Universidade Estadual de Campinas

|Instruções |

|Não incluir o logo da DAC |

|Verificar se sua coordenação assina este tipo de documento. |

|Adequar os campos para ficar o mais parecido com o original em português. Isso significa remover, adicionar ou mover campos/páginas, reorganizar |

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|Remover este campo ao terminar. |

Undergraduate Transcript

|Name | |Student I.D. |

|Nome | |(RA) |

|Brazilian I.D. |Brazilian Social Security No. |Date of Birth |Gender |

|RG |CPF |mês/dia/ano |male / female |

|City of birth: |Nationality: |

|Cidade onde nasceu |Brazilian or other – specify |

|Course |Level |

|No. – nome do curso |Undergraduate |

|Accredited by Ministerial Decree No. 863 dated August 31, 1979 and renewed by Decree | |

|of the Education Council Regulation No. 277 dated May, 15th 2008 | |

|(inserir dados específicos de seu curso) | |

|Admission to college |Period/Admission year |

|COMVEST Entrance Exam |1S/ano | |

|Scores in admission exam (PHASE: 1) | |

|Writing X.XX |Questions XX |

|Scores in admission exam (PHASE: 2) | |

|Portuguese X.XX |Biology X.XX |

|Chemistry X.XX |History X.XX |

|Physics X.XX |Geography X.XX |

|Mathematics X.XX |English X.XX |

|ATENÇÃO: Vestibulares recentes podem apresentar a seguinte distribuição de disciplinas na 2ª. fase: |

|Portuguese X.XX |English X.XX |

|Mathematics X.XX |Humanities and arts X.XX |

|Natural sciences X.XX | |

|Prior school |Month/Conclusion year |

|Nome |Mês/Ano |

|Situation |Curriculum year |Group year |

|Enrolled (matriculado) |Ano de catálogo |Ano da turma |


|Participant in ENADE Exam XXX (ano), performed in XX/YY/ZZ |

|Performance Indexes of the Student in the Course |

|Cumulative grade average |Cumulative grade average of the student’s class |Position of the student in his class |

|CR do aluno |CRmédio da turma |Posição do aluno na turma |

Pag.: 1 of X

Undergraduate Transcript

|Name | |Student I.D. |

|Nome | |(RA) |

|Disciplines Taken |

|Notes: |

|In the disciplines shown with a situation code ‘Approved”, the student achieved attendance equal to or above 75% of total Class Hours (CH). |

|This document displays all disciplines taken by the student. |

|# - Disciplines attended as a Special Student – credits used in course integration |

|! - Disciplines attended as a Special Student – credits not used in course integration |

|First semester of 20XX |

|Code |Name of Discipline |Grade |CH |Credits |Situation |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Second semester of 20XX |

|Code |Name of Discipline |Grade |CH |Credits |Situation |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Pag.: 2 of X

Undergraduate Transcript

|Name | |Student I.D. |

|Nome | |(RA) |

|First semester of 20XY |

|Code |Name of Discipline |Grade |CH |Credits |Situation |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Second semester of 20XY |

|Code |Name of Discipline |Grade |CH |Credits |Situation |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Work Load |

| Total Work Load Completed |Total Supervised Work Load Completed |Total Credits |


This document is a translation of the student transcript, being valid only if signed below by the Faculty/Institute Chair of Undergraduate Studies.

The original document in Portuguese, issued by the Registrar’s Office, has an authenticity code that can be verified on this website –

Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz, Day Month, year

Assinatura e carimbo do responsável

Pag.: 3 of X

Para cada semestre, preencher o campo ‘Situation’ de cada disciplina com o dado correspondente conforme tabela abaixo:

|Situação |Situation |

|Dispensado de cursar disciplina |Dismissed from taking the course |

|Proficiência |Exempt (proficient) |

|Aprovado por frequência |Passed due to attendance |

|Aprovado por nota e frequência |Passed due to grade/attendance |

|Reprovado por nota |Failed due to grade |

|Reprovado por nota e frequência |Failed due to grade/attendance |

|Aproveitamento de estudos |Transferred credits |

|Desistência |Withdrawal |

|Disciplina cancelada ofício |Discipline officially cancelled |

|Dispensa (por variados motivos) |Dismissed without credits |

|Aprovado |Sufficient – passed |

|Reprovado |Insufficient – failed |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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