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Folder Management in MyFloridaMarketPlace

MyFloridaMarketPlace provides standard folders used to contain requests either created by the user or routed to the user for their approval. MyFloridaMarketPlace automatically files your requests into the appropriate standard folder. However, you can move requests from any folder to another folder of your choice. These standard folders are available to all users who are granted access to the application and cannot be renamed, moved, or deleted.


Standard Ariba Folders

▪ Status Items – this folder typically contains all requests you created in MyFloridaMarketPlace. Your requests are stored in this folder until moved to a different location. Requests contained in this folder may have the status of Composing, Submitted, Denied, Ordered, Receiving, Received, etc.

▪ Approve Items – this folder contains all requests routed to you for your approval (whether it’s required or optional)

▪ Reconcile Items – this folder contains the invoice reconciliation requests routed to you for approval (whether it’s required or optional)

▪ Archive Items – this folder, by default, typically contains you approved or denied

▪ Watch Items – this folder contains all requests you are listed as a ‘watcher.’ Note: Watchers do not have the authority to approve or deny any request but received an e-mail notification of a submitted Approvable as an electronic FYI.

Personal Folders

MyFloridaMarketPlace provides the capability for users to create personal folders to organize their work within the application. Users can use personal folders to organize requests in a manner which is meaningful to them (by fiscal year, by supplier, by PUI, etc.) for easy retrieval. You can create any number of personal folders, with any hierarchy, but it’s best to limit the number of nested folders you create to three or fewer. If you create more than three levels in a folder hierarchy, it can be difficult to find the specific request later on.


If needed, personal folders may also be deleted, providing the contents were moved to another folder. Users cannot delete a personal folder which contains requests. If you attempt to delete a folder containing requests, the following error message will display to remind you the folder must be empty: “Can't delete a non-empty folder.”

Managing Folders

MyFloridaMarketPlace does not restrict the total number of requests which can be filed in a folder. However, it will display a maximum of 750 requests within any particular folder for your review. The following warning is displayed when accessing a folder which exceeds 750 requests:


You will be contacted by the MyFloridaMarketPlace Customer Service Desk if any of your folders contains 5,000 or more requests. You will be presented with two options to reduce the folder size:

▪ Manual Archive – You can manually move these requests from the current folder to an existing folder which contains less than 5,000 requests, or create a new folder to reduce the number of requests in the folder. You can complete the following steps to archive requests between folders:

1. Click the checkbox next to each request to be moved (Do not use the checkbox located in the table header to select ALL 750 requests).

2. Verify the correct folder name is listed next to the ‘Move to Folder’ button. If the incorrect folder is listed, select the ‘Other’ option from the drop down menu to view all of your personal folders.

3. Select the button to the left of the folder to which you want to move the requests.

4. Choose ‘OK’ to return to the previous screen.

5. Click ‘Move to Folder’ to move the requests.

6. You will receive the ‘Move to Folder’ confirmation screen the first time you attempt to you’re your requests. Click ‘OK’ to continue or ‘Cancel’ to select a different folder. Once you confirm the move, the selected requests will be listed in the folder you chose.

▪ System Removal – The requests will be removed from the folder that exceeds volume threshold. In this case, the folder size will be reduced to zero; however, users will retain the ability to search for items using the appropriate system search and/or the Ariba Analysis tool. The removal of requests from a user’s folder has no impact on the same request stored within another user’s folder.

If you have any questions concerning the management of your folders (standard and personal), please contact the MyFloridaMarketPlace Customer Service Desk via phone at 1-866-352-3776 or via email at BuyerHelp@ for assistance.


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