Spring 2005 Gas-Lift Workshop - Amazon Web Services

Spring 2009 Gas-Lift Workshop


|Meeting Date |Meeting Venue |Agenda |Minutes |

|Thurs. Feb. 7, 2008 7:00 pm CST |Face-to-Face Meeting in Sea Food |See below. | See below. |

| |Restaurant | | |

|Tues. Mar. 18, 2008 9:00 am CDT |Teleconference |See below. |See below. |

| |Code:  3107366727 | | |

| |US 1-866-359-4571 | | |

| |Outside 1-281-319-9876 | | |

|Tues. Apr. 22, 2008 9:00 am CDT |Teleconference |See below. |See below. |

| |US: 1-866-359-4571 | | |

| |Inter: 281-319-9876 | | |

| |Code: 3107366727 | | |

|Tues. May 20, 2008 9:00 am CDT |Teleconference |See below. |See below. |

| |US: 1-866-359-4571 | | |

| |Inter: 281-319-9876 | | |

| |Code: 5758124437 | | |

|Tues. June 17, 2008 9:00 am CDT |Teleconference | | |

| |US: 1-866-359-4571 | | |

| |Inter: 281-319-9876 | | |

| |Code: | | |

Green --- Agenda

Gray --- Past meetings, actions completed

Yellow --- Past meetings, on-going

Light Blue – Current and upcoming meeting

1. Meeting Attendees


|Attendees – Feb. 07, 2008 |

|Fortune Bikoro Eric Lovie |

|Joe Clegg Wayne Mabry |

|Ken Decker John Martinez |

|Cleon Dunham Amrah Sanchez |

|Jim Hall Greg Stephenson |

|Attendees – Mar 18, 2008 |

|Ken Decker Kim Miceli, in lieu of Amrah Sanchez who is on maternity leave. |

|Cleon Dunham Tom Nations |

|Arun Kallal Greg Stephenson |

|Attendees – Apr. 22, 2008 |

|Cleon Dunham Kim Miceli |

|Jim Hall Tom Nations |

|Bryan Freeman |

|Attendees – May 20, 2008 |

|Cleon Dunham |

|Jeff Everson |

|Jim Hall, by e-mail |

|Amrah Sanchez |

2. Learnings from 2008 Workshop

|Technical sessions |

|Continuing education courses |

|Discussion sessions |

|Breakout sessions |

|Side trip |

|Social events |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 7, 2008 |

|Are there learnings from the 2008 Workshop? |

|Joe Clegg |

|Try to get more good papers from Shell, ExxonMobil, Norway, and Denmark. |

|Stay with 30-minute presentations. |

|John Martinez |

|Would like to see some flexibility in the timing of each presentation. |

|Should have a clock or bell to let presenters know where they are in their time. |

|Need to reduce time for lunch. |

|Should start keynote speaker at 12:40 pm. We waited too long this time. |

|Thursday’s lunch should end at 1:00 pm. |

|Amrah Sanchez |

|The Reception and Dinner should be scheduled right after the last event in the afternoon – no break in time. |

|Fortune Bikoro |

|Good quality of presentations. |

|Liked the presentation by PTC. |

|Liked to have small companies involved in the Workshop. |

|For next time, would like to have more government input --- Norway, UK, Netherlands. |

|Would like to have more University student involvement. |

|Greg Stephenson |

|We had a good mix of papers. |

|Ken Decker |

|Someone suggested having one day on hardware and one on software. This idea is not agreed. |

|Session chair jobs should be spread around better. |

|Jim Hall |

|The sound system was good. |

|The safety for the Workshop was good. |

|Wayne Mabry |

|Need to get microphones close to mouth of speaker. |

|Liked the sub-sea session. |

|Eric Lovie |

|Would like to have more case histories. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|Are there more learnings from the 2008 Workshop? |

|There were no more comments in this area. |

3. Venue for 2009 workshop

|Per our normal rotation, the 2009 Gas-Lift Workshop will be in Houston, Texas. |

|What hotel is recommended? |

|What dates are recommended? |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 7, 2007 |

|We discussed possible venues for the 2009 Workshop. No consensus was |

|reached, but some of the ideas include: |

|Europe: The Hague, Shell Host. |

|Europe: Southern France, TOTAL and Schlumberger Host. |

|Europe: Milan, Italy, ENI Host. |

|Trinidad: BP Host. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Apr. 17, 2007 |

|Now we also have a suggestion of Geneva, Switzerland. |

|Do we want to start obtaining proposals from various sites for the 2009 Workshop? |

|Cleon Dunham will start the discussion with Shell to see if they would host the 2009 |

|Workshop in The Netherlands. |

|Tom Nations will check with Tommy White to see if Schlumberger would be interested in hosting the 2009 event in France. |

|Update: Shell has agreed to serve a local host for the 2009 Gas-Lift Workshop |

|in The Hague, The Netherlands. |

|- Jackie LaFontaine, Manager of EPT-Wells, Well Performance Team has agreed to be the 2009 Keynote Speaker. |

|Agenda/Minutes – May 23, 2007 |

|Is any action needed in this area? |

|Jim Hall has agreed to be the General Chair for the 2009 Workshop. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 |

|What role will Shell be willing to play as “local host” of the Workshop? |

|Will Shell assign a local coordinator with whom we can work? When will we know who |

|this is? |

|Should we establish the Workshop dates? Propose Feb. 2 – 6, 2009. |

|Should we line up the Workshop Hotel? Proposed location at a hotel in Schevinengen, |

|the beach town next to The Hague. |

|Jim Hall will finalize the agreement for Shell to host the Workshop in The Netherlands in 2009. |

|Shell has agreed to contribute $10,000 for the Workshop in 2009. |

|Shell will look for the best hotel venue to hold the Workshop in The Netherlands. |

|The 2009 Workshop dates of Feb. 2 – 7, 2009 are acceptable to everyone. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|Has the agreement been finalized with Shell to host the Workshop in The Netherlands? |

|Do we have the name of the Shell local coordinator in The Netherlands? |

|Are we firm on the dates of Feb. 2 – 7, 2009 for the Workshop? |

|Do we have a hotel committed in The Netherlands? |

|There were no comments from the people in attendance at the meeting. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Apr. 22, 2008 |

|Jim Hall is working on the venue with the External Representation group in Shell.  They may agree to have it at the EP Centre.  |

|That would bring security issues into play, but would be a nice showcase for Shell.  From a practical standpoint, it would be a |

|little inconvenient and I prefer to have it at a hotel. |

|Having heard nothing to the contrary, we can assume that the dates of Feb. 2 – 7, 2009 are OK for the Workshop. |

|The. |

|Agenda/Minutes – May 20, 2008 |

|Jim Hall is working on the venue with the External Representation group in Shell.  |

|It will be in a hotel in the vicinity of The Hague. |

|Two hotels in The Hague have been suggested by Shell External Representation: The Kurhaus Hotel in Scheveningen and the Crowne |

|Plaza in Den Haag. |

|We recommend the Kurhaus Hotel since it is on a tram line with easy access to all parts of The Hague, and it is close to |

|restaurants. |

|Amrah Sanchez will contact Annemarie Bourdrez, the Shell representative, to discuss details. |

4. Technical agenda for 2009 workshop

|Possible technical agenda session topics |

|Possible session chair persons |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 09, 2008 |

|What general topics do we want for the Technical Agenda in 2009? |

|Who will be the Session Chairs for the 2009 Workshop? |

|The following topics were discussed for the Technical Agenda for 2009: |

|New Technology. |

|Automation, including Shell’s Production Universe. |

|Deepwater gas-lift, including sub-sea, TLP, and multiphase boosting. |

|Regulations and Standards. |

|Field Reviews, Operations. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|Are we in agreement with the technical agenda items listed above? |

|If yes, they’ll be placed on the web site. |

|These topics are OK and will be the starting place for next year’s agenda. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Apr. 22, 2008 |

|Is any further discussion needed on the Technical Agenda for the 2009 Workshop? |

|The proposed Technical Agenda is OK with the Steering Committee. |

|Agenda/Minutes – May 20, 2008 |

|Is there any discussion on the Technical Agenda as shown on the web site? |

|There was no discussion of the Technical Agenda. |

5. Continuing education for 2009 workshop

|Possible continuing education topics |

|Possible continuing education instructors |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 |

|What courses do we want for the 2009 Workshop? |

|Who can teach these courses, bearing in mind that the Workshop will be in Europe? |

|The following topics were discussed for Continuing Education for 2009: |

|Artificial Lift Selection. |

|Gas-Lift Design – two days with gas-lift valve performance included. |

|Surveillance and Troubleshooting. |

|Overview – this topic was not well defined. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|Let’s discuss this some more. |

|Do we want a CE course on Artificial Lift Selection? Who could lead this? |

|Do we want a two-day course on design? Who will lead this? |

|Do we want a course on surveillance and troubleshooting? Who will lead this? |

|Do we want an “overview” course? What would this cover? Who will lead it? |

|Artificial Lift Selection and Overview Course. For artificial lift selection, we might |

|want to have different instructors for the different disciplines. We would want to cover |

|conventional gas-lift, intermittent gas-lift, ESP, hydraulic lift, other forms of artificial lift, |

|and surface facilities. Include “Gas-Lift Overview” in this course. Ask John Martinez to |

|coordinate this course. |

|Design Course. For the design course, Ken Decker will visit with Sid Smith and work |

|out an agreement on how to handle the course. |

|Surveillance and Troubleshooting Course. For the surveillance and troubleshooting |

|course, we’ll ask Jim Hall if he will coordinate. He can include others if he feels it |

|would be necessary. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Apr. 22, 2008 |

|- John Martinez has agreed to coordinate a course on Artificial Lift Selection and Overview. |

|- Jim Hall will be happy to do a course on Surveillance and Troubleshooting. |

|- Jim Hall thinks that Shell Global Solutions may offer a full day course of lectures and demonstrations at their Real-Time |

|operations center.  He’s working on that one. |

|Is other discussion of continuing education needed at this time? |

|=========================================================== |

|The current Continuing Education plan looks OK to the Steering Committee. |

|Agenda/Minutes – May 20, 2008 |

|Will there be a course offered by Shell Global Solutions? |

|If yes, will it be a one-day course on Tuesday? |

|Will this be the visit to the SGS Operations Center, or will it be a separate course? |

|Shell Global Solutions has expressed interest in offering a course. |

|The contact person for the course is Leo Berendschot. |

6. Breakout sessions for 2009 workshop

|Possible breakout session topics |

|Possible breakout session facilitators |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 |

|What Breakout Sessions do we want in the 2009 Workshop? |

|We can facilitate these Breakout Sessions? |

|The following topics were discussed for Breakout Sessions in 2009: |

|Offshore operations in the North Sea, Africa, including TLP, FPSC, sub-sea. |

|Regulations – Safety, Integrity |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|Let’s discuss this some more. |

|Do we want a breakout session on offshore operations? Who will coordinate it? |

|Do we want a session on regulations? Who will coordinate it? |

|Do we want more breakout sessions? If yes, on what topics? Who can coordinate them? |

|Offshore operations: Ask for an overseas coordinator. Ask Wim DerKinderen if he will coordinate this session? |

|Regulations: Ask for someone from Europe to be involved in this. Someone from ISO? |

|Optimization: Ask if Eric Lovie will do this. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Apr. 22, 2008 |

|Jim Hall will check around for a Regulations person in Rijswijk and get back to us. |

|Wim DerKinderen will coordinate a session on Offshore Operations. |

|Is other discussion on Breakout Sessions needed at this time? |

|The current plan for Breakout Sessions is OK with the Steering Committee. |

|Agenda/Minutes – May 20, 2008 |

|Is there any update on the breakout sessions? |

|There was no discussion of Breakout Sessions. |

7. Workshop leadership for 2009 workshop

|General Chair |

|Roles of ASME Staff |

|Roles of John and Cleon |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 |

|Jim Hall has agreed to be the General Chair for the 2009 Workshop. |

|Does this need to be confirmed? |

|Are any changes needed in the roles of ASME, John, and Cleon? |

|Jim Hall has confirmed that he will be General Chair in 2009. |

|There were no comments on the roles of ASME, John, and Cleon. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|Is there any more discussion of this topic? |

|If no, this topic will be closed. |

|There were no comments on this. |

8. Keynote Speaker for 2009 workshop

|Nominations for keynote speaker |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 |

|Jackie LaFontaine, Manager of EPT-Wells, Well Performance Team has agreed to be the 2009 Keynote Speaker. |

|Is this still valid? Does it need to be reconfirmed? |

|We discussed the following possibilities for Keynote Speaker for 2009. |

|Jackie LaFontaine will not be the speaker. |

|We could possibly have two Keynote Speakers: |

|Suggestions from Shell include Mark Corner, VP EPT Production, Tom Botts of Shell Expro, and Pieter Kapteijn. |

|A second person might be Bert Dijkhausen, the chair of ISO Work Group 4. |

|Jim Hall will contact these people and ascertain their availability and willingness to serve in this capacity. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|Have these people been contacted? |

|Has one agreed to be our Keynote Speaker? |

|Tom Nations suggested we might ask Joe Leone, VP Technology, Shell. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Apr. 22, 2008 |

|Jim Hall has a Shell VP he is considering at present.  |

|Joe Leone would not have much to talk about since EPT-R has no budget for artificial lift. |

|Can we confirm the Keynote Speaker for the 2009 Workshop? |

|The. |

|Agenda/Minutes – May 20, 2008 |

|The Keynote Speaker will be Mark Corner, Shell Vice President, EPT Production. |

|There was no discussion of the Keynote speaker. |

9. Registration for 2009 workshop

|Process to be used |

|Cost for registration |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 |

|How much should we charge for registration at the 2009 Workshop? |

|Do we need any special processes since this will be overseas? |

|Amrah Goebel will finalize the 2008 Gas-Lift Workshop financial report by next month. |

|At that time we can discuss the proposed budget for 2009. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|What are the final financial results from the 2008 Workshop? |

|What charges should we have in 2009 for: |

|Courses. |

|Registration. |

|Exhibits. |

|This was not discussed. |

|We need for ASME to participate in the next meeting and be prepared to address this topic. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Apr. 22, 2008 |

|ASME: Do we have the final financial results from the 2008 Workshop? |

|Can we agree on the costs for Registration, Exhibits, etc. for the 2009 Workshop? |

|Cleon Dunham, Lisa Elliott, and others from ASME will have a telephone conversation during the week of May 12, 2008 to agree on|

|costs for the 2009 Workshop. |

|If John Martinez can join this call, it would be good. |

|Agenda/Minutes – May 20, 2008 |

|The call with ASME is now scheduled for May 16, 2008. |

|Now that Amrah Sanchez is back in the office, this will be discussed in the near future. |

|Amrah Sanchez will organize a conference call between herself, Lisa Elliott, and Cleon Dunham. |

|The costs for registration, exhibits, etc. will be placed on the web site as soon as they are known. |

10. Exhibitors for 2009 workshop

|Number of exhibitors |

|Costs for exhibitors |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 |

|How much should we charge for Exhibit space in 2009? |

|How can we increase the number of exhibitors? |

|How can we contact companies in Europe to be Exhibitors? |

|There was no discussion of this at this time. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|Let’s discuss the questions raised above. |

|This will need to be discussed with the people in Europe. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Apr. 22, 2008 |

|Jim Hall feels that Shell Global Solutions will probably exhibit, in addition to our regulars. |

|He expects that Schlumberger and Weatherford will exhibit. |

|Baker might be interested, but he doubts it. |

|Is there other discussion of Exhibitors at this time? |

|Chevron has a technical office in Aberdeen, Scotland. |

|Bryan Freeman will look into potential Exhibitors from Europe. |

|Agenda/Minutes – May 20, 2008 |

|Is there any new information on this subject? |

|Shell Global Solutions has expressed interest in exhibiting. |

|The contact person is Leo Berendschot. |

11. Sponsors for 2009 workshop

|Number of sponsors |

|Method for obtaining sponsors |

|Assigning specific meals, etc. for sponsors |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 |

|How can we find Sponsors in Europe? |

|There was no discussion of this at this time. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|Let’s discuss the question raised above. |

|We can count on Shell, ConocoPhillips, and Weatherford. |

|We can probably also count on Schlumberger and others in Europe. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Apr. 22, 2008 |

|Jim Hall has no suggestions on Sponsors at this point.  |

|Shell will be putting in some money, but the amount is currently not known. |

|Is there other discussion on Sponsors at this time? |

|Tom Nations says that ConocoPhillips will sponsor some of the events at the Workshop. |

|Bryan Freeman says that Chevron may be able to look into this also. |

|Agenda/Minutes – May 20, 2008 |

|Jim Hall thinks that Shell will contribute $10,000 to the Workshop. |

|There was no discussion of Sponsors. |

12. Advertising for 2009 workshop

|Is the e-mail list process sufficient? |

|Should we use the SPE mailing list again? |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 |

|How can advertising be improved for this and future workshops? |

|We need to reach new people, not just the ones who are on the existing e-mail lists. |

|How can we reach a large number in Europe? |

|Hopefully we’ll have a way to soon reach a large number via ALRDC. |

|There was no discussion of this at this time. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|Let’s discuss the questions raised above. |

|There was not discussion at this point. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Apr. 22, 2008 |

|Jim Hall says we can advertise internally without too much trouble.  |

|We can probably advertise via the local European SPE section also. |

|Is there other discussion on advertising at this time? |

|Kim Miceli of ASME will look into the cost to obtain a mailing list from the SPE of artificial lift people in Europe, the Middle|

|East, and Northern Africa. |

|If we can, we’ll send e-mails to the list, with an attachment of the Poster, Registration Form, etc. |

|We would prefer to do this by e-mail rather than normal mail, to reduce the cost. |

|Agenda/Minutes – May 20, 2008 |

|Is there any new information on this topic? |

|Amrah Sanchez will check with Kim Miceli on the cost to obtain the SPE mailing list for artificial lift people in Europe, the |

|Middle East, and Northern Africa. |

13. Special events for 2009 workshop

|Special events |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 |

|Do we want any special events associated with the Workshop in 2009? |

|For example, do we want to ask Shell to hold a special reception? |

|There was no discussion of this at this time. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|Let’s discuss the question raised above. |

|We will ask Shell to sponsor a reception for the Workshop. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Apr. 22, 2008 |

|Jim Hall says that Shell may be interested in this, depending on the cost, yes.  |

|But Shell will only chip in a fixed amount.  |

|We will have some level of freedom to spend the money. |

|Can we determine the amount of money available for this? How much would a reception cost? |

|The. |

|Agenda/Minutes – May 20, 2008 |

|Is there any new information on this topic? |

|There was no discussion of Special Events. |

14. Side trips for 2009 workshop

|Possible side trip(s) |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 |

|Do we want any side trips associated with the Workshop in 2009? For example, to visit the Shell R&D facilities in Rijswijk that|

|are working on gas-lift. |

|A possibility is to take a trip to the Shell gas-lift operation in the Rotterdam Field. |

|This would basically take a full day. |

|It could be offered as an alternative to one day of Continuing Education training. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|Do we want to offer a side trip to the Shell Field in Rotterdam? |

|Should this be offered during the CE Course time? |

|The conference call died at this point, so this was not discussed. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Apr. 22, 2008 |

|Jim Hall says that a side trip to Schiedam may be difficult to do, but he will ask.  |

|The big issue will be that PPE will be required and they will not be able to provide that for a large group.  |

|Any one wanting to go will have to bring their own PPE gear (hard had, steel toed shoes, etc). and that may reduce the interest |

|significantly. |

|Is there further discussion on this at this time? |

|The Steering Committee thinks it would be a good idea to have this trip. |

|They think some people would be interested and would be willing to bring hard hats and steel toed shoes. |

|Agenda/Minutes – May 20, 2008 |

|There will not be a side trip to the Shell Rotterdam Field? |

|Shell Global Solutions will offer a trip to their Real-Time Operations Center. |

|There was no discussion of a Side Trip. |

15. Web sites for 2009 workshop



|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 |

|Are there any special requirements for the ASME and ALRDC web sites for 2009? |

|There was no discussion of this at this time. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|Is there any discussion of the ASME and ALRDC web sites? |

|This was not discussed. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Apr. 22, 2008 |

|Is there any discussion of the ASME and ALRDC web sites? |

|There were no comments on the ALRDC web site. |

|Kim Miceli of ASME will look into the status of the ASME web site, make sure it is set up, and have it show the dates of the |

|Workshop in 2009, |

|Agenda/Minutes – May 20, 2008 |

|Is there any new information on the ASME web site? |

|Amrah Sanchez will check with Kim Miceli on the status of the ASME web site. |

16. Meals, etc. for 2009 workshop

|Need for special meals – e.g. hilal, kosher, etc. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 |

|Is there any reason to discuss this now? |

|There was no discussion of this at this time. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|Is there any discussion of meals? |

|This was not discussed. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Apr. 22, 2008 |

|Is there any discussion of meals? |

|There was no discussion of this topic. |

|Agenda/Minutes – May 20, 2008 |

|Is there any discussion on meals? |

|There was no discussion of meals. |

17. Steering Committee for 2009 workshop

|Any new members |

|Any retirees |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 |

|Do we need to have some people from Europe on the Steering Committee? |

|If yes, who? |

|Eric Lovie of Schlumberger has joined the team. |

|Gabor Takacs was suggested to be on the team. John Martinez will contact him. |

|A professor from Trondheim University in Norway was suggested. Cleon Dunham will find his name. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|Has Gabor Takacs been contacted? Will he join the team? |

|Cleon Dunham has started the process of trying to contact the Prof. from Trondheim. |

|Cleon Dunham will ask Emee Ermel of Chevron if she’ll be on the Steering Committee. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Apr. 22, 2008 |

|On the nomination of Emee Ermel, Bryan Freeman of Chevron has been added to the Steering Committee. |

|Are there any other nominations at this time? |

|There were no new comments or nominees at this time. |

|Agenda/Minutes – May 20, 2008 |

|Are there any nominations for the Steering Committee? |

|Jeff Everson of Foster-Miller has been added to the Gas-Lift Steering Committee, at his request. |

18. New Business for 2009 workshop

|Any new business |

|Once around |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 |

|Is there any new business? |

|There was no new business. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|Is there any new business? |

|This was not discussed. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Apr. 22, 2008 |

|Is there any new business? |

|There was no new business at this time. |

|Agenda/Minutes – May 20, 2008 |

|Is there any new business? |

|We are delighted to have Amrah Sanchez back from maternity leave. |

|She and her new baby are doing fine. |

|There was no other New Business. |

19. Venues for 2010, 2011 Workshops

|Will we have the 2010 Workshop in Houston as normal for “even” years? |

|For 2011, we have suggestions/requests for London, France, Italy, Trinidad, and Geneva. |

|Or, do we want to move the workshop back to Asia for 2011? |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 07, 2008 |

|Are there thoughts on this at this time? |

|There was no discussion of this at this time. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|Are there any thoughts on a venue for 2011? |

|Presumably the 2010 Workshop will be in Houston. |

|This was not discussed. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Apr. 22, 2008 |

|Are there any thoughts on a venue for 2011? |

|Kim Miceli will look into the availability of the OMNI in West Houston for the 2010 Workshop. |

|We would probably use about 50 hotel rooms in addition to rooms for the Technical Session, Continuing Education Courses, |

|Exhibits, Breakout Sessions, etc. |

|Agenda/Minutes – May 20, 2008 |

|What is the status of the OMNI for the 2010 Workshop? |

|There was no discussion of the venue for future Gas-Lift Workshops. |

20. Future meetings for 2009 Workshop

|Next meeting of core team |

|Meeting of Steering Committee |

|Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 7, 2008 |

|Do we want to have a “Core” team and a separate Steering Committee? |

|When do we want to have the next meeting? |

|The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 18, at 9:00 CDT. |

|Agenda/Minutes – Mar. 18, 2008 |

|The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 22, 2008, at 9:00 am CDT. |

|Agenda/Minutes – April 22, 2008 |

|The next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 20, 2008, at 9:00 am CDT. |

|Agenda/Minutes – April 22, 2008 |

|The next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 17, 2008, at 9:00 am CDT. |


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