-fashioned in my ideas, but women run around too much these days to suit me.”

17. “They’re a rotten crowd. You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together.”

18. “Oh, you want too much! I love you now—isn’t that enough?”

19. “He was crazy enough to kill me if I hadn’t told him who owned the car.”

IV. True or False – mark “a” for true, “b” for false.

20. Gatsby’s real name is James Gatz.

21. Nick Carraway’s father said that all people are born with the same advantages.

22. West Egg is less fashionable than East Egg.

23. Gatsby buys a mansion in West Egg so he can be near the sea.

24. Tom Buchanan comes from a wealthy family.

25. Tom is a man with strong prejudices.

26. Myrtle Wilson is a cultivated, refined woman.

27. Gatsby’s parties are small and elegant.

28. Jordan tells Nick of Gatsby’s love for Daisy.

29. It is Jordan who reunites Gatsby and Daisy.

30. Gatsby shows Nick evidence of his bravery in the war.

31. Daisy is driving the car when it hits Myrtle.

32. Tom Buchanan shoots Gatsby.

33. Tom Buchanan furnishes Wilson with the information that leads to the death of Gatsby.

34. Wolfsheim is significant because he is the only friend to attend Gatsby’s funeral.

V. Multiple Choice – for each of the following, choose the BEST answer.

35. The time that this story is set in is frequently referred to as the

A. Jazz Age

B. Age of Classicism

C. Romantic Age

D. Realism Age

36. Nick learns that Jordan cheats at

A. Tennis

B. Golf

C. Bridge

D. Polo

37. For a short time, Gatsby attended

A. Cambridge

B. Oxford

C. Heidelberg

D. Harvard

38. Nick describes Tom and Daisy as

A. Foolish and helpless

B. Frightened and lonely

C. Careless and destructive

D. The playboy and blondie

39. The Wilson’s garage is in

A. A poor section of East Egg

B. The Valley of Ashes

C. A slum of New York

D. A shopping mall

40. George Wilson learns about his wife’s affair when he

A. Overhears a telephone conversation

B. Finds an expensive dog collar

C. Finds the key to her secret apartment

D. Hires a private detective

41. When Myrtle sees Jordan with Tom, she thinks that Jordan is

A. His wife

B. Another lover

C. A casual friend

D. His sister

42. When Wilson first learns that Myrtle is unfaithful, he wants to

A. Kill her

B. Kill her lover

C. Take her far away

D. Divorce her

43. How is Gatsby killed?

A. Wilson stabs him while Gatsby lounges on his back lawn

B. Tom shoots him in the back as Gatsby tries to leave with Daisy

C. Tom accidentally runs Gatsby over with his car and doesn’t stop

D. Wilson shoots him while Gatsby lounges in his pool

44. Gatsby lives

A. Simply

B. Extravagantly

C. Moderately

D. By the “Code of the West”

45. Gatsby’s father is

A. Awed and impressed by his son’s success

B. Scornful and ashamed of his son’s lifestyle

C. Proud of his son, even though he knows all about his underhanded business dealings

D. Dead

46. James Gatz is

A. Daisy’s Cousin

B. Gatsby’s piano player

C. Gatsby’s real name

D. Gatsby’s neighbor

47. Gatsby gets out of a ticket by showing a police officer

A. a fifty dollar bill

B. a Christmas card from the police commissioner

C. the damage done to the front fender of his car

D. his award medals from the war

48. When Nick tells Gatsby, “You can’t repeat the past,” Gatsby replies,

A. “Of course you can.”

B. “After all I’ve done? That’s nonsense.”

C. “I’d never thought of that before, Old Sport.”

D. “Just watch me.”

49. What do the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg symbolize?

A. the need to have one’s glasses replaced

B. the dirty side of town

C. that people’s morals are corrupt

D. the eyes of God

50. Myrtle Wilson’s nose is broken by

A. Tom when she spends $10 on a puppy

B. Tom when she won’t stop saying Daisy’s name

C. George when he finds out she’s cheating on him

D. George when he locks her in the bedroom

51. The expression “and the holocaust was complete” refers to

A. Myrtle’s death

B. Wilson and Gatsby’s death

C. Tom and Daisy Buchanan’s death

D. the death of Gatsby’s dream

52. The character who, according to Gatsby, “fixed the world series” is

A. Meyer Wolfsheim

B. Klipspringer

C. Owl Eyes

D. Tom Buchanan

53. When Myrtle was killed, the car that hit her belonged to and was driven by

A. Belonged to Gatsby; was driven by Tom

B. Belonged to Tom; was driven by Daisy

C. Belonged to Gatsby; was driven by Jordan

D. Belonged to Gatsby; was driven by Daisy

54. Even though Nick says that Gatsby represented “everything for which I have an unaffected scorn,” he still admires him because

A. he had so much money, and no one knew how he made it all

B. he had an extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness such as he has never found in anyone else

C. he was “an Oxford man,” and Nick also went to school there

D. he never truly associated with those that attended his parties, remaining distant and aloof

55. What is significant about the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg?

A. they only watch; they remain distant and uninvolved revealing the same about God

B. they show that God and the rules of morality and religion are dead in modern society

C. both choices “a” and “b”

D. none of the above

56. What is most significant about the Valley of Ashes?

A. it represents the wasteland that the world is becoming as its morals and values fall apart

B. it is the place that connects East and West Egg

C. it is where George and Myrtle Wilson live

D. it is present day Queens, NY

57. Why is the color “green” important in The Great Gatsby?

A. it symbolizes a person’s ability to achieve great things in the modern era

B. it symbolizes lust and jazz music

C. it symbolizes greed, jealously, corruption and money

D. there are many objects that are colored green in the novel

58. In chapter 1, what does the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock symbolize for Gatsby?

A. Gatsby’s hopes and dreams for the future

B. the end of Daisy’s dock

C. an idea that Gatsby thinks he can never achieve

D. an obstacle that he must get past

59. What is significant about the rapid change in weather during the final two chapters of the novel?

A. When Gatsby still possesses a chance to achieve his dream, the weather is extremely hot.

B. When Gatsby’s dream begins to die, the weather suddenly turns much cooler, and fall begins.

C. both choices “a” and “b”

D. none of the above

60. What is one of the main themes of The Great Gatsby?

A. keep your dreams alive, no matter the cost

B. work hard for what you want

C. don’t drive too fast, and watch the road carefully

D. wealth leads to corruption


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