Georgetown Preparatory School

Department: SCIENCE Course: AP BIOLOGYGrade Level (s): 12 Teacher Name: Ms. Yushan BaiEmail: ybai@ Office Hour: Tuesdays, 2:50pm-4pm, M301Course Summary:AP Biology is a college course with college level expectations for behavior, attendance, participation and effort. The typical college formula is that students will spend ~ 3 hours of their own time per hour spent in class. The amount of time you need to spend on studying for this class varies, but effective time-management strategies will be essential. Please see me if you need assistance organizing your time. This course is designed to help students develop a conceptual framework of modern biology, to gain a deeper appreciation of science as a process and to prepare them for the AP Biology Exam. The AP Biology Exam tests your ability as a scientist, rather than simply recalling content. Please be prepared to make mistakes and feel challenged throughout the year. Required Materials: Textbook/ Access to Online Material Purchase Link: with Pearson eText (1-year access)- for Urry, Campbell Biology 11th Edition, AP Edition ?2018 (For Urry Campbell Biology 11th Edition AP Edition 2018 with MasteringBiology with Pearson eText isbn10:?1323488634isbn13:?9781323488638)A 2-inch three-ring binder with at 4 tab/dividers (notes/classwork, homework, graded assignments, labs) and paper for note-taking. Please leave your laptop and cell phone out of sight unless otherwise directed. [You can also start with a 1-inch binder, then move everything to a 2-inch binder once we have too much material]Graph paper (which should also be carried along with your binder) Pens (black and/or blue, plus red), a highlighter, #2 pencils Text @baiapbio to the number 81010 to receive reminders and last-minute alertsGrading:Tests40%Quizzes25%Labs 20%Homework/ Assignments 15%Total100%Fall semester A-days (potential test/quiz day):09/07, 09/18, 09/27, 10/06, 10/19, 10/30, 11/09, 11/20, 12/04, Midterm (12/14-12/18)Big Ideas:The AP Biology course is organized around 4 underlying principles which are called the “Big Ideas” and are described below. Students are responsible for knowing these Big Ideas and how they relate.Big Idea 1 – The process of evolution drives diversity and the unity of life.Big Idea 2 – Biological systems use free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.Big Idea 3 – Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes.-151765525145Big Idea 4 – Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.Big ideasEnduring understandingsEssential knowledge Learning objectives Consider concentric squares representing each of the 4 Big Ideas encompassing Enduring Understandings. Each Enduring Understanding includes Essential Knowledge. Essential Knowledge is combined with 7 Science Practices (content and inquiry) to create the 149 Learning Objectives.A practice is a way to coordinate knowledge and skills in order to accomplish a goal or task. These science practices enable students to establish lines of evidence and use them to develop and refine testable explanations and predictions of natural phenomena. These 7 Science Practices capture important aspects of the work that scientists engage in, at the level of competence expected of AP Biology students:Science Practice 1: The student can use representations and models to communicate scientific phenomena and solve scientific problems.Science Practice 2: The student can use mathematics appropriately.Science Practice 3: The student can engage in scientific questioning to extend thinking or guide investigations within the context of the AP course.Science Practice 4: The student can plan and implement data collection strategies appropriate to a particular scientific question.Science Practice 5: The student can perform data analysis and evaluation of evidence.Science Practice 6: The student can work with scientific explanations and theories.Science Practice 7: The student is able to connect and relate knowledge across various scales, concepts, and representations in and across domains. Tests:Tests will count for 40% of the grade. A test will usually be given at the end of a unit or a learning period which includes different chapters. Students will be given multiple days’ notice before a test. Tests will always take place on “A” days. Quizzes: (including daily Catalyst and exit tickets, if given)Quizzes will always be announced and will count for 25% of a student’s grade. There will be multiple quizzes per unit. Short quizzes (10 minutes or less) on a small amount content could take place any day of the week. Advanced notice will be given for announced quizzes. Labs and Lab Reports:Labs will count for 20% of a student’s grade. Labs will be conducted in class as directed by the teacher. When labs are performed in groups, all students are expected be responsible for the material and collecting data. Students are expected to record and store important information and data, as instructed by the teacher. Following in-class labs, students will either have post-lab questions to answer or a lab report to write, as modeled by the teacher. These questions and reports will be part of the total Lab grade for each student. Homework/Assignments: (including binder checks)Homework and assignments will count for 15% of a student’s grade. Homework need to be turned in as soon as a student walks into the classroom. Homework and assignments will be posted daily on FinalSite after being announced in class. Please check FinalSite every day as many essential class materials will be posted on our class site and calendar. Late Work: Any assignment not submitted at the beginning of the period it is due, or other assigned due date and time, is considered late. Assignments will not be accepted for credit more than one week after the due date. Summative Reports or ProjectsSame Class Day (Before 3:00pm)-5%1 Day-10%2 Days -20%3-7 Days-30%Classwork and Homework Lateness ScaleSame Class Day (Before 3:00pm)Max Grade 95%1 DayMax Grade 75%2-7 Days Max Grade 50%Attendance:Attendance and punctuality are required of all students. When possible, students should notify the teacher in advance of any absence, at the earliest opportunity. Students are responsible for all material covered in class during any absence and must check with the teacher about all missed work upon his return to school. Students should refer to the Student Handbook for the rules and details regarding the school’s policy on absences.Makeup Work: Excused absenceMiss a test or quiz Reschedule the test or quiz upon return to school Miss a lab Make up the same lab or have an alternate assignment depending on the type of lab and the availability of lab material Miss homework/ assignment/ classwork It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher or another student AND check on our course page to see what assignment is missed the day of absence.Miss 1 or 2 days of classes and an assignment is assigned prior to the day of absence Assignment is due the first day of return. Miss 1 or 2 day of classes; an assignment is assigned the day of absence and its original due date is the day upon return Assignment is due the day after the first day of return. Please check with your teacher to find the best way to catch up on class content Miss 3 or more days of classes Make arrangement for any missed assignment with your teacher directly. Unexcused absence No makeup test, quiz, or assignment allowed Due dates of major projects, research papers, tests, etc. will be posted way in advance, so the due date won’t be changed for those who have an unexcused absence. The teacher has the discretion to grant a longer period of time to make up work if there are extenuating circumstances.Academic Integrity:Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated in this class or at this school. Cheating will result in a zero (0) for the assignment and will be recorded in the office of the Academic Dean. Students should refer to the Student Handbook for the schools detailed policy on cheating.Additional Help:Students are always welcome to come to me for extra help. My office is located in M305. Besides the office hours listed on the first page of the syllabus, you also find me at my office or the general biology classroom (M301) afterschool (2:50pm - 4:00pm), in the morning (7:30am-8:15am) and during break (9:44am-10:09am). Additional exam reviews might be held during study hall (7:30pm-9:30pm) prior to an exam. Please send me an email prior to stopping by, if you plan on meeting outside of the regular office hour. Please do not hesitate to seek help and catch up on contents and confusions as soon as possible, as topics are cumulative and it is best to ask for help early and often. You are always encouraged and welcomed to talk to me about biology, other subjects and personal concerns. Please sign and return this page only.I have read the above policies and discuss them with my parents. Student (Print)___________________________________________________________Student (Signature)_______________________________________________________Date ___________________________________________________________________I have read the above policies and discuss them with my son. I have also received and read the letter to parents. Parent (Print)____________________________________________________________Parent (Signature)________________________________________________________Date ___________________________________________________________________ ................

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