Secondary Solutions | Online Professional Learning Services

Secondary Solutions | Online Professional Learning Services



Professional Development & Specialized Support Services

Complement or Supplant Your Face-to-Face Professional Development

High-quality online services delivered in self-paced, live online, and fused online modalities

• Schedule friendly

• Lower cost

• Totally effective


Flipped Learning 6

English Language Learners 10

Literacy 20

Mathematics 24

RtI 27

Science 29


Special Populations 31

Save Money and Time with Pearson’s Online Professional Learning Services

Online Professional Learning

Looking for an easy and cost-effective way to implement quality professional development? Try one of Pearson’s online professional learning services. The online route is schedule-friendly and allows teachers, administrators, and specialists to build their capacity through interactive learning modules that provide videos of classroom implementation, teaching tips, and insight from Pearson’s authors and education experts.

What’s your school’s or district’s learning style? Choose self-paced, fused, or live online modalities, or combine them with face-to-face training for a great blended solution.

Online Professional Learning Services Models*

* Short and long course durations up to 18 hours seat time are available. Examples show 6-hour seat time.

Self-Paced Course (Completely independent)

SESSION 1: Self-Paced

SESSION 2: Self-Paced

SESSION 3: Self-Paced

SESSION 4: Self-Paced

SESSION 5: Self-Paced

Self-Paced Course: Course modules are completed at the user’s convenience.

Fused Online Course (live online and self-paced)

SESSION 1: Live Online Classroom (Instruction, Discussion, Activities)

SESSION 2: Self-Paced

SESSION 3: Self-Paced

SESSION 4: Self-Paced

SESSION 5: Live Online Classroom (Instruction, Discussion, Activities)

Fused Online Course: Combines Self-Paced modules plus scheduled Live Online sessions into one course.

Live Online Course (Completely guided)

SESSION 1: Live Online Classroom (Instruction, Discussion, Activities)

SESSION 2: Live Online Classroom (Instruction, Discussion, Activities)

Live Online Course: Online, real-time, instructor-led training and virtual coaching.

Whether you choose shorter or longer duration courses, get more results with our relevant, cost-effective, schedule-friendly, and easy-to-implement evidence-based online professional learning services.

Schedule Friendly

• Courses are convenient and easy to implement

• Live online services can be scheduled before or after school

• Self-paced modules for any time, any where learning

Lower Cost

• No need for release time for teachers

• No need for substitutes

Relevant and Effective

• Evidence-based and interactive

• Video examples, hands-on multimedia, and participant reflection activities

• Virtual mentors provide personalized feedback

• Final projects are assessed

About Fused Online Courses

SELF-PACED: Individual Online

LIVE ONLINE: Cohort in Same Room OR Cohort in Different Places


[pic] English Language Learners

[pic] Response to Intervention

[pic] Common Core State Standards

[pic] Online Services

What is Flipped Learning?

Flipped learning happens when the teacher’s lecture is delivered outside of the traditional class time, via a video students view on their own. Class time is used for active problem solving by students and one-to-one or small group tutoring with the teacher. Students can watch the short lectures as many times as they wish to grasp the content and then come to class ready to jump into the lesson, answer questions, work on collaborative projects, and explore the content further. Teachers are embracing Flipped Learning in elementary and secondary schools for all disciplines.

This new blended learning class offers hands-on professional development to learn how to flip your class and reach every student every day. The flipped classroom uses modern technology to create a sustainable, reproducible, and manageable environment for student-centered learning. With the transfer of foundational knowledge outside of class time, students are asked to take ownership of their own learning. Educators are able to personalize each class and increase time spent with each student.


Following the Flipped Learning model, participants review a number of self-paced modules and complete some activities on their own. They come prepared to the face to face session with a solid understanding of the instructional model.

Topics addressed:

• What is Flipped Learning?

• The four pillars of Flipped Learning:

- Flexible environment

- Learning culture

- Intentional content

- Professional educator

2. ON-SITE (1 DAY)

During the on-site day, participants collaborate with their peers and review case studies to learn how to restructure their instructional time now that students are reviewing content prior to class. At the end of the day, participants identify a lesson that they want to “Flip” and create an activity organizational guide that they can use with their students.

Topics addressed:

• What to do in class the next day

• Video creation

• Transform an existing lesson to the Flipped Learning model


Upon returning to the classroom to try out a “Flipped” lesson, participants have an opportunity to debrief with our experts on their experience. They participate in two webinars to receive feedback from our facilitator and share their thoughts with their peers.

Topics addressed:

• Debrief on your initial flip

• Adaptations for various disciplines/grade level

• Review personal workplan


Impact on Teachers







“I will never go back to traditional teaching methods.

It’s differentiation on steroids”

99% would use it again next year

Impact on Students





“I have taught math for 10 years and have never seen my student work this hard or learn this much.”

“Flipping my classroom has dramatically improved the number and quality of interactions with individual students.”

Teachers reported benefits for all students, and in particular AP and Special Needs students.

Who’s Flipping? The more I flip, the more I want to flip!

7+ years of teaching : 85%

Have used the flipped model less than 2 years: 91%



MATH: 32%

ELA: 12%

95% of respondents are secondary school teachers

50% from suburban schools

25% urban

25% rural

Source: A TeacherView™ Survey by ClassroomWindow and the Flipped Learning Network™, conducted June 2012

Meet Our Flipped Learning Experts

Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams are considered the pioneers of Flipped Learning, coauthors of the bestselling book Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day (ISTE/ASCD, 2012), and sought-after speakers and trainers. Eight years ago, as science teachers in a rural high school in Colorado, they recorded their lectures for students who were missing class due to sports, illness or other absences so they could keep up with their class; little did they know they would become the “go-to guys” for Flipped Instruction. They are also the founding board members of the Flipped Learning Network™, with the mission to provide educators with the knowledge, skills, and resources to successfully implement Flipped Learning.

Jonathan Bergmann

Flipped Learning Expert

• Lead Technology Facilitator for the Joseph Sears School in Kenilworth, IL

• Presidential Award for Excellence for Math and Science Teaching in 2002 and was named semi-finalist for the Colorado Teacher of the Year in 2010

• Bachelor’s degree is in Science Education from Oregon State University and he holds a Master’s degree from the University of Colorado at Denver in Instructional Technology

Aaron Sams

Flipped Learning Expert

• Director of Digital Learning and Director of Admissions at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA

• Awarded the 2009 Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching

• B.S. in Biochemistry and an M.A.Ed., both from Biola University

“Three years ago we decided to flip our entire high school. Flipped learning allows my teachers to better connect with their students in small groups instead of one large anonymous class. The teacher collaboration has been incredible, with all of our teachers working towards common goals. With more time on task in the classroom our students’ test scores have increased. We have fewer kids failing, more kids succeeding with better teacher/student relationships.”

—Greg Green, Principal

Clintondale High School

Clinton Township, Michigan

The first Flipped High School in the US

Flipped Learning

Foundations of Flipped Learning: Blended Model [pic]

Length: 1 day on-site and 6–8 hours online

The flipped classroom uses modern technology to create a sustainable, reproducible, and manageable environment for student-centered learning. With the transfer of foundational knowledge occurring outside of class time, students are asked to take ownership of their own learning. Educators are able to personalize each class and increase time spent with each student. This flipped-mode workshop is based on the pioneering work of Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams and built in partnership with the Flipped Learning Network. Learn what flipped learning is, why it works, and how to flip a classroom.


By the end of the training, participants will be able to:

• Determine what to flip in a classroom.

• Decide where in the learning cycle to incorporate a video lesson.

• Develop intentional content.

• Flip a classroom in a mastery or inquiry-based learning environment.


K–12 Educators, District Facilitators, Coaches, Instructional Technology Specialists, Coordinators


ISBN: K–12 focus: 119351

ISBN: Secondary focus: 119308

English Language Learners

EL Essentials in a Common Core Framework: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 12 hours

Prepare English learners to become strong communicators of purpose who will reach and exceed the Common Core State Standards. During this informative and engaging course, Pam Allyn demonstrates her steps to ensure that English learners become central to the work of CCSS. She ignites best practices for ELs: exploring and using the richness of language, exposing the students to genre diversity, helping all students read deeply and critically, and more. Allyn shares methods to assess English learners for content and language understanding, and provides rich, effective means of instruction, including ways English learners can write and speak for real audiences and for authentic purpose in ways that will enrich their language development. Allyn addresses the challenges faced when working with English learners and the CCSS around text complexity and close reading and provide solutions. Self-paced and live sessions encourage participants to meet virtually to collaborate, discuss, and share information with their colleagues. Each participant submits a lesson plan that the facilitator reviews and receives a certificate of completion and feedback on this plan at the end of the course.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Explore best practices to help English learners meet the CCSS.

• Assess English learners for content and language understanding.

• Support English learners to write and speak for real audiences.

• Understand the challenges teachers face when working with English learners.


K–12 Educators, School Leaders, Coaches and Staff Development Specialists

Number of participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing:

ISBN: Up to 15: 119617

ISBN: Up to 15 (+ Text): 119637

ISBN: Up to 30: 119608

ISBN: Up to 30 (+ Text): 119628

ISBN: Up to 50: 119618

ISBN: Up to 50 (+ Text): 119638

National Virtual Institute: Individual Registrations: See the schedule of national virtual events and register at Institutes.

SIOP® Training for Teachers: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 12 hours

Educators gain an in-depth understanding of the components of the SIOP® Model and strategies to implement it in their classrooms in this course. Using the best-selling research-based book Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP® Model, participants gain practical skills to collaborate, share, and implement lesson plans that incorporate all eight components and thirty features of SIOP® in order to teach content while developing students’ academic and social language. In addition to the SIOP® Model text, participants receive a workbook and A+RISE sampler cards to support their implementation of the model upon returning to their schools.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Explain eight factors that affect second-language acquisition.

• Identify the components and features of the SIOP® Model.

• Observe and practice each of the eight components.

• Incorporate the SIOP® Model into lesson planning.

• Build a sample lesson using SIOP®.


K–12 Educators, School and District Administrators, Coaches, Specialists, Staff Development Specialists


Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 114021

ISBN: Up to 15 (+ Text): 117010

ISBN: Up to 30: 114009

ISBN: Up to 30 (+ Text): 116991

ISBN: Up to 50: 114007

ISBN: Up to 50 (+ Text): 116993

National Virtual Institute: Individual Registrations: See the schedule of national virtual events and register at Institutes.

SIOP® Training for Teachers: Blended Model [pic] [pic]

Length: 2 days on-site, 10–12 hours online

Based on the face-to-face Training for Teachers, this blended training provides educators with an in-depth understanding of the components of the SIOP® Model and strategies to implement it in their schools and classrooms. Educators gain practical skills to collaborate, share, and implement lesson plans that incorporate all eight components and thirty features of SIOP® in order to teach content while developing students’ academic and social language.


By the end of the training, participants will be able to:

• Identify eight factors that affect second-language acquisition.

• Explain how the components and features of the SIOP® Model are a part of good instruction for English learners.

• Observe and practice each of the eight components.

• Incorporate the SIOP® Model into lesson planning.

• Build and deliver a sample lesson using SIOP®.

• Receive coaching and feedback on SIOP® implementation


K–12 Educators, School and District Administrators, Coaches, Specialists, Staff Development Specialists


ISBN: 119060

SIOP® Training for Administrators: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

School and district administrators use the best-selling, research-based book The SIOP® Model for Administrators to learn about the SIOP® Model and understand how it can improve instruction for all students, including English learners. Participants consider the roles that coaches and administrators can play in supporting teachers using the SIOP® Model and are provided with The SIOP® Model for Administrators to support implementation upon returning to their schools.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Explain the general needs of English learners and how the SIOP® Model can meet these needs.

• Identify how implementing the SIOP® Model in their schools and districts can have a positive impact on teaching all students.

• Discuss the roles that coaches and administrators can play in supporting teachers implementing the SIOP® Model.


District Administrators, School Administrators


Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 117002

ISBN: Up to 15 (+ Text): 116994

ISBN: Up to 30: 117013

ISBN: Up to 30 (+ Text): 117003

ISBN: Up to 50: 116983

ISBN: Up to 50 (+ Text): 117014

National Virtual Institute: Individual Registrations: See the schedule of national virtual events and register at Institutes.

SIOP® Component Enrichment: Self-Paced Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 3 hours

Based on the face-to-face Component Enrichment days, these self-paced courses help educators sharpen their understanding of a feature of the SIOP® Model.


• By the end of each course, participants will be able to:

• Deepen their understanding of the features of each component of the SIOP® Model.

• Learn how to create effective lessons that incorporate those features.


K–12 Educators, District Administrators, School Leaders, Coaches


SIOP® Training for Teachers

Per Seat pricing

ISBN: Lesson Preparation: 116734

ISBN: Building Background: 116861

ISBN: Comprehensible Input: 116735

ISBN: Strategies: 116772

ISBN: Interaction: 116754

ISBN: Practice and Application: 116846

ISBN: Lesson Delivery: 116855

ISBN: Review and Assessment: 116872

SIOP® Component Enrichment: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Based on the face-to-face Component Enrichments days, these online courses help educators sharpen their understanding of a component and corresponding features of the SIOP® Model in a virtual setting.


By the end of each course, participants will be able to:

• Deepen their understanding of the features of each of the components of the SIOP® Model.

• Learn how to create effective lessons that incorporate those features.


District Administrators, School Leaders, Coaches, K–12 Educators


SIOP® Training for Teachers

Number of participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing

ISBN: Lesson Preparation: Up to 15: 119464

ISBN: Lesson Preparation: Up to 30: 119455

ISBN: Lesson Preparation: Up to 50: 119445

ISBN: Building Background: Up to 15: 119475

ISBN: Building Background: Up to 30: 119465

ISBN: Building Background: Up to 50: 119456

ISBN: Comprehensible Input: Up to 15: 119446

ISBN: Comprehensible Input: Up to 30: 119476

ISBN: Comprehensible Input: Up to 50: 119466

ISBN: Strategies: Up to 15: 119457

ISBN: Strategies: Up to 30: 119447

ISBN: Strategies: Up to 50: 117477

ISBN: Interaction: Up to 15: 119467

ISBN: Interaction: Up to 30: 119458

ISBN: Interaction: Up to 50: 119448

ISBN: Practice and Application: Up to 15: 119478

ISBN: Practice and Application: Up to 30: 119468

ISBN: Practice and Application: Up to 50: 119459

ISBN: Lesson Delivery: Up to 15: 119449

ISBN: Lesson Delivery: Up to 30: 119479

ISBN: Lesson Delivery: Up to 50: 119469

ISBN: Review and Assessment: Up to 15: 119480

ISBN: Review and Assessment: Up to 30: 119490

ISBN: Review and Assessment: Up to 50: 119510

SIOP® Overview: Self-Paced Course [pic] [pic]

Number of Days: 10 self-paced modules

The SIOP® Overview provides educators with a self-paced, in-depth understanding of the components of the SIOP® Model and strategies to implement it in their classrooms. These ten self-paced models include interaction, authentic classroom video, self-paced practice opportunities, assessments, and implementation activities to help transfer learning into the classroom. Educators gain practical skills to implement lesson plans that incorporate all eight components and thirty features of SIOP® in order to teach content while developing students’ academic and social language.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Identify eight factors that affect second-language acquisition.

• Explain the components and features of the SIOP® Model.

• Incorporate the SIOP® Model into lesson planning.

• Teach content while developing students’ academic and social language.


K–12 Educators, District Administrators, School Leaders, Coaches, Specialists

Per Seat pricing

ISBN: 116858

ISBN: (+ Text): 116875

SIOP® and Assessment for Learning with English Learners: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 12 hours

Deepen understanding of research-based, high-impact formative assessment practices with English learners while implementing the SIOP® Model. During this course, participants examine how assessment for learning can be woven into daily teaching activities for English learners. While focusing on SIOP®’s Review and Assessment component and corresponding features, participants also gain a clear understanding of the five keys to classroom assessment quality as defined by the prestigious ATI team.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Understand the keys to assessment quality for English learners.

• Understand assessment for learning practices.

• Differentiate formative and summative types of assessment and their uses with English learners.

• Deepen their understanding of the Review and Assessment Component.

• Establish clear learning targets with the Content and Language objectives.

• Deconstruct complex content standards, such as CCSS, into classroom-level learning targets.


School and District Administrators, School Leaders, Coaches and Specialists, K–12 Educators, Staff Development Specialists

Number of participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 119500

ISBN: Up to 15 (+text): 119511

ISBN: Up to 30: 119481

ISBN: Up to 30 (+text): 119501

ISBN: Up to 50: 119491

ISBN: Up to 50 (+text): 119482

National Virtual Institute: Individual Registrations: See the schedule of national virtual events and register at Institutes.

SIOP®: Lesson Preparation Component Enrichment: Language Acquisition: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Explore the SIOP® Lesson Preparation component with a unique focus on Language Acquisition. During this course, participants review the research base for the component as well as critical research on language acquisition to deepen their understanding of the processes students go through when acquiring a language. Participants examine the Common Core State Standards’ call for increased focus on the linguistic needs of students to foster success when promoting the language development of all of their students, especially English learners. Lesson planning time allows participants to work together, jointly writing a SIOP® lesson under the supervision of the SIOP® Consultant. In addition, group discussions and activities emphasize ways to effectively implement the Lesson Preparation features with a focus on language development.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Deepen their understanding of the Lesson Preparation features with a focus on integrating language development techniques.

• Learn how to create effective lessons that incorporate those features.

• Prepare their lessons implementing strategies that support English language development.


District Administrators, School Leaders, Coaches, K–12 Educators


SIOP® Training for Teachers

Number of participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 119486

ISBN: Up to 15 (+text): 119506

ISBN: Up to 30: 119495

ISBN: Up to 30 (+text): 119487

ISBN: Up to 50: 119516

ISBN: Up to 50 (+text): 119496

National Virtual Institute: Individual Registrations: See the schedule of national virtual events and register at Institutes.

Developing Academic Language with the SIOP® Model: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Explore the process of identifying, writing, and implementing language objectives in SIOP® Model lessons. Participants learn how to examine the language demands of different subject areas, write appropriate language objectives, and incorporate them into SIOP® lessons. The course is suitable for teachers who have already studied the SIOP® Model’s component and features and want extended practice with building academic language and literacy skills in English learners and other students.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Identify the language demands in lesson texts.

• Identify the language demands of lesson tasks.

• Write language objectives for the four instructional categories in the SIOP® Model and incorporate them into lessons.

• Generate language objectives for curriculum units.

• Plan vocabulary and oral language activities to further students’ academic language and literacy skills.


District Administrators, School Leaders, Coaches, K–12 Educators


SIOP® Training for Teachers

Number of participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 119497

ISBN: Up to 15 (+text): 119518

ISBN: Up to 30: 119508

ISBN: Up to 30 (+text): 119489

ISBN: Up to 50: 119498

ISBN: Up to 50 (+text): 119519

National Virtual Institute: Individual Registrations: See the schedule of national virtual events and register at Institutes.

SIOP® and Assessment for Learning with English Learners: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 12 hours

Deepen understanding of research-based, high-impact formative assessment practices with English learners while implementing the SIOP® Model. During this course, participants examine how assessment for learning can be woven into daily teaching activities for English learners. While focusing on SIOP®’s Review and Assessment component and corresponding features, participants also gain a clear understanding of the five keys to classroom assessment quality as defined by the prestigious ATI team.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Understand the keys to assessment quality for English learners.

• Understand assessment for learning practices.

• Differentiate formative and summative types of assessment and their uses with English learners.

• Deepen their understanding of the Review and Assessment Component.

• Establish clear learning targets with the Content and Language objectives.

• Deconstruct complex content standards, such as CCSS, into classroom-level learning targets.


School and District Administrators, School Leaders, Coaches and Specialists, K–12 Educators, Staff Development Specialists

Number of participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 119500

ISBN: Up to 15 (+text): 119511

ISBN: Up to 30: 119481

ISBN: Up to 30 (+text): 119501

ISBN: Up to 50: 119491

ISBN: Up to 50 (+text): 119482

National Virtual Institute: Individual Registrations: See the schedule of national virtual events and register at Institutes.

Overview the SIOP® Components and Features: Virtual Coaching [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 5 hours

Get a refresher on the SIOP® components and features. During the sessions, SIOP® experts provide an overview of the eight components and key features, review how to write effective language and content objectives, and share ideas and techniques for implementation. The sessions are live with SIOP® experts who customize the overview based on cohort needs.


By the end of these sessions, participants will be able to:

• Review key SIOP® components and features.

• Review writing effective content and language objectives.

• Learn new ideas and techniques to implement SIOP®.


K–12 Educators, Coaches, Specialists


SIOP® Training for Teachers

NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: Max 15 participants per cohort

ISBN: 119499

SIOP® Lesson Plan Review: Virtual Coaching [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Strengthen development of effective SIOP® lesson plans. During sessions, an expert SIOP® Consultant works with participants on their challenges with lesson planning and offers feedback for improvement with the overall goal of improving student achievement. The SIOP® Consultant models live lesson preparation ideas and techniques via WebCom, which allows for great interaction during the live sessions.


By the end of these sessions, participants will be able to:

• Develop new lesson plans.

• Improve their SIOP® lesson plan writing skills.

• Identify strengths and weaknesses on their own lesson plans.

• Gain new ideas for lesson plans.


K–12 Educators, Coaches, Specialists


SIOP® Training for Teachers

NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: Max 10 participants per cohort

ISBN: 119531

SIOP® Activities and Techniques for Implementing the SIOP® Model: Virtual Coaching [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Improve implementation of the SIOP® Model by enhancing their repertoire of SIOP® activities and techniques. Participants receive coaching from a SIOP® Consultant on different techniques, which are determined in consultation with cohort participants. During the live sessions and with the use of a WebCom, a SIOP® Consultant models different SIOP® techniques and coaches participants on using these techniques in the classroom. Participants are welcome to join via WebCom, but not required.


By the end of these sessions, participants will be able to:

• Enhance their implementation of specific techniques.

• Increase their repertoire of SIOP® activities.

• View our SIOP® Consultants modeling specific techniques.


K–12 Educators, Coaches, Specialists


SIOP® Training for Teachers

NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: Max 15 participants per cohort

ISBN: 119535

Revisiting the SIOP® Components: Virtual Coaching [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Explore each of the SIOP® components in depth. These virtual coaching sessions provide an enhanced refresher of one SIOP® component and its corresponding features.


By the end of these sessions, participants will be able to:

• Deepen and expand their knowledge and understanding of the features of each of the components of the SIOP® Model.

• Learn how to create effective lessons that incorporate those features.


K–12 Educators, Coaches, Specialists


SIOP® Training for Teachers; SIOP® Component Enrichment (any format)

NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: Max 5 participants per cohort

ISBN: Lesson Preparation Enhanced: 119526

ISBN: Building Background Enhanced: 119556

ISBN: Comprehensible Input Enhanced: 119539

ISBN: Strategies Enhanced: 119529

ISBN: Interaction Enhanced: 119557

ISBN: Practice and Application Enhanced: 119547

ISBN: Lesson Delivery Enhanced: 119560

ISBN: Review and Assessment Enhanced: 119570

SIOP® Virtual Consultation Service [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Intensify SIOP® implementation and continue to build capacity. Designed for high implementing SIOP® schools and districts, this highly interactive service engages participants in question-and-answer sessions that also require preparation before joining the sessions. During the sessions, the cohort team works with the SIOP® Consultant to analyze strengths and weaknesses of the SIOP® Implementation Plan and jointly determine and develop a plan of action.


By the end of these sessions, participants will be able to:

• Do a needs-analysis of their schools or district.

• Develop a plan of action for SIOP® implementation and building capacity.


SIOP® Coaches, Specialists, Administrators


SIOP® Training for Teachers; SIOP® Component Enrichment (any format); 1–2 Job-Embedded Services for SIOP®

NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: Max 5 participants per cohort

ISBN: 119583

SIOP® Data Analysis Virtual Coaching/Consultation [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Designed for coaches and administrators, this service provides support when analyzing data to inform optimal implementation paths for SIOP® to increase student achievement.


SIOP® Coaches, Specialists, Administrators


SIOP® Training for Teachers; SIOP® Component Enrichment (any format); 1–2 Job-Embedded Services for SIOP®

NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: Max 10 participants per cohort

ISBN: 119565

Observation and Data Collection: Blended Model [pic] [pic]

Length: 8 hours online, 1 day on-site

Work with a SIOP® Consultant to improve SIOP® implementation in the classroom. During the initial four-hour virtual session, participants work hand-in-hand with a SIOP® Consultant on how to use the SIOP® Protocol to rate lessons. After these initial sessions, participants rate SIOP® lessons in classrooms and send the ratings to the SIOP® Consultant. A one-day face-to-face visit is arranged for the SIOP® Consultant to visit two or three classrooms and do his or her own observations and compare the Consultant’s observation to the observations collected by the participants. Finally, during the last four-hour live virtual session, the participants and Consultant go over the reliability and validity of the district’s rating to further enhance the implementation of the SIOP® Model.


SIOP® Coaches, Specialists, Administrators


SIOP® Training for Teachers; Component Enrichment (any format); 1–2 Job-Embedded Services for SIOP®

NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: Max 5 participants

ISBN: 119584

RtI for English Learners Fused Online Course [pic] [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 12 hours

Delve into the Response to Intervention (RtI) process during this course, developed with the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP®) Model authors Dr. Jana Echevarría and Dr. MaryEllen Vogt using their best-selling research-based book Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP® Model. Focus on specific considerations for English learners (ELs) while identifying research-based interventions that are appropriate for ELs and learning how to compare language differences with language and learning disabilities. Participants receive Response to Intervention (RtI) and English Learners: Making It Happen to support implementation when they return to their schools.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Define RtI and its role in the education of ELs.

• Identify challenges of effective progress monitoring for ELs.

• Explain how the SIOP® Model supports Tier 1 instruction for ELs.

• Identify specific literacy development issues for ELs.

• Compare and contrast effective Tier 2 and Tier 3 assessments and interventions for ELs.

• Generate ideas for overcoming barriers and implementing an effective RtI process.


District Administrators, School Leaders, Coaches, Specialists


Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 114005

ISBN: Up to 15 (+ Text): 116984

ISBN: Up to 30: 114003

ISBN: Up to 30 (+ Text): 116995

ISBN: Up to 50: 114004

ISBN: Up to 50 (+ Text): 117004

National Virtual Institute: Individual Registrations: See the schedule of national virtual events and register at Institutes.

A+RISE® Standards2Strategy™ [pic] [pic] [pic]

With three simple steps, any teacher can use the A+RISE® Standards2Strategy™ online resource to identify standards-aligned teaching strategies to differentiate instruction based on students’ proficiency levels. A+RISE® Standards2Strategy™ helps K–12 teachers quickly get to the “how” of improving the academic language of English learners and struggling students while meeting state and WIDA English Learner Proficiency standards across content areas and curricula. Our newest edition of Standards2Strategy™ includes Common Core and WIDA alignment to EL strategies.

A+RISE® Standards2Strategy™ provides:

• Videos that model strategies

• Differentiated instruction strategies for Tier 2 and Tier 3 students (Grades K–5)

• Content-specific examples for math, science, social studies, and language arts (Grades 6–12)

• Newcomer strategies (Grades 6–12)


K–12 Educators

Number of Participants:

1+ for online Standards2Strategy™ resource

ISBN: Standards2Strategy™ WIDA: 116844

Teacher Compass™ Edition: 117180

ISBN: Standards2Strategy™ CA: 116854

Teacher Compass™ Edition: 117190

ISBN: Standards2Strategy™ FL: 116870

Teacher Compass™ Edition: 117139

ISBN: Standards2Strategy™ TX: 116860

Teacher Compass™ Edition: 117171

ISBN: Standards2Strategy™ Common Core: 116845

Teacher Compass™ Edition: 117156

Pearson English Learning System: Using Keystone: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 seat hours

Learn how to implement a comprehensive solution for addressing the specific language development needs of English learners (ELs) in this course. Participants identify the key features and products in the Pearson English Learning System using Keystone program materials. This course provides strategies for using SIOP®, A+RISE®, AIMSweb, SELP, and Keystone together as a comprehensive EL system, working toward academic language development. It also addresses how English Language Proficiency Standards support the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Use Keystone program materials within the EL system to meet student needs.

• Integrate the system’s instruction, professional development, progress monitoring, and assessment into the district or classroom.

• Address English Language Proficiency Standards and Common Core State Standards (CCSS).


6–12 Educators, School and District Administrators, Coaches, Specialists, Staff Development Specialists

Number of Participants: Up to 50

cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 9780328737314

ISBN: Up to 30: 9780328737321

ISBN: Up to 50: 9780328737338

Pearson English Learning System: Using Language Central™: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 seat hours

Learn how to implement a comprehensive solution for addressing the specific language development needs of English learners (ELs) in this course. Participants identify the key features and products in the Pearson English Learning System, using Language Central program materials. This course provides strategies for using SIOP®, A+RISE®, AIMSweb, SELP, and Language Central together as a comprehensive EL system, working toward academic language development. It also addresses how English Language Proficiency Standards support the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Use Language Central program materials within the EL system to meet student needs.

• Integrate the system’s instruction, professional development, progress monitoring, and assessment into the district or classroom.

• Address English Language Proficiency Standards and Common Core State Standards (CCSS).


6–10 Educators, School and District Administrators, Coaches, Specialists, Staff Development Specialists


cohort pricing

ISBN: Grades 6–10: Up to 15: 9780328756563

ISBN: Grades 6–10: Up to 30: 9780328756571

ISBN: Grades 6–10: Up to 50: 978032875658X

Pearson English Learning System ©2013: Preparing English Learners to Be College and Career Ready: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Identify the strategies and techniques within Pearson English Learning System materials that support critical thinking and frequent opportunities to acquire language and content. Participants discover how to use the professional development resources embedded in the program materials with English learners (ELs). They also learn how to connect the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and the English Language Proficiency Standards with classroom instruction and classroom management using specific strategies and techniques from the SIOP® Model and A+RISE®


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Implement standards-driven instruction using Pearson English Learning System resources.

• Implement the strategies and techniques from the SIOP® Model and A+RISE® that are embedded in the Pearson English Learning System.

• Plan instruction to prepare ELs to be college and career ready.


Educators, Specialists, Coaches, Staff Development Specialists, Administrators

Number of Participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 119513

ISBN: Up to 30: 119503

ISBN: Up to 50: 119493

Pearson English Learning System ©2013: Scaffolding Reading and Writing for English Learners: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Utilize reading summaries of reading selections, A+RISE® strategies, and SIOP® component features to illustrate how to scaffold reading and writing for English learners (ELs). Participants focus on using complex text for reading and writing with strategies for preparing ELs to be college and career ready.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Identify techniques for scaffolding instruction for ELs of various proficiency levels using Pearson English Learning System resources.

• Incorporate reading comprehension strategies specific to informational texts.

• Plan appropriate writing prompts and assignments to scaffold students to higher standards.

• Select learning strategies for a lesson plan that will help ELs.


Educators, Specialists, Literacy Coaches, Staff Development Specialists

Number of Participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 119514

ISBN: Up to 30: 119504

ISBN: Up to 50: 119485

Pearson English Learning System ©2013: Planning Assessment-Driven Instruction in the Pearson English Learning System: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Discover how to use formative assessments to drive instruction for English learners (ELs). Participants analyze Stanford English Language Proficiency 2 assessment data to plan instruction for ELs that is differentiated for a variety of proficiency levels. AIMSweb® works within the Pearson English Learning System to assess and progress monitor students’ performance in reading and mathematics. This course illustrates the data provided by the EL profile reports within AIMSweb®. Participants learn how they can use the EL profile reports to monitor progress and plan for instruction and intervention.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Understand how norm-referenced tests are designed and scored.

• Determine the appropriate assessment for desired data.

• Analyze data from proficiency assessments to plan instruction for ELs of varying levels.

• Interpret progress-monitoring data and reports to inform the instructional decision-making process.


Educators, Specialists, Coaches, Administrators, Assessment Specialists or Diagnosticians, Staff Development Specialists

Number of Participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 119494

ISBN: Up to 30: 119515

ISBN: Up to 50: 119505


Literacy Essentials in a Common Core Framework: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 12 hours

Take powerful steps to standards success with national literacy expert Pam Allyn. During this course, participants journey into the new era of 21st century learning, unlocking new tools for learning that will ensure students become critically thinking, independent, and college- and career-ready readers, writers, speakers, and listeners. Allyn highlights the significance of complex texts in instruction, explains how to establish powerful classroom settings for the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), integrates technology and new media into instruction, demonstrates the value of and purpose for close reading, and differentiates instruction for all learners. She introduces the ground-breaking “Four Doors to the Core” model for the “what and how” of instruction in the CCSS world. Self-paced and live sessions encourage participants to meet virtually to collaborate, discuss, and share information with their colleagues. Each participant submits an action plan that the facilitator reviews and receives a certificate of completion and feedback on this plan at the end of the course.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Identify the reading and writing needs of students in a 21st century classroom.

• Prepare classroom instruction and management to help students meet the expectations of the CCSS.

• Understand how to incorporate technology into effective literacy lessons to enhance instruction for all students at every level.

• Understand how to plan and implement an effective literacy program in the era of the CCSS.


K–12 Educators, School Leaders, Coaches, Specialists

Number of Participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 117011

ISBN: Up to 30: 116981

ISBN: Up to 50: 116980

Writing Essentials in a Common Core Framework: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 12 hours

Prepare students to write well in a 21st century, fast-paced environment. This course focuses on how students can best learn to present arguments, create narratives, and explain ideas while mastering the art and craft of superb writing skills. National literacy expert Pam Allyn shares her best practice methods for powerful core writing instruction. Allyn presents dynamic new ways to engage students as writers and ensures that participants gain a deep understanding of three core categories of writing: persuasive, informative, and narrative text. Self-paced and live sessions encourage participants to meet virtually to collaborate, discuss, and share information with their colleagues. Each participant submits a lesson plan that the facilitator reviews and receives a certificate of completion and feedback on this plan at the end of the course.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Provide practical support to students mastering diverse writing skills.

• Frame a year, a unit, and a lesson in writing and build grade-specific curriculum across the school year.

• Enable improved writing outcomes for all students at every level.

• Create effective writing lessons that reflect the needs of 21st century students.


K–12 Educators, School Leaders, Coaches, Specialists

Number of Participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 117012

ISBN: Up to 30: 116982

ISBN: Up to 50: 116990

iLit: Product Implementation Essentials: Fused Online Course [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Explore iLit components and become familiar with the instructional framework of the program. Participants learn about both the teacher and student experience as they examine each segment of daily instruction. Throughout the session, participants explore opportunities for differentiation as well as connections to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English language arts (ELA). They also examine effective classroom management strategies and explore embedded professional development within the program, which provides point-of-use support beyond this course.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Describe the classroom components and resources in the program.

• Summarize the philosophy, pedagogy, and basic organization of the program.

• Implement each segment of the daily instructional block.

• Differentiate instruction based on student need.

• Effectively manage an iLit classroom.


Educators, Literacy Coaches, Reading and Intervention Specialists, Curriculum Developers

Number of Participants: Up to 50

cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 0328736864

ISBN: Up to 30: 0328736872

ISBN: Up to 50: 0328736880

iLit: Best Practices for Engaging Adolescent Learners: Fused Online Course [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Review best practices that engage adolescent learners. In the first half of the course, teachers learn how engage students and keep them engaged. Useful strategies are shared. In the second portion, teachers learn how to apply these strategies to iLit.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Engage adolescent learners using various strategies.

• Implement program strategies to meet the needs of adolescents.

• Engage students with iLit instruction.


Educators, Literacy Coaches, Reading and Intervention Specialists


cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 0328736899

ISBN: Up to 30: 0328736902

ISBN: Up to 50: 0328736910

iLit: Instructional Analysis: Self-Paced Course [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Dig deep into the research behind the program. Learn the reason behind the instructional model, and break down a unit and a lesson to ensure fidelity of implementation.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Explain the research behind the program, and apply it to lessons.

• Implement the program effectively at the unit and lesson levels.


Educators, Literacy Coaches, Specialists

Per Seat pricing

ISBN: 119410

iLit: Supporting English Language Learners: Self-Paced Course [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Learn how to use iLit to help English learners (ELs) become better readers. Discover ways to uncover what students bring with them from their home languages and how to harness that knowledge to best meet their needs. Explore program resources designed to support ELs.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Identify factors that affect language acquisition.

• Implement best practices for instruction with ELs.


Educators, Literacy Coaches, Specialists

Per Seat pricing

ISBN: 119400

Words Their Way™ Training for Teachers: Fused Online Course [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 12 hours

Implement the word study approach from the best-selling resource Words Their Way™: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction. K–10 educators develop practical skills and strategies to use word study to enhance student learning in phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, spelling, fluency, and comprehension. Program modules are designed for specific grade levels to focus on the spelling stages that are most relevant for students in each grade band.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Analyze data from the Words Their Way™ Qualitative Spelling Inventory to identify student needs and organize students for instruction.

• Understand the characteristics of students in the Emergent, Letter–Name, Within Word Pattern, Syllables and Affixes, and Derivational Relations stages of spelling development.

• Differentiate word study instruction to meet student needs at each developmental stage.

• Incorporate instructional routines, activities, and management strategies into the classroom context.

• For participants with Word Study in Action classroom materials, this training also includes a summary of the program materials, components, and other resources, as well as expert modeling of the use of materials. Participants have the opportunity to develop appropriate lessons for word study using Word Study in Action materials.


K–10 Educators, Literacy Coaches, Reading Specialists


cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 114163

ISBN: Up to 15 (+ Text): 116992

ISBN: Up to 30: 114161

ISBN: Up to 30 (+ Text): 117001

ISBN: Up to 50: 114159

ISBN: Up to 50 (+ Text): 117000

Words Their Way™ Overview: Self-Paced Course [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

These self-paced, online courses help educators implement the Words Their Way™ word study approach. Each course takes about six hours to complete.

Online Course: Words Their Way™: Primary

Overview of Word Study Instruction, Spelling Assessments, Word Sorts, Emergent Stage, Letter–Name Alphabetic Stage, and Organizing for Instruction.

Online Course: Words Their Way™: Elementary

Overview of Word Study Instruction, Spelling Assessments, Word Sorts, Within Word Pattern Stage, Syllables and Affixes Stage, and Organizing for Instruction.

Online Course: Words Their Way™: Upper-Level

Overview of Word Study Instruction, Spelling Assessments, Word Sorts, Syllables and Affixes Stage, Derivational Relations Stage, and Organizing for Instruction.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Analyze data from the Words Their Way™ Qualitative Spelling Inventory to identify student needs and organize students for instruction.

• Understand the characteristics of students at various stages of spelling development.

• Select appropriate instructional strategies and activities to meet the needs of students in each stage of development.

• Understand instructional routines, activities, and management strategies in the classroom.


K–10 Educators, Literacy Coaches, Reading Specialists

Per Seat pricing

ISBN: Primary: 116782

ISBN: Elementary: 116737

Words Their Way™ for Teachers: Self-Paced Course [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

This course helps K–10 educators master the methodology of the Words Their Way™ word study approach for students. This self-paced, interactive course includes authentic classroom video and student spelling and writing samples. It also provides educators with individual instructional paths, tailored by grade level or role; interactive, self-paced practice opportunities; and a custom assessment, based on individual learning patterns and responses.

This online course won the prestigious 2011 Software & Information Industry Association Award (SIIA) for the Best Professional Development Solution.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Analyze data from the Words Their Way™ Qualitative Spelling Inventory to identify student needs and organize students for instruction.

• Understand the characteristics of students in the Emergent, Letter–Name, Within Word Pattern, Syllables and Affixes, and Derivational Relations stages of spelling development.

• Differentiate word study instruction to meet student needs at each developmental stage.

• Select appropriate instructional strategies and activities to meet the needs of students in each stage of development.

• Incorporate instructional routines, activities, and management strategies into the classroom context.


K–10 Educators, Literacy Coaches, Reading Specialists

Per Seat pricing

ISBN: 114165

ISBN: (+ Text): 117191

Vocabulary Their Way™: Blended Model [pic] [pic]

Length: 1 day on-site, 6–8 hours online

This blended training helps Grades 6–10 educators implement effective word study instruction using the resource Vocabulary Their Way™: Word Study with Middle and Secondary Students. Educators learn to help students expand their academic vocabulary by looking for patterns and understanding the relationship between spelling and meaning. This blended training includes one face-to-face day of training in addition to four self-paced online sessions that include classroom video of word study lessons, instruction, discussions, and a final online session.


By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

• Understand vocabulary development and spelling-meaning connections.

• Analyze data from the Words Their Way™ Qualitative Spelling Inventory to identify student needs and organize students for instruction.

• Determine how best to instruct students using generative and word-specific strategies.

• Select appropriate instructional strategies and activities to expand students’ academic vocabulary.


Grades 6–10 Educators, School Leaders, Coaches, Specialists

Number of Participants: 30

ISBN: 116940

Vocabulary Their Way™: Vocabulary in Action: Product Implementation Essentials: Fused Online Course [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Plan, deliver, and reflect on your instruction using Vocabulary in Action. Participants learn the research behind the program and the instructional strategies that support it. Discover an assortment of activities, ideas, and instructional practices that help develop students’ vocabulary.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Summarize the program’s organization and components.

• Implement the instructional strategies that help develop students’ vocabulary.

• Plan and develop lessons that incorporate instructional strategies.


Educators, Literacy Coaches, Specialists


Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 119454

ISBN: Up to 30: 119444

ISBN: Up to 50: 119474

Literacy Navigator™: Product Implementation Essentials: Live Online Course [pic] [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 3 hours

Learn how to target students who can adequately read literary text but struggle to comprehend content-area text. Participants discuss Literacy Navigator™’s main components, lesson structure, and effective strategies (such as turn and talk and graphic organizers).


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Support students who struggle with content-area comprehension.

• Identify and use the program components with fidelity.

• Teach a lesson successfully.

• Implement effective literacy strategies.


English Language Arts Educators 4–10, Literacy Coaches, Reading and Intervention Specialists


cohort pricing

ISBN: Literacy Navigator ©2012: Up to 15: 119453

ISBN: Literacy Navigator ©2012: Up to 30: 119443

ISBN: Literacy Navigator ©2012: Up to 50: 119473


Focusing on the Mathematical Practices of the Common Core: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 12 hours

Examine the impact that mathematical practices have on students by connecting them to processes, proficiencies, and problem solving. The first day focuses on the eight mathematical practices as well as how participants can use existing resources to promote and routinely assess the mathematical practices. The second day examines specific considerations for differentiation and support for all students as participants unpack content standards while continuing to consider the routine integration of the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Strategies and guiding questions for instruction referenced during this course are provided from the Common Core Mathematics Observation Framework and Coaching Tools Resource Flipbook.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Identify a structure for collaboration and use of the eight practices.

• Articulate ways to routinely promote and assess the math practices.

• Describe how specific mathematical practices are embedded in the Standards for Mathematical Content.

• Identify the attributes of a rich, instructional, problem-based approach and how it can support access to the Standards for Mathematical Practice.

• Apply the strategies and guiding questions suggested from the Common Core Mathematics Observation Framework and Coaching Tools Resource Flipbook into lesson planning and instruction


K–12 Educators


Foundational Overview of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics

Number of Participants: Up to 50

cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 116930

ISBN: Up to 30: 116920

ISBN: Up to 50: 116900

digits™: Product Implementation Essentials: Fused Online Course [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Discover digits™ components and the interactive lesson structure. Participants who are new to the program build on their instructional skills as they analyze model lessons and learn to implement the personalized instruction embedded in the program. They also collaborate to identify and learn effective strategies for managing a digits™ classroom.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Apply the interACTIVE Learning Cycle component to effectively differentiate instruction in the classroom.

• Demonstrate a deeper understanding of the instructional philosophy, mathematical content, lesson structure, and assessment features in the digits™ program.

• Identify the program requirements for instructional technology and how they impact the management of a digits™ classroom.


Educators, Math Coaches, Specialists, Administrators


Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 0133227359

ISBN: Up to 30: 0133227375

ISBN: Up to 50: 0133227383

Preparing Students for College and Career Readiness in Mathematics: Self-Paced Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Learn how to transition from a traditional classroom to a more student-focused classroom. Participants learn strategies that create rigorous classroom lessons as they implement the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Participants also explore opportunities within the Pearson Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 Common Core program to develop their students’ mathematical proficiency as they engage in student-centered learning experiences. They learn how to use program resources to build a deeper conceptual understanding of mathematics and to prepare their students for college and career readiness.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Explain the skills needed for college- and career-level mathematics.

• Identify how mathematical discourse, reasoning, and strategic use of appropriate tools assist students in solving complex problems.

• Implement strategies that encourage students to justify solutions and critique the reasoning of others as they solve diverse problems using multiple representations.

• Learn techniques for facilitating a student-centered learning environment.



Per Seat pricing

ISBN: Pearson Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2

Common Core edition: 119651

CMP3: Product Implementation Essentials: Fused Online Course [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Focus on the instructional design used in the CMP3 ©2014 program. Participants experience model lessons with an extra emphasis on the problem-based learning embedded in the program. Participants work together to learn effective strategies for managing a CMP3 classroom.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Identify organization and content of the curriculum and supporting resources.

• Demonstrate a deeper understanding of the instructional philosophy, mathematical content, lesson structure, and assessment features in CMP3.

• Understand how to implement and engage students in the CMP3 problem-based curriculum.




Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 119590

ISBN: Up to 30: 119580

ISBN: Up to 50: 119562

onRamp to Algebra: Product Implementation Essentials: Live Online Course [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 3 hours

Explore the main components of onRamp to Algebra. Participants examine the lesson structure and identify ways to implement effective strategies into daily instruction to prepare students for future success in Algebra 1.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Explain the lesson structure.

• Implement effective mathematics strategies.

• Identify the important concepts and skills students need for future success in Algebra 1 and how to use onRamp to Algebra to maximize student potential.

• Apply the course model of instruction in the classroom.


Educators, Math Coaches, Specialists, Administrators


Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 0133227359

ISBN: Up to 30: 0133227375

ISBN: Up to 50: 0133227383

Math Navigator™ 2012: Product Implementation Essentials: Live Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 3 hours

Review the main components of Math Navigator™. In this workshop, participants learn about the lesson structure and identify ways to implement effective strategies into daily instruction, including routines and multiple representations.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Explain the lesson structure.

• Implement effective mathematics strategies.

• Identify the base skills students needed for college and career readiness and how to use Math Navigator™ to maximize student potential.

• Develop strategies to help students meet the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.


Educators, Instructional Coaches, Administrators, Paraprofessionals

Number of participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing

ISBN: Math Navigator ©2012 Common Core edition:

Up to 15: 119532

ISBN: Math Navigator ©2012 Common Core edition:

Up to 30: 119522

ISBN: Math Navigator ©2012 Common Core edition:

Up to 50: 119550

Strategies for Differentiating Mathematics Instruction: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 12 hours

Explore how to teach Grades K–8 math equitably by adapting mathematics instruction based on student needs, supporting learning for culturally and linguistically diverse populations, and making mathematics instruction engaging for all students, including English learners.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Make mathematical tasks worthwhile and engaging for all students.

• Develop a rich understanding of differentiated instruction to adapt mathematics instruction to meet student needs.

• Implement the use of flexible grouping and ongoing assessments in a mathematics lesson.

• Support purposeful struggle and identify common misconceptions in mathematics as opportunities for learning.


K–8 Math Educators, Math Directors, Coordinators, Math Coaches, Intervention Specialists

Number of Participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 116901

ISBN: Up to 30: 116911

ISBN: Up to 50: 116932

Rethinking Algebra: Focus on the Content and the Mathematical Practices of the Common Core: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 12 hours

Examine key algebraic concepts from a mathematical point of view. Participants address the content demand necessary to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate the eight Mathematical Practices of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) in algebra. With a focus on differentiated and active engagement strategies, participants learn how they can successfully pave the way for increased student achievement in algebra by translating the following pedagogical content knowledge into classroom practice:

Essential Understandings of Algebra

Algebra and the Standards for Mathematical Practice


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Identify ways to support simultaneous development of the mathematical skills and expectations by focusing on the five strands of student proficiency:

- Adaptive Reasoning

- Strategic Competence

- Procedural Fluency

- Conceptual Understanding

- Productive Disposition

• Connect instructional strategies for teaching algebra to the Standards for Mathematical Practice.

• Identify instructional skills and strategies that facilitate understanding of a student’s capacity for using variables, doing and undoing, building rules to represent functions, and abstracting from computation.

• Outline teaching strategies that make mathematical relationships explicit in an intentional and public way.


6–12 Educators


Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 116910

ISBN: Up to 30: 116931

ISBN: Up to 50: 116921


RtI for English Learners Fused Online Course [pic] [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 12 hours

Delve into the Response to Intervention (RtI) process during this course, developed with the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP®) Model authors Dr. Jana Echevarría and Dr. MaryEllen Vogt using their best-selling research-based book Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP® Model. Focus on specific considerations for English learners (ELs) while identifying research-based interventions that are appropriate for ELs and learning how to compare language differences with language and learning disabilities. Participants receive Response to Intervention (RtI) and English Learners: Making It Happen to support implementation when they return to their schools.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Define RtI and its role in the education of ELs.

• Identify challenges of effective progress monitoring for ELs.

• Explain how the SIOP® Model supports Tier 1 instruction for ELs.

• Identify specific literacy development issues for ELs.

• Compare and contrast effective Tier 2 and Tier 3 assessments and interventions for ELs.

• Generate ideas for overcoming barriers and implementing an effective RtI process.


District Administrators, School Leaders, Coaches, Specialists


Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 114005

ISBN: Up to 15 (+ Text): 116984

ISBN: Up to 30: 114003

ISBN: Up to 30 (+ Text): 116995

ISBN: Up to 50: 114004

ISBN: Up to 50 (+ Text): 117004

National Virtual Institute: Individual Registrations: See the schedule of national virtual events and register at Institutes.

A+RISE® Standards2Strategy™ [pic] [pic] [pic]

With three simple steps, any teacher can use the A+RISE® Standards2Strategy™ online resource to identify standards-aligned teaching strategies to differentiate instruction based on students’ proficiency levels. A+RISE® Standards2Strategy™ helps K–12 teachers quickly get to the “how” of improving the academic language of English learners and struggling students while meeting state and WIDA English Learner Proficiency standards across content areas and curricula. Our newest edition of Standards2Strategy™ includes Common Core and WIDA alignment to EL strategies.

A+RISE® Standards2Strategy™ provides:

• Videos that model strategies

• Differentiated instruction strategies for Tier 2 and Tier 3 students (Grades K–5)

• Content-specific examples for math, science, social studies, and language arts (Grades 6–12)

• Newcomer strategies (Grades 6–12)


K–12 Educators

Number of Participants:

1+ for online Standards2Strategy™ resource

ISBN: Standards2Strategy™ WIDA: 116844

Teacher Compass™ Edition: 117180

ISBN: Standards2Strategy™ CA: 116854

Teacher Compass™ Edition: 117190

ISBN: Standards2Strategy™ FL: 116870

Teacher Compass™ Edition: 117139

ISBN: Standards2Strategy™ TX: 116860

Teacher Compass™ Edition: 117171

ISBN: Standards2Strategy™ Common Core: 116845

Teacher Compass™ Edition: 117156

Strategies for Differentiating Mathematics Instruction: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 12 hours

Explore how to teach Grades K–8 math equitably by adapting mathematics instruction based on student needs, supporting learning for culturally and linguistically diverse populations, and making mathematics instruction engaging for all students, including English learners.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Make mathematical tasks worthwhile and engaging for all students.

• Develop a rich understanding of differentiated instruction to adapt mathematics instruction to meet student needs.

• Implement the use of flexible grouping and ongoing assessments in a mathematics lesson.

• Support purposeful struggle and identify common misconceptions in mathematics as opportunities for learning.


K–8 Math Educators, Math Directors, Coordinators, Math Coaches, Intervention Specialists

Number of Participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 116901

ISBN: Up to 30: 116911

ISBN: Up to 50: 116932

Putting the Pieces Together: Universal Design for Learning, Response to Intervention, Positive Behavior Supports, and Assistive Technology to Support All Students: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

The field of education is full of innovations and strategies that can be used in the classroom. Learn how Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Response to Intervention (RtI), Positive Behavior Support (PBS), and Assistive Technology (AT) can fit together in a comprehensive way to support all students in becoming college and career ready.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Define UDL, RTI, PBS, and AT.

• Identify how these approaches complement each other.

• Identify supports that they can use within each tier of an RTI or PBS framework.

• Practice applying UDL principles to make an activity accessible for all students.


K–12 General and Special Educators, Principal, Special Education Directors, Coaches

Number of participants: 30

Cohort Pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 119295

ISBN: Up to 30: 119323

ISBN: Up to 50: 119286

Challenged by Behavior: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Developed with behavior expert and renowned author Barbara Kaiser, this online course helps participants develop skills to manage challenging behaviors in the K–8 classrooms. Participants learn strategies to help understand, prevent, and address the behavior problems found so often in today’s schools. The evidence-based techniques presented throughout the sessions work with the most difficult behaviors, benefit every child in the classroom, and can be used alone or together, creating tools suitable for many different children and situations. The course consists of self-paced and live sessions in which participants meet as a virtual group to collaborate, discuss, and share information with their colleagues.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Understand why children behavior the way they do

• Identify ways to prevent disruptive behavior

• Develop skills to manage behavior effectively

• Teach appropriate alternate behaviors


K–8 General and Special Educators, Principals, Special Education Directors, Coaches, Behavior Specialists

Number of Participants: Up to 50

Cohort Pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 119314

ISBN: Up to 30: 119296

ISBN: Up to 50: 119324


Integrating the CCSS, STEM, and NGSS into the Science Classroom Live Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Examine the impact that the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts (ELA), Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) have on classroom instruction. Participants explore best practices and develop a lesson plan that applies these practices. Each topic is explored for approximately two hours.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Explore the Science and Technical Subjects standards found within the CCSS for ELA.

• Examine STEM and its connection to college and careers.

• Identify how the NGSS will affect instructional practices.

• Evaluate how to adjust their current instruction to meet the CCSS for ELA, STEM expectations, and the rigor of the NGSS.


6–12 Educators

Number of Participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing

ISBN: Grades 6–8: Up to 15: 119611

ISBN: Grades 6–8: Up to 30: 119631

ISBN: Grades 6–8: Up to 50: 119602

ISBN: Grades 9–12: Up to 15: 119622

ISBN: Grades 9–12: Up to 30: 119612

ISBN: Grades 9–12: Up to 50: 119632

Teaching with the CCSS, STEM, and NGSS in the Science Classroom Self-Paced Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 3 hours

Per Seat pricing

ISBN: Grades 6–8: 119623

ISBN: Grades 9–12: 119613

Campbell Biology and the New College Board Curriculum: Self-Paced Course [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 3 hours

Focus on the AP* Test Prep Workbook for Campbell Biology. Participants learn how to utilize the workbook to prepare students for the new AP* Biology Exam.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Identify the changes for the new AP* Biology Exam.

• Examine the conceptual understandings and content that support the new AP* Biology Exam.

• Describe the advanced inquiry and reasoning skills needed to develop students’ college and career readiness.



Per Seat pricing

ISBN: 119625


STEM: Engaging Middle School Students through Problem Solving and Design: Fused Online Course [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Learn how to integrate STEM instruction into existing curricula by putting science and math into action through inquiry and the engineering design process. In this course, participants examine best practices that encourage students to apply mathematical and scientific reasoning when identifying and analyzing problems related to their communities and use the design process to design plausible solutions. They also explore how to encourage students to think critically about the different types of technology they use in design challenges. By participating in problem-based learning activities that focus on higher-order thinking skills, participants understand how to plan and assess engaging STEM activities.


This STEM professional development course will benefit any teacher who is teaching STEM, regardless of curricula.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Apply mathematical and scientific reasoning, problem analysis, and design opportunities within their science and math programs.

• Define technology and encourage students to think critically about the types of technology they choose to use.

• Plan real-world, problem-based learning activities.

• Identify tools and strategies for planning and assessing STEM instruction.


6–8 Math Teachers, Science Teachers, Math and Science Specialists, Administrators, After-School Program Teachers, Directors

Number of Participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 119614

ISBN: Up to 30: 119634

ISBN: Up to 50: 119605

Integrating the CCSS, STEM, and NGSS into the Science Classroom: Live Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Examine the impact that the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts (ELA), Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) have on classroom instruction. Participants evaluate a master teacher as she models best practices and develops a lesson plan that applies these practices. Each topic is explored for approximately two hours.


• By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Explore the Science and Technical Subjects standards found within the CCSS for ELA.

• Examine STEM and its connection to college and careers.

• Identify how the NGSS will affect instructional practices.

• Evaluate how to adjust their current instruction to meet the CCSS for ELA, STEM expectations, and the rigor of the NGSS.


6–12 Educators

Number of Participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing

ISBN: Grades 6–8: Up to 15: 119611

ISBN: Grades 6–8: Up to 30: 119631

ISBN: Grades 6–8: Up to 50: 119602

ISBN: Grades 9–12: Up to 15: 119622

ISBN: Grades 9–12: Up to 30: 119612

ISBN: Grades 9–12: Up to 50: 119632

Teaching with the CCSS, STEM, and NGSS in the Science Classroom Self-Paced Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 3 hours

Per Seat pricing

ISBN: Grades 6–8: 119623

ISBN: Grades 9–12: 119613

Special Populations

College and Career Ready: Meeting the Needs of Students with High-Incidence Disabilities: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Explore what the term college and career ready means for students with high-incidence disabilities. Participants define what college and career ready means and have an opportunity to review the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) or College and Career Readiness (CCR) state standards. In addition, participants learn a process for aligning Individualized Education Program (IEP goals) with CCR standards as well as how to make instructional accommodations for students.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Navigate the organizational structure and language of the CCSS and understand how they apply to students with high-incidence disabilities.

• Identify resources that can assist special educators as they plan instruction for students with disabilities.

• Identify a process to craft practical IEP goals that align to CCSS and/or CCR standards.

• Practice unpacking a few standards as examples of how to differentiate instruction.

• Identify key strategies to adapt instruction to meet CCR standards.


K–12 General and Special Educators, Principal, Special Education Directors, Coaches

Number of Participants: Up to 50

cohort pricing:

ISBN: Up to 15: 119293

ISBN: Up to 30: 119321

ISBN: Up to 50: 119284

College and Career Ready: Meeting the Needs of Students with Low-Incidence Disabilities: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Explore what the term college and career ready means for students with low-incidence disabilities. Participants define what college and career ready means and have an opportunity to review the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) or College and Career Readiness (CCR) state standards. In addition, participants learn a process for aligning Individualized Education Program (IEP goals) with CCR standards as well as how to make instructional accommodations for students.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

• Navigate the organizational structure and language of the CCSS and understand how they apply to students with low-incidence disabilities.

• Identify resources that can assist special educators as they plan instruction for students with disabilities.

• Identify a process to craft practical IEP goals that align to CCSS and/or CCR standards.

• Practice unpacking a few standards as examples of how to differentiate instruction.

• Identify key strategies to adapt instruction to meet CCR standards.


K–12 General and Special Educators, Principal, Special Education Directors, Coaches

Number of Participants: Up to 50

cohort pricing:

ISBN: Up to 15: 119294

ISBN: Up to 30: 119322

ISBN: Up to 50: 119285


Instructional Shift Online Learning Supports

In 2013, Pearson will bring you the following “short online courses” covering key college- and career-readiness topics.

Instructional Shift Online Learning Supports for Mathematics Titles:

• Using Multiple Representations to Build Conceptual Understanding in Mathematics

• The Role of Academic Language in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics

• Universal Design for Learning: Accessing Mathematics for All Students

• Bringing Meta-Cognition to Light in the Mathematics Classroom

• The Role of Reading in Mathematics Teaching and Learning

• Conceptualizing Addition and Subtraction

• Conceptualizing Multiplication and Division

• The Role of the Mathematical Properties in Reasoning and Justification

• Concepts, Skills and Problem Solving: 21st Century Mathematics Instruction

• Constructing Mental Models of Mathematical Situations

• Developing A Community of Practice in Mathematics Classrooms

• Modifying the Modifier: Modeling Mathematics Versus Modeling with Mathematics

Instructional Shift Online Learning Supports for Literacy Titles:

• Using Language Objectives in the Common Core Classroom

• Universal Design for Learning-Accessing Text and Expressing Understanding

• Close Reading: Context

• Close Reading: Syntax

• Close Reading: Text Structures

• Close Reading: Questions and Answers

• Facilitating Small Group Discussions on Text

• Student Centered Writing

• Language Learning: Vocabulary, Word Study and Academic Language

• Student Centered Work Groups in the Common Core Classroom

• Ask your Pearson Account Executive about the availability of these new “short courses,” and get started learning online today!

Pearson Online Professional Learning Services

Effective. Flexible. Connected.

Complement your face-to-face professional development with high-quality online services delivered in self-paced, live online, and fused online modalities. Perfect for time-crunched teachers. Choose your duration and get the results you want!


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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