Houston Independent School District

Table of Contents

Reporting Basics 6

Reporting Access 6

District Staff 6

Campus Administrators 6

Instructional Staff 6

Reports 7

District Assessment Reports 7

District Level Reports 7

Summary - District Objective Mastery Summary 7

Item Answer Distribution Analysis by Category 8

Multi Test - Table - Objective Mastery Summary 9

Multi-Test - Graph - Objective Mastery Summary 10

Multi-Test - Graph - Average Percent Correct 11

Test Score Frequency 12

Item Statistical Analysis 13

Multi Test - Objective Performance Grouping Summary 14

Table – Percent Correct by Objective by District by Campus 14

District Level Reports by Campus Type 15

Table - Objective Mastery Summary by Campus, Grade 15

Table - Item Analysis Summary by Campus, Grade 16

Table - Multi-Test Objective Performance Grouping Report 17

Campus Level Reports 18

Summary - Objective Mastery Summary by Campus 18

Table - Objective Mastery Campus Summary by Teacher, Grade Level 19

Multi Test - Table - Objective Mastery Summary by Campus (choose upto 6 tests) 20

Multi-Test - Graph - Objective Mastery Summary by Campus (choose upto 6 tests) 21

Multi-Test - Graph - Avg. Percent Correct by Campus (choose upto 6 tests) 22

Table - Item Analysis Campus Summary by Teacher, Grade Level 23

Item Answer Distribution Analysis 24

Test Score Frequency 25

Table - Objective Mastery Campus Summary by Teacher, Grade Level – Accountability 26

Table - Item Analysis Campus Summary by Teacher, Grade Level – Accountability 27

Item Statistical Analysis 28

Multi Test - Objective Performance Grouping Summary by Campus 29

Table - Multi-Test Objective Performance Grouping Report 30

Campus Level Reports by Student 31

Campus Student Score Listing by Student 31

Campus Student Score Listing by Score 32

Teacher Level Reports by Class 33

Student Score Listing by Student 33

Student Score Listing by Score 34

Summary - Objective Mastery Summary by Class 35

Table - Objective Mastery by Class by Student 36

Table - Item Analysis by Class by Student 37

Item Answer Distribution Analysis by Class 38

Multi-Test - Table - Objective Mastery Summary by Class (choose upto 6 tests) 39

Multi-Test - Graph - Objective Mastery Summary by Class (choose upto 6 tests) 40

Multi-Test - Graph - Class Average Percent Correct (choose upto 6 tests) 41

Objective Performance Grouping by Test by Class 42

Test Score Frequency by Class 43

Student Tutoring Report 44

Multi-Test - Objective Performance Grouping by Class 45

Item Answer Distribution and Distracter Analysis by Class 46

Teacher Level Reports by Teacher 47

Summary - Objective Mastery Summary by Teacher 47

Teacher - Student Score Listing by Student 48

Teacher - Student Score Listing by Score 49

Table - Objective Mastery by Teacher by Class 50

Table - Item Analysis by Teacher by Class 51

Multi-Test - Graph - Objective Mastery Summary by Teacher (choose upto 6 tests) 52

Multi-Test - Graph - Average Percent Correct by Teacher (choose upto 6 tests) 53

Multi-Test - Table - Objective Mastery Summary by Teacher (choose upto 6 tests) 54

Test Score Frequency by Teacher 55

Summary - Objective Mastery Summary by Teacher – Accountability 56

Table - Objective Mastery by Teacher by Class – Accountability 57

Table - Item Analysis by Teacher by Class - Accountability 58

Teacher Level Reports by Student 59

Objective Mastery Student Report by Student 59

Student Multi-Test Objective Mastery 60

Frequently Asked Questions 61

Running Reports 61

Why can’t I reach all the reports listed in this guide? 61

Can I save, print or e-mail the report? 61

When I run report, will there be separate documents for each view/report I selected? 61

Can I modify the report view or filters after I ran the report? 61

I select all the required filters and run a Multi-Test Report; however, I cannot see all the tests I chose for the view 61

I have selected all the required filters and clicked Run Report button. But I cannot view the report. 61

In addition to the required filters I have also selected optional filters and clicked the Run Report button, but the report is not filtering accordingly. 61

Interpreting Reports 61

I have graded a test today in the system. Can I see the results in the reports immediately? 61

Can I see the date when a report was created? 61

I am getting an error saying there is too much info. 62

Can I access the same reports both from Student Tracking and from Reports tabs? 62

Can I see answer distribution in reports? 62

Can I compare student performance in multiple tests? 62

Reporting Basics

The EdPlan™ IMS Reporting module is designed to give educators a detailed view of their students’ performance as well as provide districts with data to assist in assessing the effectiveness of current practices and initiatives. With drill-down capabilities, EdPlan IMS Reporting allows users to easily switch from a comprehensive district view to a detailed, single student view.

The EdPlan IMS Reporting module offers a complete learning portfolio for every student that includes pertinent demographic and programmatic information and a history of assessment data.

EdPlan IMS Reporting warehouses multiple years of local assessment data. With the system’s ability to interface with existing district databases, the district has the ability to import relevant student, program, demographic, and staff information, all of which is significant to the instructional decision-making process. Leveraging pre-built dashboards, administrators have access to information at their fingertips.

Reporting Access

District Staff

District staff can generate preformatted reports that provide current and longitudinal analyses at all levels, and can quickly and easily access dashboards containing key performance indicators and views that give insight to organizational information such as enrollment, attendance, and formative assessment trends.

Campus Administrators

Campus staff members can receive up-to-date information on students, staff, and the progress of the campus towards improvement plans and goals.

Instructional Staff

Instructors can receive real time data on student progress and performance, which can assist them with immediate instructional decisions. Various levels of reporting provide educators with data that is deconstructed and linked to curriculum objectives to assist with the monitoring of student mastery.


This document shows which reports can be generated via the Reports tab in IMS system. There are several types of reports in the system: District, Campus, Teacher and Class level reports for different levels of assessment--National, State, District, Campus or Classroom category assessments.

Every report represented in this guide includes the purpose of the report as well as a screenshot of the format.

District Assessment Reports

District Level Reports

Summary - District Objective Mastery Summary

Purpose: The District Objective Mastery Summary allows district administrators to view a list objectives tested in a given assessment as well as the number of questions per objective and the average number of correct responses for those questions. District administrators can easily see the percentage of student mastery for each objective broken up by STAAR Reporting Category and Readiness/Supporting/Process Skills.


Item Answer Distribution Analysis

Purpose: The Item Answer Distribution Analysis displays the objective tested and the corresponding answer distribution, by percentage, for each question. The view also indicates the correct answer choice for each question (indicated by an asterisk). District administrators can easily identify which questions are overall answered correctly by the majority of students, which objectives students are struggling with, and which questions may need closer examination for validity. (Choice 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=E).


Multi Test - Table - Objective Mastery Summary

Purpose: In the Multi Test Analysis Objective Mastery Summary Table, district administrators can select up to six tests to compare student mastery of objectives assessed in specific assessments. This report is most useful for district administrators to view student objective mastery across several assessments. Student progress can also be observed and/or documented.



Multi-Test - Graph - Objective Mastery Summary

Purpose: In the Multi Test Analysis Objective Mastery Summary Graph, district administrators can select up to six tests to compare student mastery of objectives assessed in specific assessments. This report is most useful for district administrators to see a visual representation of student objective mastery, by percentage, across several assessments.


Multi-Test - Graph - Average Percent Correct

Purpose: In the Multi Test Analysis Average Percent Correct Graph, district administrators can select up to six tests to compare student percent correct score for specific assessments. It is most useful when district administrator see the average percent of correct answers in the district and compare them in different tests quickly on a graph. This report is most useful for district administrators to compare the average percent of correct answers for students, by percentage, for several assessments.


Test Score Frequency

Purpose: The Test Score Frequency report allows district administrators to see a breakdown of scores for a given assessment. This breakdown includes the raw score (number of correct responses), % correct, actual score (number of points received), Frequency (number of students who were at that level), cumulative frequency (number of students who scored at or above that level), and % of cumulative frequency (percent of students who scored at or above that level).


Item Statistical Analysis

Purpose: Similar to the Item Answer Distribution Analysis, the Item Statistical Analysis provides a breakdown by question of the learning objective tested and answer distribution in each question, including no response. The view also displays the correct answer choice for each question (indicated with an asterisk). In addition to these similar components, the Item Statistical Analysis allows district administrators to view the Difficulty Factor, Discrimination Index and KR20. This report is most useful to district administrators who require additional statistical information for test and question analysis. (Choice 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=E).


Multi Test - Objective Performance Grouping Summary

Purpose: The Objective Performance Grouping report displays the objectives included in multiple tests selected and groups them based on performance bands to indicate if the objective needs to be addressed instructionally (classroom level) or if the objective may not be adequately covered by the curriculum.


District Level Reports by Campus Type

Table - Objective Mastery Summary by Campus, Grade

Purpose: The Objective Mastery Summary Table Report allows district administrators to see the number of questions associated with each objective tested and the mastery threshold set for each objective. The report provides percentage of students mastering each objective for all campuses as well as the percentage of students mastering each objective at a selected campus.

The report also shows the average number and percent of correct responses for the specified campus and all district campuses. Additionally, the report shows number of students tested and number of tests submitted.


Table - Item Analysis Summary by Campus, Grade

Purpose: The Item Analysis District Summary by Campus Table displays the answer choices, by student, for each multiple choice item on a test. The objective measured is listed for each question as well as the percent of students at the campus who answered the item correctly. A blank indicates a correct response. A number indicates an incorrect answer was selected and identifies the incorrect answer choice selected. (1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D). A “-1” indicates a double bubble, incomplete erasure or no response.


Table - Multi-Test Objective Performance Grouping Report

Purpose: The Multi-Test Objective Performance Grouping Table Report allows district administrators to observe student objective performance across multiple tests as well as the percentage of students who scored within each performance band.


Campus Level Reports

Summary - Objective Mastery Summary by Campus

Purpose: The Objective Mastery Summary by Campus allows campus administrators to see the objectives tested in a given test as well as number of questions aligned to each objective and average number of correct responses for those questions. Campus administrators can easily view the percentage of total students who mastered each objective.


Table - Objective Mastery Campus Summary by Teacher

Purpose: The Objective Mastery Campus Summary by Teacher Table Report allows campus administrators to see the number of questions associated with each objective tested as the mastery threshold for each objective. The report provides the percentage of students who mastered each objective at the campus level, as well as specific percentages by teacher of student objective mastery. This report is limited to a selected grade level.

The report also shows the average number and percent of correct responses for students of each teacher. In addition, the report lists number of students tested and the number of tests submitted for each teacher.


Multi Test - Table - Objective Mastery Summary by Campus (choose upto 6 tests)

Purpose: In the Multi Test Analysis Objective Mastery Summary Table, campus administrators can select up to six tests to compare student mastery of objectives assessed in specific assessments. This report is most useful for campus administrators to view student objective mastery across several assessments. Student progress can also be observe and/or documented.



Multi-Test - Graph - Objective Mastery Summary by Campus (choose upto 6 tests)

Purpose: In the Multi Test Analysis Objective Mastery Summary Graph, campus administrators can select up to six tests to compare student mastery of objectives assessed in specific assessments. This report is most useful for campus administrators to see a visual representation of student objective mastery, by percentage, across several assessments.


Multi-Test - Graph - Avg. Percent Correct by Campus (choose upto 6 tests)

Purpose: The Multi Test Analysis Campus Average Percent Correct Graph view provides campus administrators a quick comparison of the average percent correct for the tests selected. Campus administrators can choose up to 6 tests for this comparative display.


Table - Item Analysis Campus Summary by Teacher, Grade Level

Purpose: The Item Analysis view displays the objective assessed by each item with the percentage of student mastery by campus and the percentage of students who answered the question correctly for each teacher.

The report also shows the average number and percent of correct responses for the overall campus and the specific number of students per teacher who answered the item accurately. Additionally, the report shows number of students tested and number of tests submitted.


Item Answer Distribution Analysis

Purpose: The Item Answer Distribution Analysis provides a breakdown by question of the learning objective tested and answer distribution in each question, including no response. The view also displays the correct answer choice for each question (indicated with an asterisk). Campus administrators can easily identify which questions were overall answered correctly/incorrectly by the majority of students, which objectives students are not mastering, and which questions may need closer examination for validity. (Choice 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=E).


Test Score Frequency

Purpose: The Test Score Frequency report allows campus administrators to see an overall breakdown of scores for any given assessment. This breakdown includes the raw score (number of correct responses), % score, actual score (number of points received), Frequency (number of students who were at that level), cumulative frequency (number of students who scored at or above that level), and % of cumulative frequency (percentage of the student who scored at or above that level).


Table - Objective Mastery Campus Summary by Teacher, Grade Level – Accountability

Purpose: The Objective Mastery Campus Summary by Teacher Table Report allows campus administrators to see the number of questions associated with each objective tested and the mastery threshold for each objective. The report provides the percentage of students who mastered each objective for the campus as well as the percentage of active students who mastered each objective by teacher. This report is limited to the selected grade level.

The report also shows average number and percent of correct responses for the campus and each teacher. Additionally, the report shows number of students tested and number of tests submitted for each teacher. Accountability indicates that instead of looking at all active students in a teacher’s class, regardless of where they were tested, the report only includes the students who were tested in that class. Students tested in another class (or campus) are not included in the report summary.


Table - Item Analysis Campus Summary by Teacher, Grade Level – Accountability

Purpose: The Item Analysis - Accountability view displays each item, the associated objective, and the student performance for each multiple choice item on the test. The percentage for students correctly answering the items is displayed for the campus overall and also broken down by teacher.

The average and number of correct responses is listed as well as the number of students tested and tests submitted. Accountability indicates that instead of looking at all active students in a teacher’s class, regardless of where they were tested, the report only includes the students who were tested in that class. Students tested in another class (or campus) are not included in the report summary.


Item Statistical Analysis

Purpose: Similar to the Item Answer Distribution Analysis, the Item Statistical Analysis provides a breakdown by question of the learning objective tested and answer distribution in each question, including no response. The view also displays the correct answer choice for each question (indicated with an asterisk). In addition to these similar components, the Item Statistical Analysis allows district administrators to view the Difficulty Factor, Discrimination Index and KR20. This report is most useful to campus administrators who require additional statistical information for test and question analysis. (Choice 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=E).


Multi Test - Objective Performance Grouping Summary by Campus

Purpose: The Objective Performance Grouping report displays the objectives included in multiple tests selected and groups them based on performance bands to indicate if the objective needs to be addressed instructionally (classroom level) or if the objective may not be adequately covered by the curriculum.


Table - Multi-Test Objective Performance Grouping Report

Purpose: The Multi-Test Objective Performance Grouping Table report allows campus administrators to observe student objective performance across multiple tests as well as the percentage of students who scored within each performance band.


Campus Level Reports by Student

Campus Student Score Listing by Student

Purpose: The Student Score Listing by Student provides teachers with the percent of items answered correctly by student as well as the raw and actual student score. This view also allows campus administrators to quickly see if students met standards on a given assessment. The list is organized alphabetically by last name.


Campus Student Score Listing by Score

Purpose: The Student Score Listing by Score provides teachers with percent of items answered correctly, as well as raw and actual score, by student. In this view, the list organized by actual score, highest to lowest. This view also allows campus administrators to quickly see if students met standards on a given assessment.


Teacher Level Reports by Class

Student Score Listing by Student

Purpose: The Student Score Listing by Student provides teachers with the percent of items answered correctly by student as well as the raw and actual student score. This view also allows teachers to quickly see if students met standards on a given assessment. The list is organized alphabetically by last name.


Student Score Listing by Score

Purpose: The Student Score Listing by Score provides teachers with percent of items answered correctly, as well as raw and actual score, by student. In this view, the list organized by actual score, highest to lowest. This view also allows teachers to quickly see if students met standards on a given assessment.


Summary - Objective Mastery Summary by Class

Purpose: The Objective Mastery Summary by Class allows teachers to see the objectives assessed in a given test as well as number of questions aligned with each objective and average number of correct responses for those questions. Teachers can easily view the percentage of students in the class who mastered each objective.


Table - Objective Mastery by Class by Student

Purpose: The Objective Mastery by Class by Student Table lists the objectives assessed with the number of questions aligned to the objective and the mastery threshold for each. An overall class performance is listed as well as individual student performance. A “100” indicates student objective mastery; a “0” indicates non-mastery of the objective.


Table - Item Analysis by Class by Student

Purpose: The Item Analysis Class Summary by Student Table displays the objective measured for each item; the overall percent of students in the class who answered the item correctly and individual student performance is also displayed. A blank indicates a correct response. A number indicates an incorrect answer was selected and identifies the incorrect answer choice selected. (1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D). A “-1” indicates a double bubble, incomplete erasure or no response.



Item Answer Distribution Analysis by Class

Purpose: The Item Answer Distribution Analysis provides a breakdown by question of the learning objective tested and answer distribution in each question, including no response. The view also displays the correct answer choice for each question (indicated with an asterisk). Teachers can easily identify which questions were overall answered correctly/incorrectly by the majority of students, which objectives students are not mastering, and which questions may need closer examination for validity. (Choice 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=E).


Multi-Test - Table - Objective Mastery Summary by Class (choose upto 6 tests)

Purpose: In the Multi Test Analysis Objective Mastery Summary Table, teachers can select up to six tests to compare student mastery of objectives assessed in specific assessments. This report is most useful for teachers to view student objective mastery, by percentage, across several assessments.


Multi-Test - Graph - Objective Mastery Summary by Class (choose upto 6 tests)

Purpose: Similar to the Multi Test Analysis Objective Mastery Summary Table, the Multi Test Analysis Objective Mastery Summary Graph allows teachers to select up to six tests to compare student mastery of objectives assessed in specific assessments. This report is most useful for teachers to see a visual representation of student objective mastery, by percentage, across several assessments.


Multi-Test - Graph - Class Average Percent Correct (choose upto 6 tests)

Purpose: The Multi Test Analysis Teacher Average Percent Correct Graph view provides teachers with a quick comparison of the average percent correct for the tests selected. Teachers can choose up to 6 tests for this comparative display.


Objective Performance Grouping by Test by Class

Purpose: The Objective Mastery Performance Grouping allows teachers to see student performance on individual objectives broken up into three performance bands based upon percent correct. This report also includes the number of questions for each objective, the Bloom’s level of each question (if one was indicated), and any supporting resources or activities identified for that objective. This report allows teachers to make instructional decisions for re-teaching or enrichment based upon student success.


Test Score Frequency by Class

Purpose: The Test Score Frequency by Class allows teachers to see the breakdown of scores for any given assessment. This breakdown includes the raw score (number of correct responses), % score, actual score (number of points received), Frequency (number of students who scored at that level), cumulative frequency (number of students who scored at or above that level), and % of cumulative frequency (percent of the students who scored at or above that level).


Student Tutoring Report

Purpose: The Student Tutoring Report displays an item analysis, individually, for each student. Teachers utilize this report with students in reviewing incorrect answers on an assessment in a tutoring setup. A plus (+) indicates a correct response. A number indicates an incorrect answer and indicates the incorrect answer choice (1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=E). A “-1” indicates a double bubble, incomplete erasure, or no response.


Multi-Test - Objective Performance Grouping by Class

Purpose: The Objective Performance Grouping report displays the objectives included in the tests selected and groups them based upon performance bands to indicate if the objective needs to be addressed instructionally (classroom level) or if the objective may not be adequately covered in the curriculum.


Item Answer Distribution and Distracter Analysis by Class

Purpose: The Item Answer Distribution Analysis provides a breakdown by question of the learning objective tested and answer distribution in each question, including no response. The view also displays the correct answer choice for each question (indicated with an asterisk). Teachers can easily identify which questions were overall answered correctly/incorrectly by the majority of students, which objectives students are not mastering, and which questions may need closer examination for validity. (Choice 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=E). This report also provides distracter analysis which may provide additional information about why a specific distracter was selected such as “student added instead of subtracted”.


Teacher Level Reports by Teacher

Summary - Objective Mastery Summary by Teacher

Purpose: The Objective Mastery Summary by Teacher allows teachers to see the objectives assessed in a given test as well as number of questions aligned with each objective and average number of correct responses for those questions. Teachers can easily view the percentage of students in the class who mastered each objective.


Teacher - Student Score Listing by Student

Purpose: The Student Score Listing by Student provides teachers with the percent of items answered correctly by student as well as the raw and actual student score. This view also allows teachers to quickly see if students met standards on a given assessment. The list is organized alphabetically by last name.


Teacher - Student Score Listing by Score

Purpose: Similar to Student Score Listing by Student, the Student Score Listing by score also provides teachers with percent of questions answered correctly by students as well as raw score and actual score of students. In this view, the list organized by actual score, highest to lowest. This view report allows teachers to quickly see if a student met standards on a given assessment.


Table - Objective Mastery by Teacher by Class

Purpose: The Objective Mastery by Teacher by Class Table allows teachers to view the performance of multiple classes regarding student objective mastery on a given assessment. This view is very useful when teachers would like to compare the performance of their classes for a specific test.


Table - Item Analysis by Teacher by Class

Purpose: The Item Analysis view displays the associated objective for each item on an assessment. Overall student performance is listed as well as the percentage mastery of the teacher’s individual classes.

The average number and percent correct is displayed both overall and by individual class. The number of students tested and tests submitted is also shown.


Multi-Test - Graph - Objective Mastery Summary by Teacher (choose upto 6 tests)

Purpose: The Multi Test Analysis Objective Mastery Summary Graph allows teachers to select up to six tests to compare student mastery of objectives assessed in specific assessments. This report is most useful for teachers to see a visual representation of student objective mastery, by percentage, across several assessments.


Multi-Test - Graph - Average Percent Correct by Teacher (choose upto 6 tests)

Purpose: The Multi Test Analysis Teacher Average Percent Correct Graph view provides teachers with a quick comparison of the average percent correct for the tests selected. Teachers can choose up to 6 tests for this comparative display.


Multi-Test - Table - Objective Mastery Summary by Teacher (choose upto 6 tests)

Purpose: The Multi Test Analysis Objective Mastery Summary Table report allows teachers to select up to six tests to compare student mastery of objectives assessed in specific assessments. This report is most useful for teachers to view student objective mastery and progress, by percentage, across several assessments.


Test Score Frequency by Teacher

Purpose: The Test Score Frequency by Teacher allows teachers to see the breakdown of scores for any given assessment. This breakdown includes the raw score (number of correct responses), % score, actual score (number of points received), Frequency (number of students who scored at that level), cumulative frequency (number of students who scored at or above that level), and % of cumulative frequency (percent of the students who scored at or above that level).


Summary - Objective Mastery Summary by Teacher – Accountability

Purpose: The Objective Mastery Summary by Teacher Table Report allows teachers to see the number of questions associated with each objective tested. The report provides the average number of correct responses as well as the percentage of students who mastered each objective on the selected assessment for the class displayed.

The report also shows average number and percent of correct responses in the class. Additionally, the report shows average percent correct and the number of students tested and number of tests submitted in the class. Accountability indicates that instead of looking at all active students in a teacher’s class, regardless of where they were tested, the report only includes the students who were tested in that class. Students tested in another class (or campus) are not included in the report summary.


Table - Objective Mastery by Teacher by Class – Accountability

Purpose: The Objective Mastery Campus Summary by Teacher by Class Table Report allows teachers to see the number of questions associated with each objective tested and the mastery threshold for each objective. The report provides the percentage of students who mastered each objective for the campus as well as the percentage of active students who mastered each objective by teacher.

The report also shows average number and percent of correct responses for the campus and the selected class. Additionally, the report shows number of students tested and number of tests submitted for each teacher. Accountability indicates that instead of looking at all active students in a teacher’s class, regardless of where they were tested, the report only includes the students who were tested in that class. Students tested in another class (or campus) are not included in the report summary.


Table - Item Analysis by Teacher by Class - Accountability

Purpose: The Item Analysis - Accountability view displays the items on a selected assessment and the corresponding objective measured. The percentage of all classes responding correctly on the item is listed as well as individual class performance. Accountability indicates that instead of looking at all active students in a teacher’s class, regardless of where they were tested, the report only includes the students who were tested in that class. Students tested in another class (or campus) are not included in the details of the report or summary.


Teacher Level Reports by Student

Objective Mastery Student Report by Student

Purpose: This Objective Mastery Student report is an individual student report that displays the question numbers answered correctly, mastery requirement (number of items to answer correctly to master the objective), student’s response and percent mastery for each objective measured on the test.


Student Multi-Test Objective Mastery

Purpose: In the Student Multi-Test Objective Mastery Comparison, teachers can select up to six tests to compare individual student’s success on mastery objective in given assessments. This report is most useful when teachers have given several assessments testing same objectives to the same group of students. Teachers can view the progress of the selected student in tested objectives.


Frequently Asked Questions

Running Reports

Why can’t I access all the reports listed in this guide?

Some reports are customized specifically to meet the needs of different level users. District administrators, campus administrators, and teachers have different views of the system and varied access to a unique set of reports.

Can I save, print or e-mail the report?

Yes, resulting document of reports will be in PDF format which you can save, print or e-mail.

When I run report, will there be separate documents for each view/report I selected?

No, the resulting report will contain all views/reports that you selected within a single a document.

Can I modify the report view or filters after I run the report?

No, however you can close the report and repeat the process, selecting different views and/or filters. Reports that you run will not be saved unless you save them.

I selected all the required filters and ran a Multi-Test Report; however, I cannot see all of the tests that I chose for the view.

Some Multi-test reports are only able to compare up to 6 tests at one time. For reports with this limitation, there will be a note on the Select a View filter stating “choose up to 6 tests”.

I have selected all the required filters and clicked Run Report button. But I cannot view the report.

Reports are generated in PDF format. To generate PDF reports, Adobe Reader must be installed on your computer.

In addition to the required filters, I have also selected optional filters and clicked the Run Report button; however, the report is not filtering accordingly.

Make sure when you use optional filters that you check the “Apply selected values to the filter” box.

Interpreting Reports

I have a test that has been submitted today in the system. Can I see the results in the reports immediately?

Yes, after a test has been submitted, the results will be displayed when you run a report.

Can I see the date when a report was created?

Yes, in the upper left corner of the reports, you will see the date the report was created.

I am getting an error saying there is too much info.

When you are running district level reports, there may be too many students to list them individually. For these cases, you may need to narrow the results and run the reports by filtering by campus or teacher.

Can I access the same reports both from Student Tracking and from Reports tabs?

Yes, the Reports tab on the Student Tracking screen and the Reports button under the main menu will allow you to access the same reports.

Can I see answer distribution in reports?

The item answer distribution report displays the percent of students that chose each answer choice or didn’t answer at all. An asterisk is used to signify the right answer to each question.

Can I compare student performance in multiple tests?

Yes, views that are noted as multi-test allow the functionality to compare performance in up to 6 tests at a time.




October 2013

Version 1.0


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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