Professor Gail

BIO 111-80, 81Spring 2016Instructor:Dr. Gail StewartOffice:Blackwood mail box : Halpern 230Blackwood office: Halpern 231Camden mailbox: College Hall 2nd floorCamden Office: Faculty Suite, 2nd floor, College HallOffice Hours:Monday and Wednesday (Camden) 10:00-10:50 and Tuesday and Thursday(Blackwood) 11:00-11:50, I am available at other times by appointment.Telephone:227-7200 ext. 4465 or 4467(Bio department secretary)Email:gstewart@camdencc.eduText:Biology 10th or 11th edition Campbell, Reece, et.alExploring Biology in the Lab, edited by R. Connolly The following is a tentative schedule of what we will be studying each week of the semester. I will inform you of any adjustments as soon as possible.Student Responsibilities:1. Attendance, Class Preparation, Office Hours:I will be recording your attendance. All absences except for religious holidays will be treated as unexcused. This means that you will need to contact a classmate for the missed notes and lab data. Attend all class meetings, there is no substitute for being here. I suggest that you read the chapters prior to class, make a list of all unfamiliar words and make an outline of the important points. Attached you will find a list of the chapters that we will be reviewing, arranged by week for your reading. This is your homework. It is also important for you to ask questions when there is something that you do not understand. Please write your question down in your notebook and wait until I have finished the topic.Be aware that they may not be enough time for me to answer all your questions during the lecture, there will be opportunities for you to ask more in depth questions at the end of class, during lab time and in office hours.I will pause frequently during the lecture (every 10-20 minutes) to ask if you have questions. I will also be available during my office hours to answer your questions and provide some extra help. I have office hours in Camden and Blackwood this semester. They are designed as a walk-in/ drop-by time when I am at my desk. However I am not a robot and if you must speak to me, please arrange a time with me in class so that I am ready for you and can provide the most help.There are tutors available for this course, visit the tutoring center for hours. Just a reminder, this course is for students who are college level (finished with Basic Skills) and is designed for science majors. If you need a lab science elective there are other lab science courses both biology and chemistry that are designed for non-science majors. 2. ExamsThere are five scheduled exams which will account for 75% of your final grade. If you miss an exam and do not make arrangement with me prior to the exam you will receive a zero for that exam. If you contact me prior to the test I will schedule a time for you to take an oral make-up exam. If you cheat on an exam you will receive a zero for that exam, second offense will result in an F as a final grade and removal from the course. You may not leave the room for any reason during an exam. When you leave the room your exam is over. If you arrive after any of your classmates has finished the exam and left the room, you will not be permitted to sit for that exam, you will need to schedule an oral make-up exam.You are only permitted to make-up one exam, any additional missed exams will be recorded as a zero.Please bring a pencil and an eraser to the exams, scantron forms will be provided. All cell phones will be turned off and screen side down and placed on your desk in a visible position during exams.3. LaboratoryThe lab component of the course will consist of experiments, observations, quizzes and the information literacy assignment. Your attendance, participation, lab reports, and quizzes will be worth 25% of your final grade. There are no make-ups for experimental labs and we will have lab at least once a week.You will receive a lab guide that contains all the information regarding lab report formats. 4. GradingEach exam will be worth approximately100 points. Each lab quiz will be worth 20 points. Each lab practical will be worth 50 points. The information literacy assignment will be worth 50 points and the Osmosis lab will also be worth 50 points. All other lab reports and drawings will range in point value between 10-15pts.All the grades from exams will be weighted at 75% and all the grades from lab will be weighted at 25%.We will take a quiz one class meeting after the completion of a chapter of lecture material. These will vary in point value (10-20). Your average on these quizzes will be added to your final grade calculation in the following manner: if you have a 90% or better=3% pts., 80% =2%pts. 70%=2% pts. A final grade of 100-90 = AA final grade of 79-70= CA final grade below 60 = FA final grade of 89-80= BA final grade of 69-60 = D5. Classroom etiquetteYou will be expected to be respectful to me and your classmates during lecture, lab and while in College Hall. If you violate that respect you will be asked to change your behavior or be removed from the course. There are no electronic devices permitted in this class, this includes but is not limited to cell phones, translators, calculators, tape recorders, and even laptops! You may not answer your cell phone in my class, even during lab! The class and I would appreciate it if you set your ringer to silent or turn your phone off while in class. If there is truly an emergency that requires you to answer you phone you will leave the room and speak quietly in the hall. You may return to the classroom when I give the class a break. You may not copy your classmates’ work on exams or lab assignments. It will not be tolerated in any way. The penalty for the first offense will be a zero for that assignment and the second offense will result in an F for the course and removal from the course. Please see the student handbook for a complete description of academic dishonesty including what is considered plagiarism.If I determine that you are engaging in inappropriate classroom behavior (such as constant talking during lecture, speaking disrespectfully to me, other professors, staff or other students, or inappropriate emotional displays) I will call security and request to have you removed from the course. This is a tentative schedule and I will inform you of any changes as soon as possible. Exams will be held only after all the schedule material has been addressed in class. Week/DateLecture topicsLab exercise1)January 19Ch. 1 Themes of BiologySafety, Exercise 3 Ch. 2 Chemistry of LifeEx. 5 Measurement2)January 25Ch. 3 WaterEx. 7 Food Nutrient AnalCh. 5 Organic moleculesEx. 8 & 9 MicroscopeLab Quiz 13)February 1Ch. 6 Tour of the CellEx.10 & 11Ch. 7 MembranesExercise 12 Lab Quiz 24)February 8EXAM I Ch. 8 MetabolismEx. 6 Enzyme Activity5) February 15Ch. 9 Cellular RespirationEx. 15 FermentationCh. 10 PhotosynthesisEx. 14 Leaf pigments6) February 22Ch. 11 & 12 Cell divisionEx. 17 MitosisEXAM 2Lab Practical 17)February 29Ch. 14 MendelEx. 24 Genetics problemsCh. 15 Chromosomal basis ofEx. 21 Normal karyotype inheritance8)March 7Ch. 16 Molecular basis of Ex. 18 DNA puzzlesInheritanceLab Quiz 3Ch. 17 Gene to ProteinInformation Literacy9)March 14SPRING BREAK10) March 21EXAM 3Film: Darwin’s Dangerous Ch.22 EvolutionIdeaCh. 23 Evol. of PopulationsLab Quiz 411) March 28Ch. 24 Origin of the SpeciesEx. 25 Natural selectionCh. 26 Phylogeny12) April 4Exam 4Ch.25 History of Life on EarthEx. 27 Simulated epidemicCh. 19 Viruses13) April 11Ch. 27 BacteriaEx. 26 ProkaryotesCh. 28 Protists 14) April 18Ch. 29 Plant Diversity IEx. 28 Protists-livePlant slides and flower dissection15)April 25Ch. 30 Plant Diversity IIFilm- The Rotten World About Us16) May 2Ch. 31 FungiLab Practical 2May 9Final Exam (5)Lab Quiz ScheduleJan 29Lab quiz 1Vocab/Measurement/SafetyFeb 5Lab Quiz 2-Food Nutrient/MicroscopesFeb 26Lab Practical I-Cells/Enzymes/pigmentsMarch 9Lab Quiz 3-Mitosis/Genetics ProblemsMarch 25Lab Quiz 4-DNA rep/transcription/translationMay 6Lab Practical II-bacteria/protists/plant life cycles ................

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