April 7, 2006

April 7, 2006

AK Giving Coalition: Marketing/Branding Taskforce

Present: Jim Caldarola, Michelle Bosau, Laura Goss, Blythe Campbell, Ivy Spohnholz, Vic Mollozi, Dawn Kimberlin, Elizabeth Miller

Staff: Terry Horton


Michelle Bosau agreed to chair this committee at least until May. She has a concern about continuing to chair into the fall given her commitments with the United Way Fall Campaign.

Michelle suggests “Give for Alaska” as the campaign message/slogan. The taskforce agreed to this slogan. The slogan could then be modified by individual groups “Give for Health”, “Give for the Arts”, etc. Laura suggested instead that it could be “Give for Alaska”, then “Give for Alaska(n) Health”, “Give for Alaska(n) Arts” etc. It’s very versatile.

Assuming that an ad agency agrees to work with the task force, we can give them this basic idea and ask that it be developed further. Vic will follow up with asking the Nerland Agency to help with the marketing/branding effort. The taskforce also identified a few backup plans if the Nerland Agency can’t take this project.

The ad agency and the task force would present the vision for how the marketing campaign might play out, both in the short-term and the long-term. The taskforce goal will be to have a draft of the marketing/branding ideas and suggested submessages for the full coalition meting in May.

It will be important to identify strategic partners early on. Suggested strategic partners to ask to join us might be Gretchen Gordon with public radio, Mary Rutherford and/or Wendy Redmond of University of Alaska. Vic said that Steve Lindbeck of UAA has already agreed to help with the coalition. Other statewide people include Jerry of the Bethel Foundation. Joy Stewart out of Homer is participating in a few task forces. She might be willing to join this one as well. Also, the Rasmuson Foundation is reaching out to smaller communities already. It would be good to ask the Foundation to help spread the giving coalition logo and marketing message once developed. Ivy is particularly interested in helping with this effort.

We should also come up with cost estimates of a statewide branding campaign. Putting the costs together is fairly easy; it is finding the funding that will be the harder part, but the coalition needs to have an understanding of all possible costs before it can effectively raise needed resources.

Some things won’t cost. For example, if the coalition provides the brand and logo information, groups can start using it on their own publications.

Decisions and Action items:

• Michelle Boseau is chair.

• “Give for Alaska” is the suggested campaign message/slogan.

• Vic will talk to Rick Nerland and ask for his help. Michelle will type up a one page summary of the tagline and campaign ideas for Vic to use with Rick.

• Michelle would like help with Strategic Partners and Media Strategies. Ivy will help with Strategic Partners. Elizabeth will help with Media Strategies once she gets back from vacation.

Next Meeting: Friday, April 21, 2006, 2:00 -3:30.


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