AP Biology Syllabus - SchoolNotes

AP Biology Syllabus 2017-18

Instructor: Tamara Averell

(410) 392-6951 (Home)

(302) 563-0441 (Cell)


Textbook: Campbell and Reece, Biology, 9th Edition - provided

In addition, students will need to purchase a copy of Five Steps to a 5 AP Biology by

Mark Anestis. The book is available at most large book stores. It can be

ordered from the book store or online.

Course Overview

This AP Biology course is roughly the equivalent of an introductory college biology course taken by biology majors. It is designed to prepare students for the AP exam utilizing the four big ideas and the enduring understandings as defined in the AP Biology Curriculum Framework. The big ideas are:

Big idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.

Big idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to

reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.

Big idea 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to

life processes.

Big idea 4: Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess

complex properties.

General grade breakdown:

Homework/class work 10%

Quizzes 20%

Labs  30%

Tests 40%

Test format is similar to the AP exam – 60% multiple choice, 40% free response

All cadets enrolled in AP Biology will take the AP Biology exam. The AP Biology exam will take place in May.

Course Outline

| |Topics |Text |Possible activities/Labs |Assessments |Time |

|1 |The Chemistry of Life |Chapter |Guided reading questions |Reading quizzes |Aug/ |

| | |3,4,5,41 | | |Sept |

| |Carbon’s role in the diversity of | |Lab: pH and Buffers |Lab Report | |

| |living things | | | | |

| |Chemical bonding | |Use kits to build models of |Properties of water | |

| |Functional groups and | |macromolecules |essay | |

| |macromolecule structure and | | | | |

| |function | |Use chemical indicators to identify the|Macromolecule essay | |

| |Properties of water and their | |presence of macromolecules | | |

| |importance to biological systems | | |Unit test with free | |

| |Enzyme action | |Enzyme catalysis lab |response | |

| |Using the digestive system to | | | | |

| |illustrate enzyme action, | | | | |

| |regulation and the role of | | | | |

| |macromolecules | | | | |

|2 |Structure and function of the cell|Chapter 6,7, |Guided reading questions |Reading quizzes |Sept |

| |Intracellular structure and |42 | | | |

| |function | |Build a |Eduweb lab analysis and| |

| |Cell Membrane – fluid mosaic model| |membrane-learn.genetics.utah.edu |calculations | |

| |structure and function | | | | |

| |Methods of cellular transport | |Eduweb lab osmosis and diffusion | | |

| |Using the circulatory system to | | |Lab Report | |

| |illustrate methods of cell | |Inquiry lab#4 Osmosis and Diffusion | | |

| |transport and regulation of | | |Endosymbiont hypothesis| |

| |homeostasis | | |essay | |

| |Eukaryotic vs. Prokaryotic cells | | | | |

| | | | |Unit test with free | |

| | | | |response | |

|3 |Molecular Genetics |Chapter |Guided reading questions |Reading quizzes |Oct |

| |Stucture and function of RNA and |16-21 | | | |

| |DNA | |Protein synthesis puzzle activity |Lab analysis | |

| |Protein synthesis transcription | | | | |

| |and translation | |DNA Histone Model – |Unit test with free | |

| |Flow of genetic information | |learn.genetics.utah.edu |response | |

| |Mutations – basis for natural | | | | |

| |selection | |eduweb lab bacteria transformation | | |

| |Gene regulation and expression | | | | |

| |Genetics of viruses and bacteria | |Investigative Lab #9 Biotechnology I | | |

| |Biotechnology – recombinant DNA, | |and Bioltechnology ll | | |

| |PCR and gel electrophoresis | | | | |

| | | |Eduweb lab gel electrophoresis | | |

|4 |Cellular Reproduction |chapters |Guided reading questions |Reading quizzes |Oct- |

| |Cell signaling – reception, |11,12,13 |Pathways with friends – | |Nov |

| |transduction and response | |Learn.genetics.utah.edu |Lab analysis | |

| |Apoptosis | | | | |

| |The cell cycle | |Eduweb lab – crossing over |Unit test with free | |

| |Meiosis and sexual life cycles | | |response | |

| |Sexual vs asexual reproduction and| |Investigative Lab #7 | | |

| |evolutionary advantage | | | | |

| | | |Model meiosis and mitosis using | | |

| | | |manipulatives | | |

|5 |Immune System |Chapter |Guided reading questions |Quiz |Nov. |

| |Innate vs. acquired immunity |43 | | | |

| |B cells vs. T cells | | | | |

|6 |Heredity |chapters |Eduweb population genetics |Reading quizzes |Dec |

| |Patterns of inheritance |14,15 | |Hippo natural selection| |

| |Chromosomal basis | |Eduweb fruit fly genetics |essay | |

| |Gene linkage and mapping | | |Genetics problems | |

| | | |Analysis of drosophila genetics data |Unit test | |

|7 |Evolution |chapters |Guided reading questions |Evolution essay |Dec |

| | |22-25 | | | |

| |Descent with modification and | |Investigative Lab# 2 Mathematical |Reading quizzes | |

| |natural selection | |modeling – Hardy Weinberg | | |

| |Evidence for evolution | | |Lab calculations | |

| |Mechanisms for evolution | |Gene pool lab – alterations in allele | | |

| |Concept of speciation | |frequencies |Unit test with free | |

| |Phylogeny | | |response | |

|8 |Diversity of organisms |chapters |Guided reading questions |Quiz |Jan |

| | |25-27 | | | |

| |Evolutionary history of diversity | |Investigative Lab #3: Analyzing genes |Bacteria and archae | |

| |Evolution of prokaryotes and | | |essay | |

| |eukaryotes | | | | |

|9 |Metabolism |chapters |Guided reading questions |Reading quizzes |Jan |

| | |8,9,10 | | | |

| |Activation energy and specific | |Investigative Lab #13 – enzyme activity|Lab report | |

| |ATP structure and function | | | | |

| |Cellular Respiration | |Eduweb lab Respiration |Eduweb lab graphs and | |

| |Photosynthesis | |Investigative Lab #6 |calculations | |

| |Alternate mechanisms and their | | | | |

| |evolutionary significance | |Eduweb lab plant pigments |Photosynthesis essay | |

| | | |Eduweb lab photosynthesis | | |

| | | | |Unit test with free | |

| | | |Investigative Lab #5 Photosynthesis |response | |

|10 |Plants |chapters |Guided reading questions |Reading quizzes |Feb |

| |Structure, growth and development |35-39 | | | |

| |Angiosperm reproduction | |Eduweb lab transpiration |Angiosperm evolution | |

| |Structural and behavioral | | |essay | |

| |adaptations | |Investigative lab #11: Transpiration | | |

| |Evolution of seed plants | | |Lab analysis | |

| |Responses to internal/external | |Flower and seed dissection | | |

| |signals | | | | |

| |Plant nutrition | |Student designed lab – factors | | |

| | | |affecting germination |Lab report | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Unit test with free | |

| | | | |response | |

|11 |Ecology |Chapters |Guided reading questions |Reading quizzes |Feb- |

| |Interactions in the biosphere |50-55 | | |March |

| |Behavioral ecology | |Eduweb lab – animal behavior | | |

| |Population dynamics – growth and | | | | |

| |regulation | |Investigative Lab #12: Fruit fly |Lab Report | |

| |Communities and ecosystems- energy| |behavior | | |

| |levels, cycles, symbiosis and | | | | |

| |impact of evolution | |Eduweb lab – primary productivity |Eduweb analysis | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Lab : Dissolved oxygen and aquatic | | |

| | | |primary productivity |Analysis | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Unit test with free | |

| | | | |response | |

|12 |Animal Diversity |Chapter |Guided reading questions |Reading quizzes |Mar- |

| | |32-34 | | |April |

| |Characteristics of invertebrates |40 |Jumpin’ the Gap |Student generated | |

| |and vertebrates |44-49 |learn.genetics.utah.edu |concept maps to | |

| | | | |represent animal | |

| |Structure/Function of body | |What Affects Urine Production? |diversity | |

| |systems-Excretory, Endocrine, | | | | |

| |Nervous and Muscular | | |Homeostasis essay | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Unit test with free | |

| | | | |response | |


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