Ask the Scholar

Ask the Scholar | |

|Name |Ahmad |

|Title |Saying 'I am not a Muslim' Jokingly |

|Question |What’s the ruling of people who said “I’m not a Muslim” jokingly? Does he have to renew |

| |his syahadah? How about those who says wrongly, but yet ignorant about Islam (i.e those |

| |who say that hijab is not obligatory for muslim women, but he didn’t really know what |

| |he’s talking about). What about those who make fun of Islam, but have no intention to get|

| |out from Islam? What  should they do? |

|Date |01/Jan/2006 |

|Mufti |Ahmad Kutty |

|Answer |

|In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. |

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|All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. |

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|Thanks for your question, and we earnestly implore Allah to guide us all to the best both in this world and in the Hereafter. |

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|Responding to the question, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, A Senior Lecturer and an Islamic Scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto,Ontario, Canada,|

|states the following: |

|  |

|"No Muslim can afford to jest or joke about such grave matters. How can anyone be so reckless as to make jokes about Allah and His religion? |

|Such a person should renew the shahadah and ask forgiveness of Allah. |

| |

|If someone, however, said something unknowingly about matters he had no knowledge of such as the obligation to wear hijab he/she will be |

|excused so long as they had no chance to be exposed to the authentic knowledge of Islam. However, scholars are of the view that there is no |

|excuse for anyone ignoring fundamentals of religion if they are born in a Muslim society. The case, however, is different if they are born in|

|a predominantly non-Muslim milieu where Islamic knowledge is not so common. |

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|It is, however, important for us to know that our words are reckoned either for us or against us. Therefore, it is imperative that they |

|hasten to ask forgiveness of Allah for all sins, major and minor, although Allah has told us in the Qur'an he is not going to take us to task|

|for our slips and unwillful acts of omission or commission. We are however warned against our willful acts. |

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|Finally, the faithful are taught to practice istighfar (begging Allah for mercy) consistently as many times a day as possible. |

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|May Allah forgive us our trespasses, and may He cleanse us of all our sins, major and minor, outward as well inward-ameen." |

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|Allah Almighty knows best. |

|Ask the Scholar |

|Name |Awang |

|Title |Different Pronunciation When ReadingAl-Fatihah in Prayer |

|Question |Many pronounce the'ha' in 'ar-Rahman' and 'ha' in 'ihdina' alike, as if no difference |

| |between their pronounciations. If al-Fatihah is read in their solat, is it valid? |

|Date |15/Nov/2005 |

|Mufti |Marawan Shahin |

|Answer |

|In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. |

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|All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. |

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|Thanks for your question, and we implore Allah to guide us all to the best. |

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|Responding to the question, Dr. Marawan Sahin, Professor of Hadith Sciences at Al-Azhar University, states the following: |

|  |

|"Indeed, every Muslim who is praying should try his best to perfect his performance in prayer by reciting Al-Fatihah and other Qur'anic |

|verses in the best way. |

|  |

|In case, out of ignorance or lack of knowledge or difficulty to learn the verses properly and differentiation between different Arabic sounds|

|meticulously, the praying person can't utter certain words, then his prayer is still valid although he is required to perfect his performace |

|in reciting the Qur'an." |

|Ask the Scholar |

|Name |najmi |

|Title |Ear and Nose Picking and the Validity of Fasting |

|Question |Assalamu'alaikum. Does ear-picking and nose-picking render one's fast invalid? How about |

| |inserting water into the ears, since the water will not reach stomach by this mean? |

|Date |15/Nov/2005 |

|Mufti |Marawan Shahin |

|Answer |

|Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. |

|In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. |

|All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. |

|Dear questioner, we would like to thank you for the great confidence you place in us, and we implore Allah Almighty to help us serve His |

|cause and render our work for His Sake. |

|In his response to your question, Dr. Marawan Shahin, Professor of Hadith and its Sciences, Faculty of Usul Ad-Din (Theology),Al-Azhar Univ. |

|states: |

|"Starting with the second part of your question, we say that inserting water into the ears does not affect fasting as long as it did not |

|reach one's stomach. |

|  |

|As for ear-picking and nose-picking, there is no relation between such piercing and the validity of fasting unless it results in something |

|reaching the stomach. |

|However, the question should be about the ruling of such things. |

|  |

|As for ear piercing, it is prohibited for male Muslims as it is an imitation of females who are allowed to do it. |

|  |

|But as regards nose piercing, it is prohibited for both men and women." |

|Ask the Scholar |

|Name |awang |

|Title |Islam's Stance on Dancing |

|Question |Assalamu’alaikum. What is Islamic stance on dancing? Is there any difference between |

| |dancing men and dancing women? Why does dance considered as a form of seduction that I |

| |hear Muslim scholars judge dancing as haraam? How about dance for exercising such as |

| |break dance or dance for cultural show, when there are no mixing among males and females?|

| |Why is there more keenness of scholars to forbid women’s participation in dance than in |

| |making movies? I don’t mean to be rude, I am just curious. |

|Date |28/Dec/2005 |

|Mufti |Zeinab Al-`Alawani |

|Answer |

|Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. |

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|In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. |

|  |

|All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. |

|  |

|Thanks for your question, and we implore Allah earnestly to guide us all to the best both in this world and in the Hereafter. |

|  |

|Responding to the question, Zeinab Al-`Alawani, Instructor of Fiqh and Islamic Studies, Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences, |

|states the following: |

|  |

|"First of all, if we look at the Islamic perspective of entertainment, we would conclude that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon |

|him) encouraged Muslims to entertain themselves in a way that is deemed permissible, under certain conditions for the purpose of maintaining |

|one's faith. For the issue of dancing, there is a hadtih when Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) allowed the Ahbash to |

|entertain the people on the `Eid and he also asked Aisha upon her arrival from a wedding party if the people had sung and when she said no, |

|he wondered why the people did not sing while the Ansar liked singing and dancing on these occasions. So entertainment in Islam is allowed |

|under certain guidelines. |

| |

|But with what is happening now, such as women exposing their body and moving their bodies in a seductive way, it makes the issue of dancing |

|forbidden especially if it is done in a way a woman tries to expose herself, even among women, in a way that makes her lose respect among |

|women. In this case dancing is of course unacceptable. The same ruling applies to men especially if they dance in a way that is unacceptable |

|to Islam. |

| |

|However, if dancing occurs among people of the same gender, and it is done in a way that is nor seductive or shameful, then there is nothing |

|to forbid in Islam." |

|Ask the Scholar |

|Name |Faiz |

|Title |Donating One's Land to Build a Church |

|Question |Can one donate his land for building church or temple? He donates the land not because he|

| |approves what the non-muslims believe, but for religious system. What is Islamic ruling |

| |on this? |

|Date |28/Dec/2005 |

|Mufti |Monzer Kahf |

|Answer |

|In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. |

|  |

|All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. |

|  |

|Thanks for your question, and we implore Allah earnestly to guide us all to the best both in this world and in the Hereafter. |

|  |

|Responding to the question, Dr. Monzer Kahf, Scholar in Islamic Economics & Financial Expert, states the following:  |

|  |

|"Dear Br. |

| |

|No, a Muslim must not donate to promote any thing that violate the oneness of God. We are strong believers in the absolute Truth that there |

|is only one Deity and that NO ONE else deserves to be worshiped and that God has no sons and no partners. |

| |

|Any association of partners or son with God is a violation of this Absolute Truth and a Muslim may not under all circumstances help promote |

|such a violation. That is going overboard in kindness to followers of other religion, that is to an extent that violates the basic |

|fundamental of the Absolute Truth." |

|Allah Almighty knows best. |

First of all, we would like to stress that performing Friday prayer is obligatory on every adult, sane, resident, male Muslim. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said, “Those who neglect three Friday prayers without any excuse may have their hearts sealed with hypocrisy.”


Jumu`ah is the weekly collective Prayer in Islam, which is considered one of the most explicit symbols of the Islamic faith. It is intended to foster a sense of community, and establish collective remembrance of Allah. Allah says, (O you who believe, when the call for Friday prayer is given then hurry to the remembrance of Allah and leave all business. This is better for you, if you know.) (Al-Jumu`ah 62: 9).

The prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) further stated, “If a person habitually misses three Jumu`ahs without valid reason, taking it lightly, Allah will put a seal on his heart; then he will be calling upon Him, and yet fail to get an answer!”


With this in mind, we do stress that it’s highly recommended for the Muslim community to go to a center place to perform Friday prayer, for this demonstrates unity and togetherliness. However, there is nothing wrong, as far as Islam is concerned, with Muslims performing Friday prayers anywhere such as a univeristy campus, in a place close to work, school or even at a rented place. But if your friends prefer to go to the Mosque, you should try your best to accompany them while not neglecting your important lectures. This can be done through praying the Jum`ah in your lunch time according to the view of some scholars who see that the time of the Friday Prayer is the same as the time for Dhur prayer, that is from noon until the mid-afternoon (i.e. the time for 'Asr prayer).


Moreover, you should try your best to take early classes in order to be able to attend the Friday Prayer at the Masjid.


Here, we would like to cite for you the following fatwa issued by Dr.Muzammil Siddiqi, former president of the Islamic Society of North America, in which he states the following:


“The time for Friday prayer is the same as the time for Dhur prayer, that is from noon until the mid-afternoon (i.e. the time for 'Asr prayer).According to Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Friday prayer can also be prayed before noon.


Muslim students in high schools, colleges and universities can organize their own prayers according to the convenience of their class schedule.


I have seen some students take early classes in 0 period in order to be able to attend Friday prayer at the Masjid. Thus, try every possible means to perform the Friday prayer to the best of your ability. There is a great reward and blessings from Allah in this prayer, you will feel the blessings throughout your week.”

|Name of Questioner |[p|

|Awang |ic|

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|Title | |

|Human Saliva: Pure? | |

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|Question | |

|Assalamu'alaikum dear scholars. Is saliva excreted from our mouth during sleep considered impure? Thank you. | |

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|Date | |

|26/Jul/2006 | |

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|Name of Counsellor | |

|IOL Shari`ah Researchers | |

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|Topic | |

|Purification | |

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|[pic] |

|[pi|Answer |[pic] |[p|

|c] | | |ic|

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|[pic] |

|Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. |

|In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. |

|All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. |

|Dear brother in Islam, thanks for your question, which emanates from a God-fearing heart, since it shows your concern about purification, |

|which is regarded by the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, as half of the faith. We’d would like to commend your pursuit of Islamic|

|counseling. |

|As for your question, there is nothing in the texts ofShari`ah, as far as we know, that indicates that human salvia is impure. Therefore, |

|don't worry about your saliva, whether you are asleep or awake. |


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