University of Virginia School of Medicine

Cervical Artery dissectionWhat is a cervical artery dissection?The arteries that carry blood through your body have layers. A dissection occurs when your artery becomes damaged and blood leaks into the space between the layers. When blood leaks into the space, the inner wall of your artery bulges in ward.? Blood flow can be blocked by the bulge. Platelets (the things in blood that form clots) can also stick to the bulge. A carotid artery dissection happens in the carotid artery and a vertebral artery dissection happens in the vertebral artery.? The carotid and vertebral arteries are large blood vessels in the neck that sends blood to the brain.How can dissection happen?Dissection can happen without cause (spontaneous dissection). Dissection can also happen because of an injury (traumatic dissection). ???????????????????????????? Spontaneous dissection usually occurs inmiddle aged people or people with certain problems that affect their blood vessels and other tissues. Traumatic dissection is more common than spontaneous dissection. Violent trauma to the head or neck can damage one or more arteries in the head or neck causing dissection of those arteries.What happens during dissection?Blood that surrounds the dissection and fills the gap created by the dissection may begin to form a blood clot.? The below drawing shows a “normal artery” and a “dissected artery.” Notice that the artery with dissection has a space between the layers. Blood has filled the space and is forming a clot.Blood clots are made of small particles in your blood (platelets). The blood clot that formed around the dissection can break off and flow through the blood. If the blood clot reaches a blood vessel that is too small for it to fit through, the blood clot can stop blood flow (ischemia). Ischemia can cause tissue death because the tissue is unable to get oxygen and nutrients from the blood.Since the cervical arteries are arteries that send blood directly to the brain, it is even more important to prevent clotting. If a blood clot breaks off and goes to the brain, it can block blood flow to the brain and cause a stroke.A stroke occurs when the brain cannot get enough blood and part of the brain tissue dies. Brain cell death can cause paralysis, loss of memory, difficulty with swallowing, and difficulty with speaking, along with many other problems.Is dissection curable?Dissection usually fixes itself over time. The dissection itself is not usually the main concern. The main concern is the development of blood clots that can block the blood to the brain and cause a stroke. Because of this concern, preventing blood clots is the most important thing to address with dissection. Your doctor may prescribe medicines called “blood thinners” or “anti-platelets” to help prevent blood clots. Blood thinners keep the platelets in your blood from sticking together and forming clots. It is very important to ask your doctor questions about these medicines if you do not understand something.How can my care team help me?Your care team consists of doctors, nurses, other experts, and you! This team is here to help you with anything you may need. You should always ask your doctor, nurse, or other care provider questions about your care. You are the most important member of your care team!When should I call my doctor?You should call your doctor if you experience any minor discomfort in the neck or back. You should call 911 right away if you have sudden or severe pain in the neck, back, chest, arms, or legs, or if you have any dizziness, lightheadedness, loss of vision, inability to speak, shortness of breath, numbness, tingling, or inability to move part of your body. ................

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