Point Loma High School

Point Loma High School

Advanced Placement Biology 2012-2013

Sylvia Maas

Room 703

619 223-3121 x4703


Required Text: AP Edition Biology 7th Edition, Campbell & Reece, 2005

Recommended Text: Any of the AP exam review books (Cracking, Cliffs, Princeton Review, etc.)


Course Outline

This course is designed for student that is interested in pursuing a college-level study in biology while still in high school. This is a rigorous course and should only be taken by serious students that have the time, energy, and desire that this class requires. There is a new design to this year’s AP Bio exam which will require extended preparation time for the students. This class must be a priority. There is a tremendous amount of reading and study time required for this course, and a time strapped student will struggle with this class. A MINIMUM of 30-45 minutes daily study time is required to succeed in this class. The course will emphasize the following topics: biochemistry, molecular biology, cellular biology, heredity, evolution, animal structure and function, plants and ecology.

Expected Student Learning Results

Students will have the opportunity to improve their skills in complex thinking and become effective communicators through reading, writing, problem solving, laboratory investigations, and oral presentations. Independent work and time management will help the student become a responsible, self-directed learner. Working with others during problem solving, lab investigations and study groups will contribute to the student becoming a more involved citizen. Focus on wellness; fitness and nutrition will encourage an awareness of what it takes to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Instructional Strategies

This class will be taught very similar to a college biology course. PowerPoint presentations will be the mode of most direct instruction, with laboratory investigations that will reinforce the concepts learned during lecture. There will be a very rigorous pacing and students will be expected to stay on top of their reading and study guide assignments.


Academic Grades will be determined by calculating the percent of points earned in the class. The grading scaled is as follows: A= 100-89%, B= 88-79%, C= 78-69%, D=68-58%, F= below 58%.

The grade percentage breakdown is as follows:

TESTS = 80%, HOMEWORK = 5%, LABS = 15%

*NOTE: there is a heavy emphasis on tests scores, as this is a true measure of a students’ grasp of concepts, and this is a college-level course. One test per 6-week grading period may be retaken. Grades will be posted on Zangle-Parent Connection

Citizenship Grades will be determined by assessing several factors. The school tardy and truancy policies will be followed. Citizenship grades will be lowered for disruptive behavior or any inappropriate lab behavior. Students are expected to come prepared to class and ready to learn. Citizenship also includes participation in all class activities.


All tests must be made up within one week of an excused absence. Failure to do so will result in a zero on the test. Homework, labs, etc, must be turned in on the first day of return, unless arrangements have been made with me ahead of time. Other than a verified excused absence, NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED.


Tutoring will be available: Every day during our hour lunch tutorial time.

Communication for Parents and Students

The best way to contact me is via email. I will try to get back with you within a 24-hour period (weekends excluded).

Parents and Students: Please sign below to verify that you understand the grading and classroom procedures of AP Biology and have read the Academic Integrity Policy in the student planner.

______________________________ _________

Student date

______________________________ _________

Parent date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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