GD Goenka World School







| | | |

| |Unit 1- Art, design & fashion |Unit 7- Education Matters |

| |Unit2-Modern Living |Unit 8-Caring and Sharing |

| |Unit 3- Language and Communication |Unit 9-Crime and Law |

| |Unit 4-Division and Conflict |Unit 10-All in a Day’s Work |

| |Unit 5-Facing the Future |Unit 11-Wings and Wheels |

| |Unit6-Making Choices |Unit 12-Seeing things differently |

| | | |


| | | |

| |Unit 1- Art, design & fashion |Unit 5- Facing the Future |

| |Unit2-Modern Living |Unit6-Making Choices |

| |Unit 3- Language and Communication |Unit 7- Education Matters |

| |Unit 4-Division and Conflict |Unit 8-Caring and Sharing |

| |Unit 5- Facing the Future |Unit 9-Crime and Law |

| |Unit6-Making Choices |Unit 10-All in a Day’s Work |

| | |Unit 11-Wings and Wheels |

| | |Unit 12-Seeing things differently |

| | | |

| |Composition |Composition |

| | | |

| |1. Letter writing |1. Letter writing |

| |2. Diary entry |2. Diary entry |

| |3. Creative writing |3. Creative writing |

| |4. News report |4. Advertisement/Publicity Flyer |

| |5.Article Writing |5. Poster |

| | |6.Article Writing |


| | | |

| |Chp 1- Integers, powers and roots |Chp1.Integers, powers and roots |

| |Chp 2- Expressions and formulae |Chp2.Expressions and formulae |

| |Chp 3- Shapes and geometric reasoning |Chp3.Shapes and geometric reasoning |

| |Chp 4- Length, mass and capacity |Chp4.Length, mass and capacity |

| |Chp 5- Planning and collecting data |Chp5.Planning and collecting data |

| |Chp 6- Calculations and mental strategies 1 |Chp6. Calculations and mental strategies 1 |

| |Chp 8- Place Value, ordering and rounding |Chp8.Place value, ordering and rounding |

| |Chp 9- Equations and inequalities |Chp9.Equations and inequalities |

| |Chp 10- Pythagoras theorem |Chp10. Pythagoras theorem |

| |pound measures and motion |pound measures and motion |

| |Chp12.Processing and presenting data |Chp12.Processing and presenting data |

| |Chp 13- Calculations and mental strategies 2 |Chp13. Calculations and mental strategies 2 |

| | |Chp15.Fractions, decimals and percentages |

| | |Chp16. Sequences |

| | |Chp17.Position and movement |

| | |Chp18.Area and Volume |

| | |Chp19.Interpreting and discussing results |

| | |Chp20. Calculations and mental strategies 3 |

| | |Chp22.Ratio and proportion |

| | |Chp23.Functions and graphs |

| | |Chp24.Bearings and drawings |

| | |Chp25. Measures and the circle |

| | |Chp26. Probability |

| | |Chp 27. Calculations and mental strategies 4 |


| | | |

| |Chapter 1 Photosynthesis |Chapter 5 Human influences on Environment |

| |Chapter 2 Reproduction in flowering plants |Chapter 6 Classification and variation |

| |Chapter 3 Adapting to a habitat | |

| |Chapter 4 Ecosystem | |

| | | |


| | | |

| |Chapter 7 – The structure of the atom April |Chapter 10 – Patterns of reactivity Sept |

| |Chapter 8 – The periodic table May |Chapter 11 – Preparing common salts Nov |

| |Chapter 9 – Endothermic and exothermic reactions Aug |Chapter 12 – Rates of reaction Dec |

| |Chapter 10 – Patterns of reactivity Sept | |

| | | |


| | | |

| |Chapter 13 – Density |Chapter 17- Electricity |

| |Chapter 14 –Pressure |Chapter 18-Heat energy Transfer |

| |Chapter 15-Turning on a pivot |Chapter 19- World energy needs |

| |Chapter 16-Electrostatics | |


| | | |

| |Assassination at Sarajevo |The Peace Treaties |

| |Who Was to Blame? |The League of Nations |

| |The War Begins |Failure of the League of Nations |

| |Trench Warfare on the Western Front |The Weimar Republic, 1919-1929 |

| |The Great Battles of 1915-1917 |Democracy under Threat 1919-1939 |

| |The other fronts |The Great Depression |

| |The War at Sea |Hitler Comes to Power |

| |The USA Enters the War |Life in Nazi Germany |

| |The War Ends |The Holocaust |

| | |Five steps to war |

| | |Neville Chamberlain and Appeasement |

| | |The Rise and fall of the Axis |

| | |The War in the East |

| | |Hiroshima and Nagasaki |

| | | |


| | | |

| |What factors affect climate? |Where do volcanoes and earthquakes happen? |

| |What are ecosystems? |How do volcanoes and earthquakes happen? |

| |What are tropical rainforests? /climate and vegetation |What are volcanoes? |

| |What are Polar Regions like? |What happens when a volcano erupts? |

| |How can industry pollute the environment? |What happens in an earthquake? |

| |How can environments be damaged? |How can the earthquakes danger be reduced? |

| |Why is it important to protect our forests? |Two earthquakes compared. |

| |What are China’s main physical features? |What non-renewable and renewable resources are there? |

| |What are China’s main population features? |Electricity and the environment |

| |Shenzhen-a powerhouse in the Chinese economy |How can we conserve resources? |

| |Environmental regions enquiry |Why soil an important resource? |

| | |Too many people? |

| | |Hoe do jobs affect development? |

| | |Hoe does trade affect development? |

| | |Is development spread evenly? |

| | |The volcano enquiry |

| |Key skills | |

| |How can we use questions in geography? |Key skills |

| |How can we design a questionnaire? |How can we use questions in geography? |

| |What is a geographical enquiry? |How can we design a questionnaire? |

| |What are the key sections of an enquiry? |What is a geographical enquiry? |

| |How should an enquiry be presented? |What are the key sections of an enquiry? |

| | |How should an enquiry be presented? |


| | | |

| |Description of a shop and how to buy a thing in a shop |Dialogue in a café and restaurant |

| |Description of a country and a city |Description of food and meals |

| |Transports |Talk about travel plans |

| |Description of hobbies |Dialogue at a ticket counter |

| |Talk about holidays |Description of a journey |

| |Description of your school |Description of clothes and appearance |

| |Description of daily routine and school routine |Dialogue with a doctor |

| |Description of school subjects |Description of future plans |

| |Description of a person |Description of sports activities |

| |Description of household work |Description of last weekend |

| |Description of a visit | |

| | | |

| |GRAMMAR | |

| | |GRAMMAR |

| |Les prépositions de lieu | |

| |Les expressions négatives |Passé Composé |

| |Les articles (Indéfinis, définis, contractés, partitifs) |Les Adjectifs Possessifs |

| |Les verbes (ER, IR, RE, IRREGULIERS) |Les Adjectifs Interrogatifs |

| |Présent Progressif |Les Pronoms (COD) |

| |Les verbes Réflexives |Impératif |

| |La négation |Future Simple |

| |L’interrogation |Future Proche |

| |La Comparaison |Les connecteurs |

| |Les adjectifs |La Comparaison |

| |Passé Composé | |

| |Passé Récent | |

| |Les Adjectifs Démonstratifs | |

|SPANISH |Verb tener and Vivir |De compras, Que gustallevar, Que ropallevan, Me lopuedoprobar |

| |Mucho gusto, Estasentu casa, Unosregalos, gracias por el regalo. |Que vas a llevar para la fiesta, uniforme, En la calle principal |

| |Gift, Food, Verb Gustar, Email. |Que hay de interes, tus vacaciones,quehaces |

| |Revision, verb Tener Expressions |Parque tematico, Email, letter, Complementodirecto |

| |Present continuous tense. |Revision |

|GERMAN |Modul 5 |Modul 6 |

| | | |

| |Lektion 1 (Stefan, wiegeht’sdir?) |Lektion 1 (Wo isttina?) |

| |To name a few common ailments and remedies, Body parts, Definite article- Dative case, |To inquire about the where abouts of a person or a place, to orient oneself in a city, |

| |Interrogative pronoun- ,, Wem”?, Imperative, Tense |Interrogative Pronoun – “ Wo”?, prepositions of place in answer to the question “ wo”? (am, in, |

| | |hinter, vor, neben + dative case), |

| | | |

| |Lektion 2 (Gesund Leben) |Lektion 2 (Hast du lust, ins Kino zugehen ?) |

| |Past, regular/ irregular verbs, Adverbs of time,PartizipPerfekt, Artikel, Email, Reading |Verb, wissen” , Indirect questions, corresponding prepositions of place (in, auf+ accusative |

| |Comprehension. |case), Infinitive with zu”, Prepositions entlang” , um durch, bis, von, mit |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Lektion3 (Was hast du fürdeine Gesundheit getan?) |Lektion 3 (Ordnung muss sein !) |

| |Modal verbs ,,dürfen& ,,sollen”, A german recipe: Kartoffelsalat, Interviews, E-mail, |Verbs, stellen,stehen, legen ,Liegen, sitzen, hängen, prepositions of place(wo?+dative case, |

| |Reading Comprehension |Wohin? + accusative case), conjunction aber, denn, oder, sondern , und conjuctions with two parts:|

| | |Zwar ...aber”, nichtnur ... sondernauch” |

|HINDI |उत्कर्ष |उत्कर्ष |

| |हिंदुस्तान हमारा है (कविता ) |चाणक्य- नीति |

| |उखड़े खंभे (एकांकी) |छोड़ दो |

| |हिन्दी व्याकरण |हिन्दी व्याकरण |

| |गिनती |कारक |

| |क्रिया |समास |

| |क्रियाविशेषण |अव्यय |

| |वाक्य विचार |अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द |

| |पद परिचय |मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ |

| |अलंकार |अपठित गदयांश |

| |पर्यायवाची शब्द |निबंध लेखन |

| |वाक्य शुद्धि |पत्र लेखन |

| |वाच्य परिवर्तन |चित्र लेखन |

| |निबंध लेखन |रिपोर्ट लेखन |

| |पत्र लेखन | |

| |डायरी लेखन | |

| |कहानी लेखन | |

| |चित्र लेखन | |

| |संवाद लेखन | |

| |रिपोर्ट लेखन | |

| ICT |Theory Paper |Theory Paper |

| | | |

| |Chapter- 1 Computer Software |Chapter- 6 Lists and Images in HTML |

| |Chapter- 2 Introduction to MS-Access |Chapter- 7 Creating tables and frames in HTML |

| |Chapter- 3 Microsoft Access queries, forms and reports |Chapter- 8 Introduction to Java |

| |Chapter- 4 More on Photoshop |Chapter- 9 Networking and E-commerce |

| |Chapter- 5 More in Visual Basic | |

| | | |

| |Practical Exam |Practical Exam |

| | | |

| |Chapter- 2 Introduction to MS-Access |Chapter- 6 Lists and Images in HTML |

| |Chapter- 3 Microsoft Access queries, forms and reports |Chapter- 7 Creating tables and frames in HTML |

| |Chapter- 4 More on Photoshop |Chapter- 8 Introduction to Java |

| |Chapter- 5 More in Visual Basic | |

Note: In Semester 2 entire syllabus will come


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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