Methamphetamine: Just the Basic Facts

|Methamphetamine: Just the Basic Facts |[|

|by Infrared |p|

|[pic] |i|

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|[pic] | |

|(DISCLAIMER: All information contained herein IS NOT to be put to use, and I do not condone the usage, possession or sale of | |

|Methamphetamine or any drug. I present this as INFORMATION ONLY and will not be held responsible if it is applied/used/misused | |

|and results in any bodily or financial harm to oneself or others, any criminal activity of any sort, or any other grievance or | |

|injury whatsoever, named and unnamed, stated and implied.) | |

|So, you want to try meth, do you? Don't. No, I'm serious: I'm the most pro-drug motherfucker out there, but I never recommend | |

|that you get into meth. It's way too powerful and dangerous a thing, no matter what kind of willpower you think you have. Use | |

|it even one time, and it'll be the first thing you want when you're tired or depressed. Use it more, and it'll become a part of| |

|your life, and you're the only one to blame, as the crystals are inanimate, afterall. Don't fuck with shard. It WILL run your | |

|body, mind and eventually your spirit into the ground. It ceases to be fun very shortly. | |

|Having said that...If I can't convince you to stay away from it, I'll at least give you accurate information on what it is, how| |

|to use it, what it does, and how it does it, among other things. First off, what is Methamphetamine? | |

|Methamphetamine, also known as glass, tweak, crank, shard, meth, crystal, yaba, etc. is a CNS (Central Nervous System) | |

|stimulant which, to put it simply, induces an artificial "Fight-or-Flight" response in the body, along with quite a strong | |

|euphoria (happiness). The methamphetamine available on the street is usually produced in labs using chemicals and equipment | |

|which can be found at hardware stores, grocery stores, etc. While the process is not terribly easy, and many chemical | |

|precursors are controlled or watched closely, Methamphetamine remains prevalent and problematic (for those irresponsible with | |

|it) for this reason. Methamphetamine is usually found either in the form of crystalline powder, or in clear (possibly cloudy) | |

|crystal form. Both forms can vary in purity, color, or production method, and can be more or less potent. In general, though, | |

|powdery (less-crystalline) meth is more likely to have been cut by other products; to "cut" is to add a similar-looking, cheap | |

|substance to the pure drug, in order to make it go further and make the dealer more money. Be aware, though, that crystal can | |

|be adulterated as well, and conversely, powdery meth can still be very potent. You never can tell. Also, note that many people | |

|will refer to meth as "Ice" - This can cause confusion. "Ice" is actually a different drug known as 4-methylaminorex. If you're| |

|confused as to what a slang term means or what it refers to, ask, or look it up. Thinking you're getting "Methamphetamine" when| |

|your dealer gives you a bag of "Ice" (4-methylaminorex) could be problematic. Anyway, moving on: | |

|Methamphetamine, and various other Amphetamines (Levo- and Dextroamphetamine, among them) can be found in pill form, and are of| |

|clean pharmaceutical quality. They are used to treat ADD/ADHD, for the most part, but can also be prescribed for morbid obesity| |

|or narcolepsy. Among them are Desoxyn (Methamphetamine hydrochloride) and Adderall (Various amphetamine salts, in HCl form). | |

|As I said, street methamphetamine can sometimes vary in color, though it's usually white or clear/transleucent. Colors can, | |

|however, occur for various reasons. Among them are these: | |

|RED: The product was made from pseudoephedrine, and the red coloring of the tablet was not adequately washed away (it is | |

|difficult) | |

|ORANGE: Ephedrine sulfate was used, and some of the sulfate was reduced to sulfur. | |

|PURPLE: Iodine from a phosphorus-iodine reaction was not washed out. | |

|GREEN: Copper (or other metallic) salts somehow made their way in to the mixture, probably due to the reaction vessel used in | |

|the manufacture. | |

|BROWN: Oxidized red coloring (see above), or tablating agent was present in the reduction. | |

|(Thanks to KidKelko for providing me with this information) | |

|Now, how does meth work? While the process can be explained down to a very precise and complex level, I'm not a chemist, and | |

|thus not qualified to break it down in such a way, but I can tell you that Methamphetamine works by stimulating your body into | |

|producing Dopamine (A neurotransmitter which provides pleasurable/rewarding sensations. A "neurotransmitter" is a chemical | |

|which is used to convey certain messages between your brain's neurons) and Norepinephrine (Also known as Noradrenaline. This is| |

|responsible for most of the effects, such as energy, alertness, increased heart rate, and many more). Also, the Methamphetamine| |

|inhibits your body from reabsorbing these chemicals immediately (the reason normal happiness/pleasure and adrenal response is | |

|over extremely quickly), so the effects last much longer than would be normally possible, as well. There is more to be said on | |

|the subject, but this is adequate knowledge for now. | |

|So, you want to know what meth does? Want to know who was telling the truth and who wasn't, when they told you how meth felt? | |

|Ok. I'll present some positive, neutral and negative short-term and long-term effects. Then I will give subjective information | |

|as to how the meth experience was for ME, specifically, positive and negative. First: | |


|-Euphoria (happiness) -Mental alertness and efficiency -Physical stimulation and energy -Increased mental focus/multitasking | |

|ability | |

|Note: Meth is often used to study, due to it's mentally-stimulating effect and lessened need for sleep. | |


|-Vastly decreased need for sleep -Vastly decreased hunger and thirst -Increased heart and respiratory rates -Dilated pupils | |

|-Increased talkativeness (this can get you caught, if you're too glib) -Possible empathetic feelings towards others (this can | |

|be positive or negative; one might connect well with somebody, OR accidentally reveal personal information which can be misused| |

|later. Both can be controlled; only a little discretion is required.) -Cold hands/feet (this is due to vasoconstriction, or | |

|narrowing of the blood vessels) | |


|-Insomnia -Pounding heart (due to vasoconstriction) -Weight loss (can be sought at first, but leads to malnutrition) | |

|-Dehydration -Paranoia, anger, irritability, mild auditory/visual hallucination or depression, usually after tweaking for days | |

|-"Amphetamine psychosis": As a result of toxic levels of Dopamine and Norepinephrine in the body, a sort of psychosis can | |

|develop if one remains on meth for too long, it's symptoms resembling some forms of schizophrenia. The cure is SLEEP, and no | |

|more meth. -Twitchiness/shakiness of various body parts, most likely the hands -Heart attack or stroke (in the succeptible, or | |

|elderly) | |


|Note: There are pretty much no positive long-term effects. | |

|-Malnutrition, from extended periods without food -Severe/deadly dehydration, from extended periods without fluids | |

|-Neurological (brain) damage of Dopamine/Norepinephrine centers which can lead to chronic depression or low energy -Damage to | |

|the mouth/veins/nasal passage/muscles/lungs, depending upon method of ingestion (this will be covered). -Damage to the kidneys | |

|-Damage to the heart, due to hyperstimulation -Weakened immune system, from chronic lack of sleep and other factors -Permanent | |

|nerve damage which can result in twitches or tics that never go away -Many others | |

|This covers the known effects of Methamphetamine that occur in most people. However, each person is different, and reacts | |

|differently, and to different dosages. I will try to explain how meth feels for me, a 192-pound, 6'2" male with a sky-high | |

|opiate tolerance and building meth tolerance (will be discussed). | |

|The story surrounding where I got my meth isn't relevant, so I'll just tell how the first experience felt. I swallowed some | |

|crystals, a fairly low dose, but this was my first time. About 45 minutes later, and out of nowhere, came an intense, happy, | |

|"speedy" feeling which was admittedly VERY pleasant, and I suddenly was very talkative with the person I was with. It did feel | |

|quite wonderful, and the initial "rush" leveled off into a nice, happy alertness, and the talkativeness remained. | |

|Fast forward 8 hours and 2 doses, and I began to feel very spacy, first. Not anything but that; the alertness remained. The | |

|spacy feeling got more profound, and I noticed that road signs had a double image, as did the white lines (I was driving). I | |

|felt just a little "dulled", and began to notice that I felt fairly worn-out. The spaciness, burned-out feeling and fuzzy | |

|vision increased, and at hour 10, I was feeling fairly bad. A bit depressive, very tired (but not sleepy), and I noticed for | |

|the first time how badly I was sweating and how badly I stank (Reason: Meth causes you to sweat much more, elevates body | |

|temperature a tiny bit, and thus results in more sweat and oil causing more odor). I made it to my destination, where I had to | |

|eat some food to be polite; this was hard. I was not hungry at all, nor had I been since the meth hit me (10 hours before); I | |

|hadn't thought about food or water once. I didn't care about anything but the conversation I was having and how great I felt. | |

|Eating was doable, though swallowing felt odd, and food was harder to "choke down". Kind of unpleasant. It can be compared | |

|simply to eating while not at all hungry. Drinking was a bit easier, and water was nice for my dry mouth, but still not wanted,| |

|either. | |

|I tried to go to sleep at my destination. I couldn't. I lay there all night, for 9 hours, tossing and turning, feeling my heart| |

|pound, my cold feet; I didn't feel so emotionally-bad, but I was a bit distressed because I couldn't sleep. I eventually just | |

|got up. | |

|Later on in the day - I felt TERRIBLE. NOW I was sleepy and very depressed, and felt very remorseful for using the drug. The | |

|sky was grey, too; this didn't help. I took a Percocet, but it only made me feel spacy at this point. I think the meth was | |

|still coursing through my fresh, tolerance-lacking system. I ended up sleeping finally, later that night, and spending even the| |

|day after very somnolent and depressed. Eventually, though, this went away. I also discovered through much later uses that a | |

|lot of the crash symptoms can be rationalized, and once you know what to expect, they don't feel as terrible. They never stop | |

|sucking, but you do get used to them. Overall, I consider meth a good drug WHEN USED IN MODERATION, like most, and very | |

|pleasant when I'm sleepy/run-down, depressed, or both. Also, it helps on long road trips. However, I also informed myself of | |

|it's dangers and risks, and accepted them. Meth is NOT a substance that should be used more than once a month, at minimum. | |

|Subsequent meth highs all felt just as happy/alert, though different, depending on how I ingested the drug, and with different | |

|crashes. Also, if you are on meth, it's very hard to be sad about things, BUT: If something bad/hurtful enough happens to you, | |

|it will propel you into a VERY terrible, depressive, angry state. If it's bad enough to hurt you on meth, it's BAD. Also, if | |

|you use meth while undergoing intense heartache or personal pain, you will notice that the euphoria is greatly diminished. | |

|So, you have your sack of meth, and know what it is, what it does (positive and negative), and how it does it, and you just | |

|wanna fuckin' DO some already? Well, ok. Your life. | |

|First off, there are different methods of ingestion, or different ways of taking the drug into your body, all with different | |

|effects, durations and crashes. I will explain each, and how to do each safely. | |

|-INSUFFLATION (snorting up the nose): | |

|To insufflate your meth, you arrange a dose into a small line or pile, insert a straw or rolled-up dollar bill into your nose | |

|and inhale. Meth burns, and badly, but not for long. Just expect this, so you don't blow your line/pile away. The high hits | |

|faster than oral, yet doesn't last as long (about 4-15 hours, depending on metabolic rate, tolerance and other factors). The | |

|crash feels "normal" - there are "baseline" meth crashes, and "bad" meth crashes. This one is mostly normal, and similar to | |

|oral, at least for myself. To insufflate properly/safely: Carefully insert bill/straw into your nose, and fairly far, but not | |

|TOO far. Then, place the other end over the meth and inhale (sniff) as lightly as possible to get the drug into your sinuses. | |

|Try to get the whole line in one go, but if you can't, move away from the pile so you don't cough/sneeze it away. Don't worry | |

|about wasting the drug by coughing or sneezing; it's all wet and dissolving in your sinuses by this point. The loss is | |

|negligible. A good beginning dose is maybe a line about 1 inch in length and maybe 2/8 inch in width. Thickness should be about| |

|1-2/8ths as well. Don't worry about being EXACT, but always go less before you go more. A stimulant overdose is not pleasant. | |

|For a new batch of meth, do a VERY small "test" snort - arrange only a tiny pile of meth, maybe as big as a BB, and snort it, | |

|and give it five minutes. If it tweaks you, it's potent shit that's to be used with extreme caution. If it doesn't tweak you, | |

|go ahead and make a line, and maybe do it in two parts - give the first part a few minutes, then do the next, if needed. Once | |

|you know your batch, line size becomes a non-issue, as you now know how much you need. Know too that insufflation can lead to | |

|nasal tissue damage, and a hole in the septum ("Wall" dividing your nasal passages). | |


|Smoking meth is accomplished by placing a dose of meth on either a piece of foil or in a glass "stem" (a glass tube with a bulb| |

|on the end, and a hole in the bulb), then applying heat and inhaling the vapors. A stem is most recommended, as foil can be | |

|wasteful. Smoking meth works very fast, but has much less duration (4-8 hours, without tolerance, depending upon other factors)| |

|than other methods, yet provides a very intense rushing high, and also a very bad crash. It's best when you have meth to spare | |

|and want to be able to sleep the same night you tweak. It's worth it if you feel like it is. To smoke meth with a stem: Put a | |

|small pile of meth into the bulb/bowl and place your lips on the end of the mouthpiece, and your flame underneath the meth. | |

|Keep your flame there until the meth liquefies. Keep the flame on. When it begins smoking, move your lighter quickly back and | |

|forth under your meth while you inhale the thickening vapors for maybe 3 seconds, and then remove the heat - the meth will | |

|continue smoking, so don't stop inhaling for another good 5 seconds, or until the meth stops smoking and recrystallizes in your| |

|bowl. Be careful not to apply too much heat for too long, as your meth will catch fire and burn up if you don't watch it. | |

|To smoke from foil: Get a piece of foil and fold it over so it's two layers thick, with the dull side facing up. Shape this | |

|into a "V"-shaped trench, and then place your meth at one end of it. Use a drinking straw for your mouthpiece. Again, heat your| |

|meth with a lighter, and when it begins to smoke, inhale the smoke through your straw. Take care not to burn up the meth, get | |

|your straw too close (it'll melt) or, the worst - accidentally inhale the hot liquid meth. This is generally only done in | |

|desperation, and not a preferred method of smoking. Hold your hits in for maybe 10-15 seconds and exhale through the nose, | |

|either way. | |

|Also, smoking meth will cause awful lung damage over time. | |


|Eating meth usually requires a bit more of the drug. It provides a long-lasting yet less-intense high that is still quite | |

|enjoyable. It works best when you have to be alert for a longer period of time (8-16 hours, with no tolerance), and a bit more | |

|meth to spare. The crash feels "baseline". Eating meth will likely keep you up for quite awhile; even after the high wears off,| |

|certain physiological effects such as pounding heart, cold hands/feet and insomnia can remain. Bear this in mind. To eat your | |

|meth: Start by simply swallowing a pile maybe the circumference AND thickness of a dime. Know that meth is very strong and | |

|bitter, though, so if you cannot handle this, it's advised that you "parachute" (put the powder in a tiny piece of napkin and | |

|swallow like a pill) or mix into a drink and drink quickly. The high takes a long time to come on, but you will know when it | |

|hits. Ingestion of meth can lead to stomach problems over the long term. In the short term, it might cause acid | |

|reflux/indisgestion that will go away after awhile. | |


|This is the most dangerous and least-recommended method of doing your meth, yet also the most-intense yet short-lived high. You| |

|use a needle and syringe to inject a dose of methamphetamine directly into the bloodstream, via a pronounced vein. The high is | |

|EXTREMELY intense, and lasts very shortly (1-4 hours), and comes on almost the instant you inject. | |

|To IV inject, you must first procure a sterile syringe and needle. The best needle to use is a 27-Ga, 1/2 inch long needle. | |

|Syringe size doesn't matter, but it should hold at least 2ML of water, and you must be capable of pushing the plunger in and | |

|keeping it steady with one hand. Needles can be procured through Needle Exchange, or online; use a search engine and query for | |

|"Needle Exchange Program" to find a facility in your area, or to find an online source for needles. Do not trust any | |

|needle/syringe that is opened or damaged and not marked sterile, and DO NOT EVER share needles with anyone. Do not use a needle| |

|more than ONCE. | |

|Anyway: First, a very small amount of meth is needed, so this method is economical. You'll also need the needle/syringe, a | |

|spoon, some clean-as-possible cotton balls (or a wheel filter, which is optimal, but hard to find) and some DISTILLED, | |

|preferably STERILE water, or pharmaceutical saline solution (preferable, as it's more natural to your body, but can be hard to | |

|find outside of medical circles). Salt can be added to the water and dissolved, but I do not know how much, and wouldn't | |

|recommend it anyway, so just go with distilled water. NO TAP WATER! | |

|Now, place a VERY small amount of meth (think the size of one of those colored pinheads) in your sterile spoon (sterilize | |

|beforehand by boiling intensely or burning with a CLEAN flame; a lighter won't do), and then double that. NO MORE! Use your | |

|clean syringe (minus needle) to draw up about 1/2-1CC (the syringe will have the measurements; if in ML measurments, try to | |

|keep it under 1ML) and the slowly, carefully push this into the spoon with your meth. Then, remove the plunger from your | |

|syringe, and WITHOUT TOUCHING THE RUBBER, use it to swirl and mix the meth/water, and keep doing this until you see no more | |

|meth whatsoever. It can dissolve slowly sometimes, especially if you use crystal. Then, tear off a relatively-small piece of | |

|your cotton ball, and place it in the solution - the cotton will absorb it. Now, reinsert the plunger into your syringe, push | |

|it all the way down, and then press the barrel (tip) of the syringe, again MINUS NEEDLE, onto the cotton ball and press firmly | |

|while you draw the plunger back. About 97% of your solution should make it into the syringe and the cotton ball should be | |

|almost dry if you did it right. [IF YOU HAVE A WHEEL FILTER: Place the filter on, suck your meth solution through it and into | |

|the syringe, then remove the filter and place your needle on.] | |

|Now, you must check the solution under bright light for any particles whatsoever; solid matter can be very dangerous and can be| |

|what kills you if you don't filter right. If you have to filter again, do it. When you see NO particulate, you're ready. Place | |

|the cotton balls in your mouth if you desire; they contain miniscule amounts of meth. | |

|Now, peel open your needle package, and WITHOUT TOUCHING IT, place the barrel of your syringe to it and screw it on (if it's | |

|that type of needle). If you have a syringe with no threads and just a narrow opening at the end, simply push the barrel into | |

|the needle firmly. Now, WITHOUT REMOVING THE SHEATHE, place your needle aside, with the tip pointed upward at an angle so no | |

|meth leaks. | |

|Tie your arm off above the elbow with a rubber tourniquet or piece of cloth; not so tight that your blood is cut off, but tight| |

|enough to make your veins bulge out. Find a nice, bulging vein on that arm; the one at the area where your elbow bends on the | |

|inside is preferred. Do not use the veins on your hand; they are fragile. | |

|Sterilize the area with some rubbing alcohol if you have it, let it dry (it will dry quick), and then pick up your needle, and | |

|CAREFULLY remove the sheathe; take care not to drag the needle on the inside of it, as dull needles are painful and can damage | |

|veins. Turn it point-to-the-sky, and if you see any bubbles inside the solution, flick the needle until they rise to the top. | |

|Once no bubbles remains, push the plunger, needle still straight up, until a tiny drop of liquid comes out of the tip. Shake | |

|that off, and prepare for injection. Rest your arm somewhere comfortable and keep it still. Point the needle to your shoulder, | |

|bevel up (the angular opening is the bevel; the "hole" should be facing upward away from your skin), and SLOWLY, CAREFULLY | |

|insert the needle at a VERY shallow angle (the needle should be almost exactly parallel to your arm), and stop after maybe | |

|1/5th inch penetration (it takes VERY little! Don't insert the whole inch!). Now, WHILE REMAINING VERY VERY STEADY, pull back | |

|on the plunger a tiny bit - if blood rushes into the syringe, you're on target. If not, try again with a fresh needle and | |

|different site. | |

|Assuming you're on target: Remove the tie with your teeth. Now, SLOWLY, SLOWLY, CAREFULLY, CAREFULLY push the plunger, keeping | |

|the needle steady as HELL, until it stops and all solution is out. Now withdraw the needle at the same angle you pushed it in. | |

|By now, you should be feeling your meth good if you did it right. If the injection burned, or there is a bubble under your | |

|skin, you missed the vein. Don't freak, it happens, and you won't die. You just wasted a little meth. The bump will be gone | |

|within 3 days or so. If it is red or inordinately sore in that period, though, GO TO THE ER. You might have an infection. Don't| |

|worry, they can't call the cops; just tell them the truth of what you did. You might get some scorn, but you'll be helped, and | |

|won't get into any legal trouble. Just don't have any drugs on you. | |

|Also, if you mess up and "blow" the vein by jagging the needle or wounding it too badly, a dark and sore bruise will develop | |

|under the skin. Don't worry, yet; the bleeding will stop underneath, but the vein will be swollen and sore for awhile. If after| |

|the 2 or 3-day period you notice any oozing from the hole, or any extra pain that wasn't already there, GO TO THE ER. Same | |

|rules apply. | |

|With IV injection of methamphetamine, you run the risk of giving yourself an occlusion of a blood vessel with solid matter, | |

|which can kill. At best, you'll get a headache from it. Also, you risk blood infection, damaged veins which collapse with too | |

|much use, deadly air embolus due to bubbles in the solution, and many other nasties. IV injection is NOT recommended by me or | |

|by anyone else who's informed; even doing it as safely as possible, you run risks. Find another method and never try needling | |

|so you don't ever have to crave the high. It's NOT worth the risk. If you MUST IV, don't use the same vein each time; find a | |

|new one. | |


|This method is also not recommended, but is a degree or two safer than IV injection for various reasons. You use a needle and | |

|prepare your meth solution EXACTLY as you did IV, only you can use more meth (use maybe double again what you would IV - that's| |

|four "pinheads" of meth in the spoon, with no tolerance), and you need no tie, and you CAN use the same needle, though a | |

|slightly wider bore size is recommended; 24 should be optimal. 22 is the limit; any bigger and you risk pain and bruising. | |

|After you've pushed the plunger until a small bead of liquid comes out the needle tip, find and alcohol-sterilize the "center" | |

|of a muscular area - this can include the center of your arm, higher up; Flex, first, and locate the central part of the | |

|muscle, then relax. Also, you can use the top of your thigh - again, flex the muscule, locate the center and bulk of it's mass,| |

|then relax and sterilize, BUT TAKE CARE NOT TO PIERCE A VEIN!! Now, remain very still, and SLOWLY insert the needle STRAIGHT | |

|DOWN into the muscle, until it's completely inside. Then, keep it steady, and SLOWLY inject the solution. You may feel a sting | |

|or burn; DO NOT FLINCH, and keep going: It's never THAT bad. If you fuck up and jerk the needle, you risk injuring or tearing | |

|the muscle. Now, when you're done, remove the needle at the same angle, and expect a little blood - the muscle is a rich | |

|vascular bed which is going to bleed when you (in essence) stab it. | |

|The high is less-intense than IV, and yet, this is the longest-lasting high there is. It will come on in 5-10 minutes and will | |

|remain for 10-36 hours (!), depending on your tolerance, weight, etc. | |

|Using this method, you still run the risk of muscle damage, subdural hematoma (bleeding under the skin/in the muscle), and | |

|abcess/infection. DO NOT use too much water - less than a CC is the standard. Use as little as it takes - it's the meth that | |

|matters, not the water. You only need enough to liquefy the meth. KEEP IT CLEAN, too! Crashes tend to be long and drawn-out, | |

|yet less-noticeable than other methods. | |

|RECTAL (ANAL) ingestion: | |

|Ah, the most ignominious of methods. There are better ways to do your meth, but this one works if you don't want to snort, hate| |

|smoking, don't like eating so much and don't want to fuck with needles. What you do is, procure a dropper and some clean water.| |

|Tap will work this time, but keep it clean. Use about as much meth as you would snort. Dissolve in a dropper worth of water | |

|(usually about 1ML). Suck it up into the dropper. Now, before you go on, you might have to "probe" with your fingers or another| |

|(BLUNT!) item, to see if any fecal matter resides within. Note that it's possible to be retaining feces without feeling the | |

|need to use the bathroom. If there is feces, wait until you can evacuate (read: shit) first before you do the enema. Otherwise,| |

|the feces will inhibit absorbtion and absorb some of the meth as well, thus wasting it. | |

|When the pipes are all clear, drop your pants, get on your knees, face close to the floor, insert the dropper as far-in as | |

|possible (lube optional; use if it just hurts too bad), and squeeze the dropper. It may burn a bit, but not too bad. Remove | |

|dropper, wait in this very akward position for about two minutes, and stand up, taking care to keep it pinched and not let all | |

|the meth run right out. You might even be tweaking by now. The rectum is another rich vascular bed, like muscles and sinus | |

|tissue, which readily absorbs the meth and delivers it to the bloodstream. The high will last around the same time as snorting,| |

|come on as quick, and crash you all the same. The risks of this method are damage to the sphincter if you're careless, damage | |

|to the rectal walls, and a complete loss of dignity and respectability if your friend walks in on you. You can see why this | |

|method is generally avoided. | |


|The crash: The end of the high, the beginning of some very unpleasant feelings, both physical and emotional. You might feel | |

|depressed and tired, or hungry, shaky and have a headache, or you might feel irritable and want to yell at everyone who says a | |

|word to you. How to get over it? Well, you can just take it - follow the "Take the crash - it builds character" maxim, and just| |

|rationalize your symptoms and wait until you can grab some sleep. Or, you can try these remedies: | |

|Benzodiazepines: They smooth out the crash greatly, because they depress the CNS, and are thus direct Methamphetamine | |

|antagonists. The most common you're likely to run into are Xanax (Alprazolam), Klonopin (Clonazepam), and Valium (Diazepam). | |

|Xanax is shorter-acting than Klonopin, but for both, 1MG is equal to 20MG of Valium/diazepam, so bear this in mind. When you | |

|feel crashy and want to sleep, try to eat and drink first. Then take maybe .50 of Xanax/Klonopin, or 10MG Valium. Give it about| |

|45 minutes. If you need to, take a little (a LITTLE) more; on the order of another .25-.75MG of Xanax or Klonopin, or 5-15MG | |

|Valium. This should depress your CNS nicely, relax you some, and let you get some sleep. Also, you might try narcotics - such | |

|as Percocet/Vicodin (Oxycodone/Hydrocodone), OxyContin (continuous-release Oxycodone HCl), or MS Contin (Morphine Sulfate | |

|continuous-release). If you have no tolerance to opiates, take a couple 15MG MS Contins, a single Percocet or Vicodin, or a | |

|single 20MG OxyContin to start. These will get you high, and alleviate the depression, and also allow you to sleep, though the | |

|CNS depression is less-profound than benzodiazepines. You CAN mix opiates and benzodiazepines, but you must be VERY CAREFUL! If| |

|you do this, the 150-lb. average person who has served as the dosage template so far would want to reduce the benzodiazepine | |

|dosage if opiates are to be added. A good cocktail would be a single 20MG OxyContin and maybe half a milligram of | |

|Xanax/Klonopin, or an equivalent Valium dose. Not much changes there, but it can, depending on your level of tolerance to both,| |

|and your weight. I don't recommend mixing these two if you're at all uncertain. | |

|Booze: Simply put, a good, stiff, warm drink can chase away depression and help you get to sleep. No dosages here - just be | |

|careful, of course, not to drink too much. | |

|Marijuana: This can make you shakier than you were if you smoke it by itself. It goes best with booze. | |

|NyQuil: Take a good dose, and hope the Doxylamine in it knocks your ass out. It can work well, but only if other methods are | |

|not available. | |

|Food/Fluid: Whatever you do, have some food and some water!! This alone will help you feel better in the long run. If you've | |

|been tweaking more than maybe a day and a half, have some Gatorade instead, to replace electrolytes your body has lost through | |

|sweat, pissing, etc. As for food, try to have something with a little fat, some sugars, some carbohydrates and some protien. | |

|Beef jerky, though a bit low in the sugar department, is very good. Have some with a candy bar or something. | |


|With all methods of ingestion, tolerance to meth will build, which means you need MORE to get you off, you get off for MUCH | |

|less time, and you notice that the euphoria lessens and the physiological effects become more-pronounced, mainly the unpleasant| |

|ones. This is the time to quit for a month or so and give yourself a break. Fucking with meth too long screws you up on a whole| |

|lot of levels, and should never be done. If you use meth, expect to have to stop eventually, and I hope you have the willpower | |

|to avoid addiction, though few do. | |

|There: Now you know what meth is, what it does, how it does it, how to use it, and the risks/reasons for each method. I hope | |

|this guide covered most all what's needed, but if you still have questions, go look at , and if you STILL have | |

|questions, ask here at BLTC or ask me personally; I'm Infrared (obviously), and my email is available to you upon request. This| |

|guide is only one guide, and thus you should procure information from other sources as well, and make sure you understand the | |

|degree of risk and are willing to accept said risk before you indulge in methamphetamine. Also note that the dosages presented | |

|are APPROXIMATELY what a non-tolerant 150-Lb. person would need, and thus you may have to adjust the dosage according to your | |


|Lady Crystal will be good to you if you're good to her. Abuse her, however, and your life, body and mind will become damaged | |

|beyond recognition. I've seen it, others have seen it, and perhaps even experienced it, and will tell you that this is not DARE| |

|propaganda or hyperbole, but TRUTH. All things considered, though: Be safe! | |

|[pic] | |

|How To Manufacture Meth -- True Iodine Recipe |[|

|by MethodMan |p|

|[pic] |i|

|NOTICE: TO ALL CONCERNED Certain text files and|c|

|messages contained on this site deal with |]|

|activities and devices which would be in | |

|violation of various Federal, State, and local | |

|laws if actually carried out or constructed. | |

|The webmasters of this site do not advocate the| |

|breaking of any law. Our text files and message| |

|bases are for informational purposes only. We | |

|recommend that you contact your local law | |

|enforcement officials before undertaking any | |

|project based upon any information obtained | |

|from this or any other web site. We do not | |

|guarantee that any of the information contained| |

|on this system is correct, workable, or | |

|factual. We are not responsible for, nor do we | |

|assume any liability for, damages resulting | |

|from the use of any information on this site. | |

|[pic] | |

|No lies here folks this recipe will manufacture| |

|methamphetamine this will get you into trouble | |

|if you do this BE CAREFUL! | |

|First of all let's talk about supplies: | |

|1 Case Regular Pint size Mason Jars ( Used for | |

|canning) | |

|2 Boxes Contact 12 hour time released tablets. | |

|3 Bottles of Heet. | |

|4 feet of surgical tubing. | |

|1 Bottle of Rubbing Alchohol. | |

|1 Gallon Muriatic Acid ( Used for cleaning | |

|concrete) | |

|1 Gallon of Coleman's Fuel | |

|1 Gallon of Aceton | |

|1 Pack of Coffee Filters | |

|1 Electric Skillet ( If you don't know what iam| |

|talking about i will have pics later) | |

|4 Bottles Iodine Tincture 2% (don't get the | |

|declorized it won't work) | |

|2 Bottles of Hydrogen peroxide | |

|3 20 0z Coke Bottles (Plastic type)(with | |

|Lids/caps) | |

|1 Can Red Devils Lye | |

|1 Pair of sharp scissors | |

|4 Boxes Book Matches (try to get the ones with | |

|brown/red striker pads) | |

|1 pyrodex baking dish | |

|1 Box execto razor blades single sided | |

|1 digital scale that reads grams | |

|2 gallons distilled water \ | |

|1 Roll Aluminum foil tape | |

|That's what you would have to go buy if you | |

|wanted to make meth. | |

|First things first -- the Iodine Crystals. Take| |

|one 20 oz, plastic Coke Bottle and pour 4 | |

|Bottles 2% tincture into it. | |

|Add Hydrogen Peroxide to this. Use only 1/2 a | |

|bottle of Hydrogen peroxide. After this you | |

|know, the gallon jug that the Muriatic acid | |

|comes in take the cap off and fill this cap | |

|level with the acid. Add the acid to the coke | |

|bottle (Place in a freezer for at least 30 | |

|mins). | |

|While the Iodine crystals are being made we are| |

|going to extract the Phsuedo from the Contacts.| |

|You are going to need a towel for this so go | |

|get one. Take the pills out of one box, add it | |

|to one of the mason jars fill with rubbing | |

|alchohol just enough to cover the pills let set| |

|for 3 minutes. Remove pills and take the towel | |

|and wipe the top coating off the pills this | |

|will remove the wax. Do the same with the other| |

|box of Contacts as well, after this add those | |

|wiped off pills only 10 to a clean mason jar. | |

|On top of this add 1 bottle of Heat do the same| |

|for the other box of Contact. Let theese two | |

|mason jars with pills, heat stand for 30 | |

|minutes. Then shake the jars till pills are | |

|completly broke down then let the jars sit | |

|again for 4 hours or until the Heats is | |

|completly clear . Once clear cyphon the heat | |

|off (Not the powder stuff at the Bottom you | |

|don't want this it will fuck your dope up). | |

|Well anyway syphon the heat off with a piece of| |

|the sergical tubing syphon this into a pyrodex | |

|baking dish place in microwave on high till the| |

|heat is almost evaporated. Take out of | |

|microwave. Now plug up your electric plate set | |

|the pyrodex dish on this on about 180 deg | |

|continue evaporating till you get a white | |

|powder on the pyrodex (Carefull not the burn | |

|the phsudo if it turns yellow it's burned) | |

|after you get it dried take a razor blade and | |

|scrape this powder up. (put this asside for | |

|later use) | |

|Now we are going to get the red phosphorus from| |

|the book matches take a pair of scissors and | |

|cut along the edge of the phosphorus do the | |

|whole four boxes of match book matches then | |

|take 1 small coffee cup will work to this | |

|coffee cup add about 1/4 the way with Acetone | |

|dip the match book strike pads into the acetone| |

|for 10 seconds this will loosen the phosphorus | |

|so it will be easier to scrape with the razor | |

|blades. ( put the phosphorus in an empty match | |

|book box to let dry. Now it's time to get the | |

|iodine crystals get a clean mason jar on top of| |

|this place 1 coffee filter and pour the | |

|contents of the iodine +muriatic+Hydrogen | |

|Peroxide into the filter ( do it slowly don't | |

|over pour) well once you get though with the | |

|filtering on top of the coffee filter will be a| |

|black substance ( This is iodine crystals) dry | |

|them by wraping in more coffee filters till you| |

|get a pretty good thick pile around the | |

|original filter place on ground and step on it | |

|to get the rest of the liquids off save this | |

|for the cook. | |

|next take your digital scales wiegh your pills | |

|first say you had 2 grams of pill powder then | |

|weigh out an equal amount of iodine crystals | |

|then for the phosphorus devide the total weight| |

|of pills by 3 3 will go into 2 1 time so if you| |

|had 2 grams pill powder you should have 2 grams| |

|iodine crystal 1 gram phosphorus Now its time | |

|to make the cook jars you will need 2 clean | |

|mason jars with lids 1 foot surgical tubing | |

|poke a hole in both jar lids place one end of | |

|the tubing into each jar lid and seal with foil| |

|tape (buy this at walmart for about $ 1.60 well| |

|anyway seal off the tubes as well as you can so| |

|you should have 2 mason jars with lids that | |

|have surgical tubing foiled taped and sealed. | |

|ok this is the cook in one mason jar add | |

|distilled water in it fill it half way close | |

|the lid on it. now get you hotplate hot first | |

|at 180 degreese F when the plate get hot then | |

|its time to add the Iodine+pill powder to the | |

|other mason jar not the one with water in it | |

|once you get both Iodine and pill powder to the| |

|jar add 6-10 drops of distilled water to this | |

|place it on the hotplate now add the phosphorus| |

|once you put this in the jar there is going to | |

|be a imediatereaction place the other lid with | |

|hose onto the jar screw on tightly then turn | |

|your hotplate up to 400 degrees f let this cook| |

|for 1 hour to an hour and a half the best way | |

|to tell when it is done is when the contents of| |

|the cook jar doesn't boil anymore once this has| |

|happened turn the hotplate off and let the jar | |

|cool so you can touch it now its time to see if| |

|we have dope once it has cooled open the lid | |

|and you should smell rotten egg like smell if | |

|it has this smell congrads you have dope now we| |

|have to remove the dope from the black goey | |

|substance to this jar add about 1/4 cup of | |

|distilled water and seal the jar with a lid | |

|that has no holes in it and shake the jar till | |

|all the substance on the botom of the jar has | |

|come off into the water | |

|next take another clean mason jar and place a | |

|coffee filter and filter the cook jars contents| |

|though the filter now on the filter is your | |

|phosphorus save this for another cook later on | |

|just putt it in a dry coffee filter and put it | |

|somewhere dry and safe now you have a jar | |

|filled with a yellow honey looking substance if| |

|its this color you have done good at cooking | |

|the dope now to this add colemans fuel fill the| |

|jar about full just leave anough room for | |

|shaking now add 1-2 table spoons red devil lye | |

|let the jar sit for about 5 mins then place lid| |

|on the jar and shake the hell out of it then | |

|sit the jar somewhere to rest for about 30 mins| |

|Now we are going to pull the dope out of the | |

|coleman fuel and the product is going to be 90%| |

|methamphetamine to do this fallow what i say | |

|exactly syphon the coleman fuel into an empty | |

|20 oz coke bottle syphon off much as you can | |

|trying not to get the substance off the bottom | |

|of the jar once you have the coleman fuel in | |

|the coke bottle add about 4-6 coke bottle caps | |

|of water to this now add one drop of muriatic | |

|acid to the coke bottle place lid on bottle and| |

|shake the hell out of it place upside down so | |

|it want fall and get your hotplate hot 400 | |

|degrees f on top of the hotplate place a clean | |

|pyrodex bowl on it now take the coke bottle | |

|still upside down and loosen up on the cap let | |

|the water drain into the pan don't get any | |

|coleman fuel into the pyrodex bowl now the | |

|water will evaporate while it is doing this | |

|take a coffee cup add acetone to it fill it 1/4| |

|the way up now once the water has dried on the | |

|plate take plate off with gloves and add a | |

|small amount of acetone to the pyrodex bowl it | |

|will sizzle swirl it arouund and if all works | |

|out good ther will be cirle crystals all over | |

|the pyrodex bowl scrape up with a razor and | |

|enjoy Methamphetamine :-) This with 2 boxes of | |

|Contacts will make anywhere from 2-3 grams | |

|meth.... | |

|[pic] | |


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