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Parent Letter – July 24, 2020: Welcome to School Year 2020-21Hello Parents! We’re excited that you have chosen South Park Elementary for your child. South Park Elementary provides a positive academic setting in order for students to grow and succeed. This year school will look different based on the learning option you choose for your child. Whether your decision is to have your child attend school virtually or in-school, all students will receive a quality education. Due to COVID-19 conditions, the safety of students, staff; coupled with your child’s social and academic development is my #1 priority. To ensure safety for students and staff, new parameters will be instituted this school year. Students who return to school will follow CDC health and safety guidelines. Students will be grouped in cohorts and remain with their classroom community throughout the school day. Teachers will rotate into the classroom communities to limit student movement within the school. Teachers and students will have times to conduct outdoor classroom instruction, specified lunch time, and engagement in special classes such as Art, Computer, Library and Music. We will also institute additional health and safety precautions outlined by the CDC. These requirements are not meant to offend anyone rather they are to keep everyone safe. Guidelines are subject to change based on guidance from Shelby County Schools, Shelby County Health Department, and the Center for Disease Control. These new precautions are below:Restricting in school building access for visitors and parents due to COVID-19. Daily symptom screening and temperature checks. Require Face Coverings for all adults and students. Post floor decals and signage for social distance guidelines. Adjust school schedules to support in-school or virtual support classes.Increase hand washing and classroom and school facility disinfection. Where possible, appropriate physical distancing in classroom seating. Morning Arrival: This school year students will not enter the building before 8:00 am. All students will enter through the car rider lane and proceed to the back cafeteria door. All students will be screened for daily temperature checks before being admitted in the school. Those students who screen at 100.4 or above will be immediately quarantined and sent to an isolation room. For the safety of all, parents must pick the student up within 45 minutes of the call. Once you arrive to the school, the student will be escorted to the front door for dismissal. If the student passes screening, they will pick up a grab and go breakfast and proceed directly to their classroom community. Breakfast will occur in the classrooms from 8:00-8:15 am and instruction will begin at 8:20 am. We strongly encourage parents to have students at school on-time to avoid the tardy student screening line as all students must be screened to enter the building. The car rider lane gate will close promptly at 8:20 am.Lunch: All students will have a designated time to eat lunch. Lunch may occur in the cafeteria, classroom, or outside. Social distancing seating will occur as possible based on setting. Dismissal: Car Rider dismissal will begin at 2:55 pm for grades Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 5 will be dismissed out of the cafeteria doors. Car Rider students will be issued a Car Rider Number. Parents are not allowed to walk inside of the gate or stand outside of the cafeteria door for safety purposes. Parents will drive through the back drive and pull up to the open space. Students will be dismissed by their number. Car Rider numbers need to be prominently displayed in your RIGHT FRONT WINDOW. To ensure that there is a steady stream of traffic, parents are asked to EXIT RIGHT onto Mallory Rd. Special Education Day Treatment and Special Education Functional Skills (only) Student Bus and Car Riders will be dismissed at the Front Circular Drive in front of the school beginning at 2:55 pm. SPED Bus Riders will be escorted to their buses by a SPED Educational Assistant. SPED Functional Skills Car Riders will be escorted to their cars by a SPED Educational Assistant. Parents are to remain in their cars. Please don’t block the buses. Walkers: All walkers will be escorted out of the building at 3:15 pm. Teachers will walk students to the crossing guard and ensure students cross the street safely. All students (car riders and walkers) must be picked up and off campus by 3:30 pm. In a few weeks, I will post information about South Park Elementary Virtual Town Hall Meeting on our social media pages. Therefore, please make sure you are following us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. A new year presents opportunities for exciting collaborations and amplified student success. We welcome all challenges that the new school year brings as together we are learning to operate in our new normal. We have an outstanding faculty here at South Park Elementary and we work diligently to achieve our goals!We are PANTHER STRONG! Let’s make the 2020-21 school year the best year ever!Educationally yours,Felicia N. Strickland, Ed. S.Principal ................

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